• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 10,181 Views, 44 Comments

Unknown Innocence - MrPescanova

This is the story of a princess that one day finds a crib, with a strange creature inside, that will change her life forever.

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Dear Celestia.

By the time you’re reading this, I’m heading to the Crystal Mountains with Volcano, you hadn’t answer my questions about who I really am and where I’m from.

So I decided today, the day of my 18º birthday, look for the truth that I wanted to know since I was a kid.

I’m going straight to the north; it’s the most logical direction were the human lands should be, I picked the map and the amulet that were with me when you found me, I think they can help me to don’t get lost.

As I don’t know how long I’ll be out of Equestria, I grabbed a bag and full it of food and ropes, maybe I’ll return in a couple of months or perhaps I spend the rest of my life without getting anything, but that’s something that only time can tell.

I don’t know if you’re going to hate me for leaving Canterlot, my family and my life for going in this dangerous journey, or either you like the idea of me disappearing of your life after these last hard years that I had.

But there’s something I’m sure, something big and mysterious is far away of Equestria waiting to be discovered, and I’ll be the first one to see how the world looks like there.

Now i have to go, wish me luck, i'll need it.

Always your son.


“That’s all, Luna” Luna looked in awe at the letter that Celestia was hiding for four years.

“Sister….i didn’t know …….” Celestia lifted a hoof to Luna and shook her head.

“Luna, pity won’t solve anything, it had passed four years since he left Equestria and I still hadn’t received any news of him” Luna put the letter back to the table and got closer to Celestia.

“But Tia, didn’t you said that….you loved him as your son, even if he was adopted?” Celestia looked away but Luna moved to stare at her older sister.

“Don’t you want him to return? To be again with his family? You hide his existence from me since I’d return, just to say that you already accepted his fading from your life?” Celestia closed her eyes and sit on the floor, she opened her magenta eyes with tears and sobs coming from her mouth.

“I’d been with him since he was a foal…..i saw him grow, I saw him living surrounded by a kind that wasn’t his…” Luna saddened and sited aside Celestia, she comforted her putting a hoof around her neck.

“I lied him, I betrayed him, since the day he was separated of Chrysalis he became a very serious and cold hearted person, it was almost impossible to see him happy or smiling like before” Luna hugged Celestia and cleaned her tears.

“I’m sure sister that someplace on Heynriik’s heart still had love for you as his mother, no matter how far he’s right now” Celestia nodded and got up, Luna followed her and stared to her sister with a smile.

“He’ll return soon, I’m sure of that” Celestia returned the smile to Luna and headed to the balcony, she looked at the beautiful night that Luna has built, the stars where shining on the dark sky in a way that only Luna can do.

“Heynriik……wherever you are, I’m sure you’re doing great things”


Heynriik was sit on the ground inside a tent, the typical cold wind of the Sagunlán region was something that even the mightiest warrior of the iberian army didn't liked.

He was looking to a helmet, a helmet made of a metal that shined as gold but that was harder than any other mineral on this world, it had a red crest on the top with two horns on the sides.

Heynriik stroked slowly the red crest and closed his eyes, a memory of somepony came to his mind, somepony that had taken care of him since he was a baby, she wasn’t his true mother, she was the reason of that he hadn’t saw the love of his life in twelve years, and she wasn’t even human.

But even after all that, he missed her, not only her, he missed his calmly life, his friends, his home...

“Celestia, I wish you could see me now….. I hope that soon we could be together again…..mother”

“Commander Dumiórix!” A human wearing grey armor over a white coat, with a winged steel helmet, an oval red shield on his left hand and a spear on his back entered on the tent.

Heynriik got up grabbing his helmet with the right hand; he turned back and saw the soldier who bowed leaning his upper half of his body.

“The men are ready, their all prepared to siege Sagún”

“Good, I’m going now” The soldier bowed again and leaved the tent, Heynriik put his gold helmet on his head, he grabbed a curved sword that was on a table and set it on the sheath that was on the belt of his black fur pants.

