• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 10,181 Views, 44 Comments

Unknown Innocence - MrPescanova

This is the story of a princess that one day finds a crib, with a strange creature inside, that will change her life forever.

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Chapter 1: He is a special child....

Chapter 1: He is a special child...

"There's the last one...." Princess Celestia placed the last letter with the rest, after spending an afternoon reading mail she felt tired and wanting to sleep, she got up of the throne and turned to the couple of royal guards that were always close to her when she was on the throne.

"You're excused" The guards bowed and abandoned their positions, Celestia trotted to the entrance of a nearby corridor, heading to her bedroom.

The sun mare passed through a endless wall of doors at both sides, she moved in a tiresome way, her ancrestal body had followed the same routine for more than a thousand of years, attending courts, reading mails, meet with other rulers.....

Celestia remembered the days where she was "young", living in the old castle, now ruined, beside the Everfree forest, with her little sister Luna and their parents.

In those days, she didn't had to worry about rule a land, she spent the time playing with her sister or other ponies, her life was peaceful and naive.

All that changed when a misterious being, named Discord appeared, he was a draconequus, a spirit of chaos, a powerful creature that made Celestia and Luna's parents, the King and Queen of Equestria, "dissapear".

After that, Celestia and Luna fighted the spirit of chaos transforming him in stone with the help of some magic artifacts called, "Elements of Harmony".

Then Celestia and Luna inherited their parents places, returning the harmony that Discord tried to destroy with his magic.

But it didn't lasted very long....

"I wish this wasn’t necessary". Celestia was on the balcony of her bedroom, preparing to lower the sun and raise the moon.

Everyday, everytime she do this, a memory appears on her mind, her sister Luna becoming the worst nightmare possible.

Something that you must defeat, but that you don't want to.

But that's the past, now Luna is merged with the moon, waiting for the day when she return at her sister's side.

Celestia glow her sharp horn to let the night enter in Equestria, the sun dissapeared and was changed by the shiny white satellite.

She turned inside and walked to her big white and yellow bed, Celestia lifted the covers and placed her body under them, minutes passed and she just couldn't sleep, she rolled, searched for a comfortable position, or just closed her magenta eyes strongly, but was useless, she couldn't get to sleep.

"Maybe a little walk on the river can fix this...." Celestia got out of the bed and went to the balcony, she spread her wings and flew over the dark sky around Canterlot.

When she reached the river below Canterlot, Celestia stretched her body and sighed happily, she really enjoyed this, all alone with no more company than her thoughts and the water of the river colliding with his edge.

Celestia trotted while looking at the water of the river, she looked the reflection of the moon, as the picture of a pony stuck on a side, she stopped and stared at the image of her banished sister.

"Someday…..you will return Luna" Celestia sighed and allowed a tear fall form her eyes, she wiped it with a hoof and followed her path.

Then something caught her attention, a object was floating on the river, it was going in the opposite direction as her, Celestia first thought that was just a illusion, but then she heard a noise from the object.

The noise was strange, like a outcry, Celestia waited the object to be closer, the object looked like a basket or a crib made of wood, also the noise became more clear and loud.

"It sounds like.....a colt" Celestia deduce following her eyes the object.

Celestia saw that in fact was a crib, and the noise came from it, she glow her horn and levitated the crib to put it beside her, her eyes looked down to see a blanket covering the newborn.

She lowered her muzzle at the blanket to watch it closely, the probably newborn had ......odd hooves.

Finally Celestia released the blanket to see the colt, but what her eyes saw was something far different of a foal.....

Or at least a pony.....

Celestia jumped in surprise, she was shocked for the being inside the crib, her eyes were wide in wonder, after a while she calmed and moved slowly her head to meet with the newborn again.

"By the sun.....it's a.....human?" Celestia asked to no one in special, she stared at the little human, that was crying with all his might.

Celestia knew that humans were a strange and mythical species that came to Equestria a long time ago, before the arrive of Discord, they were a race of intelligent hairless apes from a unknown land, that ponies knew not much.

