> Destiny Is Not A Choice > by Sempre Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Incoming Bogey" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 30, Equestrian Year 3613 2200 hrs Firefly Air Base, Cloudsdale ===== WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL IS LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE DOCUMENTATION CLASSIFIED: OFFICIAL RADIO TRANSCRIPT PROPERTY OF FIREFLY AIR BASE: Parties Concerned 1) Equestrian Air Force Marshal Spitfire, Stationed at Firefly Air Base 2) Air Commodore Soarin, acting as Squadron Leader 3) Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak 4) Warrant Officer Whiplash, Air Traffic Division, Stationed at Firefly Air Base 5) Officer Cadet Cloudchaser, Zephyr Squadron 6) Officer Cadet Flitter, Zephyr Squadron 7) Officer Cadet Sightseer, Zephyr Squadron 8) Officer Cadet Snowflake, Zephyr Squadron Detail: Beginning of recruit training over skies of Cloudsdale, engagement of hostile figure and subsequent attack. Unofficial Title "Zephyr Incident" 22:00 hrs "Come in Firefly Base. This is Zephyr Squadron Leader Soarin to base. Achieving cruise altitude. Clear skies out on the horizon. Preparing to jump into three formations with the recruits. Over." "Roger that, Squadron Leader. Requesting count. Over." "Roger. State presence." "Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak, present." "Cloudchaser, present." "Flitter, present." "Sightseer, present." "YEAH!!! I mean Snowflake, present." "Squadron Leader to base, we are present and accounted for." "Copy that. State formation order. Over." "Stating formation order. Form #1: Magic, Leaf, Magic, Cake. Form #2: Cake, Cake, Hoof. Form #3: Diamond, Stallion. Over." "Base to Squadron Leader, formation list cleared. On you mark. Over." "Roger that. Beginning form entry..." "Base to Squadron Leader, disengage form #1. We just received a signal from traffic control. It appears you have an incoming bogey in your circumference, coming from the southwest. We have yet to confirm from the Wing Commander at her location. Hold off until we confirm. Over." "Come in, Firefly Air Base. This is Air Marshal Spitfire. Have the formations been confirmed? Over." "Base to Air Force Marshal, we have an incoming bogey on Zephyr Squadron's circumference. We will proceed with caution until relay. Over." "Squadron Leader to base, we have a visual of bogey. Incoming light source from roughly twenty clicks out. Awaiting orders to confirm engagement. Over." "Base to Squadron Leader, fall back to base. Bogey is incoming fast. We'll allow this pass. Over." "Negative, base. We have a clear visual. I've ordered the recruits to fall back. I will engage." "Air Marshal Spitfire to Soarin, do not engage bogey. I repeat, DO NOT engage bogey. Fall back immediately. Over." "With all due respect, ma'am, I cannot follow orders. Bogey appears to have target on Cloudsdale." "Base to Air Marshal, we have confirmation. We are treating said bogey as hostile as it is directly aimed at metro area. Over." "Reroute hostile to safe location! Attempt to strike it into the Galloping Gorge waypoint." "Negative. We have little time to reroute. The only way is if enough force struck it. We're talking mach speed at this rate." "Then I have no choice." "Soarin, do not do this!" "Negative. It's me or the city. It's coming in faster than normal. Judging by speed, it will hit the metro area with enough force to take out a majority of the East District. Target acquired. Engaging hostile. End transmission." "SOARIN!" "Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak intercepting Soarin. He's pulling a divebomb!" "..." "..." "Base to Air Marshal. Bogey re-routed. Exiting circumference. Target destination south by south-east. Over." "Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak to base. Squadron Leader down. Awaiting rescue/retrieval orders." "Soarin..." End transcript 22:14 hrs > "Imminence" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 31, Equestrian Year 3613 0800 hrs Ponyville Hospital ===== Admittance Form 0-13 Ponyville Hospital, Psych. Ward 210 Oak Field Lane Ponyville, Equestria I: Identifying Information Date 01/30/13 Client Name: Jane Pony a.k.a. "Screw Loose" DOB: 06/06/2573 Age:40 Gender:P DOA:01/30/13 Time: 11:00PM II: Primary Condition as described in "specific observable behavior" requiring acute hospital care Recent rehabilitation into societal norms through healing. Appearances normal. Resident nurse saw her home on the 26th of this month and instructed her on continued effort. Complaints regarding hallucinations, including several charging domesticated animals, later confirmed real event. Patient returned to self-inflicting attitude after complaints from local neighbors. Condition is labeled unstable, including several bursts of rage. Main behavior included vandalism of own home with several writing utensils (phrases included "THE END" and "COMING AGAIN"), ranting about "imminence". Physical altercation led to hospitalization on January 30th of this month for further review. III: Clinical Information and Psychiatric Medications (including dosage) Patient has had several therapy sessions regarding psychological issues. Hiptotraphin: 100mg, 3x daily Phenopyl G: 100mg, 3x daily Hayseed Extract: 20mg, 3x daily Redroot Stalk: 10mg, 1x daily IV: Previous hospitalizations Four months in 3611 Three months in 3612 One week in 3613 V: Further Information Current Diagnosis: Psychotic Delusions, brought on by Stress Disorder. Additional Diagnosis: Miscalculation by hospital staff on proper release date. Scheduled treatment: Psychological evaluation sessions, homeopathic exposure, increased dosage or use of Koltorin 20cc, 2x daily. No. of hospital days requested: 60 Projected discharge date (required): 03/28/13 Aftercare plan: Release and in-home care from attending nurse, continued medication, re-entry into society Provider or Facility: Ponyville Hospital Attending Doctor: Dr. Getbetter Date: 01/31/13 Signature: C > "Dear Diary" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 31, 3613 00:00 hrs Ponyville, Main District ===== Dear Diary, I know it's late, but I couldn't sleep. I'm worried about Lyra. It all began a week ago. See, she's very interested in the past. The far past. Even before the age of Celestia. I can't even begin to be interested in last week, let alone thousands of years ago! I suppose it's a harmless hobby, but lately, she's been getting more enthralled with it. I know she hasn't been able to find work for a while, given she was recently rejected from the Royal Canterlot Symphony Orchestra. I'm just saying she should have known that grey pony could handle the entire string section in her sleep. I've been to the Grand Galloping Gala. That pony can play! Back on track I suppose. I know it weighs on her. That doesn't change the fact she has responsibilities and should find temp work. Maybe work on the Apple Farm or run errands for that fashion unicorn. What's her name? Rarity, right. But that's just the thing. She's not looking for work. She just sits. And sits. And sits alone in her room, mulling over her history books. I'm sure it's unhealthy. I accept it as a hobby, but it clearly has become an obsession. Every day, the same routine. Wake up and never do a daily routine. Just come downstairs