• Published 31st Dec 2012
  • 680 Views, 2 Comments

Can You Love a Demon? - OtherWorldsCrazyMinds

Around a decade and a half from the happy marriage of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Luna has done some experimenting in trans-dimensional travel. Now a new intellectual being walks along side the ponies,one how have more yet less power

  • ...

Cars, Flying, and some Secrets

It has now been a month and a half since the wedding and things have gone by as usual. I have been redoing the house lately, changing the wall paper, bringing in new furniture and taking out the old and so I had to go collect it all. I have decided to take time out of my weeks to spend one day at home. This is to check up on how Flame is doing. Of course I never go down to the basement and check on him but I hang around the house playing with Felix and Sandra. The rest of the week would be going out with friends, Seethe and visiting my parents. Today was different. Today was the day that I decided to hang out at the house too keep an eye on Flame. Then the doorbell rang. I went to open the door seeing as Flame probably wouldn't hear it.

"Hello Adora!"

"Auntie Twilight!" I screamed and hugged her. She hugged me back. She smiled and said "I had meaning to visit you for a while but the princesses wouldn't let me go until I had given them the full reports on what I had found about the Lachrymite."

"Oh its ok Auntie! You came and that’s what matters! Come, come, sit down, I had these couches important from my parent’s house.” We both sat down and Sandra flew down onto Twilight’s shoulder. Sandra had always liked Twilight, she like smart people in general. Felix then jumped up onto my lap and began to purr. Once the two animals were smugly resting on us, Twilight asked “So how have you’ve been holding up?”

“I am fine, trying to get back into the normal life. It does take a while for these things to get back in shape. But never mind me how is everyone doing? Did Spirit and Spike get back from that trip yet? How has Scootaloo been?”

“Wow, Adora slow down. One question at a time, please. OK well let’s see. Spirit and Spike actually arrived two weeks ago; Spirit is taking a break and is with Rarity at a spa/ hotel. Silver Fang and Crystal Secret had decided to follow in Spirit’s footsteps and are getting ready to go with Spike and Sweetie Bell to a place called Skyrim. It turns out that Spirit has been there already so he decided to take a break with Rarity. And I think that they are-”

“Wow wow wow wow wow, wow. Why is Sweetie Bell going? I thought that she didn’t like going on those trips.” Twilight smiled and said “Well it turns out after the second year of Spirit and Rarity going out, they started to hit it off and eventually become a secret couple. They only just told us three days ago.” I squealed with happiness, I had always known that something was going on between them. Twilight however had to cover her ears due to her age making her a frailer.

“Oops sorry. So how is Big Mac and Rainbow doing?”

“Getting married next week.” I squeal again, this time is lower pitched. Then the doorbell rang again. I looked at Twilight and she asked, “Are you expecting some one?” I shook my head. Then I heard Flame’s voice from the basement who yelled, “Hey Adora, could you please answer the door!” I sighed and tried to get up, but Felix didn’t move.

“So how is Hatseal treating you?” Twilight asked.


“Hatseal? The man you’re married too?”

“His name is Frozen Flame.”

“He hasn’t even told you his true name?”

“What do you mean?”

“He is a dremorian, so he has a dremorian name. His name is Hatseal. His name that his mother gave is Frozen Flame. She gave him this name so that when he was in town he would have a name that other ponies wouldn’t feel so afraid of him.” The doorbell rang again. I looked at Felix but he wouldn’t move, I turned to Twilight and asked “Well he isn’t a big talker and he is a bit mean. He called me skinny. In a bad way.”

“Oh come on, he probably didn’t mean it seriously. I was told he is nice guy. Besides, different races will always seem a bit off.” Twilight said patting my shoulder.

“Nope. I meant it. All of it. And sorry but I thought I asked you to get the door” Flame said, emerging from the basement. He took off a pair of goggles and rested them on his neck. He then opens the door and a mare said “God how long does it take for you to open the door.”

“Hey it ain’t my fault I had to get the course ready.” Flame said and they hugged. He then turned to me and Twilight saying, “Hello. Adora this is my friend Emerald Charm. Emerald Charm, this is my ‘wife’ Mia Amata Figlia Adora. And this is her aunt, Twilight Sparkle.” Emerald bowed and me and Twilight bowed back.

“So you said something about a course?” Emerald said, turning to Flame. He smiled and then gestured to the back yard saying, “Yeah I have a small obstacle course outside for the land automobile.”

