• Published 31st Dec 2012
  • 679 Views, 2 Comments

Can You Love a Demon? - OtherWorldsCrazyMinds

Around a decade and a half from the happy marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Luna has done some experimenting in trans-dimensional travel. Now a new intellectual being walks along side the ponies,one how have more yet less power

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Morning Surprises, Beer and Some Technical Stuff

It's been a week and a half since the marriage and he is keeping to his end of the bargain. Actually I haven't actually seen him except when he's asleep. He wakes up at dawn. And I mean dawn. How do I know this? Because he woke up once by accident when he dropped a couple of pans on the kitchen floor. Oh that's another thing he does. He makes breakfast. And the surprising thing is that the food he makes is pretty good. It's not gourmet but its good and sometimes surprising causes he will some time use dremoria spices. It is very weird because he leaves some purposely for me. Other than that I can barely see his existence. He wakes up early then me and I only see him if he decides to hit the hay early which was only once this week. Today was different however.

You see yesterday I had finally gotten all of that crappy un-stylistic furniture out and I had brought in some actually good looking furniture. I also had my parent send someone to bring over my pets. Yesterday they had given them to me as I had visited them for maybe the eighth time this week. I had let them out if their cages to get aquatinted with their new living space as I nodded off to bed.

My pets’ names are Felix the minx and Sandra the phoenix. Felix is black with orange strips randomly around his body. He was very protective over me and Sandra because of Sandra saving him from a couple of dogs when they were younger. Sandra is a loyal and very inquisitive phoenix. She is very smart but her curiosity will always get the better of her.

I had forgotten to tell my ‘husband’ about them last night because he had already fallen asleep. I figured that they wouldn't bother him and just continued to my king size bed and fell asleep. A loud yell woke me up from my sleep. I immediately got up and out of bed thinking that it was the cat. Then there was a loud hiss and some yelp of pain. I got downstairs to the kitchen to see that Felix had jumped on my husband’s head and was furiously swiping at his head. The guy obviously had no idea what to do because he was really just standing still as the cat just respectively scratching his face.

"Felix. Stop." I said loudly. Both Felix and his prey jumped at the sound of my voice and Felix immediately jumped down from his head and walked behind me making one last hiss and the dremoria prince before disappearing behind me.

"Are you ok?" I ask the beaten prince. He smiled and easily responded, "Never better" and then as if it was an afterthought "Well since you’re up, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Oh um I don’t know, maybe an omelet. Your face looks a bit-"

"Do you want it filled or folded?"

"Um, folded I guess. You face looks a bit" he turned to me and I finally had a good look at his eyes which looked not pony, they were green like Felix's and had the same slit like opening. Then I looked at the scratches on his face.

"Oh my, your face is bleeding!"

"Oh is it?" he reached up to his face and touch one of the bleeding scratches. He wiped some of the blood on his hoof and looked at it.

"Eh don't worry it’s not that bad. Just a couple of scratches."

"But you’re bleeding!"

"So what?"

"So what!? What do you mean 'so what?' You’re bleeding!"

"Don't make a big deal of it, see?" he turned from making the omelet and then I saw his face again. There were no scratches. None. They had just disappeared. As if they were never there. I took me a while to get it out but I asked "How did you do that?" he took a large knife and right before my eyes, he stabbed his hoof. I screamed in fright and yelled "Are you crazy?!?" he started laughing as if it was a joke. He pulled out the knife and took a towel and cleaned it. His hoof was still bleeding as he did this. He then said
"Look" and he raised the hoof that was bleeding. There was a strange flow of energy that emerged from the prince and then an ominous feeling came over me even though there was nothing ominous about this situation. Then as I starred at the stab wound, it started to mend itself. The stab wound closed itself and then it was gone.

"How did you do that?"

"It’s a natural ability dremorian can do." he said shut off the stove and putting cutting the omelet in half and putting them on two separate plates. He gave one to me and said "If I train enough with it, I could heal any deadly poison, if it hasn't spread far enough into the body. Eat up" he started eating his share as it took me a while to start mine. It still bugged me that he could stab himself without a second thought.