looking like a wreck (probably didn't get sleep). She talks about her work, eats breakfast, and heads back upstairs. Likely to learn more about the "hooman". All these rumors and half-truths. Can you imagine being able to arrive on the moon without the fate of banishment? Please! I've seen better imaginative thoughts come from Applejack. That's why I'm worried, primarily. She never was this way. I know the anniversary of her mother's disappearance is coming up soon. That may be why she's so passionate. Her mother was a historian for the Canterlot Library. Most of her work was given to Lyra following the official disappeared pony report. And not to be cruel, but her mother had been known to be a few apples short of a bushel. She was nice, don't get me wrong! Both our mothers got along nicely. But it's not like Lyra wasn't influenced. I sometimes wonder what her life was like. Study of anthropology. Please. What about astronomy? Economics? Something real? It only pains me because she is my best friend. I just wish there was- I just heard a noise. I'll be right back. ~ BB > Pondering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 31st, 3613 0200 hrs Canterlot Castle, observation tower ===== The night wind moaned throughout the kingdom. The bulrushes sat quietly in the water. The Unicorns lay snug in their beds, completely and blissfully dreaming of another day. To imagine there was a chance some would not see the day. For 1000 years, it remained the same way that the Princess of the Sun would watch the night skies, keeping the world safe in remembrance of the peaceful reality she created. However, with the return of her sister, she could now gain some much needed sleep. It was Luna who now watched the skies with faithful ambition. Luna, from the highest tower, watched the metropolis. Her kingdom was the darkness, her gems were the stars. Few ponies know of this world, this quiet world. The world of purer freedom. She could fly wherever she wanted. She could do what was necessary to live again. It was her time, after all those years upon the moon. She forgave Celestia for what she had to do. What Luna committed was an insurrection, a crime against her sister and nation. She did not deserve to live among those she had terrorized. Still, to an extent, Luna had been all but fully corrupted by evil. It was never a choice she made from the start. But how? That's what she wanted to know. Prolonged exposure to the evils of Equestria could have led her down the wrong road. Discord, the villainous lord of chaos, now an advisor. Queen Chrysalis, a villain who struck when Celestia and Luna were at their weakest. King Sombra, the final destructive force the two sisters conquered as a team, now defeated by a mere unicorn and dragon. These were battles Luna could face in due process. Perhaps, however, age had not only slowed their adversaries, but also the sisters. Not a day would go by and Celestia would still remind Luna of these prophecies and destinies, meant to shake the fabric of the royalty. If that happened, where would Luna turn? What, in fact, would be her goal in this mess of quotes and hopes? They were the old ways, continued to this very day. Even a silent place with no disturbance can collect a layer of dust. As she ruminated the future, she was interrupted by the hoofsteps one of her personal nightguards. "My lady. We have just received word of several strange incidents. We ask you attend to them." "Prithee, I shall come soon." She closed her eyes once more. Just like old times, sister. I hope this ends soon, as it will significantly increase our time together. > Fear Asunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All around, destruction was flung about. Green flames licked away at the ground. Armies marched across the land. Architecture became warped and twisted beyond recognition. Ponies submissively turned their backs to the princess that had ruled over them. All the while, Princess Celestia could not do a single thing. Her powers depleted, her body scarred, her trusted student and her friends...unknown. They never came to save her. Now her greatest foes stood above her. Discord. Queen Chrysalis. King Sombra. All about to deliver their final blows. "NO! I SHALL BE HONORED TO BEGIN THE STRIKE, FOR TOO LONG SHE HURT ME!" They stood back, parting to reveal an alicorn warrior as tall as the princess. Her armor was glowing with powerful magic. It was Nightmare Moon, her sister and trusted friend. "Luna, why do you side with the ones who hurt you? Have you no reason? Look deep in your heart and realize what you are doing." Luna leaned in to face her sister head on and whispered slowly to her, "It is, how you say, funny. I asked the same thing. Just before you banished me to rot and wither upon the face of the forsaken moon." "I thought you had changed." "I have changed, my sister. And you let it happen. Now I know what it means to have power, to be respected, to be worshipped, as you were for centuries! I could not have without the aid of my friends. And my master." "Your master?" "Yes. Perhaps you are familiar with him. Watch as he awakens once more to command the world with his brilliance!" The ground shook, and from the south, the smoke began to funnel towards Canterlot. Vicious dragons, ones trained to be brutal in any way, came before the princess. The worst had arrived, the fate of Equestria was sealed. They bowed as their master arrived in violent pomp, rattling the weak bones of Princess Celestia, seismically thrashing her heart at its core. From the clouds came a giant shadow, radiating beams of forceful magic. The beast had arrived. "CELESTIA, RULER OF EQUESTRIA FOR NEARLY A MILLENNIA. YOU MUST PAY FOR YOU CRIMES AGAINST MY FRIENDS AND WHAT YOU DID TO ME. WE SHALL BE AS SWIFT AS YOU WERE, FOR WE KNOW YOU ARE GUILTY." The beast commanded a beam of light and flung with the force of planets. The last thing Celestia saw was a flash, illuminating the shadow of her sister, who laughed with hysteria. Then, there was nothing. ===== January 31, Equestrian Year 3613 0240 hours Canterlot Castle, royal bedchamber ===== Princess Celestia awoke, a cold sweat dripping from a furrowed brow. The wind worked its cold breeze to calm her, despite its morose feeling. She rubbed her eyes in confusion. A bad dream. I rarely have bad dreams. I suppose I'll have to talk to the chef about that dinner he served me. Arising from her slumber, she fired up her horn to close the windows. She returned to her slumber, hoping that her sister would visit her in her dream. ===== The scene now changed to a meadow. Celestia looked over her subjects and flew into the air, forcing the weighty sun to peek over the horizon. The crowd adulated with cheers. She descended, wearier than usual, and welcomed them to a new day. In a moment, she flew to her chariot, which started it's drive to the castle. As the drive commenced, she nodded to her soldier, saying, "Forgive me, but if could slow so that I may convert the royal chariot." The guard was surprised at this, but nodded back. The chariot came to a stop, and Celestia charged her horn. Within seconds, the chariot had become a royal coach. She opened the door slightly and, thanking them for their patience, ordered her men forward. As she closed the door and shut the windows, she