• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 631 Views, 1 Comments

So Cute, So Evil. - ToxicZpony

 It was a normal happy day in Ponyville, as all went on there way. Twilight was especially happy today she was going to help Applejack, when she stumbled across a find that would change the face of Equestria for all time.

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Prolouge (I Guess)

"Spike!" Called a purple pony "Watch the library I'm going to Applejacks." All she got was a couple of loud mumblings "Thanks Spike." She called, happily trotting out the door.
It was another joyous day in Ponyville maybe a little hot but other wise a perfect day. Twilight was on her merry way to Applejack's orchard, to help with bucking some trees when Rarity stopped her "Twilight have you seen Opal around he's been gone for about a day now?"
Twilight frowned a bit at her friend "No sorry, I haven't. Where was he last?"
Rarity looked towards her boutique "Well, when I let him out yesterday, he was walking towards Sugar Cube Corner." Rarity pointed there "Oh what am I going to do Twilight?" She asked with genuine concern.
"Well you could ask Pinkie if she's seen him." suggested Twilight.
"Good idea!" Then Rarity ran towards Sugar Cube Corner.
"Your welcome." Mumbled Twilight, as she turned around, there was Opal. And another cat was with him, pure black with fiery eyes and he was just staring at Twilight "There you are Opal and looks like you made a friend. Let's get you home Opal." Twilight said lift him using her magic. About three minutes later she was at the boutique and Rarity was running around on the roof looking for Opal, Twilight whistled and yelled "This who your looking for?"
Rarity looked over the edge of the roof and jumped down. She picked up Opal "Oh where were you? Mommy was so worried for you!" Opal just grunted.
"What about this one?" said Twilight pointing to the strange black cat that she had found with Opal.
"I've never seen him in my life, though if you get him cleaned up I'll gladly take him." Twilight look at the cat and realized he was filthy and smelled like he just rolled in garbage.
"Sure I'll take him to Fluttershy's. She knows how to clean cats I hope." With that Twilight started walking back to her house. "I'm going to see what breed you are!" She chuckled. A few minutes later they were at her home "Welcome mister cat to my ho-" she was cut off by the door slamming into her.
"OH, A KITTY CAT!" yelled an over-zealous pony, Twilight just grunted as she opened the door back up.
"Hey Fluttershy." Twilight said when she saw who the pony was "Oh he's so beautiful Twilight can I keep him! Unless of course he's yours or someone has dibs on him."
Twilight smiled "You can have him I'm sure Rarity won't mind, can I just keep him for a few more minutes? I want to see what breed he is."
Fluttershy nodded and walked back in carrying her new pet.
"Spike, can you get me the book on-" started Twilight, and was cut off by Spike this time, he was shoving a book in her face. "Thanks." She said smiling then dove nose first into the book. "No, no, no, no he's definitely not that no" she mumbled to herself.
"So what should we call you?" Fluttershy asked the cat "Whiskers!" The cat looked away "How about Midnight?" The cat looked at her and purred "Midnight it is then!" Fluttershy started to smile when she heard a gasp from Twilight.
"It says he is The Breed with No Name. They were hunted to extinction before modern science had a chance to name them..." She continued reading even faster "… Some ponies believe a few survived and those that did have a certain ability to ward off attackers."
"Like what?" Fluttershy asked sheepishly.
"Well….. Nopony knows, this is the first recorded sighting for more than a thousand years." replied Twilight.
Fluttershy grinned "Hear that Midnight? Your special!" the cat just licked his paw and then looked out the window and Fluttershy did the same.
"Well I'm done with him you can go home now if you want Fluttershy….. Fluttershy?" She was just looking out the window in some sort of trance. "Hmm?" Fluttershy said now looking at the cat. "You can go now. Are you feeling ok?" Twilight asked concerned
"Yea I'm fine we should go it's a long walk." Fluttershy then looked at Twilight "Thanks and bye!" She said with a smile then walked outside. How odd Twilight thought to herself.
About an hour later at Fluttershy's cottage.
"So here's your new home Midnight." Fluttershy said. The cat looked up at the trees then at a pond then slowly walked towards a family of ducks. Fluttershy was already walking to her cottage when she heard a little duckling shriek and she ran back to the pond "NO!" She yelled at her new pet and he dropped the duck but it was to late. Fluttershy walked over to the cat and used her stare "IF YOU EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT…" The cat was walking backwards and Fluttershy was following him "… AGAIN I'LL MAKE SURE SOMETHING EVEN WORSE…" The cat bumped into a rock but Fluttershy was closing the distance "… HAPPENS TO YOU MISTER EVIL FACE! NOW GO OVER THERE AND APOLIGIZE TO HIS MOTHER!" Fluttershy stamped her hoof on the ground and scared the cat it lunged and cut her right hoof badly then ran into the woods. "Good riddance." She said then she walked over to the duck family "I'm so sorry that happened I'll make sure it never, never ever happens again, and we'll bury him tomorrow." Fluttershy meant to say now but she was suddenly extremely tired she walked to her cottage opened and closed the door
"SURPRISE!" yelled a bunch of ponies Fluttershy couldn't see who they were because the lights had been turning on so fast.
"Thanks… I… I…" Fluttershy collapsed on the floor.
"Quick someone call the paramedics!" yelled a pony that sounded like Rainbow Dash.
"I'm going to sleep now…" Fluttershy mumbled then she blacked-out.