• Published 31st Dec 2012
  • 680 Views, 2 Comments

Can You Love a Demon? - OtherWorldsCrazyMinds

Around a decade and a half from the happy marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Luna has done some experimenting in trans-dimensional travel. Now a new intellectual being walks along side the ponies,one how have more yet less power

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Malls, Realizing truths, and Explosions

It’s been a week since the driving exams for Emerald and todays is the first fake, going out day. This was already planned out I believe. What was supposed to happen is that we meet up in the mall and then we just decided to turn it into date by going to around the mall together and then just going to a movie or something. I was walking towards the mall when I decided to stop for a second and think about him. Emerald told me that he was a nice but you had to see it through the strange way of speaking and looking at things. Emerald had told me that he had a different way of seeing things as he was brought up by multiple views on either race. The idea was that he was born in two places at once gave you two conflicting view which gave him his sarcastic views. I felt that trying to understand it would probably be very hard but if I at least wanted to friends with him I should at least try because the roommate thing was becoming a bit old and awkward. I then I remembered that if I had time to think I had time to get there or we would miss each other and this would ruin the image for the public. I got to the mall without much problem, which was good because that is how you know the news will be here soon. I decided to stand and sit out on a bench for a while. I knew Flame was going to be here soon so I decided to just sit down. I had been up for a while with my friends, going around town working. Yes I work; I am actually a fashion designer. I got my start with Rarity but then decided that living in her shadow wouldn’t satisfy me and when I proposed the idea to her she laughed and gave me large start up loan and said that having a rival in this makes life very interesting. This was around four years ago and now my company is around half the size of Rarity and growing. I had been running around all day making changes to dress and attending meeting with other fashion designers and arguing how to change the new fashion style. I was up all day and I was a bit tired. I had decided to sit on a bench and close my eyes for a bit. Just for a bit.
I hear a soft thud and then I felt the bench I was on creek a bit. I was wondering what was going on and I smelled the smell of a sugar coated fruit tart. I got up immediately and turned to see Flame holding a tart in one hoof will holding a bag in the other.

“Bout time you got up” he said. “Lunch?” He held the tart closer to me and I snatched it from his grasp, taking the fork magically and cutting into it. I could have cried right then but it hit me that he had brought my favorite kind of fruit tart. Then I looked at the bag and saw that it had the logo of the place I always go to get them.

“How did you know?” I asked, when I had swallowed the rest of the small tart.

“That this was your favorite tart that comes from your favorite little pastry shop?” He asked still not looking at me as he fished into the bad and pulled out a tree branch looking thing then stick it his mouth and began to chew bit by bit like a farmer would with straw. He chewed for a bit then said “Emerald told me, you mentioned it on after the driving exam. I figured that had worked hard all morning since most of the month you have been spending a lot of time in the house fixing and decoration it so once you got back to your normal job you had to get the whole thing set up again so you were going to be exhausted. So I took the liberty of getting lunch.” He answered. He did all will still looking away yet this didn’t give him the bad boy who cares glow but just someone pointing out the obvious facts and catering to the natural order of things. He got up and said, “So where do you want to go?”

“Hmm?” I said, my head trying to keep up with the sudden change of events. My head was still sleeping and the sugar hadn’t got there yet. He held out his hoof and gentle pulled me up saying “Come on, I am supposed to give you your day out. You know” He then turned his voice into a whisper “For the people who still have racism”

“Oh yeah,” I said. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, “Ok, well…” I took an actual look at Flame, he wasn’t wearing much other than that really old cloak that looked like it had seen more days than him.

“Please don’t tell me you came in this on purpose” I said with almost contempt in my voice. He looked at his cloak and said “Well I don’t have many things to wear, and this was given to me by my dad, he said it was a hand-me-done from all of my people’s kings to avoid attention, works well in my opinion.”
“Well right now we are not trying to hide we are trying to be seen. Ugh. Come on, where going to get you clothes.” Said and almost dragged him into one of my shops that was set up in this mall. I took the cloak off of him as we entered.

“Hello Ms Adora, what shall we do for you…” The clerk who I had handpicked had fell into an interesting silence she was staring at the cross breed towering over her half in fear and half in shear incredulity. He did have an interesting prowess about him. He had the air of the king but it there was a sense that he could easily relate to and could solve your problems.

“He-he-h-h-h-hello. T-t-t-t-thi-th-th-this must be th-th-the pri-pri-prin-prin-prin-prince o-o-o-of-”

“Of the Dremorian people, please don’t be so surprised. Why are we here? Adora, I am pretty sure that you own this branch.”

“Well if you must now then you need a new wardrobe, you don’t seem to have one and so I will make one for you. Chantal, get me the men full wardrobe.”