turned to find her sister Luna. "I was beginning to wonder if you would show tonight." The blue pony held her head down and mumbled halfway, "Forgive me, sister. Your dreams almost never require visitation. Yet, it seemed urgent this night." "I had a nightmare. You know how serious that could be." Luna's eyes widened at this revelation. "Then I am glad I returned. For you see, this being the most secure way we can talk, my nightguards have informed me a terrible omen. Of this night, three separate instance occurred, all coming from a singular member of each species. A pegasus was attacked during a routine flight simulation, a pony went insane and started professing, and a unicorn cast a spell that...well, I don't have the full details, but from what I could tell, that matter is the most serious. I am sorry, my sister! This night is not like the others, and I could not guard our citizenry." Celestia stared at her sister for some time. Then she hugged her with a wing. "You did your best. I know your responsibility is difficult, as the night can bring out the worst of this world. Trust me when I say that in telling me, that was your duty. You cannot protect everyone, and trying to protect all those people in that span of time wouldn't work. Together, we can commit to a solution." Luna looked hopeful now, and calmed some. She pondered for a moment and spoke again, "Tell me, dear sister. What was your nightmare? Perhaps I can be of assistance." Without warning, the sky darkened ever so slightly and began a steady rain. The white alicorn's coat seemed to fade with the sky. She turned to Luna, now confused. "I am sorry for these precautions, but from what you have told me, this may be difficult to explain. In addition, following this discussion, I ask you to summon Twilight Sparkle but this time, send for her parents as well. They may hold a key to this conundrum." And so, Celestia told her troubles. Even the part of Nightmare Moon. When the story was finished, Luna bowed her head in contemplation, mane hiding her face. "It appears, sister, that these dreams signify a coming future, which we must prepare for. You were correct in suggesting the invitation the parents of Miss Sparkle, given their past. It may have been before my return but I hear more than enough. I will prepare for the possibility of this new reality. As for you, do not fear my possible betrayal. I will remain ever by your side." Celestia fluttered her eyes in a hint of surprise. "Will you, Luna? The coming week must go smoothly if this nation is to continue it's ever increasing positivity. We want nothing more but peace from our nation, and one thousand years is a long time indeed. Some day it will be evident we cannot continue this battle. This new generation will have to fight these battles. Until that day comes, you must remain ever by my side." Luna again contemplated her sister's words. "I promise you that. There is one question I have." "Speak freely." "Should I retrieve the other unicorn? His training with the Northern Forces has progressed to a satisfactory level, and he will provide some measure of assurance." "He is your student and you responsibility. It is ultimately your decision whether or not to do this." "Very well. I will see you in the morning, sister." The coach stopped and Luna exited the carriage, flying off into the raining sky. Celestia exited as well, thanking the guard. As she flew upwards to her tower however, something felt off. She entered through the tower's window and enter by the balcony. Only to see the writing on the wall. The writing that addressed her directly. YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE IN YOUR DREAMS. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN MY MIGHT? LEARN FROM YOUR HISTORY OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES. ===== Once again, Celestia awoke, shocked at the threat brought to her. The sun was about to peak across the horizon. Another day closer to the end of the era, another day she would bring, signaling her time's finale. > The Gang Gets Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 31st, Equestrian 3613 1400 hrs Ponyville Library ===== The soft light of a crisp winter afternoon can do wonders for a spirit. Revitalizing, promising, and almost always behind the clouds. The weather pegasi were on their A-game today as usual. A fresh wind with no bite, a slight chill that woke one up, and zero cloud cover. This was a day one could still go out and enjoy themselves. Yet, one pony was still residing in her chambers, quite content with her company of books. And her assistant. "Spike, you sandwiched the Geography Section between the Planetary Observations Section! You still haven't arranged the History Section in my specific requested order! And I still need to work on my letter to the Princess!" "Yeah, because we wouldn't want another meltdown. Listen, Twi, why don't we go out for a bit. You been cooped up in here for three days now, and I'm starting to go stir-crazy with you around." "You know Sunday is my day for re-organization." "EVERY day for you is re-organization." Twilight Sparkle and her assistant, Spike, were standing in the foyer of her house, once again doing the chores. It seemed like for Spike this was a day to do nothing in particular. Curl up by a fireside, drink some hot cocoa. For Twilight, every day brought new challenges and new tasks to be completed, so it seemed she was never ever bored. Needless to say, there were moments when they got on each other's nerves. "Spike, this is not the time to be making jokes! If I want to go outside, then fine. But don't drag me into the freezing cold when I have enough to do here." Spike huffed and turned for the door, only to be stopped in his tracks by the pony opening the door. At the door was a familiar white pony, wearing a faux winter coat and and fashionable sunglasses. Rarity, the newcomer to the library, she lifted her winter coat and glasses off of her body and placed them on a coat rack, flipping her mane in a twist of the head to face the two. "Honestly, every time I come over just to have a polite conversation, I find you two bickering about the latest chores to be done. And how is my wittle Spikey-wikey today?" Spike was known to have feelings for Rarity, so his reaction was understandable. With a lump in throat, he managed to choke out, "H-h-hel-lo Rarity." Twilight ignored Spike's persistence and turned to Rarity. "It's fine. I've just been so busy, what with all these quests Celestia has been sending me on. Think about it. Recently, we saved the Crystal Empire, defeated King Sombra, reformed Discord, and somehow I'm still not done my training! Of course, she'll probably ask for my help again sooner than later, which I'm fine in doing, but it takes away from my organization time. You know how I get!" Twilight seemed to be overwhelmed and clutched her head. The white unicorn puffed and flatly stated, "Honestly, Twilight. You shouldn't have to worry so much. I understand. If you need help darling, you should have just asked." She reached an arm of support and rested it upon Twilight's shoulder. She smiled. "Thanks, Rarity. Spike, you can leave now. I think we can take it from here." Spike was incurable. "No, thanks. Wherever you are, Rarity, I'd like to be there." Rarity