• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 632 Views, 1 Comments

So Cute, So Evil. - ToxicZpony

 It was a normal happy day in Ponyville, as all went on there way. Twilight was especially happy today she was going to help Applejack, when she stumbled across a find that would change the face of Equestria for all time.

  • ...

A New Kind Of Friendship

Dash got up from the bed and began to pace. "Well I-" Rainbow was stopped by a loud knock on her front door. "I better go get that!" she said and ran down before Fluttershy could answer.
Rainbow opened the door and was greeted by Pinkie who was sitting in her hot air balloon "DASH!" she yelled "HOW COULD YOU!" Rainbow backed away from the door. "BRING THAT MURDEROUS MEANINE OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" Rainbow didn't say anything she just slammed her door and ran back upstairs.
"Something wrong Dash?" Fluttershy asked innocently
"Pinkies outside she saw us last night!" Dash said while pacing around the room.
Fluttershy grew angry "Come on Dash don't let that pink fur ball intimidate you!" Dash looked at her rainbow covered friend "Go out there and force her to keep her mouth shut!"
Dash nodded and walked out of the room. Fluttershy followed her shortly after. Fluttershy eventually got close enough to the door to hear the two argue.
"PINKIE" Yelled Dash "Keep your mouth shut or I'll use your tail to keep it shut!"
For a moment there was no noise then Pinkie started to cry "How could you side with her Dash. You're the element of loyalty, yet look you siding with her just because. Why?" Pinkie continued to cry.
"Pinkie it's more than that, I'm not sure you can understand, but, you don't have to. Tomorrow we're gone." With that Dash closed the door on the crying earth pony. And Dash started to cry to but Fluttershy walked over to her.
"I'm glad you chose me Dashie." Rainbow smiled at Fluttershy and tried to hug her but Fluttershy stopped her hug with a kiss. And they both seemed to forget all of their troubles.
Half an hour later, back in Rainbow's room
"What should I pack Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked bringing out a suitcase
Fluttershy stared out the window "Well a dress and that should be good."
Rainbow looked around "All I have is the one from the Gala." She said sadly.
Fluttershy looked at her new apprentice "No matter, we'll be stopping by Rarity's before we go."
Rainbow looked confused "What for?"
Fluttershy smiled "My dress of course." She giggled and Rainbow joined in.
When they finished laughing Rainbow looked at Fluttershy's horn. "How do I get one of those?"
Fluttershy frowned a bit "You'll see in due time, for now lets go surprise Rarity." Fluttershy didn't wait for a response she was already out the door and at the top of her stairs, Rainbow quickly followed.
They reached the front door and still heard sobbing "Maybe we shouldn't go outside yet." Dash said scared a bit.
Fluttershy smiled. "If you want to be as good as me you have to do stuff you're not going to want to do." With that Fluttershy threw the door open.
"YOU!" Screamed Pinkie the second the door was open "YOU'RE THE REASON SHES DEAD!" Pinkie was trying to reach Fluttershy from the balloons basket.
"So you've seen my handy work? Well I knew I was famous around here but to be noticed for my work is an honor." Fluttershy said sarcastically, but Pinkie just kept reaching for Fluttershy with pure anger all over her face. "Pinkie would you be a kind fan and move that piece of junk before something happens you'll regret." Pinkie stopped reaching for Fluttershy and sat there.
"Like what?" She said in a pouting voice
"Oh I don't know, maybe something to do with that little green thing you call a pet, or maybe it could deal with the Cakes but like I said I don't know." Fluttershy smiled at Pinkies reaction.
"You… You wouldn't, would you?" she asked tears welling in her eyes again. Fluttershy didn't say anything she just stared at Pinkie. Eventually Pinkie nodded and moved the balloon enough for them to pass. Fluttershy's smile grew and Dash started smiling too. Fluttershy waved her head forward and took off. Dash followed suit only to be grabbed by Pinkie at the last second. "Please!" she yelled.
"Wait up a second Fluttershy" Dash yelled "Pinkie I don't want to hurt you!" Dash said softly but quietly Pinkie didn't let up.
