• Published 14th Jan 2012
  • 645 Views, 1 Comments

Fragments of Fanzith - Viscera

Aliens have been sent to take over Equestria. Whats left of the mane 6 and friends must stop them.

  • ...

Chapter 3

"REALLY?!?!?" Celestia and Luna said together.

"Uhh, yes. Really." said the guard going down the stairs. "I sure hope I can find her..." he said to the other guard.

The guard went outside and went to the entrance the 4 ponies originally came from. He asked the guards there. "Uhh.. yeah.. You know those ponies we had to schedule for the Princess with?"

"Uhh yeah? Why?"

"Yeah.. We kind of need them ASAP.."

"Well good news, buddy. They're right over there!" he said pointing to the 4 ponies.
"And then she said: Oatmeal!? Are you crazy!?" Twilight said to the other 3 ponies. The other 3 were laughing and enjoying themselves, however Twilight was saddened by the fact that she hasn't seen Pinkie Pie in weeks.

The guard approached the 4 mares. "Yes I'm so sorry for the confusion.." he said to the ponies. "We had no idea you were THE Twilight Sparkle.."

"But I TOLD you my name.." said Twilight said spitefully.

"I sure hope we haven't caused you ponies too much trouble."

"Oh trust me, you did." Twilight said under her breath.

"Come, follow me. I'll take you to Celestia."

They went back to the castle. Twilight immediatly knew where Celestia's room was. Twilight knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Celestia asked.

"Its me, Twilight Sparkle!" Twilight responded. The door flew open.

"Oh thank goodness you're alive!" Celestia began to hug on Twilight tightly.

"I won't be alive much longer if you hug me so tight.." Twilight said under her breath.

"Where were you, Twilight? We've missed you sooo much~" Celestia said cuddling Twilight tightly.

"Uh, sister.. Isn't there some important questions you have for Twilight?" Luna asked her sister.

"Oh.. ahem.. right." "Well lets start with the first question: tell me everything that happened ever since the aliens invaded."

"Well it all started when you called the 6 of us to Canterlot Castle and told us to get into our respective bunkers in the 3 cities. Me and Pinkie Pie in Ponyville, Applejack and Fluttershy in Manehattan, and Rarity in Fillydelphia. Rainbow Dash was a mercenary. Traveling between the cities to make sure everything is intact."

"Why'd ya split all of 'em up?" Applebloom interrupted.

"Because we needed to make sure everything was safe in the city before we sent in our mercenaries to destroy the Fragments. We need all of the Fragments destroyed so we can use magic again. Without magic, the Elements of Harmony are all inactive. We couldn't store the 6 ponies in Canterlot. If we did then they'd invade Canterlot first. You know, our only safe haven at the moment? And since Rainbow Dash is dead, either Twilight or Pinkie Pie didn't do their job.."

"Well I never got a signal. It must've been Pinkie Pie who wasn't doing her job." Twilight began.

"Pinkie Pie must've been corrupted with The Virus sooner than we thought then." said Luna.

"What?! Pinkie has The Virus!?" Twilight yelled to the two princesses.

"Uhh yeah... about that.." Luna began nervously. "When I was out looking for you, I went into Sugarcube Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were dead. Pinkie Pie was upstairs.. well.. what was left of her. She was missing an eye and had 7 legs-"

"Vait vone second!" Photo Finish interrupted. "Ze Virus makes you lose both of ze eyes. Not vone. Zat must mean zat ze virus has yet to fully develop."

"Her tracking chip isn't flatlined yet. So its still possible for her to be alive." said Celestia.

"Zen ve need to rescue her!"

"Not yet. We still don't know what happened to Rainbow Dash.." said Celestia.

"Ah know what happened to Rainbow Dash!" Applebloom began.

"Care to explain?" Celestia responded.

"Well Ah woke up in mah cell from loud sirens and Ah saw Rainbow Dash flyin' through the hall tryna get a fragment

"WHAT?! What was Rainbow Dash trying to get the fragment all by herself for!? We had troops assigned for that, not her." Celestia questioned loudly.

"Ah don't know. Anyway she got me out of the cell since Ah was the only one not asleep and we tried to get the fragment.
We were sneakin' through the cafeteria and we got caught by alien guards. They took her and Ah ran to get help."

"So they took Rainbow Dash.. Either she's dead or she gave away vital information." Said Luna

"She's the Element of Loyalty. She wouldn't give in. She's most likely dead now." said Celestia.

"But she's not." Twilight interrupted. "We've seen her multiple times. She wasn't normal either. She was dark blue, with a black, gray, and white mane. She had horns and skull armour.

"And did she try to kill you?" asked Celestia

"No. Every time she let us live. First she threw us into the Everfree forest. The other she just let us go to talk to you." explained Twilight.