whispered to her unicorn friend. "Why does he seem more...energetic than usual?" "Stir crazy, from what I hear." No sooner did they turn to work on the books did another familiar face arrive from the skies. "Watch out!" As usual, Rainbow Dash had to make her appearance unforgettable and costly as possible. This time, her entrance was through the window. With a clumsy twirl and a pileup, she managed to de-shelve the History, Astronomy, and Literature in one swoop. Rainbow dusted herself off and flapped her wings. "Uh, sorry Twilight. I guess I still need to work on some maneuvers." "Rainbow Dash," cried Twilight, " that's the third time this week! At this rate, I going to have to start charging for the amount of windows you've broken." Rarity shot Twilight a glance that said She's Rainbow Dash and I would think you'd come to expect this from her. The pegasus didn't expect this kind of reaction from her friend and looked hurt. "Woah, okay, sorry. It's just that this time, it's reeeeaaaallly important I that I start flying. I been hearing around Cloudsdale that a vacancy opened for the Wonderbolts, and I'm going to get my chance to them how awesome I am! With me joining, I'm thinking they'll increase their coolness by a pretty high percent..." Rarity cut her off, stepping in to try and halt the rant. "We understand, dear. As does Twilight." Twilight nodded with realization. "Sorry for that outburst. It's just been cold outside and you know how I get during this time of year. Not sure whether I should go outside and enjoy the day or stay indoors because at any time the climate could change." "I know what you mean," groaned Rainbow. "The weather ponies haven't been up to stuff and they're starting to fall behind on their work for spring. Today's nice, sure, but we may be in for a long winter. Why do think my wings are getting sore?" "Perhaps it's because you've been flying around for three days straight." Rarity flatly stated. "You really should take it easy. You could help us. We were just about to organize her books." No sooner had Rarity said "organize" did a fourth member join the group, adding more of a ruckus. With a whizz and a bang sound effect that seemed to come out of nowhere, a energetic burst crashed onto the scene through the door, tackling Twilight Sparkle. She huffed under her breath, "Hey Pinkie." Pinkie Pie, energetic as ever, started rambling. "Hey Twi. I just put the babies to bed and the Cakes came home early, so I got a chance to stop over, because really, I haven't gotten the chance recently, what you being cooped up and everything. So here I am, telling you to wake up and smell the air, silly! Oooo, seems like everypony else is too." The others acknowledged Pinkie Pie with a common courtesy. Spike, having enough of the group, decided to leave before anyone else decided to pay the library a visit and just go outside. Twilight realized the organization plan had been thrown out the window. "Well, I guess I could afford to mis a day of organization." Rainbow patted her on the back. "That's the spirit! Twilight grabbed her scarf. "Wait up, Spike!" The four exited the house, ready to enjoy the time they had together. > And So, Another Quest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 31, Equestrian Year 3616 1420 hrs West Ponyville ===== Twilight Sparkle's friends were right about the weather. It was a perfect day to stretch one's legs with a walk. The earthy streets were abuzz with activity, most likely getting ready for the Equestria Games. One could tell the charge within the air was of things to come in the future. Hear and there, shop vendors worked their unofficial merchandise, shouting to the crowds. In Canterlot, that could have earned you a small prison sentence if you were found guilty of selling the stuff. Here, in Ponyville, the small stuff wasn't sweated. A free apple, a discounted piece of furniture. Here and there, consequences didn't affect ponies. "Get your foam fingers! 'Cause you're Number 1!" "Official programs for the Equestria Games! Read up on your favorite athletes!" "Get your fresh appletastic treats! Half price only for this week!" The last catcall came from a familiar earth pony, trademark hat adorning her head. The others noticed her and walked over to her stand. "Hey AJ! Seems like you've got a good setup." "I sure do. Vendors been claimin' their places for weeks now. Good thing me and the Mayor have an permanent agreement on my stall, else I wouldn've been able to make a lick of this street. Care to try a taste?" Twilight Sparkle put up four bits. "How much can this get?" Applejack picked up an apple fritter. "Thanks for the business, Twi. Tell the truth, we haven't had a lot of customers today, what with all these vendors. I'm worried we might not make quota." Rainbow Dash looked around the market. "I can see what you mean. Hey, have you seen Fluttershy anywhere? I needed to tell her about the sign-ups for the Equestrian amateur flying competition." "Well, I'm obliged to aid you," Applejack said. "You see, she's been helping me since about daybreak." Applejack turned to reveal a yellow pegasus and several animals working on food under a tent. Raccoons were rolling the dough, squirrels were mashing the apples, and the occasional bird flew in and out, taking made treats to the front of the stall. Fluttershy noticed her friends. "Oh, I didn't see you there. It's so nice to see you." "There you are, Fluttershy! I was wondering where you got to. Are you signing up for the Amateur Games?" "Oh, oh my, no. I'm fine here, if that's okay." "Pshh, that's no fun. So I signed us both up anyway!" "Uhm, thank you, I guess?" "She's been hard at work for a good while. I can't thank her enough. Unfortunately, we'll be here a while. Why don't ya'll take a look 'round? I hear there's enough around here to last the whole week!" "Thank you, Applejack." said Rarity. "We'll be sure to tell you all about the fairground. Though, might I trouble you for a treat? All I have today is three bits." "Why, certainly. Fluttershy, ya'll have a caramel apple ready?" Like clockwork, a blue jay flew out with the treat, placing it in the earth pony's hoof. Rarity cast her aura around it, inspecting it for traces of feathers. "Ya'll take care. See you later! If we can get leave the stand, that is!" With treats in hoof, the four set off to explore the market even further. A sideshow gallery had been set up with smaller versions of the game for fillies, while mighty stallions looked for booths to sign up for the games, to test their might in the art of sport. Twilight Sparkle, despite living in Ponyville for quite some time now, was just now realizing the unity and tranquility these ponies expressed for not only each other, but for their nation. Even still, these times were tough and the most relaxed of moments could turn at any moment. Case in point, the friends made their way towards the schoolyard, where the children were putting on a play about the history of the Equestrian Games. As Rainbow Dash, speeding ahead of her friends at a nice clip, rounded a corner, she was stopped in her tracks with the scene that was unfolding at Lyra and Bon Bon's house. The royal guard had criss-crossed the scene with police tape, making sure no one entered the house. Photographers were being led