• Published 14th Jan 2012
  • 645 Views, 1 Comments

Fragments of Fanzith - Viscera

Aliens have been sent to take over Equestria. Whats left of the mane 6 and friends must stop them.

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Chapter 9

A yellow pegasus was flying toward the mountain. Her purple pet riding atop her back. It was a bit hard to see due to all of the smoke within the mountainous air. The pegasus landed in front of the cave. Inside of the cave was a golden glow coming from all of the treasure inside the mountain.

"You stay here, alright Sandy? We don't want him to become angered at the sight of a silithid." Said the pegasus to her pet. She then tied her pet's leash to a nearby rock, insuring that it wouldn't run away for any reason. The pegasus walked into the cave.

There was a loud roar.

"Calm down, buddy!" She began to the dragon a bit angrily, although there was sincerity in her voice. "We need your help. And we need-"

She was interrupted by another roar. The dragon attempted at swiping at her, but she dodged.

"Look, we need your help. And we need it bad. Don't make me have to give you The Stare!"

The dragon attempted another swipe at the pegasus, and failed at that. The pony began to fly into the air to give the dragon her world famous stare.


"So. Any ideas?" Applejack began.

The seven ponies sat in between the crops contemplating on how to remove Applejack's hoof monitor. They were completely silent until somepony spoke up.

"I think I may know a vey." Photo Finish began. "Although it has been many years since I have deactivated a hoof monitor. And I am not quite so sure I know how to deactivate an alien one, although I'd assume its almost the same..... Is everypony ready? I cannot guarantee it vill verk." They all nodded slowly. Photo Finish pulled out her katana, which had already had alien blood on it from moments ago, and quickly jabbed it into the hoof monitor. The monitor's lightbulb began to glow a bright red. It signaled an alarm coming from within all of the base.

":ZANZEN: :ZANZEN: VERIN WAN FRAN QUELTH. AE323 BORZEN FAUN WAL." could be heard extremely loud from the speakers on the ceiling. The lights that had recently been keeping the room lit were now flashing on and off. All of the earth ponies who had been farming were now panicking. Alien aerotroopers were now flying all over the place looking for Number AE323, ie Applejack. The seven ponies began to panic and run for the manehole they had recently came through. Much to their dismay, it was locked shut. The seven ponies were panicking more than ever now. They ran and hid in between the crops in hopes that the aliens wouldn't find them, although they doubted it would work for long.

Just then, there was a loud banging on the top of the dome wall. The banging caused the lights to crack and stop working. It became nearly unseeable for a moment. That is, until the ceiling cracked open, letting the sunlight in. There were dark purple claws slipping through the cracks. A few moments passed before the entire ceiling caved inward. Due to this recklessness, some ponies and aliens had rubble landing atop them, nearly crushing some of them.

"S-Spike!?" Twilight had exclaimed, looking upward with tears in her eyes. The other 6 ponies could tell that she had missed her long-lost friend. Spike began to fly down to the ground, carelessly crushing a large majority of the crops. He was enraged, crushing all of the aliens he could see. He knew better than to breathe fire, which would cause the crops to catch fire, then leading to catching innocent ponies on fire. Atop the giant, hulking purple dragon was Fluttershy. She had seen the 7 ponies, turned to them, dismounted the beast, and flew towards them.

"Hurry and leave while you can." She had warned them.

"Tell me what's going on here!" Twilight began. "How did you know to come here? Where did you find Spike? Why did you bring him here?"

"Look, I've had you all tracked down this whole time. I knew you were in danger. The only thing I knew to do was to get Spike to get you all out. I know you're feeling a bit emotional right now, but we don't have time for a family reunion. Hurry and get out while you can before this entire place blows."

"Blows?! What do you mean?! The entire place is going to explode?! Whats going to happen to you and Spike?!" Twilight became shocked.

"Look, Twilight. We'll both be fine, alright? Just trust me on this. Just hurry and get out while you can." She began to point to a large hole Spike had created for the ponies to leave from. The 7 ponies ran out of the hole, Twilight taking one last look inside, to see Spike for possibly the last time in her life.

The 7 ponies had ran all the way back to where they had parked their car. The sun was setting. The ponies knew they had to get back to Canterlot immediately, as they only had 5 and a half days left before the mists settled in. They all got inside of the car, except for Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. Applebloom had rode inside of Sweetie Belle as she had done before. Photo Finish was driving and Twilight was in the passengers seat. Rarity and Applejack had been in the back two seats, with Scootaloo scrunched between the two. It had been a very silent trip, that is until they heard a loud explosion coming from Jail Sector A, Manehattan. Twilight began to cry softly, thinking something bad had happened to Spike and Fluttershy. All of the other ponies began to cry a bit too, except for Photo Finish, who had just lowered her head, attempting to show some sympathy and Sweetie Belle, who was obviously incapable of crying.

After a while of driving down the interstate they had finally reached Canterlot once again to deliver the news to The Princesses. They had gone into Canterlot, and into Canterlot Castle, as they have done plenty of times before, other than Applejack, who this had been the first time for.

After entering the castle, Celestia had acted quite proud and happy for the 7 ponies.

"Good job!" She begun. "You destroyed the first fragment AND rescued Applejack and Fluttersh-" She suddenly stopped talking for a moment. "Where's Fluttershy?"

Twilight and company began to explain everything that happened.

"So you're saying Fluttershy somehow got Spike to destroy the entire Jail Sector A, in which they had destroyed the fragment but both have died?"

"Potentially." Photo Finish responded.

"But wait." Luna had been on the computer in the room the whole time. "Says here that Fluttershy is still alive." She said, pointing to the computer screen.

Name: Fluttershy
Sex: Female
Race: Pegasus
Age: 17
Spouse: N/A
Occupation: Military Commander
Coat Colour: Yellow
Mane Colour: Pink
Cutie Mark: 3 Butterflies

"I'm sure she can handle herself for now." said Celestia. "Afterall, she IS one of Equestria's highest military commanders now." There was a moment of silence before Celestia had brought up another topic entirely. "So. You all remember that Spencer guy, right?"

All of the ponies nodded, other than Applejack.

"Well appearently, after doing some research, I found out that Spitfire and Spencer had been long time friends back in their highschool. But thats not the part thats going to suprise you. It seems Spencer had eventually graduated and became a Hoofington Warden. You know what those are, right?"

The ponies shook their heads.

"Let me start off by saying I'm so dearly sorry I never signed you up, Twilight. The Hoofington Wardens are a scrying circle in, you guessed it, Hoofington. You all remember Trixie right?"

Most of the ponies nodded.

"Well, she was an exile of the Hoofington Wardens. She was kicked out because she used her scrying powers for bad instead of good. I signed you all up for an appointment to go see them tomorrow, as they have a clue on where to find the rest of the fragments. So I'd suggest you all get some sleep for tomorrow." Celestia began to walk back to her computer.

The 7 ponies began to walk back to their hotel. Applejack had to sleep on the floor that night, due to a lack of bed space.

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