• Published 1st Feb 2013
  • 551 Views, 4 Comments

Destiny Is Not A Choice - Sempre Luna

The destinies of ponies are curious things. They tell what one can do. They tell what one will do. Still, what if a destiny isn't obvious? So begins this epic tale, in which the past is put to the test and dreams spring forth to life.

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January 31st, Equestrian Year 3616
1700 hrs

Canterlot Station


"Canterlot! Last stop on the Capital Line! Canterlot!"
"Attention passengers, the connecting express to the Crystal Empire will be twelve minutes behind schedule. Have your tickets ready at Track 3."
"All aboard! Last train to Manehattan!"

The guardsmen were careful to shield Twilight from the hustle of the shuffling ponies, which she kindly denied. "Thank you, gentlemen, but I believe I can handle the crowds of the town where I was born."
"Yes, miss. Strict protocol, however. Terribly sorry. In addition, we have precious cargo."

Twilight turned to the leader of the patrol and asked, "So, when will we see the princess?"
"That's the problem, miss." said the guard. "According to my schedule, she's in a meeting. We'll be getting there about the time she has dinner and from then on, it's up in the air in terms of what she wants to do. We're making good time, though. Shouldn't be too much of an issue and we should be able to catch her. Ah, the evidence arrives."

The pegasus guards tasked with carrying the spell book in the container carried by two, only reserved for delicate operations, made their way off the train. It was made difficult as the doors impeded the progress of a two stallion operation, complete with yokes and all. The cold weather and recent rains in Canterlot made the going even more difficult. As soon as the first guard set foot off the train, he slipped on the ice, nearly falling out of his yoke connected to the containment unit. He quickly jumped up, shifting his eyes, and tried to muster up the fragments of his pride.

The leader of the patrol leaned over to Twilight. "Forgive us for the recruits. They haven't had that much real world training."
Twilight Sparkle shook her head. "No, it's alright. I forgive him if he's new. Just so long as we get the book back to Princess Celestia in time."
One of the guards whispered his commanding officer. "Oh, my. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're behind schedule, thanks to the cold weather and timezone changes. Twenty minutes late, by the looks of it."

Twilight felt her eye twitch with utter disgrace. Her screams could be heard in the streets just outside the station.


January 31, Equestrian 3616
1710 hrs

Canterlot Station


The Nightguard exited the train, the grey unicorn in tow behind him. "Welcome back to the city, man. You'll find it hasn't changed much."
"So I see. I suppose whatever has changed I read in the papers. Captain Shining Armor's the head of the Crystal Empire with his wife, a Draconequus is one of the royal advisors, and then there's the common complaints of wages and free expression by the lower class unicorns rippling through the underground. Did I get it all?"
"Yes, but you missed the possibility of Canterlot being the host of the Equestria Games again."
"Ah, I don't get to read the Sports column before one of the hired hands wants it. Anyway, didn't the reports say the Crystal Empire would be the most likely candidate?"
"It's expected, but I don't see how Glittertown stands a chance. We already have the stadiums from ten years ago ready and able."
"True, true. So, the old shortcut's still up and running?"
"As always. We take that, we'll be at the castle before Luna even bats an eye to wake up."
"Lead on, Willow. Lead on."


January 31, Equestrain Year 3616
1800 hrs

Canterlot, Arts District and Royal District


It was a calm and brisk evening to stroll upon the cobbled promenade of Central Canterlot. All the long while, there was a feeling of commerce and vitality. The cafés were selling massive amounts of warm beverages, clothing stores ran the gamut on their winter line, young Filly Scouts were selling the yearly round of cookies to hungry unicorns, and the various odd and end shops carried on the same as every day, loyal patrons visiting as ever. Cozying up next to the Castle Grounds existed the Arts District, where several exhibitions of talent were showcased. At the Paradise Art Gallery, the up-and-comer Amethyst Star presented her Modern Society series. The Royal Opera Company was performing a critically acclaimed version of Beethoofen's Fillydelio. Even the local clubs hosted events throughout the week, from new bands to established DJs, and the ever popular karaoke night at the Red Pony. It was the height of Canterlot's commoner majesty.

Of course, this was wasted on those who were already busy.