“What? You told me I would drive the flying one!” Emerald complained. I turned to Twilight who had same interested expression that I had.

"I am not letting drive the flying automobile without going through a session of the ground one!"

"Why? You promised!" Emerald complained.

"Because driving either one is hard. Don't worry; you will still drive the flying one it's just that you'll have to go through the course on the ground first." Flame said. Emerald sighed and said "Fine!" he led her to the door to the backyard. Flame looked back and called, "Hey Adora, if you want you can watch. It'll be fun." he then continued through the door. I turned to Twilight. Her face was a blank slate showing no emotion what so ever, but there was a blazing fire of curiosity and excitement.

"I think it would be interesting to see what they are going to do, don't you think?" I asked Twilight. She smiled and got up turning to go to the kitchen, "I'll get some drinks together. Should they be alcoholic?"

"Yes!" I said feeling a little bit giddy at what we were about to see. I joined her in the kitchen, taking out some pitcher and filling them with water.

"Lemonade or Ice tea?" I asked.

"It's a bit too cold for that don't you think?" Twilight said. She did have a point, autumn was coming and outside was actually getting pretty chilly. Then I had an idea, I went into the fridge and took a block of dark chocolate and milk.

"How about some hot chocolate?" I said bringing out a cooking pot and turning on the stove.

"Hmm. That could work. Do you have any Vodka or Whisky?" Twilight asked. I thought about it, and then said "I think there is some in the alcohol cupboard it's under the silverware draw" it took maybe twenty minutes to make some hot chocolate spike with some old Jack Daniels. We then put it in a thermos and took it outside with a couple of mugs. The course was pretty large, considering the size of the place. It stretches around the garden and around the tool shed. The course consisted of many small obstacles such as traffic cones and large trash bins. At the moment the 'automobile' was rounding the corner of the tool shed. It was going pretty fast now and all it had to do was go around a sharp bend. It pick up speed and did a sort of slide like it was trying to stop by turning itself but not entirely, like a weird drifting motion. Then it stopped in front of me and Twilight with a cloud of dust.

"See was that hard?" I heard Flame say as he exited the vehicle. This was the first time I had seen it and it did not look like a carriage much. It was a large box with a smaller more rectangular box at the front. It had two pairs of doors and it had a large glass screen at the front. The wheels at the back were not changed but the ones at the front were, instead of being connected to the larger box it was connect to the smaller box with a pole that stretched through the smaller box. There were also two flashlight looking things at the front of it.

"No it wasn't. Now can we ride the flying one?" Emerald complained.

"Fine let me just switch these out with each other" Flame said, Getting into the side Emerald exited from. There was a rev of magic and the automobile started and Flame drove it into the doors that lead into the basement.

"So how was it?" asked Twilight.

"It was fun. He really does know how to make the coolest of things." Emerald said.

"How many times did you go around the track?" I asked.

"Around three or four times. The first two were for getting the hang of the controls and the other two were for getting control of how fast I could go, and by Celestia's back hooves you can go fast!"

"What’s is the fastest speed you can go?" I asked.

"Well I was only aloud 20 mph, but Flame said that you could probably go over 95 mph." She said. Wow, I thought. Since when could this guy these things? He built two automobiles, the flying one and the ground version and I don't even know it's being made in my own basement. Then there was a large revving noise and the automobile came up from the little ramp that leads down to the basement. Flame drove the carriage out and set it up in the middle of them track. He gets or and says, "Ok so who wants to fly?" everyone got up and clamored to the automobile. Emerald got in the driver the seat will Flame got in the seat next to that one. Me and Twilight got in the back seat.
"Ok so the only real difference between these two these things is that you this lever that can control the altitude. However it isn't a good idea to just thrust it up because it will do a backflip like maneuver that will send us crashing. What I suggest is that you go maybe ten, twenty mph and then gain altitude. And don't worry you don't have to keep your hands on the lever. Ok so let's gets started." Flame explained. Emerald got the big machine to start moving and it got faster and faster till it was about twenty five mph. Then Emerald took hold of the lever and slowly pushed it up. It wasn't obvious at first but after another couple of minutes of driving we knew that we were off the ground. We climbed steadily until the trees on the ground looked like leaves.

"This is amazing!" I said.

"Indeed it is. Now Flame, I am very interested on the designs of this creation of yours do you mind explaining it to me? I believe that this is flying with a levitation spell?"

