• Published 31st Dec 2012
  • 680 Views, 2 Comments

Can You Love a Demon? - OtherWorldsCrazyMinds

Around a decade and a half from the happy marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Luna has done some experimenting in trans-dimensional travel. Now a new intellectual being walks along side the ponies,one how have more yet less power

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Bells ringing.
People stand simultaneously.
Three young fillies walk down an isle throwing down petals to some unknown flower. Yes, this is a wedding. My wedding. And it was a really well made wedding. There was crystal sculptures and amazing looking paintings that were hanging from the walls. It was a really nice made wedding, fancy, fit for a prince and his princess.
My name is Hatseal and I am prince of the dremorias. My job is right now is to learn from my father how to be a good king so that I may one day walk in his footsteps and led me people to a brighter future. And to get married. My father and Princess Celestia have made a peace treaty but they needed a way for everyone to know and agree to the peace without having to have some fight or trying to disagree. So Princess Luna thought of the idea of political marriage. The idea was a good one for it made it so that, one; the people would see that they are at peace, and two; to show that they could get along and maybe even love. This, to me, is funny considering they have made arranged dates such as trips to the mall and walks in the park. These things are to give the impression that me and my soon to be wife are still in love. Problem is, who would love me?
I don't mean looks wise, I mean personality wise. I actually look pretty well for a half breed. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I am a half breed, half pony, half dremoria. I guess I was lucky or something because my appearance is almost all pony while my thought and inner organs are dremoria, but sometime they clash. For example; I have horns when normal ponies usually don't (and by horns I mean I have actual horns that stick out of my mane), and instead of the normal tail of the ponies I have two 1 and a half inch thick deep red rails with hose heart shaped tips (the ones with the sharp tips at the end). I also have fangs instead of the traditional herbivore teeth that most of them have. Also most of my organs come from the dremoria side of me. My stomach, heart, lungs, intestines, and liver come from that side. The rest are pony organs.
But I am getting off track, there is no way anyone could love my personality. I am a terribly cynical person, not very caring, don't talk much, and I am a really down to earth. It is not the best combination but I said earlier, this is only a facade, a play, a front. Whatever you want to call it, it's still the same, a play for the people to show them that both races could love each other. And this is was what the wedding was for. To show this.
Then my bride walked down the aisle and I would have gawked if I wasn't supposed to keep a straight face. Mia Amata Figlia Adora was her name and she was a beautiful ali-corn. Her coat was pure white, like snow and her mane was a nice soothing desk blue with gold and pink streaks. Her eyes where a lovely gold, not to strong and not too soft, but a nice bold gold. Her mane was tied into impressive looking and complex arrangement and was topped off by the veil she wore. Her dress was also very impressive. You know how white dresses are there just to make stand out more and make her the center of attention. Well the designer behind this had made a different take which was to make her dress very simple to make her look amazing. The dress could be considered only an accessory. I believe the designer was some by the name if Charity, Fairity, Suppulty, I can't remember just something with 'ity' at the end. But she did some amazing work.
Then I felt a look that could change the 'glaring knives' to 'glaring blades'. I didn't want to look at the source but I did so anyway against my better judgment. It was the commander of the royal guard and armies, Shining Armor. He was the only one who still wasn't convinced this was a good idea. Yes, Princess Celestia and Princess Candance were opposed to it first but once specifics were made and everything was settle they agreed to it. He was the only one that definitely hated me for this plan and hated dremoria in general. I guess it makes sense seeing as we fought each other, but that's all water under the bridge. It's been a long time since then and I think the only thing that left in the kind if most is slight resentment from the dremorias. He was entirely different story, he hates them. With a passion, he doesn't show it openly but you can tell he does. He refers to us by saying 'them' in a low voice that just drips with unresolved hatred. He would probably kill me for even thinking of his daughter if it weren't for the peace treaty and the plan. Still the guy would love to lob my head off at any moment.
He walked down the aisle with his beautiful daughter, project he air of protection a father always projects. The hole room was filled with ponies. Well it was a pony wedding, normal dremoria wedding involve more alcohol and is less formal. The ceremony is only around ten minutes where they give each other gifts and then something that each has made themselves, like a sword or tiara from the male, a well grown fruit tree or a well done painting from the female. Once they are given it is then that they are married and they live their life to their extent with each other.
The only dremoria that was their was my father, King Tegthor. He was smiling. My dad is a really nice guy, he also a great king. He is compassionate, resourceful, intelligent, and when needed stern and decisive. He was always loved by the people who he rules with their help, making council of people from the towns to try and solve problems of land and dispute of grain. He is one of those people that can never go wrong due to his handling of the situation. He could convince a bretaskity that they have green and blue strips instead of the other way around (they are an aquatic quadra-peadic mammal that has strips to camouflage itself from predators from above). He was a really good leader. And he was a nice father, always telling that one days I would be destined for greatness. Yes this was very cliché but it was true and it was happening right now. My dad was smiling; it was one of those one-side-open smiles showing half of his gleaming fangs. He was wearing ceremonial armor. Not the full plate with gold inscription, this was more of a chain mail with the dremoria crest outlined with emeralds chain links. He also wore the first sword he ever forged which was called Thumer.