off, not permitted from revealing any further information about the situation. It seemed the setup had been there for quite some time as the crowd surrounding it was beginning to die down. As the girls approached the scene, one of the guards noticed Twilight. "You there! Aren't you the student of the princess?" She finished her fritter with non-interest, only to realize she was being spoken to. It was no surprise the subsequent reaction was one with a touch of confusion. "Uh yes. I suppose so." "We may need your help." Pinkie Pie jumped in the air. "Oh boy! Someone needs our help. This looks like a job for Detective Pinkie!" Reaching into the fabric of zero space, Pinkie pulled out her deerskin cap and bubble pipe. She appeared to be in the zone. The guard ignored Pinkie and took Twilight behind the barrier. The other guards stood at attention. "We're glad we found you miss. Perhaps you could shed some light on this mystery." They stood aside as her escort walked her in. Inside, they noticed immediate problems. Firstly, it was far too quiet for a house. While Ponyville was celebrating the announcement of the Equestria Games, this house was quiet, delicate even. Slightly singed walls, lights off, and a strange hum coming from the other room were the only ways to describe the atmosphere. Second, no one was home, a rare occurrence in this populace. The guard cast a light with his horn, revealing the mess that covered the floor. A table had been knocked over and several frames had been knocked loose, shattering the glass that protected the pictures. A flower pot had also been displaced, shattered on the ground. He shined further to reveal a kitchen, virtually spotless. The fight had not proceeded to this area, leaving everything untouched. There were dirty dishes in the sink from the night before. Chairs were neatly placed with care around a table. It was as if the room was waiting for the return of its occupants. "As you can see, there was a struggle that involved magic being cast," the head guard explained. "We believe the unicorn who lived here, Lyra Heartstrings, was the caster. Her roommate, Bon Bon, was slightly injured and has since been admitted to Ponyville Hospital. We haven't quite analyzed the other room yet. That could shed light on this. When I saw you coming down the street, I had a feeling you would know what it meant." Twilight looked toward the humming noise. "So no one has entered the room in which the magic is occurring?" "Precisely." Twilight began taking non-written notes on her surroundings. "When did the incident happen?" "Roughly 14 hours ago. Should've been around midnight." "Anyone else know of this?" "The princesses have been informed." "Good. Am I allowed to enter the room?" "As you wish, miss." Twilight took to the room. Opening the door, she noted the magic hums coming from the left of her person. Her immediate attention was drawn to the walls. They were decorated with diagrams of non-equine beings, incantations, and symbols she couldn't recognize on any level. Books were scattered all across the floor in various states. A window was blown out, which had been covered by a tarp on the outside. "Excuse me, but, does anything stand out as strange or mystical to you?" "No, miss. My training doesn't require magic, so I'm afraid I'm ill-equiped. However, I'd make a safe bet this room was converted to house incantation practice." Further examination of the scene noted further scorching and faint wisps of smoke coming from a desk situated to the right. Twilight walked towards the desk, where a ragged journal was kept. Using her magic, she began flipping through the entries. Usually five or so sentences, they abbreviated the days that occurred before the incident. ===== January 20 My package came in the mail today! Bon Bon saw me get the package and just looked at me weird. She doesn't get it though. I'm super excited that this may be the chance to work on Mom's instructions. Though, I wonder who could have a copy of this. Oh well. So far, so good! January 21 YIPPEE!! Mom's old book seems to be helping in translating these spells! There's a spell for water generation, temporary light sources, and gold refinement. All of which take less magic than usual! Ooh, and Bon Bon made hay soup which was SO GOOD! I'm glad I have her for a friend. January 22 No No NO! These spells are WRONG! I need more time to develop the quantities of magic necessary, I'll need to order the next volume containing the harder spells, AND I need to get a present for Bon Bon for her birthday. But I can see a light on the horizon. I'm so close, so I might as well push through and work on this book. January 23 No progress today. Guess I'm pulling an all nighter. January 25 I'm not saying this should be working, but THIS SHOULD BE WORKING. I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING! I KNOW I'M JUST ME AND NOT THAT SHOWOFF TWILIGHT DOWN THE ROAD. SHE'S ONLY WHO SHE IS BECAUSE OF THOSE ELEMENTS! What I wouldn't do to get my hands on those things. January 26 Another all nighter. I yelled at Bon Bon today for interrupting me and we had a fight. She had tears in her eyes. Ugh, can't she see I have enough to worry about? Oh. I think she yelled at me because today was her birthday. I didn't get her a gift. I'll make it up to her. Maybe cast a growth spell on a bouquet of Roseluck. Something, I don't know. January 27 Mother? It's me, Lyra. Hi. It's been a while since I've thought of you. I could use you right now. Help me. January 29 Mom? Thanks for the help. This spell should do it at last. ===== Twilight felt hurt by that comment about showing off. It was what she wanted to avoid from the beginning and this clearly showed something was wrong. She was about to read the final entry when the magic hum grew in agitation. The guard entered the room at the sound to protect Twilight when a small boom went off in the closet behind her. "Miss, are you okay?" "Yes, thank you." They turned to face the noise, coming from the closet. Twilight opened the door to reveal a large book, emanating a magic aura. "Miss, I'd recommend leaving the area. We can have the guardsmen isolate this..." "No. This is my chance." "Miss Sparkle, I must politely disagree." "Lyra happened upon some magic that I believe had capabilities beyond mine. It is my sworn duty as the student of Princess Celestia to investigate matters of magic. And I will not let this moment pass me." "But..." "I missed my re-organization today. Let me have this or I will go crazy. Need I remind you what happened last time I went crazy?" He shifted back, as to not cause any further damage. "No miss. I heard enough from the princess." Twilight turned to face the book. It's appearance was ragged at best, pages yellowed by intense age, cover tearing in some places. Carefully lifting the tome with her magic, she examined it with an amount of tact. The first noticeable feature was the title and name emblazoned on the front page. She was taken aback at the identity of the book. "This is an ancient book exactly 722 years old. Also, it appears to have been written by Princess Celestia herself!" "My word!" commented the guard, as he took a view at the title. "Collective Spells of Star Swirl the Bearded Volume 2: A Compendium of Basic Incantations. Translated and encoded in the Old