• Published 31st Dec 2012
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Can You Love a Demon? - OtherWorldsCrazyMinds

Around a decade and a half from the happy marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Luna has done some experimenting in trans-dimensional travel. Now a new intellectual being walks along side the ponies,one how have more yet less power

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Around a half a decade after the happy day of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's marriage, Princess Luna had made a breakthrough in dimensional portals and transportation. It had taken her a while and her belief was that if they breached newer world they could become allies and become more prosperous. This was a noble and well thought out plan, too bad the world that was on Earth's dimensional parallel was that of Zenonia.
Zenonia is a very different from Terra yet is remarkably similar. For one, the land formation, land texture and composition (meaning minerals and bacteria etc.) are almost identical to that of Terra. The places where things differs is the animals and plant life. Zenonia had many different and more variety of animals and plant life. An example is in the land of Equestria, there are chicken and cows and bull and other such animals that can be domesticated. However in Zenonia, there were only three notable domestic-able animals; the frakans, a cow like animal that is a herbivore yet has more muscle tone and can breathe fire when threatened, the gargoyles, which act like dogs in this world ( the gargoyles are just around the size of an average German Shepard and walk on all four and have wings. The wings however are only for show for they aren't strong enough to actually carry them) and the chakari which are Zenonia's equivalent to chickens, they have large claws and very sharp beaks yet they are non-violent creatures they can fly but not for longer than a couples minutes. The rest of Zenonia's animals aren't domestic-able and are very violent and deadly, wild dexora are they're version of boars and they have to pairs of tucks which can rip through wood about ten inches thick. They have hydras, rathians and rathalos which are wyverns, biological cousins to dragons yet are less intelligent and are far more violent and prone to attacking. Earth and Zenonia share many traits yet there are different entirely.
The people that inhabit Zenonia are called the dremorias. They are a humanoid race that is very varied race in size and strength; tallest recorded reached up to 7' 3, shortest reached down to 4' 1. They skin is varies from a black to a red color. They have powerful hand with retractable claws; the claws are sharp but not very durable only being able to puncture through the rough skin of a hydra that has very thin scales. The claws length is very varied as well ranging between one and half inches to a couple of centimeters. They also have opposable toes, yet for some reason the toes don't have claws. They are a horned race; they're horns being place on the top of the head just behind the pointed ears. The horns vary from size to shape and color; however, females will always have smaller horns the males. They have different traits and characteristic that are different from dremorias to dremorias such: hair color /length (the colors for their hair a more varied yet more subdue then those of ponies, colors such as; sea green, blood red and even ice) or number and shape of tails, female will always have more than four tails and theirs will be a lot longer. The dremorias are very different from the ponies of Equestria in appearance and in culture.
Dremorias aren't peaceful beings but they are never the first to jump into war. They are very defensive and anything taken as an attack will be met with full force. They are very skilled warriors for people who aren't very aggressive in nature. One of the reasons that makes them such formidable fighters in the three ability that are born with any dremoria; their flight, shielding and healing powers. Dremorias are born with a sort of ability similar to the magic that resides within ponies except that it is not privy to only those with horns. This type of energy can be released in three different ways; flight, shielding and healing. They can turn this energy into a force that can carry the dremoria into the air. They can also use this energy to create shields which can deflect most projectile and if the dremoria trains enough can even deflects lighting. The final way the can use this energy is to heal injuries and wounds, the most any inexperience dremoria can heal is a small stab wound around an inch deep. With training they can heal stab wound that go right through the whole body and even remove poisons from the body. These abilities are privy to all dremorias and it is quite like the magical abilities of ponies. Of course using this ability does take a toll on their stamina, but they have many healthy fruits to counteract such things. They call this ability dark-light (reason shall be explained within next paragraph due to its cultural significance).
The dremoria are a very cultured race, having a polytheistic religion and many story based explanation on many different aspects and thing in the world. There are many 'lords' in their system of beliefs. The most popular are Shorena lord of the hunt, Sertinvous lord of amusement and comedic debauchery, Hermonus Mera lord of fate and chance, Sedora lord of Life and death, Sheogalag lord of both order and chaos. There are many other but they aren't as popularly prayed too or thanked. There are many stories to which these lords spread their influences to the dremoria. The story behind there Dark-light is said that Hermoneus Mera had foreseen the dremorias would be annihilated be a sudden rise of wyrvens. He has no real love for the beings but he wishes to see them live on since they intrigued him greatly. Hermoneus then went to Sheogalag to grant a way to which they could have survived to which he granted them their dark-light ability. They also believe many other things such as ancestral spirits that can instruct the new generations. They are about as advance as the ponies where at first contact.