After breakfast I introduced him to the pets. Felix has obviously taken to hating the prince but Sandra seems to like him a lot. After that I got dressed and decided to call my boyfriend. I took the phone and called his work place. He works at an architecture firm and he was just starting to get noticed.

"Hello this is Brother Seethe, welcome to Two Brother's Hammer architecture firm how may I be of assistance?" My boyfriend said in a fake cheery voice.

"Yes um, I was wondering if you’re free for lunch today?" I said in different voice just to kid around.

"Well I am but I need to know who's calling." he said.

"Would you like to take a guess?"

"Hmm." he said in mock concentration, "Do you have beautiful hair?"


"Do you have a pure white coat?"


"Do you have an extraordinary personality?"

"I don't know. You tell me?"

"Adora you know not to call my work. My boss does not like personal calls"

"Oh screw him so do you want to come over to my new place for lunch or what?"

"Aren't you married? Won't your husband be mad?"

"I don't think so, he doesn't really show any interest in what I do. All he does is make breakfast and then I don't know."

"So he won't mind me coming over?"


"You better have your cook have make me something big, I'm starving." I laughed and said "Sure thing. Why can't I cook something for you?"

"I am sorry to say this but you know you’re a terrible cook." I frowned at this because it was true I was a terrible cook. I just could never get the ingredients or spices right and the taste would be off.

"Fine. Just get here. And hurry I am getting a bit bored."

"Alright see ya!" and then he hung up. Brother Seethe and I have been going out for around a year now. He is totally sweet and he pretty smart. He does have some moments but he is nice and caring, he doesn't surprise me much but hey, can I ask for something every day? I decided to go take a shower and freshen up for my day. After I entered the bathroom and let the water run till it got hot, I heard the prince calls from downstairs "Hey. I am going out. There is something in the fridge for the date thing."

"You eavesdropped on us?!" I yelled back walking down the stairs. As saw him at the door and he turns, "No. Have you considered that there is only me and you in this entire house and that you’re pretty loud?" I stopped and I flustered. He did have a point.

"Well what did you make?" I said still in a loud tone because I wouldn't give up my indignity. He smiled with a wry smile that he pulled off amazingly, "I made some fancy grilled cheese sandwiches. Five to be exact."

"Well where are you going? I am your wife."

"Wow. You pulled that card early. I am going to The Empty Bottle."

"A bar? You’re a day time drinker?" this was crazy. He didn't look like the kind of guy that would go out drinking in the middle of the day. He gave a sarcastic smile and said "No but I do love a good drink" and he walks out the door. For a second I wonder if he is telling the truth and if he is, like me, seeing someone behind the scenes. But then I realize that the shower is still running and that he didn’t seem like a guy that would have those kinds’ secrets.


I closed the door behind me and pulled my cloak up. It didn't look like it would rain but you could never be too cautious. I wasn’t someone who drank regularly, I only pull out the bottles when I know a day will go down the shit or when I can’t think of anything and today was one of those. For one I was a bit annoyed that Adora just calls her boyfriend up knowing I was in the room. I really didn’t know why this pissed me off but I was also I bit drained from the little demonstration that I performed today. I didn't think I would be able to work on the centurion.

You see, I am a tinker. That's what my mother calls it. She says that I can find ways to improve and create things from what we have today. And it's true. In fact I have already created a couple things that would help everyone but I don't know how it could be misused. For example, I have created the first engine for chariots and carriages. There is the flying model and the ground model. They both run on Lachrymite which is easily renewable. I have created magical voice storing device; a voice record if you will. I am trying to complete a little project of mine but it never seems to work well. I can't get the magical and electrical calibrations down. And since me stabbing myself has drained me, I knew my mind would be able to think straight. So I decided to get some money while seeing an old friend.