"Come on Dash I want to get there before she opens!" Fluttershy yelled
"Pinkie!" Dash yelled; then flew up lifting her out of the basket. "This is your last chance!" Dash continued. Pinkie shook her head "1…" Dash began to count. "2…" She lifted her free back leg "3!" she kicked Pinkie off her and she missed the basket and plummeted into a small pond on the ground under Dash's house. At first Dash wanted to go see if she was okay but then she just flew off. Smiling from the rush of being so horribly mean.
Five minutes later at Rarity's boutique
Rarity sighed as she put Fluttershy's dress away "It would've made a lovely surprise." She walked upstairs and began to work on a new dress. When the bell on the door rang. "I'll be with you in just a moment!" she yelled downstairs.
"You sure you can't spare a moment for a friend Rarity?" shouted Rainbow.
"I told you I'd be down in a moment!" Rarity said on the last few stairs. Rainbow blushed.
"So do you have a moment?" Asked Fluttershy from behind Rarity
"WHAT!" She screamed then ran toward the front door but, she was blocked by Rainbow.
"Rarity I came here to ask if you could give me my dress and make Rainbow a new one? Oh, and have you seen a black cat." Rarity pointed to the corner of the room and Fluttershy ran over to Midnight.
"What is she doing here?" Rarity whispered to Rainbow
Rainbow just smiled "Don't worry we'll be gone before anyone else comes in." Rarity worried a bit more then turned around.
"Fluttershy." Rarity began "I'll make your dresses, just please don't hurt me!" Fluttershy walked over to Rarity.
"I'm hurt you would say such a thing Rarity!" Fluttershy picked up some scissors with her horn and walked towards Rarity "It's very un-lady like!" Fluttershy thrust the scissors less then an inch from Rarity's eye. She just stood there stricken in fear. Fluttershy dropped the scissors "Now I trust you won't tell anyone?" Rarity nodded and Fluttershy smiled Rainbow joined in the fun with an even bigger smile.
"Good we'll be here tomorrow after closing." Rainbow said still smiling. Fluttershy nodded to Midnight and he jumped on her back and trotted out with Rainbow on her heels.
Rarity stood there in awe for about a minute when she ran upstairs and stared on the new dresses.
"I think you're ready!" Fluttershy said gleefully "Though let's do this in private… say my place?"
"Now?" Rainbow asked
"Yep, now!" Fluttershy finished and Rainbow just started stamping her hooves in joy.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Rainbow said as she flew up
"You!" Fluttershy said as she flew past Rainbow
About 5 minutes later Fluttershy's cottage
The yard was desolate and barren all the animals had left even Angel. Fluttershy's windows were boarded up and the door had a chain holding it to the wall. "Home sweet home…" Fluttershy said as she entered. It looked even creepier as they went inside the house was dark and covered in plastic and it smelled like a bunch of different chemicals. But neither of them noticed, they were to happy with each other to care.
"So…" Rainbow began "How do we go about doing this?"
Fluttershy frowned "This may hurt and don't expect it to happen over one night." Then she nodded and Midnight leapt down off Fluttershy's back and walked over to Rainbow and started licking his paw.
Rainbow looked at the cat then back at Fluttershy "You're joking right?" Fluttershy just stood there staring at Rainbow "Why he couldn't hurt a fl-"she was cut off by a pain in her foot "OW! The little bastard cut me!"
Fluttershy smiled "Now this may get a bit scary but just think of me and I'll help you." She said as Rainbow fell to the floor. Rainbow was trying to stay awake but couldn't keep her eyes open. She closed them then she felt Fluttershy lie down next to her and start singing a soft song as Dash fell asleep.
Fluttershy smiled then got back up. "This may get messy… I better get some rags!" She happily walked into her kitchen still humming the lullaby. Dash woke up to the sound of flapping wings. When she opened her eyes she was flying. "DASH WHICH WAY!" yelled a familiar voice from behind her. It was one of the Wonder Bolts "WHICH WAY!" he yelled again Dash looked in front of her and there was two cloud formations one with a puffy, white, soft look, and then another dark, thick, rain cloud.
"THE RAINCLOUD!" She yelled looking back only to see he was gone. She looked forward again and ran into a tree, but not just any tree it was Twilight's tree.