“Right away Mis”

“Please don’t do this” Flame said with a look that showed that he was going to hate this. I smiled and started on his transformation. It was really hard to actually get a right the style for him that would work. I had tried the royal look, giving him extravagant royal clothing with frills on the sleeves and neck but that didn’t work for him. I tried the suave look, with a simple jacket and button up but that didn’t work either. I realized the problem was two things, one I couldn’t get the right look because his aura was to abstract from the people I have done before, and two was his horns. I could get used to the unicorn idea because I was one as well but the fact that he had two that went up from his head parallel to it made it hard to get a get an good hat. I took a long good hard look at him as he was removing the bad resecting fashion I had given him inspired by the mafia movies. It was hard to get the actual relatable king aura into clothing or turn it to help the clothing I could give him. Then I thought if I couldn’t get the clothes to accommodate him, then I should get the clothes just to be there so that it could be bolstered by the aura he gave off.

“Chantal! Get me the “Midnight travels” and the “Summer Rain” sets please” I said.

“Yes milady” she said then speed off.

“Finally decided on something have we?” Flame asked, “please don’t make it tight or with frills. I hat those thing most of all on clothing.” Chantal came back in with the sets and I looked through them, I took a white sports coat and then a nice mellow blue color shirt that had some breast pockets. I told Flame to put them on then looked the selection of hats, I decided to go with a nice small red fedora to match part of his mane. This was actually quite good but it the horns did mess up the but this worked with him. The colors are what really brought out Flame himself which brought his aura and presence.

“Finally.” I said, “This actually works for you. How does it feel?” I asked Flame.
God this was funny. I can’t say how funny this was to me. Adora was looking terribly flustered this entire time, like a little child who couldn’t quite say what she wanted but knew what it was. OF course it was tedious to change into multiple out fits again and again but it was worth it. This also struck a chord in me, to which I began to ponder about Adora’s personality. She seemed to be compassionate as she did keep many pets and as a colt friend I could easily conclude that. However today I saw two new sides of her, right now I was experiencing the determined side. It was amazing to see her try so hard to come up with a simple wardrobe for me. I, of course felt like I wouldn’t need it but she did it was very amusing seeing this happen. In the end, I was given around five bag that weighed at least en pounds each in clothing. Adora walked out of the store felling happy and I am guessing overjoyed at success in giving me a ‘look’ as she says. I was feeling the weight of the five to ten bags on my back. I didn’t feel like carrying these things, I decided to create a small weak shield that would act like a bowl to which I threw the bags in there. Adora turned and must have seen bag floating in the air own their own because she rubbed her eyes, opened them and then asked, “Darklight?”

“Yup” I responded, she sighed then I heard a faint yet small growl from the bottom of her stomach. She turned as if nothing happened. I smiled and asked “Why don’t we get another snack?”

“What do you suppose we should go for?” she said trying not to show that she was hungry. I took a sniff and smelled an array of odors and charms. I caught a small wife of a very pleasant yet simple smell. The baking of bread. I decided to follow my nose, and said “Come on this way” and followed the scent. It took a bit of time since there were a lot of perfume vendors throwing me off trail, but then we managed to arrive at a small little bakery with a lone dremoria taking bread into and out of the oven. He seemed to work very diligently and was making more dough once he was finished removing the others. I went to the small counter and rang the bell that there. The bell was quite loud for the size of it but I saw why because it didn’t seem to get his attention till I rang the bell again for a second time. At this he looked startled, like he was broken from a trans.

“Um a. Hello. Oh” he said then immediately changing his composure he bowed and continued, “Good After noon prince what may I get you today?”

“What are you selling?” I asked with a bit of exasperation in my voice. I hate being called prince. It makes me seem so much more important than just another pony. Hybrid.

“Well we are selling bread with anything you like with in them. From meats and cheeses to chocolate and sugars. So what would you like?”

“I would like a bread with some chocolate inside please.” Adora said.

“Yes miss. And you prince?”

“I’ll get the same.” I replied not really hungry myself. He nodded and then worked back into this trans making the dough and then mixing in the chocolate sauce half way into the cooking of the bread and then putting back into the oven.

“YOU” I hear a familiar voice say. I turned to see the little pegasus who I had almost killed.
“Hey there Bright Streak, what are you doing here?” I asked turning to see the little filly running up to me.

“That is what I should be asking you, Frozy” she said, I thought about what she just called me as she went up to the counter and said “Hey there Mister Neptorus”

“Hello child, what would it be today or do you want chocolate bread?” Neptorus asked as he took out the two breads out and handed them both to us.

“Today I want to try the Jugya berry bread.” Streak said. The dremoira smiled and began to work on the bread.

