• Published 29th Jan 2012
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The Griffin-Pony War Journals of Lyra Heartstrings - Laurenfaustsloyalfan

Follow the Griffin-Pony War through the journal of Lyra Heartstrings as she tells it personally.

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Chapter 1 - The First Week

Day 1

So today I got assigned to the Mane6, courtesy of Princess Luna herself. I was ordered to record every event, discovery and observation in this journal by her. I was also ordered to help with anything they need, while keeping a close eye on what they do and how they operate. Word going around the troops is that the Mane6 are the ones who have contributed most information, supplies, and helped fight back these damned Griffins more than any other team. I honestly have no idea why I was assigned to them, but whatever reason it is, Luna knows what she is doing. Princess Celestia is too busy with other "pressing matters" as they call them, to shed some light on this assignment I have. I'm in the carriage right now on my way to the Mane6 camp, maybe they can shed some light on this.

Remember when I said that they could shed some light on this? I was wrong. They are as clueless as I am as to why I was assigned to such a successful team. They welcomed me pretty happily, so I can't complain. They're pretty organized, not like my old team, they couldn't even keep track of their assignments correctly. Applejack is in charge of heavy weapons, Fluttershy is the medic, Rarity handles armor, Rainbow Dash is messenger and scout, Pinkie Pie handles bomb craft and is the party planner, and Twilight Sparkle is the leader and tactician. I was assigned by her to discern magics since I learned more on that subject than she did, and to help with whatever else the other 5 need. She already had work me as I had to find out some strange markings left by Griffins somewhere near their territory. It seems like an ancient rune used once by the dragons, but I'm still unsure, which is why I sent for my books and things back at home.

It has been as eventful as it has been uneventful for me. the shipment with my things hasn't arrived yet so I was stuck helping Pinkie decide whether to have streamers or balloons, she ended up going with both after 5 hours of explaining why each is important. It's was getting dark so me and the girls went out drinking, we may be at war but so far there's been nothing to do. Hangovers suck, Fluttershy is a kind pony but she sure is a heavy drinker, and Applejack just swallowed that liquor like it's juice. I miss Bon bon, she is back at Ponyville waiting for me to come back home. I sent her a letter saying how much I miss her and love her, I am waiting on a response. A huge victory happened recently thanks to the Mane6 and their awesome teamwork, we recaptured Phillydelphia! I really underestimated Rainbow Dash's skills. She swooped in and out, smoking griffins like it was nobody's business, and Applejack sure can kick, knocked a griffin up into the air and just shot it till it died. The other teams came along and helped, it was a great victory but we can't go any further because of the odd markings. I still haven't gotten my shipment, they say it should be close by now. They always say that. This is the end of Day One with my new team and new assignments. This is goodnight from Lyra Hearstrings.

Day 2

The shipment is one day too late behind on its scheduled arrival so I've had to work on solving these runes with what I remember, which sadly, isn't much. I've only been able to find out a few symbols that mean 'fire, blood, cut' and a few other words that I won't get into, because you'll be bored by it. We've been assigned to scout out Phillydelphia which is currently territory of the Griffins. It was terrible when we lost it, reports of deaths were in the hundreds of thousands, reports of injured were even more. We barely made it out there, and now it's full territory of the Griffins, we are still defending Canterlot and Manehattan, with luck we won't have to evacuate them either. These Griffins are like the reports say them to be, savage beasts who kill and rip apart for fun and food. They only killed within their territories back then, until they decided to launch a full scale attack on us ponies. Rumors are it was the incident with Gilda the Griffin in Ponyville that started it all, but enough about rumors and history, we have to focus on now and today.

We are currently in Phillydelphia, I am writing in this journal now as Twilight and Applejack left to go in deeper to the city while Rainbow Dash and I stay behind to examine these runs on the floors and walls of the building. These runs are so ancient it's a miracle anypony can recognize them let alone write about them and translate them. There are a bunch of runs around Phillydelphia that could potentially kill us off without the Griffins even having to join in the fight. We have had to tread very carefully while scouting it out. There is good news and bad news about Phillydelphia: The good news is that it's so far completely empty, though I am waiting on the return of Twilight and Applejack for their answers. The bad news is that this city is full of enough runs to kill off a small army, or a very angry dragon. I fear that if not for me being able to tell where each rune was within a small radius, Applejack wouldn't be here or any of us for that matter. She had almost stepped on one, she missed it by just a few inches. I've made some drawings of the different runes for when I get my shipment which (Celestia willing) should already be back at camp waiting, so I can solve these runs and hopefully help us mount a counter to take back Phillydelphia. Twilight and Applejack returned after scouting out most of Phillydelphia and reporting that it was empty and thanks to the spell I taught Twilight, they didn't step on any dangerous runes. We'll report these findings and results to the princesses back at the camp.