The actually discovery was more of an accident and a bad one at that. A small squad of guards had been sent into the Lunar Gate as a reconnaissance group. They were tasked with walking in a direction for two days before returning. This was only reconnaissance mission so no weapons were brought. Upon the half of the second day they had stumbled onto a hunt of a Keydomath, a large monkey like creature that has the spike that can paralyze its attacker on its hands and tail. A small hunting party of around 5 dremorias who were chasing Keydomath had jumped the small reconnaissance and they were unsure and how to approach this problem. However one of the ten guards was hit by one of the spears that one of dremorias has thrown at the Keydomath who had dodge it. This made the guards’ assume a protective assault position and they began to fight back. The Dremorias hadn't realized the attack until the one of there had been killed. The dremorias attacked the guards and a small fight ensued to which there were no victor just two survivors, one dremoria and a pony guard. The guard knew that he was out matched even if the dremoria was injured which he was and so decided to flee from the scene. The dremoria had managed to heal himself with his dark-light and made it to a nearby town and had then asked for an audience with the king to which he recounted these events. The pony guard who had survived had recounted his battle and experience to the princesses.
Both princess Celestia and Princess Luna did not know what to do. The king of the dremoria had no idea how to make of it either seeing as the trespassers had come from nowhere. However, the dremoria people where very protective of themselves and of their territory. This new found threat was knew and unexpected to the dremoria but they weren't un-defeatable. The dremoria had then begun to set up a wall around their land and had begun to set up camps of soldiers to defend themselves against these new threats. On the other side of the Lunar Gate the ponies had decide to for another excretions into Zenonia but it was meet with violence as the dremorias had seen then and hadn't understood their pleas for surrender and they were driven back through the gate. At this Princess Celestia thought that they were actually out for war to which she complied to.
It was a long war that lasted 3 years. The reason it took so long was that no side every won. The dremorias were too powerful to be killed simply without them healing themselves with their dark-light. The ponies where many in numbers which made it so that the dremorias would fight long and hard before the other forces would cease. The tie breaker for this war ironically enough was something found in Zenonia. There is a crystal that the dremorias have in abundance, yet were never able to use, and is called Lachrymite.
Lachrymite is a very strange crystal in that it is a living crystal. It can grow like a plant and will form in different shapes and sizes from crystal to crystal. It feeds off other crystals and minerals to grow converting it into itself. Another very interesting property about it is that it reacts highly with unicorn magic. It seems to absorb the magic directed into it and then multiplies it by ten. An example would be if a 15 kilowatts of magic energy was shot into the crystal, it would be absorbed and around 2 minutes later would be shoot out at 15 megawatts. Considering that a magical bolt requires around 25 gigawatts to be lethal thus made the war much easier to win considering that the unicorns now had a way to use less energy fighting the dremorias.
It took just around another year for them to create a bomb that was powerful enough to blow the kingdom which the dremorias lived within. They sent the bomb within the heart of the kingdom. The king of the dremoria; Justinian, had been able to reach it and using his dark-light ability created a shield surrounding the bomb that manage to slow down the time with in the area. This bought enough time for less than half of the population of dremorias to escape through the Lunar Gate. The bomb exploded reducing to most of the kingdom ash. Yet the escaped dremorias could not return for the Lunar Gate had destabilized due to the explosion. The remaining dremorias were rounded up by the former prince now King, Tegthor. They managed to fend off the remaining ponies into a small stalemate and began to rebuilt their civilization within the land of their enemy. The dremoria built a wall blocking them off from the land they began to cultivate with the supplies they managed to bring with them having most of their native fruits and vegetables. It took two years to rebuild a city and began to go back to their normal ways.
At around another year later King Tegthor began to make political peace trips with Equestria. He managed to stop the war between the two races and began his peace visits to learn more about the other being. This leads us today, where both race have started to integrate with the normal worries and racism in between them. The normal having only one race bars or clothing stores, specific places only for said race. King Tegthor believes however in the dremorian race, he believe that in time they will learn to get along with the ponies and eventually will be able to live without the racism and fear between them as he had learned to do. At the moment they have mange to create the television and the radios thanks to these amazing crystals. This is the setting of the world that we are in, yet there will be problems. It is time to follow the prince and her bride.