Language by the Royal Sorceress, Princess Celestia of Canterlot. Year of publication 2894" "Why, that book shouldn't be here." said the guard. "In fact, that book has been missing from the royal library for quite some time! Happened not nine weeks ago. We have prior charged Miss Heartstrings with battery against her roommate. Does this mean she is also guilty of robbery?" "Hardly. The first journal entry clearly stated this book was purchased through means of a packaging system. Lyra might not have known what she purchased was stolen goods. So, under no circumstances is she to be charged with this theft. However, as a precaution, you take this room apart. Take every book, each spell chart, log every symbol. You name it, do it. Bring it back to the castle if it belongs there and leave the rest to me." "Right away, miss. I'll alert my men." He turned and left the room. While his back was turned, Twilight set down the book where she found it. She turned to leave when suddenly she was overcome with a feeling. She stood perfectly still, realizing the whole world had gone quiet. The sounds of the fairground, the cries of joy. Nothing. Except the hum of the book. Twilight turned to face it yet again. I didn't really get a good look at the spells in the book. Lyra stated she found something in this book. One spell in particular. But...no, this is the property of the princess, and I am to deliver it with no problems whatsoever. If I mess with it even further, there is a chance it could be damaged. I'll just...look through the later chapters. Shouldn't hurt anyone. Twilight levitated the book yet again and began to flip through the pages. She first noticed she couldn't read a single bit of it. Whatever language Celestia had written in this book, it was archaic beyond her understanding. She decided to take a quick look at the later chapters, where the spell Lyra had found should have been. As she blindly continued to turn page after page, she suddenly felt the room get warm. When Twilight turned her head in realization of the temperature change, the book shook with a clamor and shot her with a blast. The unicorn jumped back, dropping the book to the ground. Twilight shook her head and surveyed her body. No marring, no scars, no burns. It seemed whatever the beam was, it meant little to no harm to her. The book was a different story. She glanced at it, and suddenly placed her head in her hoof. On the page was the incantation for a security spell which she had triggered by blindly flipping through the pages. It'd be best not to let the guards know I fell for this. I'll just tell them to be careful. With that thought, the guard returned with his men, holding a containment unit of sorts. "We'll take it from here, miss. It should be of your best interest to exit the building. Your dragon has something you may find peculiar." Twilight thanked the men and exited Lyra's house. As she exited the house, she found Rainbow Dash in a sort of pony puddle, with a look of dissolution on her face. "Rainbow Dash, what's wrong?" The pegasus sighed. "While you were gone, I went to get a newspaper for Rarity. Said she wanted read up on the fashion trends. And what should be on the front page? The Wonderbolts." "And this is a problem how?" "Soarin is in the hospital with a wing fracture! Apparently, a training exercise. Even if I get into the Wonderbolts, I won't be able to show him my tricks for who knows how long! He's my favorite, too." Twilight put her hoof around Dash. "I'm terribly sorry, Rainbow. Do you know which hospital he's at? Maybe you should go visit him." Choking back tears, Rainbow Dash nodded. "I don't know but I'll be sure to check. Thanks, Twilight. I will. Hey, why don't we all go? He's always craving attention, like yours truly." Twilight took note of this quick turnaround in Rainbow's emotions. Before she could answer, Spike cleared his throat. "Twi, the princess sent you this." He produced a letter he had coughed up. She took it from Spike: My dearest student, I request your presence posthaste in Canterlot. Perhaps you know of the matter that happened in your town of Ponyville regarding the unicorn Lyra Heartstrings? From what I remember, you two knew each other from your days in Canterlot. I wish to analyze this matter further and could use your help. Please board the next train along with my guardsmen. Your teacher, Princess Celestia Spike looked over her shoulder. "Woah, Twilight. I guess we won't see you for a bit. Are you sure you can't stay to visit Soarin?" "No time. The princess needs me and I'm not going to disappoint her. I'll be back by tomorrow. I promise. ===== January 31, Equestrian 3616 1400 hrs Royal Barracks Training Ground, Crystal Empire ===== Relax Breathe Under five seconds You can do this Up went the targets. With a quick charge, a horn cast six blasts in rapid succession. Each shattered with no terrible trouble. The bell sounded and resonated in the din of the hollow arena. All that remained was one unicorn in the center. His grey coat shone under the light of enchanted lanterns. His headband was slipping off his head, which he adjusted magically. His teal eyes glowed with a vicious amount of determination. He shook his long mane, which always got out of place when he was training and turned to face a wall. "Time?" "5.15 seconds." He breathed a exhalation of desperation. "Set them up again. I'm breaking my best today if it takes me all night." "You did fantastic, sir. Do come up, though. You've been summoned." He grunted a bit under his breath and walked up the stairs towards the control room. Inside, the various knobs and levers used to train the royal guard had been shut down. The crystal pony behind the controls nodded to the unicorn and introduced the messenger as one of the Nightguard. The unicorn nodded "How's it been, Willow. Is the teacher mysterious as ever?" The bat-like pegasus by the name of Willow chuckled under his breath. "You'll wish she'd be a bit more mysterious this time around." He produced a letter from his saddle bag which the unicorn levitated and read. My magnanimous student, I read your progress nightly, and it has come to my attention you are the best for the job. There has been an incident in which a unicorn has been taken into questioning at the Royal Court for attacking a pony with magic. Also, my dearest sister, Princess Celestia, has noted a new motivation for your arrival. I have noticed the autumnal moon has begun to misalign with several constellations, including the high stars Equuleus. This, of course, will tell you everything you need to know. That is, if your Fates Studies are proficient, which, from what I read, having been dropping off. Take the next train into Canterlot and see me as soon as you arrive. Your teacher, Princess Luna As the letter fell to the ground, the arena operator picked it up the letter. "Woah. This seems much more important than training. I'll let you go now. And sir, do you need me to pack anything?" He smiled with confidence. "No need. I've had my suitcase packed long in advance. Even if I didn't have it, this shouldn't take a day. Besides, no offense," the unicorn said, turning to the crystal pony, "but I rather been waiting to get called back to Canterlot. One can only take so much sparkling." > Revelation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 