My mother stood next to him wearing her white dress and whipping the tears from her eyes with a handkerchief. She was smiling tearful as we continued the ceremony. It didn't take too long since we weren't going to stay for the party. Once the carriage had taken us to where the church was just on the horizon, Adora turned to me and said to me in such a stern voice that you wouldn't really expect from a girl looking that good.
"Listen. I don't like you and you don't like me. This marriage is purely political and has no inference to do one our social lives. We will not talk to each other when this is going on, the only thing we should say is 'Hello' and 'Goodnight'. Any attempt that you make to get closer to me physically or emotionally I will sick my dad on you and you will be dead within minutes. Do you understand?"
I nodded not really paying attention. I was actually stripping off tuxedo and folding it nice in between us. She looked puzzled but didn't ask what I was doing which I was thankful for because you could never give a good reason when stripping down. Once everything had been taken of and folded nicely I open the carriage door and hoped out. I heard I small gasp from Adora but I didn't care much.
I had needed this for a long time to be outside in the air. Right before landing on the ground I activated my dark-light and began to hover alongside the carriage for a while before blast up into the air. Flying was a peaceful thing to me. I don't know why but to me it felt very peaceful. This dark-light ability was one of those thing that dremoria don't use much because it just was never needed unless you wanted to cross large distances in a small amount of time. However dremoria don't go farther than just a couple feet of the ground, it was one of those things that you just didnt do, unless your me. I just found flying so fun and peaceful. Ever since I was three and found out I could do it, I had been doing it every time my head was spinning or had problem or could figure something out like lachrymite energy conversion or girls. Today was one of those days, I couldn't decide if this was going to be a good experience or a terrible one.
"A well." I said to no one in peculiar, "It will be a new ride and that's what matter right?" I smiled.
I am married. To someone who I just meet. What went wrong in my life?
My name is Mia Amata Figlia Adora or just Adora because it’s easier to say. I had a pretty nice life. I had lots of friends. I was a good girl. I followed all the rules. Never broke any of the rules my father had made up. I never even went out past curfew unless I was already out and I got caught in traffic an stuff coming back home. So why was I being married to someone who I just meet? This is so infuriating. And now he just jumped out the carriage door. At least he had the decency to take off his tux before what I believe is suicide. I didn't really believe that he killed himself because why would anyone do that. Unless he was thinking the same thing as I which was 'MY LIFE IS OVER'. I decided to check on him just to be sure because if he did, then 'wow that was fast' if not then ‘boohoo’. I looked out the back window of the carriage and saw that he wasn't there. I thought that this was strange but didn't think much of it.
It took about two hours for the carriage to drop me off at the new house. The place was called Chateau Diablo, meaning Castle Devil. It was built by two brothers that apparently never got along. It was terribly obvious because around halve of the place was an olden style castle while the other side was a sort of 18 century renaissance like style. And I mean it was blended into each other somewhat smoothly.
I got out of the carriage and began to walk towards the house. A loud thud right next to me and I jump up in fear. I turn to see my husband who had just landed looking like he had fallen through a couple clouds. He nodded to me and said "Looks fun" in a voice that just plain. I could have hit and yelled at him about him stealing my life but then what would that accomplish.
This was the first time I actually had a good look at him and it was a different sight entirely. He didn't look like any other stallion I have seen before. His mane was an ice blue and was interrupted every couple of centimeters by a bright flame looking streak. Then there were two horns protruding from the mane, sticking out parallel to his head. His coat was an interesting black with red rust on his legs. Then I saw something that almost frightens me. His tail wasn't normal. It was like a the devil’s tail. And there were two of them. They were right now just hanging there, curved up a bit. The ends looked sharp.
The inside of the house wasn't that bad. It just didn't look right. There was furniture that didn't really belong there and there was things that were just out of place like there assortment of swords and axes in what j believe was a dining room. And the weird painting of people in the bedrooms. It just wasn't right. I had decided to get some moving people and move everything that didn't belong out. And that was a lot. Then I decided to set a couple of normal boundaries for me and him. I turned to him as he was checking one of the rooms "OK I believe we should set up boundaries. How bout I'll take the top two floors and you can take the rest."
"It’s fine. All I really need is the basement and the outside courtyard."
"Really? That’s all you want?"
"Yeah, I was never one for big space. We share the kitchen though right?"
"Yeah of course." I said making a mental note to wake up earlier than him to make my own breakfast.
"Now for the important question." he said
"What's that?" I asked
"Where am I going to sleep?" I chuckled at that. He just said it in such matter of fact way that it sounded like an angry wife joke.
"that’s up for you to decide" I said after he chuckles. He walked towards one of the couches in the living room on the second floor and said "this I'll do fine. I don't want to be too far from you just in case assassins, burglars, or other such things." this was somewhat unnerving. He wanted to protect me even though he didn’t know me. It was unnerving for some reason. He sat on the couch and bounced once or twice. He then got up, punched on of the pillows on it and said "Well now that that's straightened, I got to get some mover to move some stuff from my mother’s place." he walked out not looking back.
This was going to be a long marriage wasn't it?