• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 632 Views, 1 Comments

So Cute, So Evil. - ToxicZpony

 It was a normal happy day in Ponyville, as all went on there way. Twilight was especially happy today she was going to help Applejack, when she stumbled across a find that would change the face of Equestria for all time.

  • ...

Hidden Little Bunny

*Chapter 1: Act 1: Hidden Little Bunny*
"Quick give me 20 CC's of-"
"Fluttershy… Fluttershy…" A soft voice cried out "Hello?" the little yellow pony cried back "Please say something!" She looked around and all she saw was puffy white clouds.
"Fluttershy…" the voice seemed to be coming from a certain direction
"I- I- I'm coming." She said sheepishly she walked through a puffy cloud and closed her eyes when she opened them she saw she was at home but all of her animal friends were gone. "Angel… Midnight… anyone?" she heard a soft whimper come from the pond. She walked over "Little Duckling!" She cried "You're ok!" the duck started crying "What's wrong little guy?" she asked in a worried tone. The duck pointed towards the pond and there floating on the surface were two older ducks but they were dead.
"Oh I'm sorry litt-" she looked back at the duckling and saw Midnight crunching on the little guy "She shooed off the cat and turned around and saw Angel by the front door starved to death. She ran over to help him but when she touched him he turned to dust "Angel?" She turned around and saw the cat again.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" she screamed. Now as she cried the cat walked up to her and licked his paw. Then through the pain of what she had seen came a new pain, a pain like no other she had felt before. It pierced through her skull, like someone had taken a nail and forced it through her head. Fluttershy screamed in pain and cried. When it was over she looked at the cat "Did you do this?"
At the Hospital - Room 135 ICU
"Do think she'll pull through?" Twilight asked the doctor
"Well she's stable but appears to be in a coma. She may come to tonight or tomorrow. It's like her mind is overloaded not dead." The doctor replied in a grave voice.
"Thank you, doctor." Twilight said and she turned around to her friends sitting in Fluttershy's room they all put their heads down at the news "Well at least she'll live." Twilight tried to say cheerfully
"I just want to know what did this to her!" Rarity said in a hushed roar
"If I find out it was one of those fillies I can't be held responsible for what I do!" Applejack added. Rainbow Dash just sat there quietly crying for her friend and Pinkie was still at Fluttershy's house trying to straighten the place up. Finally after signing some papers Twilight sat down and sighed "We can't be here all night we should go to the waiting room so we don't get in the way."
Rainbow got up and in a quiet roar yelled "I'm not leaving until she wakes up!"
Applejack got up "Come on sugar cube we don't want to mess anything up do we?" Rainbow grabbed Fluttershy's arm "No!" she yelled. Right after that Fluttershy screamed a bloody murder make all the ponies jump on that floor. Then some nurses came running and pushed Rainbow aside.
"Leave all of you now!" One of the nurses yelled. As soon as she said that they were out of the room.
"Did I do that?" Rainbow began to cry, Applejack put her arm around Dash "C'mon sugar cube lets go to the waiting room."
About an hour later, "Excuse me doctor… How's Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked as he walked past.
He looked at Rainbow then at her friends "I- I don't know…"
The doctor looked at his clipboard "See for yourself." He said grimly Rainbow ran down the hall with her friends at her heels when they got there they couldn't believe what they saw. On Fluttershy forehead there was a unicorn's horn about as big as Twilight's and she still had her wings, which looked like they grew by about four inches.
When Rainbow saw the horn it was still covered in blood along with most of Fluttershy's face. "What… What happened?" Rainbow sat down in disbelief.
"That's just it…" said another doctor "…We've never seen this it's something completely new." Just then Fluttershy woke up and saw the world blood red and screamed again, this time not as loudly.
"What's going on? Who are you? How'd I get here? Where are my friends!" Fluttershy was yelling
"Shhhh" Dash said to Fluttershy "Were right here all of us."
Fluttershy didn't hear Dash she has passed out from fear "Quick clean her eyes we don't need that happening again." ordered Dash.
*Act 2: Is this A Dream?*
"Did you do this to me?" Fluttershy asked in agony "MIDNIGHT SAY SOMETHING!" Fluttershy started to cry from all of this it didn't makes sense it was like she was in a dream but it was all too real. Finally Fluttershy heard a noise other than that of despair. It was a voice she recognized. Her friend, Rainbow was flying down from a cloud.