31st, Equestrian Year 3616 1700 hrs Canterlot Station ===== "Canterlot! Last stop on the Capital Line! Canterlot!" "Attention passengers, the connecting express to the Crystal Empire will be twelve minutes behind schedule. Have your tickets ready at Track 3." "All aboard! Last train to Manehattan!" The guardsmen were careful to shield Twilight from the hustle of the shuffling ponies, which she kindly denied. "Thank you, gentlemen, but I believe I can handle the crowds of the town where I was born." "Yes, miss. Strict protocol, however. Terribly sorry. In addition, we have precious cargo." Twilight turned to the leader of the patrol and asked, "So, when will we see the princess?" "That's the problem, miss." said the guard. "According to my schedule, she's in a meeting. We'll be getting there about the time she has dinner and from then on, it's up in the air in terms of what she wants to do. We're making good time, though. Shouldn't be too much of an issue and we should be able to catch her. Ah, the evidence arrives." The pegasus guards tasked with carrying the spell book in the container carried by two, only reserved for delicate operations, made their way off the train. It was made difficult as the doors impeded the progress of a two stallion operation, complete with yokes and all. The cold weather and recent rains in Canterlot made the going even more difficult. As soon as the first guard set foot off the train, he slipped on the ice, nearly falling out of his yoke connected to the containment unit. He quickly jumped up, shifting his eyes, and tried to muster up the fragments of his pride. The leader of the patrol leaned over to Twilight. "Forgive us for the recruits. They haven't had that much real world training." Twilight Sparkle shook her head. "No, it's alright. I forgive him if he's new. Just so long as we get the book back to Princess Celestia in time." One of the guards whispered his commanding officer. "Oh, my. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're behind schedule, thanks to the cold weather and timezone changes. Twenty minutes late, by the looks of it." Twilight felt her eye twitch with utter disgrace. Her screams could be heard in the streets just outside the station. "WHAT?! I CAN'T BE TARDY! MOVE IT! WE CAN MAKE DOUBLE-TIME, CAN'T WE? YOU, HOLD MY SADDLEBAG! HERE, I'LL CARRY IT, I'LL CARRY IT!!" ===== January 31, Equestrian 3616 1710 hrs Canterlot Station ===== The Nightguard exited the train, the grey unicorn in tow behind him. "Welcome back to the city, man. You'll find it hasn't changed much." "So I see. I suppose whatever has changed I read in the papers. Captain Shining Armor's the head of the Crystal Empire with his wife, a Draconequus is one of the royal advisors, and then there's the common complaints of wages and free expression by the lower class unicorns rippling through the underground. Did I get it all?" "Yes, but you missed the possibility of Canterlot being the host of the Equestria Games again." "Ah, I don't get to read the Sports column before one of the hired hands wants it. Anyway, didn't the reports say the Crystal Empire would be the most likely candidate?" "It's expected, but I don't see how Glittertown stands a chance. We already have the stadiums from ten years ago ready and able." "True, true. So, the old shortcut's still up and running?" "As always. We take that, we'll be at the castle before Luna even bats an eye to wake up." "Lead on, Willow. Lead on." ===== January 31, Equestrain Year 3616 1800 hrs Canterlot, Arts District and Royal District ===== It was a calm and brisk evening to stroll upon the cobbled promenade of Central Canterlot. All the long while, there was a feeling of commerce and vitality. The cafés were selling massive amounts of warm beverages, clothing stores ran the gamut on their winter line, young Filly Scouts were selling the yearly round of cookies to hungry unicorns, and the various odd and end shops carried on the same as every day, loyal patrons visiting as ever. Cozying up next to the Castle Grounds existed the Arts District, where several exhibitions of talent were showcased. At the Paradise Art Gallery, the up-and-comer Amethyst Star presented her Modern Society series. The Royal Opera Company was performing a critically acclaimed version of Beethoofen's Fillydelio. Even the local clubs hosted events throughout the week, from new bands to established DJs, and the ever popular karaoke night at the Red Pony. It was the height of Canterlot's commoner majesty. Of course, this was wasted on those who were already busy. "UUGH! UUUGGGHH! Can't you move any FASTER?" "We apologize, miss. But if we move any faster, it will disturb the contents inside. As it was proven, if we disturb it, there could be dire consequences. I have no intent on proving this with citizenry around." "No, no NO!" Twilight stomped the ground, making a scene. "By the time we get to the castle, the sun will have gone down, and we will be stuck. With a book, mind you, a book that can hurt us and everypony here." The guard's eyes widened. "You heard her men! On the double! Let's move!" By now, a crowd had formed around the caravan, making comments. "Is that the Royal Guard? Ooh, I just love a man in uniform!" "Hey, Twilight! Where have you been? Haven't seen you around the library." "What's that they're carrying? Looks important." The guards began forming a circle against the citizenry, protecting the cargo and using the basic vocal runarounds. "Nothing to see." "Please stand back." "Official business of royalty." "On a schedule." By the time they reached the castle gates, a large congregation of ponies had flocked to Twilight and the soldiers. As the gates opened from the inside by two unicorn guards, Twilight spun and turned on the mass. "Back. BACK I SAY! I have a book, and I'M. GOING. TO. READ. IT!" The crowd backed off slowly, letting the gates close on the small group. ===== Januray 31, 3616 2010 hrs Throne Room Antechamber, Canterlot Castle ===== Twilight Sparkle rushed into the main entrance, leaving the soldiers in the dust on the steps. The beautiful architecture and sprawling ceilings were lost to her, as she was dedicated to her mission with the most basic of needs. Come rain or flood, this book was to be delivered on time to the princess. So her face was one of devastation when she saw the doors to the throne room, closed for the night and a Nightguard, cloaked in his violet battle attire, leaning up against the wall of the Throne Room and posted at what should have been a Royal Guard patrol area. There was even a coy grin on his face, as if he was happy they missed a chance with the princess. With head still cocked downward, the Nightguard said, "Can I help you?" The patrol leader stepped forward and confronted his nocturnal equal. "You, Nightguard. Where is the Royal Guard that stands here normally?" The bat pegasus looked up with a odd, half-hearted stare. "Ah, well. You may want to ask one of your men. The schedule posted said someone by the name of...Heavy Wind was posted tonight." A noise came from the back of the caravan. "Oh my! I forgot, I forgot, I forgot!" It was the recruit from earlier who nearly dropped the book of spells. With a run, he came to stand at attention next to his superior