I summoned my dark-light and took off into the air. Today was a cool day; the signs of autumn were coming. The trees had started to change color and the air was cooler than a normal summer breeze. I headed south of the house and went about maybe two or three thousand feet into the air. Not really paying attention to where I was heading, I accidentally flew straight through a small class of Flight Academy students. I looked back to see one of them falling due to the air current that I had caused.

I wasn't going fast. Maybe just a hundred or ninety mph. I decided to help the foal out. She did look she needed it and she was falling to fast for her teacher to catch up. I made a very skillful U-turn and managed to immediately go into a dive towards a point under the falling flyer. I got there a couple seconds early and wait arms outstretched. The little foal landed in them around a second or two later.

"You ok?" I asked. It took a while for her to answer do to the fear she had felt. After a couple heavier breaths she cried "Thank you. Oh Celestia thank you" She said and hugged me tight. I really didn't know what do to so I just waited for it to be over and asked "Do you think you can get back up flying?"
"I think so, thank you again!" she said starting flapping her wings. Eventually she was back in the air, she steadied herself and asked "Hey mister what's your name?" I decided to say my pony name and said
"Frozen Flames"

"Well I am Bright Streak. I am the daughter of Scootaloo the great explorer and the Living Lighting Bolt 4o9."

"That's nice to know. Why are you telling me this?"

"Because if we meet again I want you to know who will be the next great explorer! And I don't know but I have a feeling that were goanna meet again" I thought about her have some sort of premonition powers because it does feel like we would meet again. I smiled at her and said "Well that's sounds like fun. Let's hope so. See yah" and I blasted back to the speed I was going and traveled to my destination. I looked back and saw her waving, I waves back. After another hour I arrived at the Empty Bottle. I pulled my hood up because it had blown off during the way hear. I walked in and a bottle flew out the door next to where my head was standing. Yup the Empty Bottle. I heard my friend scream "Eh! What did I tell about throw'n bottle around the place? One more time and you’re getting thrown out!"

"Geez. You’re never this lively outside the bar you know?" I said walking towards the bar. The bartender turns and smiles big, "Flames! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a month or so."

"I've been getting married Emerald" I said. Emerald Charm was her name, and she was the first pony friend ever and the only (sad right). She had a yellow tinted green coat and her mane was a dark green, her eyes were respectively emerald. Me and her became friends in kindergarten. Most of the students kept away from me due to their parents telling them not to associate with me. Makes sense since my horns had actually growing in and my tails was growing as well. Emerald Charm had actually decided to against her parents, her rebellious phase acting up early, and had decided to talk to me. After of couple of days she became my best friend. And I would usually confide her with feelings I wouldn't tell my parents.

She was fun loving, caring person and she is really helpful in many things from girl problem to problem with your boss. Her parents were actually very strict lawyers, and she was supposed to grow up to be as well but she grew to be more of a rebel with care then a lawyer for hire. Eventually she found a job as a waitress at this very bar. She had got good with the boss and she had loved her job, once her boss died he gave the bar to her and let her run it. She did I bit of remodeling but that was for space purposes and she added a small cooking area so that it be more pub'ish then bar like. She has had great business and her customers had always been friendlier. In fact the was some kind of saying about this place, I think it goes like "A therapist cost a lot of bites, Just head down to the Empty Bottle, Where Emerald Charm can fix all the harms in your life, just make sure you buy a drink". It went something along those lines.

"You got married?! And you didn't invite me to the marriage? Or even tell me that you’re getting married? Hey Flame I thought we were friends." She said.

"He we are friends and trust me when I say I did you a favor not inviting you. Can I get a Blue Moon?"

"And why is that?" she said passing me a bottle "A marriage is a marriage, no matter how boring it is"

"Yeah but if it's purely for political reasons why have it? I hate it and there was no love from the start"

"Wait let me get this straight. You married a high standing political figure for gain? I don't think you father would do that"

"No my father wouldn't do that, no I married an important figure to show that both of my race and your race can get along. Yet it was a marriage as you would say, with no love and only money."

"So who is the lucky gal?"