"Actually its self-producing cloud Lachrymite, the wheels are all in use with water walking Lachrymite that give it its flight. Here it will be easier to explain it up close, Adora come switch seats with me and can I get some got chocolate?" Flame replied getting up from his sear as he said he last part. It took a while but we finally managed to switch seats, I was next to Emerald who was amazed by the ability of flight while focused on driving properly.
I figured now would be a good time as any to get some back story on Frozen Flame seeing as he did this without evens mentioning it to me, "So how long have you two been going out?" I asked Emerald. She almost spat out the hot chocolate that she was drinking.

"Going out! Where did you get that idea?"

"Well you are the only mare I have seen him with and you too do seem close"'

"We were never going out. Granted we are close but that's because we have been friends for so long."

"How long?"

"Since kindergarten"

"Wait, a prince has to go to kindergarten?"

"Yeah but that's because his mom wanted him too. His dad took him away during the holidays and taught him the prince stuff"

"So his mom is a pony," I said still a bit confused about this. She nodded confirming that fact, I continued,

"And his father is king of the dremoria." she nodded again.

"What does his mother do? I mean to get the attention of the king of dremoria is not something that anyone can do right?" Emerald laughed and said, "well his mom was the only that decided to help him after someone poisoned him."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you know that it took a while for that war to end right?" I nodded, "Well Flame's father had gone on some peace trip across Equestria. Apparently he stopped in town to learn our culture. So then one mare, who was either still mad at him for the war or was trying to avenge her husband, poisoned his drink. Flame's mother was the only one who had decided to actually help him. Seeing as she was a doctor decided to that he should bring her along. That's where they apparently fell in love and had Flame."

"Well that's a nice story. You sure it's true?"

"That's all they told Flame who told me."

"I have another question. What is he like because I never have really talked to him much? I only talked once and he told that I was too skinny. To me that's a bit mean."

"Hm, well he is nice it's just that you have to get to know each other for that to happen. When you start out, he seems to be a cynical bastard but after a while his cynicalness is actually him just trying to be nice or help you out in some way."

" So when he was saying that I was too thin he meant it as a compliment and suggestion?"

"Probably" she said smiling, "Flame is some pony who is really nice but just doesn't show it. Not because it will make him look weak, but because he really doesn't know how to show it. I have been his only friend for years so I have gotten used to it so he didn't need to change his ways. He is nice but it's hidden behind his cynicalness." She smiled as if remembering good times. I thought about if she had something for him but then thought it out. If they had been friends for so long why didn't she ever bring it up? Maybe she just thought of him as the brother that she never had, but I would never know. I began to think about Flame more, his cooking, and his simplicity at everything he did. Now that I thought about it, he really hasn't been mean to me. At least I hope. I looked back at him now and saw him enthusiastically talking with Twilight. I smiled, thinking that talking to people with the same intelligence is probably good for people. I sat back on the chair and enjoyed the ride and Emerald and I talked about many different things and she invited me to come to the Empty Bottle. Eventually we decided to turn back and land at our place. It was quite a fun day.


Once the ride was over, I asked Twilight to try and help me out with another project of mine.
"Hey Adora, Twilight is going to try to help me with something could you keep Emerald company for a while?"

"As long as you don't hurt her I'm fine" she replied showing Emerald to her dressing room. I smiled thinking that they could get along and showed Twilight downstairs to my workshop. My workshop was pretty cluttered, I was never one for organization and so it looked like a tornado hit.

"So what did you want help with?" Twilight asked, "Or was it the mess you wanted help with?" she joked. I laughed and replied "Well no but you're right I should get this fixed. No this is what I need help on" I went up to a statue with Lachrymite in many places on it. The statue was a large rendition of one the popular legendary hunters in old stories told to dremorias. It was a hunter known as Keldro the precise, a hunter of the lord Sherona who managed to kill a small herd of wyverns. He was in a simple half squatting pose with his bow stung out with an arrow on it. It wasn’t anything truly special but it was large, about eight to ten feet tall.

“This is a great statue but I don’t know how I would get this appraised. I am not an artist” Twilight said.

“Close but still no cigar. I need help with some magical calibrations. And seeing as you are the lead magical technician on Lachrymite I figured that you could help”

“How did you know that?”

“I do read the latest magazines of ‘Magical Do Das’” I replied throwing her a copy. I climbing up a ladder propped up against Keldro’s back. I took a large battery and instated in the statue, then climbed back down and said in a loud clear voice “Keldro, Activate. Scan vicinity and notify number of people and identify species” There was a loud buzz of electricity and then Keldro’s eyes opened and a wide beam of light that sweep the room from top to bottom. I turned to Twilight who had a look of fear and amazement, and then Keldro responded in a very metallic voice “Two beings. One pony. Specific; Unicorn. One Cross breed.”