officer, saluted, and huffed, "Premission...to defer from assignment...for guard duty...WHHOOHH, I'm out of shape...sir." "Clean yourself up, private, and return at once. Your armor is slightly off kilter and may I say you need to work on your calisthenics." "Right away, sir." With a salute, he turned to run towards the barracks to straighten himself out. The lead officer returned to the Nightguard. "So, where is Princess Celestia at this present moment?" At this point, the Nightguard stood at attention. "Sir, the princess has left for the night. She complained of migraines and left halfway through dinner to return to her bedchamber. We both know the winter months tax her daily, and she sleeps more often in these months." Twilight was crushed, further reminded she and the guards had missed their chance and were...tardy. "I missed her. How could I have missed the princess by that much? I should have accounted for this, given I've had to visit before during the winter. Is she alright? Is it okay for me to disturb her? Should I send the book up? Can we-" was the point the lead guard stuck his hoof out, letting her know she was rambling. The Nightguard looked at Twilight with confusion and back to the lead guard. "At this time, my master, Princess Luna, is beginning her nightly routine, and will start her watch in two hours. However, I did not know they asked for Celestia's student." "Excuse me," Twilight retorted, "but I believe the letter I received stated I would arrive to help the princess, and clearly shows I would be warmly welcomed." With a flick of her horn, she retrieved the note from the saddlebag she was carrying and passed it to the Nightguard. While scanning the letter, he started to laugh. "Oh, that's great. Just perfect. No, no, there's a misunderstanding. You see, I have a client which I escorted from the Crystal Empire as well who is investigating the Heartstrings case." "And who would this pony be?" "The student of Princess Luna, of course." Once again, the shouting of Twilight could be heard from far away, even passed the palace gates. "WHAT?!" The lead guard had to restrain Twilight, who at this point was near unsalvageable. "Forgive me for asking this," he continued, "but when has Princess Luna had a student?" "Since her reinstatement as princess, now that you mention it. You don't see him much mainly because he hasn't done anything spectacular yet. In fact, the only reason I know of Miss Sparkle here is because of her constant appearances in the paper. 'Chrysalis Catastrophe Averted', 'Crystal Empire Saved from Maniac', 'Lord of Chaos Enchants Tableware, Learns of Friendship'. Quite a resume, there." "That last one was technically my friend, Fluttershy, but that doesn't matter because WHY IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA HAVEN'T I BEEN TOLD OF A SECOND STUDENT?" The Nightguard looked her in the eyes, dead set on intimidating her with a blank stare. "Do not yell at me." Twilight tried to counter with her own. For a moment, nopony moved. Nopony even breathed. The tension between them was as muggy and charged as a raincloud. "Private Heavy Wind, reporting for guard duty, sir!" Everyone turned to face the pegasus from earlier returned as he saluted his superior, armor shined to a glimmer. The Nightguard smiled darkly at the lead guard, who sighed and turn to salute the private. No pony moved as the two remained saluting. Then the head guard murmured, "Salute the Nightguard, not me." "Oh right!" He turned to his right to the Nightguard and saluted. "Private Heavy Wind, reporting for duty!" The Nightguard, choking back a laugh, saluted in turn. "Lance Corporal Willow, exiting from duty." As the two switched roles, the Nightguard faced Twilight Sparkle. "It appears we will have to improvise, what with Celestia gone to bed. May I suggest returning the book to where it belongs for now? Namely the Royal Library." Twilight turned back to the lead guard, who nodded in agreement, and ordered his men along to the library. As he was leaving, he turned back to Twilight. "I have a feeling this will not be the last we hear of the book. Even if Miss Heartstrings is acquitted, we still have the matter of the power this book contains. Not to mention the repercussions of her tampering with it. If you're ever in Canterlot and Celestia isn't around, Miss Sparkle, ask for Captain Frostwing near the barracks." "Oh, so you're the new captain I've been hearing about? I take it you know my brother then." "Um, no, just a lieutenant. Lieutenant Redlane, to be precise. Can't say I want the job of captain, though. Frostwing knows his stuff and as it is, my men are enough to deal with." he said, as he eyed Heavy Wind. "It was good to see you again, Miss Sparkle." As Redlane caught up his way with the patrol, Willow turned back to Twilight. "Before I go, I must warn you about the student you are about to meet. I made sure his identity has thus been kept secret, as Princess Luna was very specific in her request that he would be the one to introduce himself. He specifically requested the Hall of Triumph to meet you, which Heavy Wind will let you into. What I am about to say does not reflect my attitude towards him. He is still a very nice pony to know and I guarantee you and him should find much in common." Willow continued. "I am an old friend of his and I have noticed in recent months that he refuses to make any effort at socialization. Always training, up in that stuffy Crystal Empire, thinking his magic is weak. No offense to Prince Shining Armor, mind you, but he's stir crazy from all the glittering. I for one think he could even go toe to toe with you, but he refuses to listen to opinion. If you can, please suggest to him a trip to the Arts District or something with you accompanying him." Twilight though of this and was somewhat shocked at this proposition. "You want me to, umm, take him on a...? Oh no no no no! That is out of the question. I mean, yes, I'm comfortable with other ponies, but I don't know him!" "You fillies, always having the worst impression about stallions. Just get him out of the castle and back into Canterlot society. For both our sakes. As Lieutenant Redlane mentioned, find me if you require assistance. Though, I'm confident in your abilities. That being said, I can FINALLY take a load off. Karaoke night, here I come!" He turned to the castle doors, which were opened by a unicorn guard, and confidently strode outside. This left Twilight Sparkle alone with several watchguards. As the door closed, it gave a resounding boom against the high ceilings. Heavy Wind motioned to the door he guarded. It was the way to the Hall of Triumph. Twilight Sparkle took an uncomfortable to swallow her fear. Princess Celestia, I do hope you know what you're doing. The door was opened, revealing the beautiful stained glass that told the story of Equestria, from it's founding to the defeat of King Sombra. Her past, her present, and her future, expansed in front of her. She breathed deep. "You can do it, Miss Sparkle." Twilight turned to Heavy Wind, who couldn't have been more than an older colt. She smiled at the recruit, and confidently walked in. The door closed behind her with a second foreboding slam, which echoed even further than the first. The halls of Canterlot Castle grew silent yet again.