“So how did you meet Frozy?” Adora asked, deliberately putting emphasis on the ‘Frozy’ part.

“Oh! Who are you?” Streak asked. I laughed as Adora looked taken a back, she had a look that was the equivalent if you had thrown some feces at her face. After a bit of laughter I manage to said “Streak, this is my wife, Adora, the granddaughter of Princess Celestia.”

“Ah. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to forget it’s just I never seen in person.” Streak said bowing up and down rivaling the speed of dog’s tails. I laughed again. This time Adora gave me a nice swift hit to the stomach effectively silencing me.

“So, now that you know who I am, tell me how you meet Frozy over here.” Adora said, again putting emphasis on the ‘Frozy’. And so she explained on how she was at flying school when I had flew in to fast through there school and how I saved her from becoming a pancake. When this was going on I heard some yelling. I decided to go find out what it was and got up sort of abruptly and walked towards where the sound was coming from. It took a bit of time but I found that it was coming from a hardware store, which mostly sold metal and wood materials. I look inside to see a pony screaming at a dremoria who was hanging his head as if he was being scolded by his mother. What was worse the dremoria was just standing there taking his criticism. I decided to step in the shop and listen to what the pony had to say.

“Please stop sir.” I said in a defining tone. Immediately the guy turns around and say, “What do you want?”

“I want you to stop berating the man here” I said again in the same tone, the tone my father used when he was addressing someone he didn’t particularly like or was being mean to others. I didn’t know I could actually pull it off.

“Does he work for you? NO! So but out this is my employee and I will treat him the way I like too!” He said and turned back to the dremoria.

“What is your name?” I asked the dremoria. The pony turned to me thinking that I was asking him and began to yell, “WHAT IS YO-”

“It is Dorukoro”

“Dorukoro do you mind showing me the back or storage room please” I asked not paying attention to the pony who was starting to redden. Dorukoro led me to the back to which he opened to reveal a very crowded room filled to the brim with wood plants and others things. I turned to the pony who was also looking at the room.

“Now please do not insult and berate someone for doing their job, my people work hard and they don’t disappoint. Next time this happens you will deal with more than just me.” I said and turned Dorukoro,

“Don’t let him fire you; if he does, please go talk to my father and he will handle this, I cannot as it is not in my power to do these things.”

“Yes, prince” he said and bowed. The pony regained himself and yelled in my face, “Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what to do?”

“I am the dremorian prince, Hatseal, next in line for the throne and the sole heir to it. You’d do best not to cross my path again or there shall be consequences” I said in a loud booming voice. This made the pony step back a bit and begin apologizing. I knew he was faking it all so I didn’t listen, I just walked outside where Adora and Streak were watching.

“Enjoy the show?” I asked in a bit of cruel tone which I did not mean to put in.

“YOU’RE A PRINCE?” Streak asked her eyes brimming with incredulity. I chuckled a bit, she was so innocent that it pained me to say “Well yes I am”

“But you’re not dremoria” she said. I bent my head down a bit and said “did you see the two big horns?”

“WOW” she said and grabbed onto them. She was hanging on pretty tight so I through my head around a bit. She started laughing as I spun her around. It felt nice, hearing her and Adora laugh. Huh, so this is how marriage was supposed to be? Seems nice, but then it hit me that this again was all an act for the people around us. Pretty hollow act to show that two separate races can at least mingle without the need to have any more violence. Then something bad happened.
I was actually having a good time. I was going in here trying to get some information out of Flame or Frozy (sorry it’s just too cute to hear Streak say it) but it turned out to be more of a day to just hang out with him. OK, more of a day to give him new clothes. Although it did take most of the day we did feel satisfied. After shopping we made a detour to the bred shop where I got to meet Frozy’s little friend. I was actually well surprised at this because the story the Streaks tells me that he had some sort of decency before getting a little tipsy. This also showed me that he was at least nice and likeable with kids even though of his appearance. This would have been a nice day too if someone hadn’t decided to blow up the lower levels of the mall, making collapse in on itself.
The first warning sign of this was the large explosion that shook the entire building. This caught all of our attentions, and everybody started to slowly stop. Then, in the silence of everything, you could hear a small cracking noise, as if someone was breaking crackers very slowly. Then out of nowhere Flame screams “Everyone out now! Get out now!” then there was a larger cracking noise and I felt the familiar ominous feeling and felt it surround me, Streak and Flame. Then there was a loud crack, I look up to see a large rock smashing into the air around us that was strangely tinted a black read color. As the rocks crumbled away Flame lowered the shield and yelled again, “Everyone out now!” he took Streak off of his horns and said to me “Take Streak and get out, I can hold the building up for about 35 seconds which should be enough time for the everyone to get out just hurry and get out!”