For once something went my way, the shipment was here when we got back. First thing I did was unpack and set aside all the books on ancient runes I had and began to read them again. Bon bon sent a letter with the shipment (which explains why it was so late, that mare can sometimes take so long with things) saying how much she missed me and that when I get back that she had some news for me. I just hope I can get back in time and alive for that news. I've already found out so much about the runes and Twilight has been helping me organize my notes and books which I'm very grateful, Celestia knows I'm a mess with that. It's already very late and I have to be up early for more reading, I'm already pretty sleepy as it is writing this journal. I've read 5 books and made quite a few notes, Twilight is already asleep as is the rest of my team so this is Lyra Heartstrings saying goodnight till tomorrow.

Day 3

Phillydelphia is even more dangerous of a place now that I've translated and figured out some of the runes, the one Applejack stepped on would have unleashed a swarm of blades that would have cut her to pieces. These runes were used back then in an earlier war from Ponies to Donkeys, the runes were made by our unicorns way back then. I don't know how Griffins got ahold of them or if they have unicorns working for them, either way it's real bad news if I don't find a way to get rid them. I have been reading non-stop about the runes and trying to figure them out but I need to see one up close again if I want to get any real results.

I'm here in the very edge of Phillydelphia by the first rune, according to the books this rune will cause my body to boil from the inside if I step on it, so I'm keeping my distance. I'm going to go in deeper into the city with Rainbow Dash and Applejack to study more runes and run some tests, if I'm lucky I can find out how to put a stop to them and help us retake Phillydelphia. So many of these runes have such terrible effects, explosions inside of the body, being cut up, set on fire, having your mind wiped out, drowning even though there's no water, and other terrible things. The unicorns that made these up back then must have been some sick ponies. I told Applejack and Rainbow Dash that they can leave while I set up camp here so I'm here on my own running tests and taking notes, They're supposed to come get me within a few days so it's just me, this journal, and a city full of dangerous runes.

I've set up camp and set my books in their places along with my equipment and my bed inside of this abandoned orphanage for fillies. It's terrible what happened to this orphanage, the walls are all scratched, and there are bodies everywhere of little fillies, some recently born too. There are claw scratches on the floor and on some tables, some with red on them which I assume is the blood of said fillies that are scattered over the floor. How did it ever come to this, where we couldn't even save an orphanage of fillies from these Celestia forsaken Griffins? It's going to be hard to sleep with the smell too, it reeks of death in this place. I'm still reading up on these runes as there is apparently a lot of these runes that was found out but still unknown. I'm going to go outside to run some tests, I'll bring my gun with me should anything happen against my favor.

Damn it, I could barely run any tests because a few Griffin scouts came in sniffing around and are right now in the very street I'm in, looking for stragglers probably. I wonder how they can see when it's dark out, maybe they use scent. I can hear the sounds of a little filly outside that they seem to have caught, I can hear her screaming as they rip her apart and feast on her... It's just terrible, but I can't save her because one pony against 4 Griffins won't end well. I know I'll regret this moment, but I can't go out killing myself because of one filly. I hope those Griffins leave by tomorrow because I certainly would hate to strand myself in a rune infested city with 4 Griffins looking to find an easy meal. It's late now and I have to go sleep and those Griffins are still out there. I hope I don't snore, I also hope I'm not a heavy sleeper. This is the end of Day Three of Lyra Heartstrings

Day 4

Woke up to 2 of the Griffins sniffing around the orphanage, I almost shit myself when I saw them just sniffing around at what was 3 AM. I had to cover myself in the muck of the dead ponies so they couldn't sniff me out since it was pitch black and I assume they were relying on scent seeing as how one walked right by me. They're big feathery bastards with some damn sharp claws, wouldn't want one of those charging at me in an alley. They were around there for about an hour, a bit for sniffing around, then one had to take a shit, then they had to go and fuck right there. I'm never camping out here on my own, I should take some firepower next time a couple of Griffins decide to have sex when I want to sleep. I got my things and when I saw them leave at dawn I began the real testing to see if I could get some solid results on these runes and how to get rid of them.

So far I've only to report failure after 4 hours of testing with different spells, so I am currently resting up and then I'm going to try a new assortment. Tomorrow Rainbow Dash is supposed to pick me up with Applejack to get back to camp. I refuse to report with only failure on this assignment of finding out the nature of these runes, I still have a trick or two up my sleeve. I am running a bit low on provisions too, I should have brought more but they didn't fit along with all the books and other equipment. I've noticed that one spell in particular makes the runes glow, I'm not sure if that means they are powered up or if it means something else it's too dangerous to test. I need to test the spell and then step on the rune to see what happens, if I die well then this journal will end abruptly. Only one way to find out.