"What about you, Twist. Do you know anything?" Luna asked.

"Uhh not really. I wath jutht in my prithon thell and Applebloom came and got me out and I followed her all the way to
where I am now."

"Well, whats your story Photo Finish?" Celestia began to ask.

"Vell most of it iz a bit hazy. All I know iz zat I vas kicked out of Canterlot for zome reason. And I vas kicked into ze
Everfree forest."

"Wait? Why would you be kicked out?" Celestia asked.

"Were you eating at McHoofers?" Luna asked.

"Vat vould zat have to do vith anysing?"

"Yeah why would someone get kicked out of our safe haven for having bad food tastes?" Celestia asked her sister.

"You don't remember? The plagued celery burgers?" Luna asked her sister.

"Plagued celery..?" Celestia questioned her sister flatly.

"They had a terrible incident when we imported celery from Appleloosa, just like the town itself, the celery had The Virus
in it." Luna responded.

"Vait. But I don't have Ze Virus. Vouldn't I be dead if i did?"

"The outbreak was 6 days ago. You SHOULD be dead right now. What did you do after you were kicked out?" Luna asked.

"Zome tribal zebra zombies abducted me for a few days. I even learned a bit of zeir language."

"So what your saying, is that there's a tribe somewhere in the Everfree forest who has a cure to The Virus?" Celestia asked.

"Potentially." Photo Finish responded.

"So what we need to do is find Pinkie Pie, and get the tribal zebras to make her better, right?" Twilight asked everypony.

"Except Pinkie Pie doesn't have free will anymore." Luna said.

"Then we'll have to do it by force." said Twilight.

"But Twilight. You never explained the rest of your story." Celestia added.

Twilight began to explain all of the events that took place after she left the bunker.
Meanwhile at the ruins of the Canterlot Hedge Maze there were aliens creating a mine. The two dark, spikey creatures were

accompanied by their drill machine. The machine was pure black with a red lens for a windshield. They were shoveling the dirt around the hedge maze to prepare for the digging when they came across a stone paw in the ground.

"Vas wan fran quelth?" one asked the other.

"Quen fran?" it responded. One of them started pulling the paw out of the ground. It was a chimera statue.

"Varnas wan fran quelth!" one yelled to the other.

"Farnas wan fran quelth?"

"Barnas wan fran quelth!"

"Garnas wan fran quelth?"

"Harnas wan fran quelth!" they began to argue. The statue began to crack open to reveal Discord, God of Chaos.

"Woo-wee it feels SO good to be back!" Discord shouted both excitedly and maniacally. The two aliens confused at what they were seeing. Discord looked at the aliens in a confused way back at them. "So what are you supposed to be?" Discord asked the aliens.

"Farnas quan welth gach fazs?"

"Ra." The aliens leaped at Discord attempting to stab him with their blade-like limbs.

"Alright, little guys! I think thats enough!" Discord exclaimed. Discord began flying into the air with both of his mismatched wings. "Prepare for CHAOS! ha ha ha~" Discord snapped his fingers, attempting to create some form of chaos. "Hmm? why won't it work?" Discord attempted making all sorts of chaos, and failing. "Why isn't it working!? Agh!" He became stressed from the lack of chaos and flew away to attempt to make chaos in Ponyville. Leaving the aliens even more confused as to what just happened.
"So" began Celestia. "We need you 4 to go back to Ponyville and try to save Pinkie. Any questions?" The 4 ponies shook their heads. "Well alright then! Off to go save Pinkie!" Celestia said to the 4 ponies as they left the castle.

The 4 ponies left the castle and went outside to Photo Finish's car. Once everypony was situated and ready they drove off. "Ok, so vats ze plan?" Photo Finish asked the other 3 mares.

"Well." began Twilight. "I was thinking that you could pin some over her 'extra legs' onto the wall while I attempt to speak with her. If that fails then we'll have to fight back. Also, dodge any acidic foodstuffs." Twilight added.

After arriving at Ponyville they drove next to the entrance of Sugarcube Corner. "Ok.. Is everypony ready?" Twilight asked before opening the door. Everypony nodded.

"Eewww whath that thmell?" Twist asked as the door creaked open. All 4 mares were shocked and frightened at the sight of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's dead corpses lying on the floor. Especially Twist and Applebloom. The two fillies ran outside for a moment to ensure that they wouldn't vomit.

"Vell.. Let's get zis over vith." said Photo Finish holding her breath. The 4 mares began to slowly walk up the stairs into the

"Oh~ I wonder who came to visit!" the mares heard from the other side of the door down the hall. The 4 mares looked at the door and saw that it was covered in what appeared to be a greenish yellow hard skin. There was no doorknob. Twilight attempted to open the door, pushing several times.