“What about when the shield is up?” I asked urgently.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine just go!” he yelled and I took Streak and ran. Again an ominous felling surrounded us the cracking of the build slowed down. 30 seconds. People were beginning to crowd in the exits all trying to get through. 27 seconds. I pushed my way through the crowd hard, holding Streak’s hoof with a death grip. 20 seconds. The crowd had thickened and everybody was panicking screaming and yelling. 18 seconds. I could see the exit in front of me yet it was far do to the large crowds. 10 seconds. Me and Streak got through the exit and mad it to the other side. I pulled Streak into a hug and said “Don’t worry just close your eyes for a second”

“But Frozy” Streak was saying through sobs and tears.

“Don’t worry he will be alright.” 0 seconds. All anyone could hear for the next ten seconds would be the building falling down. After the ten seconds of destruction, the guards finally arrived and they started helping citizen with bumps and bruises. After I was checked out by a medical officer I began walking throw the wreckage.

“Excuse me Princess, everyone has been evacuated please step out from the building.” A guard said. I ignored him and began trying to find sings of life. Using my magic, I threw boulders away to see if there was anything under them. I really couldn’t find him, and you know what the worst part was, I felt like this was my fault. I don’t really know why I felt this way. I didn’t really cause this but I somehow felt bad, like if he, Flame, died I was too blamed for his death. I became more frantic, throwing around more boulders carelessly forgetting the one rule about removing debris. Being careful on where you through it. Then I heard a very faint “ow”, I turned to where I thought I had heard it. There was a large pile of boulders at one side; I realized that I had been using this spot to pile all of the boulders that I threw out of the way on.
“Oh my Stars!” I said and started removing the boulders carefully as to not make them all crashing down. Eventually after removing two or three of the boulders was removed other soldiers began to help me remove the boulders till there was a small clearing of debris and Flame was in the center of it. He got it up and then manages to brush off some dust but with a great deal of effort.

“Told you. Didn’t. Need. To. Worry.” Flame said with a little smirk and then dropped to the ground. I sighed with a contented smile and hugged him tightly. He made a small intake of breath painfully, “Sorry” I said and yelled to the guards, “Hey! We have a live one here!” Immediately ponies began to help me. Apparently Flame weighed a lot because it took three guards to get him onto a stretcher which was then carried magically by two unicorns.

“Will Frozy be alright?” I heard Streak ask from behind me. I smiled and said “Yeah he will, he just needs a nap” Then randomly, there was a conversion of dark clouds appeared which then circled into one, then a lightning bolt smashed the ground a couple feet away from us and a pony appeared. He had lightning colored mane and tail and his eyes were I believe neon orange.

“Bright Streak? Bright Streak?” the pony said urgently. Streak turned and screamed with delight,

“DADDY!’ and ran to him. The pony’s face grew into a relived smile and said “Don’t worry me like that again. I thought you said you would only by out for a bit?”

“I did but I wanted to see Mister Neptorus”

“You have to tell me these things ok? Now who do I have to thank for this?” he asked her.

“Well there is Miss Princess and Frozy but he is in the amberlamps” Streak said pointing to me. In what could be considered less than the blink of an eye he was in front of me and bowed heavily, “Thank you so much! You have no idea on how much I am indented to you as of right now princess.”

“Oh please don’t feel that way, it was just what any pony would do” I said trying not let my worry through. He smiled and then said “Well I leave you now, Princess, to ground this little trouble maker”

“Wait daddy please, don’t-” but the rest was cut off as he did the lighting teleport thing and disappeared. I turned to see what happened to Flame. He was in an ambulance and was being given some sort of medicine.

“Is he ok?” I asked the nearest doctor.

“He seems to be fine, just some fracture bones. He will need to be bed ridden for some time though” I would say at least a month and a half.

“Pfft not goanna happen” Flame managed to crock. I turned to him. “See, told you not to worry.”

“You made me worry anyway you idiot!” I said with a little anger.

“Sorry but somethings just aren’t that simple.” He said with a lot of pain. “But I ain’t staying in bed for that long”

“You have too, at this moment you can barely walk in your condition right now” said the doctor.

“Hogwash!” he managed to yell. He swung his legs and managed to stand. He took two deep breaths and said “Well Adora, I am going to head home and pass out on the couch. I’ll see you when you get back.”

“That’s no way to say goodbye on our day out” I said in a mock tone.
“Please, If I could I would fly you home but right now standing is a deal in itself” he said smirking.

“Well then let me give you a gift for the nice day out” I said without the slightest bit of thought. I got up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“That was new” he said “See ya later”. Then he took to the skies. I smiled then realized what I had just done.

“Well today wasn’t that great but I learned a little about him.” Then I smiled again truly this time.