"Hey, Fluttershy!" The cyan Pegasus said cheerfully, Fluttershy smiled and hugging Rainbow she closed her eyes. She was so happy she felt like it was all finally over. But, it was just the opposite, she felt something move, something that didn't feel right. She opened her eyes and the world around her was in flames. She was holding a torch; in front of her was a house. A house she'd never seen it before, it was on fire. Suddenly she threw the torch through the window.
Then she realized there were two scared children screaming for help. She ran in only to find she was inside Rainbow's home Rainbow was asleep on her bed so Fluttershy went to wake her.
"Rainbow wake up!" She pleaded she got no response no she tapped the pegasus. Rainbow fell off the bed next to her on the nightstand was some sort of herb, Fluttershy sniffed it, it was a poisonous plant. Even Fluttershy could recognize just by the smell. There was a note on the nightstand as well. It read;
*Hello Everypony,*
*I wish I could've told you this in person but you would've talked me out of it and it's just not worth living in a world where the one you love the one you show affection for betrays you and breaks your heart. I just couldn't keep it up so good-bye I don't regret a thing and I loved you all.*
*Rainbow Dash*
When Fluttershy finished reading the note she wanted to run but couldn't, she tried to scream but couldn't either. So she just stood there and closed her eyes when she opened them. She was in Canterlot in the town square everypony shutting their windows and doors as she walked past she snuck up on one.
"Excuse me?" She started
"Here have it I didn't want it anyway!" The pony yelled and shoved apples in her face and ran off. She chased him back into the square where she noticed Royal Guard everywhere but dead. Then she looked in the very middle of the square and saw Midnight again.
"What is this?" she yelled at the cat "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!" She screamed now crying. "IS THIS FUN FOR YOU?"
"No, he said." In a deep harsh voice "It's payback."
"Oh the contraire….." he said happily "…You'll be taking care of me royally from now on!" While he spoke he turned into a horrid beast, extending his legs well above Fluttershy, unhinged his mouth and blood dripped out. Finally he stretched his body into a twisted form, the likes of which, Fluttershy could only have imagined, in her scariest of nightmares.
Then when she couldn't move from fear is slowly crawled towards her with a crunching sound in every step and gurgling as if he were drowning. Fluttershy screamed when it was breathing on her and it crawled inside her choking her. When it was finally over she felt a rage like no other then it died down and she fell down and started crying. Then she opened her eyes and saw red with a bright light above her and ponies sticking random needles in her making unheard of noises she tried to scream but was to tired and instead asked only short questions. The last thing she heard was Rainbows voice saying "Shhhh."
*Chapter 1 act 3: The first seeds of a season*
Fluttershy woke up again screaming but only to get a squeaked dry cough. She looked around the dark room and saw the first of daybreak out a small window "Oh what could this be now? "She thought to herself then she prepared for the worst only be blinded by a light with a pony silhouetted in it. Not knowing what was going on she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. Hoofsteps grew louder until they stopped next to the bed. Then Fluttershy heard some crying, she hadn't noticed until now but, it had been there the entire time."What's the worst that can happen?", the thought making her smile a bit. She opened her eyes and let them adjust to the light. She looked and saw it wasn't a rip in the blackness only a door with a bright hallway.
Fluttershy looked around and saw her friends, some on the floor and some in a few scattered chairs, but all asleep. Fluttershy smiled at the thought of being surrounded by friends. Suddenly she looked at the clock it was four in the mourning."No wonder their asleep" she thought then she giggled a bit only to stop because another pony walked in the doorway. She looked and saw it was a doctor she waved and he came running in.
"You're awake!" he said aloud "I- I cant believe it your awake!"
Fluttershy smiled and asked "Why am I here? I- I don't mean to pry."
The doctor hadn't heard he was to busy going over her heart rate it seemed then she noticed a wire hanging from her head "Um excuse me, but why do I have a wire on my head?" Fluttershy asked sheepishly
The doctor went to speak but was interrupted by Applejack yawning and stretching "Oh hey doc what's up?" she asked scratching her side The doctor moved to the side and Applejack gasped "FLUTTERSHY!" Fluttershy grinned unsure of what to do "Hey everypony she's awake!" Applejack yelled without any consideration for their sleep. Rainbow looked up from the floor and started flying above the bed.