She remebered that humans during decades, attacked the pony kind, searching always for treasures and booty, they looted villages and fighted against the royal guards, they were very strong and brave, wearing light armors and armed with all kind of melee weapons, from swords to double handed hammers.

After getting what they wanted, they turn around to their large and fast ships, some of them with a featuring dragon head like bow, and returned to wherever they were from.

Then without a reason, humans stopped come to Equestria, what was a good thing for the ponies then, during centuries the stories about them became myth and legend.

But with Celestia wasn't a warrior or a creature that she had to fear, there was a newborn that probably their parents had abandoned in a crib floating on a river, and that may be hungry as scared.

Celestia wasn't going to allow that poor colt suffer anymore, she grabbed the little human with her hooves and stared at him, the baby had brown head on his head, a small nose, and two closed eyes for the crying.

She didn't know what to do, in her entire life she never had experience with colts or fillies, less with human babies.

"Please dear, don't cry! you are safe with me...." Celestia said to the baby trying to calm him down, but was worhtless because the baby kept crying.

Then a idea popped on the princess head, she remembered a lullaby that her mother singed when she was a filly, Celestia thought if it could work with him too.

Celestia started to hum sweetly to the baby, as she balanced him on her hooves, surprisely, the baby stopped crying and relaxed until he fall asleep, Celestia ended the lullaby and did a "aawww" seeing the little human sleep.

"So cute...." Celesia looked at the crib and saw something inside it, she leaved softly the baby on the grass to got closer.

In the crib was two papers and a amulet, she lifted the three things and looked mindfully to them.

She looked that one of the papers had words written in perfect equestrian, Celestia downed the other paper and the amulet to see what it said.

It was a letter, and said this:

“If you're reading this, it's because you found this baby, i don't have much time to spread the details so i just want to beg you, whoever you are, to take care of this little one.

The reason of why you found him in this status, it's because we are desperate to keep him alive of someone that wants to kill him.

Please, take him as if he was your own son, as if he was equal to your race, he's from a distant land at the north of your country, a land that will need him in a future.

I'm sure one day he'll became a brave and good man, and when that happens, when in his mind appears the want of knowing the true, let him go, i beg you to don't deny him the opportunity to discover his true self.

I know your land it's a place full of peace and good morality, please make him have a wonderful chilhood full of love and caring.

A last thing, his name is Heynriik.

Thanks for doing this.

Airon Volkaer"

When Celestia finished reading the letter, she was confused and with even more questions, but right know was futile to ask something that was impossible to be answered.

She laid the letter inside the crib and looked to the amulet, she grabbed it with a hoof to take a review, it was a necklace made of silver with a strange symbol on hit, a triple spiral triangle with a dot in the center.

Then she grabbed the paper, it was a map but it didn't showed Equestria, instead there was a continent that she ever saw before.

"Is this where the humans live? quiet rare names their countries have...." Celestia shrugged and placed the amulet as the map on the crib again, then she looked back to the baby, he was awake.

"Oh...." Celestia trotted to him and sat in front of him, she grabbed him with her hooves and stared at the human, the baby was looking at her too.

"Heynriik......strange name...." She stared at his eyes, they were clear green as the grass, then Heynriik moved one of his hands to touch Celestia's muzzle, he moved his hand through all her face reaching the cheeks, mouth and chin.

Celestia giggled, feeling his tickilsh hands, she saw him open his small mouth to laugh too, the princess smiled warmly and looked at the sky, she yawned before smacking her lips, her body wanted to sleep.

She set aside the two papers and the necklace, to make Heynriik comfortable, Celestia layed him inside the crib and smiled while watching him doing sounds and shaking his hands.

"Heynriik is a bit difficult to say, hummmm......" Celestia put a hoof under her chin until she giggled and centered her attention to Heynriik again.

"Riki, yes, i can use it as a nickname for you, do you like it?" The baby replied with a laugh, Celestia kissed his forehead and lifted the crib with her magic.

"Well, let's go home Riki"