On the door read a sign saying open, Dash looked at the sign funny "Open?" she said aloud confused. She got up and walked inside and called for someone, no one answered. But she knew somepony was in there with her because of a soft crying. Rainbow walked upstairs and saw Applejack sitting at Twilights desk. Rainbow walked over to her and saw a picture over Applejack's shoulder. The picture frame had two pictures inside it; on the top was a picture of the six playing happily together and the bottom was of Applejacks sister, brother, and grandmother all making a silly face for the camera. On the side of the picture was a burn mark.
Suddenly Applejack's head shot up and she got up and walked downstairs not noticing Rainbow as she followed Applejack down stairs. When she hit the bottom step she was inside the royal palace's treasury. Gold and other precious items were sacked as high as she could see. She walked back from the vault and went up the stairs looking behind her hoping to see Applejack again.
Only his time Dash wasn't in the library. She was in Sugar Cube Corner where Mister and Misses Cake were sitting at a table wearing all black. Rainbow went up the stairs behind the Cake's. This time the scene didn't change, she was still in Sugar Cube Corner she had just walked up the stairs and was now staring a Pinky's door. Dash opened it and saw the room empty except for a few boxes and a hole in the wall. Rainbow backed up and tripped down the stairs but before she hit the bottom of the stairs she was flying again.
"WHICH WAY!" Yelled another voice Rainbow looked behind her and saw Midnight. Rainbow screamed and closed her eyes. About five minutes later she opened them again and she was in Canterlot's Town Square staring a the royal guard. They were at the ready, about to attack. Rainbow backed up and the guard followed her. Suddenly one leaped forward towards Rainbow and she closed her eyes. When nothing hit she opened them to see them all dead or dying. She looked towards the fountain in the very center it ran red with blood , then she saw Midnight drinking from the fountain's edge. "Very impressive!" he started "Fluttershy was right about you, you will make a good care-taker!" Rainbow didn't say anything. "You know this will become common so you shouldn't fight it." Rainbow just kept staring at Midnight "Not very talkative are you? Oh well" he said with a sigh then he started coughing. Rainbow heard the sound of cracking bones, or was it wood? It didn't matter because she was too busy with the massive cat creature that was now standing in front of her. It walked closer to Rainbow she wanted to scream but she couldn't open her mouth. Finally the creature reached her. "WHAT? YOU WON'T EVEN SCREAM FOR ME!" He roared and its roar shook the Earth she stood on. "Fine!" it said. The creature stared getting closer to her face. When its' slimy face was touching her's it lunged at her and started seeping into Rainbow's eyes, it felt like fire. Now, she started screaming; in pain, then she was choking, as the cat creature started entering through her mouth.
She laid down accepting defeat and in about a minute the creature had finally stopped whatever it was doing to her. The she let out another scream of pain, this time waking up. Her head felt like it was just hit by an anvil and wings felt as if they had been put on the rack. She felt a soothing touch on her back though all the pain. She heard Fluttershy singing and felt her hugging Dash. Fluttershy was sing her famous lullaby to Rainbow during the worst pain Rainbow had ever experienced.
"Hush now quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head…" Rainbow could never hear the end she had already fallen asleep again even though she was in so much pain.
"Thank you Flut-ter…" she drifted back into sleep and Fluttershy just smiled. "Well that was interesting last night!" Rainbow Dash woke up to a voice echoing through the empty house. Dash looked around and realized she was in a bed. "Fluttershy must have moved me here last night!" Rainbow thought to herself. She got up and looked out the window it was almost noon by the look of the sun. Suddenly a loud meow came from behind Rainbow and she turned around.
"Was that you talking!" she said in a scared voice, Midnight licked his paw then opened his mouth.
"Of course it was me Dashie!" Fluttershy cheerfully said as she entered the room. Rainbow jumped again seeing her friend covered in blood again. Fluttershy looked at her oddly "You don't remember?"
"R-remember what?" Dash replied, Fluttershy didn't say anything she just picked up a mirror and showed Rainbow. "Is that a- and are those my!" Fluttershy nodded Then Rainbow let out a squeal of joy! "FLUTTERSHY, THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Dash ran over to her and gave her a hug not caring about the blood on Fluttershy.
"Just to tell you Dashie…" Rainbow looked at her friend "… It's your blood." Dash sat there for a second and it all came back to her.