"Princesses Mia Amata Figila Adora" I said chugging the rest of beer. I couldn't see her reaction but I heard a drop of a glass. Then the slam of her hooves on the bar jolted me into accidentally inhaling some of the beer and I started coughing. When I looked up she had a look of incredulity on her face, that enough made me laugh.

"You are married to Princess Adora? The Princess Adora?"

"Yes" I replied.

"And you two have just married to show the public that-" at that point I put my hoof over her mouth cause she was getting louder.

"Look, I trust you to keep that part a secret got it! That’s strictly between me, her, my parents, her parents and both of your princess'. OK? I told this to you because I believe I can trust you. You can't tell this to anyone!" I said in a low tone so that only she could hear. She nodded and I removed my hoof. She spat in the sink behind her and said "Don't do that again. So how are you two getting along?"

"We barely talk to each other"

"Wow that’s great" She said sarcastically. I laugh and said "Well except today. Today her darn cat, who I swear has grown a grudge against me in around a day, attacked me making breakfast. Then Adora got all bitchy about some scratches on my face and I showed her some of my dark-light"

"What did you do?"

"I stabbed my hoof" she laughed out loud then asked "Did she faint? I remember when you showed me it by hurling yourself down a mountain, breaking half of the bones in your body and then napping for a day." I laughed at the memory too. This was when we were teens and I was at the reckless stage and so showed her my dark-light.

"So make anything new?" she asked. She was the only one I ever showed any my inventions too. For two reasons, one; she could work most of them and two; because she found them one day and had promised to keep it a secret unless I showed them to her. I thought about it and said "Well I got the new self-propelled carriage and its flying counterpart."

"You made a flying carriage! Can I test it out, please?" she asked while making some drink for someone who just came in.

"Well maybe, I don’t know. I have already set up the power source and everything, but ok. But I have to be there with you to guide you and everything ok?"

"Got it! So what are you doing here? I don't think it was just to say hello." She said giving a wry smile. I laughed out loud, "Well I do need to make some more cash for my next experiment and I figured I could use your help."

"Let me guess, either drinking contest or the darts"

"Actually I was thinking drinking contest but maybe I could get a bit more with some darts."

"Well let's get started then!"

"Do you have to go now?" I asked. Seethe was leaving, and it was about a couple hours after his lunch break had started. He had loved the sandwiches that my husband had made. I didn't tell him that he made but I think it wouldn’t have matter.

"Yes I have to go. I've stayed for too long. I'm sorry; look how bout I come over again next week will that make you happy?"

"Of course it will! But why now?"

"Because I am going to be three hours late back from lunch!" He yelled in mock exasperation. He smiled and brought his head down and kissed me. It was a deep kiss and it felt great. He pulled out and said "Sorry but I have to get you a gift." he said and began to walk out the front door. There was a loud thud outside, which both us turned to see. It was the prince; he stumbled a bit and shook his head. He walked into the door and saw Seethe he smiled and said "Hi, the name is Frozen Flame. And you are?"

"Brother Seethe" he replied shacking Frozen Flame's hoof. 'So that was his name' I thought.

"Question. Did you recently drink? And how did you fly without wings?" Seethe asked. Then I realized that the second question made sense, I had never really seen his wings even though he does fly. Frozen Flame pulled down his hood and showed his horns. He thought about it and replied, looking at me “Do I really have to answer this?” I was getting curious so I gave him a very stern and quirt “Yes”.
He sighed in desperation and began, "Well remember the little trick I pulled this morning?" I nodded but Seethe said "Well I wasn't here this morning so can you explain". Flame sighed and then explain "Dremorias have an ability to summon up there energy and turn it three different states, healing which I showed you this morning, flight which I do all the time and shields. It would take too long to explain it all bit we call this ability dark-light. Doing any of these things takes energy, some more than others." he began to float a couple feet off the ground, "This takes about as much energy as it takes to blink. And that is how I can fly" he landed and bowed he began to walk towards the house, but Seethe was getting to get curious. I could see it in his eyes which would get a small shine when something peeked his interest. He asked "what do shields do?"