I'm glad to report a great success! After testing the spell on various runes, I've found that the spell temporarily makes them inactive though it doesn't keep it like that forever unless you keep the spell continuous. Though I have not found a way to completely get rid of these runes though I suspect I am on the right trail, I just need to manipulate the spell in a way that it can permanently deactivate the rune. I will consult Twilight about the spell and see if she can help manipulate it and form a new spell, though I suspect somewhere in her books or in mine is a spell already to deactivate these runes. I have taken a nice stroll around Phillydelphia now that I can safely pass over the runes because of this spell and I've seen that The Griffins did much worse than the reports told, there were bodies everywhere of fillies, stallions, mares, foals. Carriages only filled with dried blood and bodies and rotten organs, buildings only burnt and reeking of death.

It's getting late and I'd hate to be out here in the open when more Griffin scouts, I suspect after finding that filly they might think that there are more and I don't want to be among the "more" that will get caught so I am going to head back to my camp. It's dark now and I'm here at my camp again, the streetlights still go up when the dark hits. I heard a rumor that if you're outside in the dark around Phillydelphia, the Griffins let out some beasts that prey on people. Dog-like creatures that hunt at night, it's only rumors but if they were true, I suspect that what the Griffins didn't kill during the day they probably killed during the night. They say that's reason for the faint howling you hear at night in our base. I should stop writing about this and go to sleep. This marks the end of Day 4 for me, Lyra Heartstrings.

Day 5

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are late on picking me up, that scares me. The fastest Flier in Equestria shouldn't be late to pick up one pony. The sun is rising, I'm all packed up and ready to go, and they're late. I suppose I should take the time right now tell you that I did hear howling at night, but I don't know where it came from. It wasn't faint like back at the base, this was nearby almost next door to this orphanage. It woke me up to say the least, but it was only one howl and that's it, as odd as that sounds. I went over my notes it is possible to manipulate the spell into a permanent deactivation of the runes, the books didn't have anything on a spell that could do that so we'll have to make it with what we have.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack arrived and I told them of my results. At first they didn't get it with words so I showed them and they as I was at first, were amazed. After making it safely back to the camp, Twilight and both Princesses were waiting for me there to hear about my results which I was glad to report about. I explained to them about how the spell only temporarily deactivates the runes unless you keep the spell there continuously, I offered with the aid of Twilight to try and manipulate the spell to try and make it permanent. The princesses looked at Twilight and she accepted to help so they gave us whatever time and resources we needed.

I've gotten reports that Canterlot has been seeing some of these runs on the outskirts of their city, they're now afraid to exit the city out of fear of what might happen to them. If these reports are accurate then me and Twilight have no time to lose, we've already gotten another camp set up near our original one where the others are, Pinkie made us snacks in case we get too tired. Manipulating a spell and turning it into a different is a very old process that hasn't been done since Starswirl the Bearded, it takes days if not a week to do it. Princess Celestia has order citizens of Canterlot to stay within the city until further notice. Some of our forces have already begun marching towards Phillydelphia to occupy it when we're done converting the spell. If we're lucky, the Griffins won't suspect a thing and we can ambush them when they enter the city again.

I was able to see Bon bon for a few hours as a gift from Princess Celestia, and I did get that news from her. One of our friends, Carrot Top is pregnant with a filly on the way, we're both really excited. Now I have even more of a reason to fight against these damned Griffins, to ensure a future for that filly, and for me and Bon bon. I'm going to start working on converting the spell with Twilight tomorrow, she is currently busy discussing the new strategy with her team. There's hope for us yet to win this war, if we can convert that spell we can potentially gain a new territory which can greatly come in handy for winning this war and driving back the Griffins. The day is gone, the night is up and I'm very tired from a more than an exciting day in Phillydelphia. This is Day 5, and goodnight from Lyra Heartstrings.

Day 6

I woke up to that howling again, even though it was faint and very far away... Some things just stick I guess. Twilight and I have been at it for hours now, manipulating and converting the spell. Progress has been great but we're still a long ways to go, not to mention field testing on various runes. I know Bon bon is cheering me on to do this and help end the war so we can have a time of peace again like we used to. Twilight's magical expertise is unlike anything I've seen before, she has shown a lot of endurance and skill where I have lacked. It's impressive really, we are going a lot faster than what had originally expected. At this rate we should finished by tomorrow or the day after. We then take it out for field testing, and if it is solid, we spread it to the other major cities and we fight back. I have been reporting our progress to the princesses and they are more than pleased, and Princess Luna herself has also read my journal and ask that I continue writing and reporting in it.