He then placed a hand over a tiny golden trident on the sheath that he had on his back, he looked at it and grabbed it with his right hand.

"This is for your dream, Kiór” The trident started to do electric sparks and at the blink of an eye the trident turned bigger having its normal size.

Heynriik got out of the tent and crawled Volcano, his loyal horse, the one that had been with him since they reached this strange and violent land.

“One last battle and we’ll return to home, buddy” Heynriik placed himself on the saddle and shook the string, Volcano trotted fast through the camp heading to where they’ll meet the rest of the army.

Heynriik saw the rest of soldiers running, grabbing their gear, sharpening their weapons or making small organized groups to join the rest of the army.

Volcano finally reached the point, all the soldiers where forming In their positions, elite guards with their round-trip shields, one-hand axes and horned black and gold helmets were on the first line, back them were the spearman with oval shields, light steel armor, winged helmet and large spears, on the flanks the cavalry awaited orders with their bows, shields and spears ready to get stain with roman blood and behind all them the archers were ready to shot their arrows at any moment.

Heynriik make Volcano go at the center, in front of all his men, to say his last words before the battle begin.

He looked to the nearly endless line of soldiers waiting silently their commander’s orders.

“Sons of Gaia, brothers of battle, we are here to make real a dream….” Heynriik took a big breath and spoke a bit louder.

“A dream about a land where all the prejudice and hate between brothers, due the flag they wear or the king they serve, it’s forgotten”

“A land that can finally enter an era of peace, when there’s no need to make other men bleed because thinks different” Heynriik looked at his trident, the humans of this land said that it is "Ciolhaemór", weapon that Zorán, god of thunder and war had in ancient times.

He raised Ciolhaemór, and spoke again to the men in front of him.

“A land where we can take a drink of cider and laugh with each other, no matter if we’re from the Steppe, from the northern coast, from Lusitlán, from Janrelán or from Baetislán!”

“EUP!” All the soldiers yelled at once, lifting their weapons at the same time.

“A land where we’ll be united and free, where the opinion and voice of any man or woman could be heard and respected, no matter if he’s poor or rich!”

“EUP!” The entire army yelled again this time with more force.

“A land where that decadent empire from the east will fail every time that they fight with us!”


“Because after all, we all talk Ibérik, the language that we talked since centuries, we all believe in the same Five Divines since the beginning, and we all love Gaia as all the mountains, forests, rivers and seas that she gave us to live!”

“EUP!” the yells were becoming stronger and stronger.

“Sons of Gaia! In this day with strong winds and dark sky, we’ll end this war, we'll siege the last city controlled by the romans! Scream to the sky with me!” Heynriik began to move passing all the line of shields and spears while holding Ciolhaemór high.





“FOR OUR FREEDOM!” Every soldier started to run to Sagún’s walls leaded by Heynriik, riding Volcano, with helmet on his head and trident on his hand.

“We’ll see soon….mother”

Comments ( 7 )

Lovely:derpyderp2: here's a herp a deep!:derpyderp1:

Most epic conclusion ever!! :pinkiehappy:

3799414 What? :rainbowhuh: this story is not related with the Warhammer series or else there would be a crossover tag....

3884712 Okay, thanks for telling me, I ended up reading the rest soon after posting that and then remembered about the map about 2 Chapters after posting it.

3525104 I want to make it clear all at once, this fic has NOTHING to do or be related with Skyrim......

.....maybe based, but ONLY A LITTLE BASED, okay mates?!

its a good story, but the grammar has a lot of room to improve.

hmmmm i loved this story the spelling was sent to good but that doesn't matter i really dont know what to say witch is saying something usually i can't shut up but i can't wait to read the sequel.......i wonder how hes going to react to hear chrysalis invaded Canterlot ( if thats canon in this story )

100% bishop approved

stay classy :moustache:

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