Dash had woken up around sunset yesterday in pain it was like she was hit by Celestia's horn while she was doing a Sonic Rainboom. It had been like no other pain, not only physically but it was like she was also living every bad experience from the time she fell and broke her wing as a filly to when one of her best friends died when she was a mare. Suddenly Rainbow thought of Twilight and how she died and she realized she didn't care as long as it wasn't her or Fluttershy she didn't care. Dash looked up at her friend who understood how she felt. "I think you should know why you feel this way…"
Three hours later Rarity's boutique
"One last stitch annnnd: DONE!" Rarity announced to Sweetie Belle "That's how you make a dress Sweetie Belle! Sweetie Belle?" Rarity turned behind her and saw Sweetie had fallen asleep on some fabric Rarity smiled then walked over and nudged her. "Come on wake up dearie, your friends will be here any second to get you for Applebloom's slumber party." Sweetie belle woke up smiling from the kindness in Rarity's voice.
"But Rarity, it's here tonight." Rarity shot her head up
"NO, no, no I'm to busy! Go stay with Scootaloo!" Rarity demanded
"But her parents are out of town!" Sweetie Belle protested
"Then go stay with Applebloom!" Rarity said now calming down
"But the reason she's over here is because Applejack said she had some company over tonight and she needed some…" Sweetiebelle tried to sound out the word "sun-tiu-al time alone."
Rarity frowned "Sensual and tell her no guys friends tonight!" Rarity was now speaking fast again. Then there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" Sweetie said already running down the stairs. Rarity chased after her. Rarity was just about to turn the corner when she heard a grim voice.
"Is she ready?" it said
"Well for what?" Sweetie asked
"THE CUTIE MARK CURSADERS SLEEPOVER!" they all yelled happily Rarity turned the corner to stop them from coming in but she was too late they were already trying to hogtie Opal.
"Girls?" Rarity said "Girls?" she said louder "GIRLS!" she finally yelled they all stopped dead in their tracks. "Please I am busy tonight go stay with Applejack and her colt friend."
Applebloom spoke up "We can't Rarity, My sister locked the door behind me." That meant there was only one other place to go, Pinkie's house and she hadn't been herself she always seemed angry or sad. Just nothing a child should see.
"Well I..." Rarity started "I guess you can" She said reluctantly they let out a cheer of joy "Just do as I say this one time! Please it's very important!" They all nodded in agreement with Rarity then they chased Opal again. "At least they'll be safe." Rarity whispered Rainbow Dash sat on the bed in awe "A- are you sure that's how it'll be Fluttershy?" She nodded solemnly "Well at least it's with you!" Dash said cheerfully and forcing a smile. Fluttershy returned the smile then gave Dash a kiss on her cheek.
"Our dresses should be ready by now." Fluttershy said not breaking her eye contact with Rainbow. Dash just blushed then got up and almost fell over still not used to how her body had changed.
"Alright then Fluttershy, lets pay a visit to Rarity!" They both walked down the stairs and past the kitchen Rainbow walked in there. "Actually Fluttershy, why don't you go ahead? I'll make a thank you gift for Rarity."
"Da-" Fluttershy was cut off by one of Rainbows kisses. Fluttershy forgot what she was saying or even doing she just closed her eyes and paid attention to her friend. After what seemed to them like an eternity Rainbow finally broke the kiss. Fluttershy backed up a bit and stood there with her eyes still closed.
"Please…" Rainbow said her overwhelmed friend. She didn't say anything she just nodded and walked lazily out her door. Rainbow turned around and ran to underneath her sink and picked up a long bottle. "It's that rainy day!" she said happily.
Meanwhile at the boutique
"Now girls please listen I've got Fluttershy and Rainbow Da-" Rarity was cut off by Scootaloo jumping around yelling in joy. "SCOOTALOO SIT!" Rarity yelled in very stern and harsh voice. She immedialty stopped and sat behind Sweetiebelle. She looked at the other fillies then continued "Dash and they're not feeling well, not WELL at all, so I'm going to give them there dresses and your all going to stay in my room and play hide and seek and when I get up there I'll find you all." The three looked excited then confused.
"If they're not feeling well, why are we playing hide and seek?" Sweetiebelle asked
"Yea!" Scootaloo added
"We should make them some soup!" Applebloom said randomly
"YEA SOUP, MAKING CUTIE MARKS!" The other two yelled.