There's not much to talk about right now since we've been working on nothing except the spell, but I suppose I should say that Pinkie's cakes are the best. She apparently told us she had invented a new kind of bomb, one that sticks to surfaces, and when a Griffin gets too close to it, it explodes and the shrapnel takes it down. Fluttershy is taking care of various patients right now that thanks to my spell and various ponies, they made it out of Phillydelphia relatively unharmed. Applejack is helping with supplies and carrying other ponies, along with Rainbow Dash who is keeping the skies clear. Rarity is providing clothing and warm beds for the survivors of Phillydelphia along with helping Fluttershy take care of them. Twilight and I are still working as best we can, and we are making progress as I've mentioned a few times before.

I got to have a call with Bon bon, and she's doing great. She's living with folks for now since she says she'll miss me too much if she stays at our house... I miss her an a lot too, this damned war all it does is make me feel worse. I can't wait for this war to end so I can go back to her and and give her the biggest hug she could ever get, and then see Carrot Tops' kid on the way too. Fluttershy asked me what was in Phillydelphia that I came back covered in blood and dirt, but I don't think I have the heart to tell her of all the dead fillies in the orphanage, it would break her heart. I sent that with the report to Princess Luna as she's the one I am told to report to at all times. Applejack is getting impatient, she really wants to kill those Griffins after she saw the orphanage and the rest of the town with Twilight Sparkle.

It's dark now and what should have taken me and any other pony at least 5 days to be done has been halved because of Twilight Sparkle, she is truly an amazing pony. I wonder if Bon bon is looking at the full moon right now as I am looking at it, and if she is I wonder if she's thinking about me. This war has been going on for a couple of years now, I want it to end already, we've lost some good ponies to it. The stars are beautiful out here, I wish we could all take the time to appreciate real beauty like this. It's terribly late now so I guess this is the end of Day 6, this is goodnight from Lyra Heartstrings.

Day 7

That howling again... No matter how faint or close by, it always wakes me up. I don't know why, I don't know how, but it always manages to wake me up when the moon and stars are still out... It's creepy is what it is. Early morning to a great breakfast by Pinkie Pie, her pancakes are the best of Equestria, I swear. Twilight and I are almost done converting the spell to have it's permanent effects on the runes, then we can inhabit Phillydelphia again (after we get rid of all the bodies). So far the Griffins have only been hitting Manehattan hard, but we have some of the pony soldiers there defending it, no reports of it being lost or anything so I assume we're doing a good job of protecting it. Applejack asked the princess if she could go to Manehattan to kill some Griffins but she rejected, something about not wanting to risk any of the Elements of Harmony in battle or something like that. I've been reading up more on these runes, hoping to find anything more that can help us on stopping them even though we have a solid way right now being made but it never hurts to get more information, right?

Rainbow Dash was explaining some new move to me earlier about how she flies up into the air and fakes a Sonic Rainboom to buck a Griffin in the face and then shoot it dead to the ground. It's good but it won't help if she's got more than one Griffin on her tail, she told me they couldn't possibly keep up with the Fastest Flier in Equestria. Fluttershy asked me again about why I was covered in blood and told me rumors of what I had said even though I never told her directly, I tried to say no, but when she looks at you with those eyes you can't say no. She left the tent crying and flew up into the air, didn't even let me say anything to help. Rarity made a new dress for Bon bon for when we get back to Ponyville I can give it to her as a present, it's green like my coat and has her name written in her colors. I wonder where she got the color though... I shouldn't think like that or I'll creep myself out.

I am very glad to report a complete success on that converting the spell works, we are going to test it tomorrow in Phillydelphia very carefully or else somepony could die. As you already know the original spell makes the rune glow and renders it ineffective for a period of time unless you hold it continuously there, what the manipulated spell does is that it makes it glow permanently and then makes sink into the ground. If I am correct this should cause it to glow and render it ineffective, then with another spell that Twilight knows we make it sink into the ground so to not scare anypony when we occupy Phillydelphia again. When we take back Phillydelphia, I assume most of the buildings will be used as bases and foundries will be used to make bigger and better weapons against the Griffins. If only we could negotiate peace with, but I guess that we've all developed a hatred for them and they've done the same for us. We'll just have to drive them back to where they came from, where ever the hell that is.

It's getting late now, I'm amazed at how well things are going for us, we've hit a lucky streak with this new spell and occupying Phillydelphia once again. If we keep working like this, we'll resolve this war in no time and I'll be able to have my Bon bon back with me in Ponyville. This has been a great Day 7, this is goodnight from Lyra Heartstrings.