"Really? You’re really asking that question?" Flame said a bit exasperated. I guess he gets a bit cranky if he drinks too much.

"Well I just want to see how it works." Seethe said. Flame sighed and looked around, and then he went and picked up a huge rock. The rock was maybe twice the size of his head and he lifted it with only one hoof. 'Wow' I thought, 'This guy is strong'. Then he threw it straight into the air and stood under the rock's shadow. I looked at the rock which about maybe 20 feet high, then I looked back to Flame, standing under that rock could easily kill a pony. Seethe actually moved to get him out of the way but Flame held up his hoof, stopping him.

"Get out of the way!" I yelled when it was about ten feet from him. Then there was a crack and then dust surround what I believe to be a scary sight. Then Flame walked out of the dust cloud, perfectly fine.

"See?" he said.

"No actually" Seethe replied. Flame looked to the heavens as if praying to his gods. He walked up to Seethe and said with utmost of seriousness "Hit me"


"Hit me"

"why should I-"

"You wanna see how it works. Hit me"'

"I am not going to hit you."

"What if I insulted Adora?"

"I would know your trying to provoke me so it won't wor-"

"She a fat bitch"

"Aw, buck you!" I said and Seethe almost immediately went to ram him. What happened next is hard to describe. A dark ominous feeling swept the place like the first time I saw him heal himself. Then when Seethe was around a couple inches from Flame, he bounced off. He did that kind of bounce off that you see when some pony hits a wall. Seethe almost fell but Flame caught him and pulled him to his hooves.

"Now do you see?"

"Yah. That's cool!" Seethe said impressed, “So how far can it go?”
“As far as I need it too. Though it I can’t throw it around things. It’s basically a bubble that I can expand and shrink at will. I can make surround objects as long as they’re in my hands. I can also bring other into the bubble. I can use to push things, deflects objects, keep things stable, and other stuffs. The farther out it goes however the harder it is to maintain and the bigger the stress on my body. I could get it to surround the entire house but I would be able to do it for that long without it starting to hurt.”
“That pretty handy, man.” Seethe praised. Then Seethe rekindle his nose, "Dude you smell like a bar, how much did you drink?"

"82 beers, 28 bottle of vodka, a barrel of Tequila and a couple martinis" Flame said. I gaped.

"How did you not succumb to Alcohol poisoning?" I asked. He smiled and replied "I am a dremoria, I grew up with dremoiran alcohol which compared to ours, your 'alcohol' is barley alcohol." and he walked past me, I almost gagged from the smell.

"Wait" I said. He turned and I asked "Did you mean that? That I am fat" he laughed and only said "Actually it wouldn't be too bad have a large steak once and a while" and walked off. I huffed a bit and Seethe comforted me before he went back to work. I went back inside, and saw that Flame was in the kitchen poking his head in the fridge. He pulled out the gallon of orange juice and began to chug. I waited till he was finished which took him a while, "I have two questions. Do you mind?"

"Yeah I do. I'm kinda of tired"

"Ok here is the first one. What are you?"

"Wow that was sudden. Well to put it simply, I was the first cross breed child of the dremorian king Tegorath and the doctor Heart Charmer. I am a pony dremoria. Does that answer your question?" I thought about it. Then nodded and said "here is the second question. Why did drink that much?"
"I had to make some money" he said throwing the empty gallon jug away. I thought about what he just said, "So you drank the equivalent to three alcohol poisonings to make money?"

"Yeah" he said without any thought. I could hit him, which I tried surprising him and me. He had his shield up in an instant, "Ow" I said. He laughed and said "Well that’s what happens, by the way what that was for?"

"I don’t care much for you, by you could at least try not to get yourself killed!" I yelled at him. He smiled and counters by saying "Well thanks for the hate but really, if you really don’t care why are we talking?" he then walked off pass me. I was over flowing with rage and took a knife and chuck it at him, which just bounced off his shield. He laughed again and went to the basement.