"UUGH! UUUGGGHH! Can't you move any FASTER?"
"We apologize, miss. But if we move any faster, it will disturb the contents inside. As it was proven, if we disturb it, there could be dire consequences. I have no intent on proving this with citizenry around."
"No, no NO!" Twilight stomped the ground, making a scene. "By the time we get to the castle, the sun will have gone down, and we will be stuck. With a book, mind you, a book that can hurt us and everypony here."
The guard's eyes widened. "You heard her men! On the double! Let's move!"

By now, a crowd had formed around the caravan, making comments.
"Is that the Royal Guard? Ooh, I just love a man in uniform!"
"Hey, Twilight! Where have you been? Haven't seen you around the library."
"What's that they're carrying? Looks important."

The guards began forming a circle against the citizenry, protecting the cargo and using the basic vocal runarounds.
"Nothing to see."
"Please stand back."
"Official business of royalty."
"On a schedule."

By the time they reached the castle gates, a large congregation of ponies had flocked to Twilight and the soldiers. As the gates opened from the inside by two unicorn guards, Twilight spun and turned on the mass.

"Back. BACK I SAY! I have a book, and I'M. GOING. TO. READ. IT!"
The crowd backed off slowly, letting the gates close on the small group.


Januray 31, 3616
2010 hrs

Throne Room Antechamber, Canterlot Castle


Twilight Sparkle rushed into the main entrance, leaving the soldiers in the dust on the steps. The beautiful architecture and sprawling ceilings were lost to her, as she was dedicated to her mission with the most basic of needs. Come rain or flood, this book was to be delivered on time to the princess.

So her face was one of devastation when she saw the doors to the throne room, closed for the night and a Nightguard, cloaked in his violet battle attire, leaning up against the wall of the Throne Room and posted at what should have been a Royal Guard patrol area. There was even a coy grin on his face, as if he was happy they missed a chance with the princess.

With head still cocked downward, the Nightguard said, "Can I help you?"
The patrol leader stepped forward and confronted his nocturnal equal. "You, Nightguard. Where is the Royal Guard that stands here normally?"
The bat pegasus looked up with a odd, half-hearted stare. "Ah, well. You may want to ask one of your men. The schedule posted said someone by the name of...Heavy Wind was posted tonight."
A noise came from the back of the caravan. "Oh my! I forgot, I forgot, I forgot!" It was the recruit from earlier who nearly dropped the book of spells. With a run, he came to stand at attention next to his superior officer, saluted, and huffed, "Premission...to defer from assignment...for guard duty...WHHOOHH, I'm out of shape...sir."
"Clean yourself up, private, and return at once. Your armor is slightly off kilter and may I say you need to work on your calisthenics."
"Right away, sir." With a salute, he turned to run towards the barracks to straighten himself out.

The lead officer returned to the Nightguard. "So, where is Princess Celestia at this present moment?"
At this point, the Nightguard stood at attention. "Sir, the princess has left for the night. She complained of migraines and left halfway through dinner to return to her bedchamber. We both know the winter months tax her daily, and she sleeps more often in these months."
Twilight was crushed, further reminded she and the guards had missed their chance and were...tardy. "I missed her. How could I have missed the princess by that much? I should have accounted for this, given I've had to visit before during the winter. Is she alright? Is it okay for me to disturb her? Should I send the book up? Can we-" was the point the lead guard stuck his hoof out, letting her know she was rambling.

The Nightguard looked at Twilight with confusion and back to the lead guard. "At this time, my master, Princess Luna, is beginning her nightly routine, and will start her watch in two hours. However, I did not know they asked for Celestia's student."

"Excuse me," Twilight retorted, "but I believe the letter I received stated I would arrive to help the princess, and clearly shows I would be warmly welcomed." With a flick of her horn, she retrieved the note from the saddlebag she was carrying and passed it to the Nightguard. While scanning the letter, he started to laugh. "Oh, that's great. Just perfect. No, no, there's a misunderstanding. You see, I have a client which I escorted from the Crystal Empire as well who is investigating the Heartstrings case."
"And who would this pony be?"
"The student of Princess Luna, of course."

Once again, the shouting of Twilight could be heard from far away, even passed the palace gates.

The lead guard had to restrain Twilight, who at this point was near unsalvageable. "Forgive me for asking this," he continued, "but when has Princess Luna had a student?"
"Since her reinstatement as princess, now that you mention it. You don't see him much mainly because he hasn't done anything spectacular yet. In fact, the only reason I know of Miss Sparkle here is because of her constant appearances in the paper. 'Chrysalis Catastrophe Averted', 'Crystal Empire Saved from Maniac', 'Lord of Chaos Enchants Tableware, Learns of Friendship'. Quite a resume, there."
"That last one was technically my friend, Fluttershy, but that doesn't matter because WHY IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA HAVEN'T I BEEN TOLD OF A SECOND STUDENT?"