"She is? SHE IS! Finally you're awake!" Rainbow said, she was soon joined by Rarity.
"Dear, it's good to see you alive again! Oh my, I mean…oh darn…" Rarity stuttered. Then Twilight woke up and smiled at Fluttershy "Forgive her dear, she was up all night doing paperwork for you." Rarity Said uneasily
"Oh I do! Rarity, I appreciate you and all the rest of you waiting for me." Fluttershy said shyly.
"Not even Celestia could-of kept us from you sugar cube." Applejack said smiling.
"Yea…" Added in Rainbow Dash "… I skipped work to be here, you owe me big!" she was now laughing a bit.
Suddenly Fluttershy looked around the room and noticed they were short a certain party pony "Where's Pinkie?" Fluttershy said smiling.
"Last we heard, she was still cleaning up your house. You know, the stuff from the surprise party. Wow did you surprise us!" Twilight said, now finally awake. Suddenly the doctor pulled Twilight away, and Rainbow took her spot.
"I hope you weren't scared or nothing while you were asleep." Rainbow said sympathetically. Fluttershy thought for a moment, about her dream,"was it really just a dream?" "Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked.
"Nothing I couldn't handle." she said with a giggle. Twilight walked up to her bed with a grim expression when Applejack saw she frowned and the same with Rainbow. "What?" She asked
"I Think it's better if you see for your self." Twilight said holding up a mirror Fluttershy gasped at what she saw a horn was there caked in dried blood from the night before and had many sensors attached to it. Displaying a bunch of different readings.
"Wha- What is it?" Fluttershy asked still in disbelief no one spoke up until the doctor sighed and said
"We think it's a unicorn horn. We don't know how it got there." Fluttershy put the mirror down then a thought crossed her mind
"What about my wings?" she asked looking at Rainbow
"Their there but they've grown almost a good seven inches since your last check-up. That's not normal Fluttershy." Fluttershy looked at her wings and they did feel bigger and heavier. "We also think that the horn on your head is just the base, no doubt that it will be growing some more." He added in
"When can I get out?" She asked unusually briskly.
Taken back by the question from everyone they looked at the doctor who was looking on his notes and he read "If your stable and no major issues you can get out around noon. Though we urge you to stay this is something completely new."
Fluttershy looked at him with a grin "You can examine me when I'm dead, right now I just want something to eat." All of her friends stood their gaping at what their un-cruel friend had just said "If that's ok?" she said in her normal tone and all her friends stopped looking at her weird.
"Cafeteria doesn't open for another three hours sugar cube." Applejack said sympathetically. "But I figured you'd be hungry so I got you this." Applejack pulled an apple and some juice out her saddle pack. Fluttershy smiled and gobbled down her breakfast.
"Sorry I guess I was really hungry." She said sheepishly then burped.
"At least you're hungry that always a good sign." Rainbow Dash said cheerfully "As soon as the cafeteria opens we'll be the first ones down there!" Rainbow said with newfound energy.
"I think we'll all be there." Chimed in Rarity just as her stomach growled everyone giggled a bit and Rarity blushed.
Three hours later
"Are you sure she's okay to walk doctor?" Twilight asked "What about the medication? Will it make her allergic to anything? What about drowsy? What if she falls asleep and falls down the stairs? WHAT IF-"
"She'll be fine Twilight, the only thing different about her is the horn now." Rainbow said after stuffing Twilights mouth with another apple.
"Yea Twilight…" Fluttershy said getting out of bed "… Only my head is sore….. Guys?" Fluttershy found herself looking down a bit. "You're all a bit shorter than I remember."
The doctor was the first to speak "My, I think you've grown by about a foot." Suddenly Twilight was off again about centers of gravity. "don't worry about her," said the doctor, "Fluttershy, she just doesn't want to have to sign any more papers especially legal ones." Fluttershy laughed.
"Come on Fluttershy….." Rarity sounded annoyed "… I'm starved"
"Yea Fluttershy…" It was Rainbows turn to whine "Consider this payback, now come on!" Applejack kicked Rainbow "What did I do?"