“Wow. You built this? This is really something.” Twilight said. I smiled and then said in a loud voice,

“Assume protective procedure on the unicorn” at this the statue the got up and jumped of the pedestal and landed in front of Twilight and put his arm out in front of her like a large shield. She looked impressed and a bit frightened at the speed it possessed.

“This is where the trouble come in” I said with a sigh and then called in the same loud tone from before,

“Keldro return to disguise mood” The statue got and stood straight up, but then wouldn’t move any further. It just stood there like, for lack of a better term, a statue. I walked over to it, patting its legs and said, “It also has problems with its passive offense where it will shoot a magic bolt that will give off enough voltage to put most dremoria and ponies unconscious. It’s too low of a voltage to kill so I don’t have to worry about that. So do you think you can do it?”

“I don’t know, it really looks like you just missed a couple of key magical junctions. Here let me look.” She climbed up the ladder and opened the back and with her magic began to survey the motherboard. She took out of pair of glasses and then asked “Let me guess, you used the new Unicron’s Magic Tools set?”

“Yeah, as you can see, I really can’t use magic of my own so that the next best thing. Why? Something wrong with it?”

“No, it’s just using those thing will never be the same as using actual born magic, and when using those tools you will accidentally cut some of the junctions which was only some of the problems here.” She said, stepping down and taking of her glasses. She sighed and said “Don’t worry, it really was something only and magical expert can work on, this was due to faulty tools.” She turned to me, “Can I ask you a question?”

“I believe you do deserve something for helping me out. Shoot” I said.

“Why are you building this in your basement? You seem to be extremely smart and capable but you don’t take advantage of this and get actual tools and other people helping you out. I am curious about your answer.” She said sitting down on the chair next to my desk. I sighed and then took the bottle of gin that was on another desk. I took a swig and then said, “To answer your first question. This is for my father’s throne room. I wanted to give him a birthday present and he was always complaining the fact that he never could get a guard that would accidentally kill the assassin or people getting past the guards. I thought that maybe I could create something that would do both and be pretty cool looking. The statue is the statue of one of my father’s favorite legendary warrior so I figured what if I turned him into a sentry. And that were this came from. Now the second question is a bit different. I don’t want to work on this with other people because then the will become a public project which will then unsewn for this to be used as a weapon which is what I don’t really want. This meant to protect people not to kill.” I looked over at her,
“you can understand right?” She nodded and got up.

“I know exactly how you feel. I don’t think I should tell you this but what happens now won’t change the past. You know the bomb that destroyed your world?”

“Yeah” I replied taking another swig of the gin, still not looking directly at her.

“Well, I created it.” I still didn’t look at her but it was clear that she was sad about the idea that she created the weapon of ending worlds. She took a deep breath and continued, “I know you’re probably mad and I can understand why. But it wasn’t my will to use it. Actually it was meant to be a world threat; if both sides didn’t surrender I would set it off right in the middle of the portal. This was just a bluff, I wouldn’t actually do it but my brother found out, Adora’s dad. He is the captain of the royal guards and army and so thought that this would help turn the tides of battle which would help them win. He took the bomb and, well, I guess you know what happen after that. I haven’t talked to my brother ever since. I just can’t stand to look at him and I guess the same because he can never look at me. I’m sorry if it seems like I’m rabbling it’s just… Never mind. I am sorry if you’re mad. I’ll fix the junctions for you. I should be going soon or I won’t be able to see some of my god child off tomorrow.” She said, her horn glowing as she began to walk away. I walked with her and went upstairs and saw both Adora and Emerald talking with each other animatedly.

“I’m not mad.” I said to Twilight, she turned to me, looking a bit confused. “I don’t believe that you should be mad at your brother either. He did it to protect you from us and I really can’t blame him for trying to protect something important to him. He was trying to save his people and you; he would do what he had to do to protect it even if it meant the destruction of a world or the hatred from a loved one. He probably didn’t want to do it himself but there was a saying that my father told me when I was younger. He said ‘When there is someone of value to you, there will always be the unbalanced scale’ I’m pretty sure you can figure out what that means. His scale was either using the bomb to win the war or possibly lose you and the others he cared for; he made the choice that to him seemed right.” I turned to her and smiled, “Sibling should never have hat for one another, since in the end there is always each other”