The Nightguard looked her in the eyes, dead set on intimidating her with a blank stare. "Do not yell at me."
Twilight tried to counter with her own. For a moment, nopony moved. Nopony even breathed. The tension between them was as muggy and charged as a raincloud.

"Private Heavy Wind, reporting for guard duty, sir!"

Everyone turned to face the pegasus from earlier returned as he saluted his superior, armor shined to a glimmer.
The Nightguard smiled darkly at the lead guard, who sighed and turn to salute the private. No pony moved as the two remained saluting. Then the head guard murmured, "Salute the Nightguard, not me."
"Oh right!" He turned to his right to the Nightguard and saluted. "Private Heavy Wind, reporting for duty!" The Nightguard, choking back a laugh, saluted in turn. "Lance Corporal Willow, exiting from duty." As the two switched roles, the Nightguard faced Twilight Sparkle. "It appears we will have to improvise, what with Celestia gone to bed. May I suggest returning the book to where it belongs for now? Namely the Royal Library."

Twilight turned back to the lead guard, who nodded in agreement, and ordered his men along to the library. As he was leaving, he turned back to Twilight. "I have a feeling this will not be the last we hear of the book. Even if Miss Heartstrings is acquitted, we still have the matter of the power this book contains. Not to mention the repercussions of her tampering with it. If you're ever in Canterlot and Celestia isn't around, Miss Sparkle, ask for Captain Frostwing near the barracks."
"Oh, so you're the new captain I've been hearing about? I take it you know my brother then."
"Um, no, just a lieutenant. Lieutenant Redlane, to be precise. Can't say I want the job of captain, though. Frostwing knows his stuff and as it is, my men are enough to deal with." he said, as he eyed Heavy Wind. "It was good to see you again, Miss Sparkle."

As Redlane caught up his way with the patrol, Willow turned back to Twilight. "Before I go, I must warn you about the student you are about to meet. I made sure his identity has thus been kept secret, as Princess Luna was very specific in her request that he would be the one to introduce himself. He specifically requested the Hall of Triumph to meet you, which Heavy Wind will let you into. What I am about to say does not reflect my attitude towards him. He is still a very nice pony to know and I guarantee you and him should find much in common."

Willow continued. "I am an old friend of his and I have noticed in recent months that he refuses to make any effort at socialization. Always training, up in that stuffy Crystal Empire, thinking his magic is weak. No offense to Prince Shining Armor, mind you, but he's stir crazy from all the glittering. I for one think he could even go toe to toe with you, but he refuses to listen to opinion. If you can, please suggest to him a trip to the Arts District or something with you accompanying him."
Twilight though of this and was somewhat shocked at this proposition. "You want me to, umm, take him on a...? Oh no no no no! That is out of the question. I mean, yes, I'm comfortable with other ponies, but I don't know him!"
"You fillies, always having the worst impression about stallions. Just get him out of the castle and back into Canterlot society. For both our sakes. As Lieutenant Redlane mentioned, find me if you require assistance. Though, I'm confident in your abilities. That being said, I can FINALLY take a load off. Karaoke night, here I come!"

He turned to the castle doors, which were opened by a unicorn guard, and confidently strode outside.

This left Twilight Sparkle alone with several watchguards. As the door closed, it gave a resounding boom against the high ceilings.

Heavy Wind motioned to the door he guarded. It was the way to the Hall of Triumph. Twilight Sparkle took an uncomfortable to swallow her fear. Princess Celestia, I do hope you know what you're doing.

The door was opened, revealing the beautiful stained glass that told the story of Equestria, from it's founding to the defeat of King Sombra. Her past, her present, and her future, expansed in front of her. She breathed deep.
"You can do it, Miss Sparkle."
Twilight turned to Heavy Wind, who couldn't have been more than an older colt. She smiled at the recruit, and confidently walked in. The door closed behind her with a second foreboding slam, which echoed even further than the first.

The halls of Canterlot Castle grew silent yet again.

Author's Note:

If you haven't figured it out by now, the Nightguard are the bat pegasi featured in "Luna Eclipsed". They have no official name yet, so I had to improvise.

Also, small reference to another great MLP fanfic. Try and guess which!

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