"Nothin" was all Applejack said and they all laughed. "Alright thanks doctor, I'll be back soon." He laughed a bit and pointed to the door.
"Doctors orders!" he said, as Fluttershy nodded and walked out. "Hope she will be alright." the doctor mumbled to himself then started laughing.
In the Cafeteria
"SURPRISE!" Yelled a pink pony on the other side near a buffet. Fluttershy smiled then frowned a bit.
"Pinkie what are you doing?" Rainbow yelled back Pinkie didn't say anything she just kept bouncing.
"I don't know about you guys but, Pinkies got a buffet I'm heading over there." Both Twilight and Rainbow agreed "Aren't you coming dearie?" Fluttershy's frown towards Pinkie dissipated and she nodded. "good, now lets go!" And with that Rarity was speed walking over to Pinkie when Rainbow flew over head "Too Slow!" Rainbow teased. Fluttershy walked over slowly, when she had finally reached the table everyone else was already at the buffet.
"HEY FLUTTERSHY!" Pinkie exclaimed "Did they find out what happened 'cause it was really scary, and I hope it had nothing to do with my parities and then I thought maybe I should clean up, since you know, you would come back to a messy house, but, when I finished It was midnight so I came here extra early and put this together! Do you Like it?" Fluttershy looked over and saw her favorite foods then she smiled devilishly.
"I love it Pinkie…" a great smile rose on Pinkies face "… but they did find out what was wrong with me…" Pinkie leaned closer since Fluttershy was being so quiet "… It's your parties, not enough fun, to long…" Pinkies smile faded "They're apparently very bad for me, but, only when you attend.…" Pinkie was now frowning "… So do me a favor, and stay away for good lest I end up here again." Pinkie's hair de-flated. She sat there on the verge of crying. Fluttershy's smile faded, she was saddened by Pinkies expression "I'm sorry that must be-" Pinkie didn't care she was already leaving.
"If- if you ever need some- something don't be afraid to ask Fluttershy." whimpered Pinkie, then she bolted out of the cafeteria.
"Where'd Pinkie go?" asked Rainbow Dash, walking up with two full plates in her mouth.
"Oh she had some very important errands to run. Are one of those for me?" she said with no hint as of what she had just done.
"Yea, mind taking it now?" Rainbow asked
"Of course Rainbow." That smile arose in again she reached up and grabbed the plate but next to rainbows mouth. Taken back by this Rainbow dropped her plate.
"Oops clumsy me." She said blushing very apparent then she quickly flew back to the buffet and started talking to Twilight who seemed mesmerized by some mac and cheese.
"What was that all about?" said rarity just sitting down
"Oh nothing" she said sheepishly Rarity looked at her then started eating. Fluttershy tried pick up the muffin with out her hoofs she closed her eyes and grunted. When she opened them there was the muffin.
"My, my dearie for a first time you're a natural. This is your first time using magic right?" Fluttershy nodded "Oh speaking of which stop by my boutique later we need to get you a new dress for your new…" Rarity spent a moment looking for the word. "Figure."
"Sure Rarity sounds fun." Fluttershy looked back to the buffet while munching on her hard earned muffin and saw Twilight walking back with Rainbow hiding behind her. Suddenly she heard a noise from behind.
"Sorry I'm late everypony…" Applejack was behind her panting "…I just don't trust those elevator things." She sat down and stole Twilights muffin before anyone could say anything "Mmmm I do love banana nut muffins!" they all giggled and started eating again.
"Um Twilight…" Fluttershy started "…Can you give me lessons on how to use this horn?" Twilight nodded since her mouth was full. "… And Rainbow?" Rainbow Dash looked at her but didn't say anything she was still blushing "Can you teach me how to use my wings in private? So Nopony steals your teaching tricks I mean."
"Sure Fluttershy." Rainbow smiled then went back to the food blushing a bit harder now.
About Noon
"Thank you and come back in a week for your check up Fluttershy!" Yelled her doctor.
"I will!" she yelled back then she looked around all but one of her friends had left her "So now what Twilight?"
"I could teach you some magic back at my place?" she suggested Fluttershy smiled and nodded "Then… shall we?"
"Lets!" Fluttershy echoed.
End of Chapter: 1