Rarity took it all in for a second then yelled "NO THEY'RE VERY SICK! AND I DON'T WANT-" Rarity suddenly stopped in midsentence since they were all bowing. "I'm glad you see it my way!" Rarity finished in a huff, after a minute no one said anything "Well what are you still doing bowing?" Sweetie pointed behind Rarity. Rarity swallowed hard then turned around and was greeted by a long pink mane in her face. She suddenly backed up pushing the fillies back with her.
"Who's very sick Rarity?" Fluttershy said slyly but smiling all the while "Oh it doesn't matter. It seems you have the Crusaders tonight." Rarity didn't say anything she just started pushing the terrified fillies upstairs. Fluttershy just kept smiling as she did, once Scootaloo had finally moved and gone upstairs Rarity walked to Fluttershy and jumped up putting her two front legs on Fluttershy's chest.
"You can scare me, but don't you ever scare them again!" Rarity sounded furious but kept her voice down. Fluttershy just chuckled a bit the walked backwards making Rarity lose her balance and fall on her face. That's when Fluttershy lost it and broke out laughing. Rarity got up, her nose was bleeding. "Yes, ha, ha very funny, now can you just get you dresses and leave." Now she sounded annoyed Fluttershy stopped laughing and nodded. Rarity walked over to a chest and picked it up using magic. "that'll be two hundred forty bits." Rarity said
"Oh sure, Rarity!" Fluttershy turned around and then moved the chest with her magic then bucked Rarity in the chest. Rarity flew backwards and hit the wall. "Keep the change." Fluttershy said as she walked out. She got outside and bucked the door closed. When she did the handle broke. She smiled at her handiwork and at Rainbow finally arriving with a bottle in her mouth. "What are you going to do with that Dash?" Fluttershy asked confused.
Rainbow put the bottle down and kissed Fluttershy again "Wait and see dear, wait and see." Rainbow pulled out a book one that Fluttershy recognized then she smiled. Rainbow focused on the book then the bottle. Suddenly the rag that had been stuffed in the opening lit ablaze. Rainbow picked it up and threw it at the boutique. The wall caught fire and the fire quickly spread. In a mere matter of minutes the whole house was ablaze and the fire was spreading to the trees and such. Rainbow turned around then heard screaming she turned back towards the blaze and saw Scootaloo with her head out the window. She was screaming for Rainbow and behind her Rainbow barely saw Applebloom she was screaming too, but not like Scootaloo. She was screaming because her mane was on fire. Fluttershy just stood there in awe of what her apprentice had done; after all it was only day one.
Rainbow suddenly collapsed to the ground crying. Fluttershy knew what was happening she walked over to Dash and pulled her face up so they could meet eyes. Then Fluttershy picked her up with magic and kissed her. This time Dash was caught off guard and melted, after five minutes Fluttershy broke the kiss and stared back at the fire Scootaloo was gone and so was the top floor. Rainbow started flying on her own "Fluttershy?" she turned her attention back to her friend "Can we spend one more night in my room?" Rainbow said blushing Fluttershy nodded then kissed her on the cheek. Rainbow let out a sigh and flew lazily back home, not noticing the wild fire she had started.
The Next Day about two in the morning
Rainbow laid next to Fluttershy covered in Rainbows again this time she knew what happened. Dash let out a sigh of relief "You know something Fluttershy?" Fluttershy woke up a bit "A mare could really get used to this!" Fluttershy clung a cloud pillow on top of Dash while making and angry grunting noise. "Sorry hun" Dash laid there and slowly drifted back off into sleep. Dreaming of the best sleepover she ever had that night.
Next Fluttershy woke up about an hour later finding she was covered in rainbows again. "Dam that girl loves those fountains!" Fluttershy whispered. She got up and walked around the dark house, leaving a glowing trail of rainbows. She went into the kitchen and noticed the cupboards open, inside was a bunch of different liquors. Rainbow had flown across the world before so Fluttershy guessed it made sense for Rainbow to have all this. Fluttershy smiled and grabbed a small bottle and tasted it immediately spitting it back out. "CELESTIA, THAT'S STRONG!" she yelled. She put the cap back on and grabbed a bottle of wine and walked back upstairs. She walked into the room quietly so as not to wake the lusty pegasus, she put the bottle on the night stand and fell back asleep. The best she could anyway since Dash was moaning and kicking.

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