"Enough of zis!" Photo Finish yelled to the door, stabbing the door multiple times until it was able to be opened. The door bled all over the bright pink carpet. Photo Finish pushed the door open, disregarding the blood soaking her blue hooves.

The 4 mares were shocked in disbelief of what was before their eyes. What was left of pinkie was nothing more than mottled brown fur inside of a gooey casing of blood, serving as its cocoon. The entirety of the walls, floor and ceiling were all covered in greenish yellow skin. As they slowly stepped into the room, the door closed shut, skin growing back onto the door, trapping Twist out of the room. "Oh visitors~ Lookie wookie its Twilight and Applebloom!" Pinkie exclaimed talking out of the mouth of the creature.

"Pinkie, are you there?" Twilight asked the creature.

"Of course you silly-willy, I was never gone!" Pinkie began to reach for Twilight with sharp arms growing from the ceiling.

"Vat is it doing?!" yelled Photo Finish. Photo Finish then unsheathed her katanas and attempted to leap toward the arm. It was too high up.

After the limb carried Twilight to its face. "Oh Twilight~ Would you like to try one of my cupcakes~?" Pinkie asked.

"I'll pass." Twilight responded.

"What about one of my cakes? pies? cheesecakes? burritos?" Pinkie asked.

"No! Listen Pinkie." Twilight began. " We need you to come with us outside for a bit." said Twilight.

"Zo maybe ve could cure your problem." Photo Finish yelled from across the room.

"HOW ABOUT NO!" the creature yelled in a demonic voice, throwing Twilight against the wall. Multiple scythe-like arms began to emerge from the ground and attempted to swipe at the ponies.

"Run! Everypony run!" Applebloom began to panic. Photo Finish leaped toward the door stabbing it multiple times until there was little to no skin left. She barged the door open and the 3 mares ran out into the hallway, down the stairs. The 3 mares left the house and got in the car. "Were's Twist at?!" Applebloom yelled. The door they had recently ran out of suddenly got covered in the hard skin, making it near impossible to re-enter. Not like they would want to anyway. The 3 ponies drove off to Canterlot sadly. Especially Applebloom who had just lost one of her best friends.
"I never get to have any fun.." Twist sighed. Twist was outside behind Sugarcube Corner.

"Oh ho ho~" said a voice from the sky.

"Woah who are you?" Twist asked.

"Why, I'm Discord, GOD OF CHAOS"

"Really? I think I've heard of you before. Thouldn't you be making, you know, Chaoth?" The two began to talk to one another.
"Celestia! Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed, running up the foyer stairs.

"Any luck?" Celestia asked the 3 mares.

"I wished I could say yes."

"So how did it go?" Luna asked from the other side of the room. Twilight began to explain everything that happened.
"And thats how I invented chocolate rain!" Discord said to the filly.

"Wooow! I thure withed I wath ath cool ath you!"

"I sure wished I could still make chaos.." Discord lowered his head.

"Well why can't you?" Twist asked.

"Well you know those alien guys?" Twist nodded."Appearently ever since they landed in Equestria, all sorts of magical abilities don't work anymore. So says the news channel in that house over there." Discord pointed at the house far away.

"So what are we thuppothed to do?" Twist asked the chimera.

"Well, After doing my research I learned that what we need to do is destroy these Fragment thingies to restore magic to

Well then we thould get moving!" Twist exclaimed. Twist hopped onto Discord's shoulder and they flew off to search for the
"So not only do we not have Pinkie anymore, but we also lost Twist?" Celestia asked.

"Potentially." said Photo Finish.

"So what do we do now?" Twilight asked the princess.

"Well, you said earlier that you don't know the current situation with Rarity, Applejack, or Fluttershy, right?"

"Correct." said Twilight

"Well, your best bet would be to go to Fillydelphia and check Rarity's bunker, since I'm sure Applejack and Fluttershy can handle themselves in Manehattan for now." Celestia handed Twilight a map to Fillydelphia.

"What bout Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?" Applebloom added while wiping a tear from her face.

"We have no tracking chips on your little friends, however since Sweetie Belle is the sister of Rarity, if you can find Rarity,
she might know where Sweetie Belle is at." said the princess.

Applebloom wiped another tear from her face and smiled a bit.

"Vell zen! Lets get going!" Photo Finish broke the mood.

"Uh, I'm not sure about you, Photo Finish, but I'm hungry... and tired." said Twilight.

"Hmm.. I'm quite hungry too." added Luna

"Well, why don't we all get some food and get some sleep?" said Celestia.

The 5 mares walked out of the castle to go get some food.
"Where are we going?" Twist asked the chimera.

"I told you, I have no idea where the fragments are." Discord and Twist began to search for the Fragments.