• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 1,322 Views, 5 Comments

The ignored bookshelf - TwiwnB

Unexpectedly, Twilight becomes a famous writer in Equestria with the help of princess Celestia...

  • ...

The ignored bookshelf

Chapter one: Discover of the bookshelf

Twilight was overjoyed at the thought of meeting princess Celestia once again. It had been months since she had the last opportunity and the letters just didn’t feel enough for all she had to talk about. The fact that princess Celestia herself had invited her to come for a moment in the palace, knowing Twilight would be in Canterlot for some books from the libraries, was an ever better reason to rejoyce.

Books, Twilight sure loved them. In her eyes it was worth it to come all the way from Ponyville just to be able to read some rare examples of them. Officially it was for her study of the magic of friendship. But she also wanted to come soon enough to pick up a copy of the last best seller that just came out. She had bought two copies, hoping to offer one to the princess, if she didn’t possess one already.
Twilight was waiting in a little lounge where the princess should come see her. As always, she had some royal duties to complete before being able to see her student. As the princess was taken more time than Twilight expected, she began to look around the room for something to occupy her mind. That’s when she noticed the bookshelf.

The bookshelf itself wasn’t special in any way. But it only had about a dozen parchments on it. It wasn’t guarded or protected in any way, so those weren’t very precious. But Twilight curiosity told her it was strange that a whole bookshelf would be reserved for just a few non valuable parchments. Led by the will to know, Twilight began to read some of them.
They were stories.
They weren’t bad, but for all Twilight could tell, they weren’t great either. She read the author name, but didn’t recognize it. It must have been a very old author for her not to recognize it, or a very obscure one.

She had to stop reading them as the princess entered the room, already beginning to apologize for the time she had made Twilight wait.
Twilight didn’t mind. She was just happy to see Celestia once again. Already she was pressing her with questions, but quickly calmed down realizing the princess couldn’t answer all of them at the same time. This allowed them to discuss a little about several subjects until Twilight remembered the copy of the book she had bought for the princess.

“Here your majesty, I have a gift for you.”

And she presented the book to Celestia who smiled.

“This is very kind of you to have thought of me when buying it.” She said. “I really appreciate the intention. I wouldn’t want to refuse it, but I fear I already possess this book. I tend to receive them way before everypony else, even when I don’t ask for them. That’s part of being a princess I guess.”

And Celestia sighed a little when saying those last words. Twilight knew the princess and that she didn’t want all the privileges she had over everypony else. On the other hoof, Twilight thought it would be nice to be the first to get every new book and have it offered to her without even asking. But she decided to change the subject. Her mind told her to speak about the bookshelf.

“Oh, I imagined you would already own it. You own about every book there is. I just read some of the parchments of that bookshelf and I don’t even recognize the author’s name. Who is it?”

“You’ve read the parchments?” asked Celestia. “What did you think of the stories?”

“Well…” began Twilight.

She didn’t know exactly what to say. What if the writer was a friend of the princess? What if… The thought passed through Twilight’s mind that the princess herself could have written these parchments. In any case, it would have been very awkward to tell her honest opinion on the stories. However, she didn’t felt like lying to the Celestia.

“Personally” began Celestia, “I found them mostly too naïve. And the transition sure were lacking in fluidity.”

“Oh” answered Twilight, “It wasn’t that bad. There were some interesting ideas. And I haven’t had time to really read them to the end. I can’t judge them with the little bit I’ve only read.” But then Twilight quickly added “I just felt the ponies were just way too passive.”

The princess smiled.

“Yeah, you’re right. I used to tell the author the same thing. It gets very frustrating when the characters only are subjected to what is happening and do not take the matter in their own hooves. Sometimes, you just have no other choices…”

“You spoke with the author?” asked Twilight.

“Of course” said Celestia.

“Oh I wish I could discuss with the authors of my favorites stories too. Can you imagine how great it could be to speak with them and hear how they imagined all their great scenarios? I would have just so many questions!”

Twilight realized she was getting a little too carried away. But the princess only replied, in the most natural way there was:

“If you wish, I can arrange for you to meet every one of them.”

“Really?” gasped Twilight.

Immediately, Twilight understood that the princess was serious. After all, she was the sun princess, leader of all of Equestria. It was very easy for her to make it happen. But Celestia normally never used her privileges for her own interest or the interest of her relatives. The proposition was unexpected. And Twilight had to give an answer.
Was it a test? Maybe the princess was trying to see if her student would succumb to her own desire and accept an undeserved favor. On the other hoof, it could be genuine and Twilight really wanted to meet the great authors of her favorite stories. She decided to try.

“That would be wonderful, princess.” She replied. “But I wouldn’t want you to have to use your position for me or get any favor that I don’t really deserve.” She added to prove to the princess she knew it was a peculiar proposition.

The princess began to laugh.

“Oh no” she said, “I won’t have to abuse my powers to grant you that wish. If an author refuses to meet you, I won’t force her. But I’m sure that they will accept if I send you as my personal student. You’ll discover most of them are really very open and nice ponies.” She then added: “I just want you to promise to come back to me and report all that you learned.”

Twilight promised several times until she was out of breath and Celestia arranged it so that Twilight could meet her favorite authors, who all accepted for various reasons, the fact that Celestia herself was involved with Twilight being the major one.

Chapter two: A great idea for a career

Over the course of the next month, Twilight met about every important writer there was to meet. Mesu-no-TORA, the writer of “Her tutor”, Pen Stroke, the writer of “A Zebra in the bed” and kits and her “Who we are” and so many other great and famous ponies.
She enjoyed it a lot. She learned things she would have never considered, anecdotes that were hilarious about the darkest passages of her favorite stories and so much more. When meeting a lesser famous writer pony, a certain Tabissa who happened to be the nicest pony there was, she was surprised to have the writer asking her a whole lot of questions instead of her asking the writer the same type of interrogations. It seemed Tabissa didn’t really car how famous and important Twilight thought she was and was actually more interested in Twilight’s relation with literature than Twilight’s interest for her stories.
And so Twilight found herself speaking about all that she had read and laughing with Tabissa about some comedies they both enjoyed or quietly remember some tragic part of some books that touched them to their very heart. And one thing leading to another, Twilight gave out that she had also written some stories herself.

“Really?” Said Tabissa. “I never saw your name anywhere in the libraries and the bookstores. Where can I find your stories?”

Twilight was surprised. That writer she had so much respect and admiration for wanted to read what she had written? There were so many things that felt wrong with that statement. First of all, Twilight was certain that her writer friend would have way better things to do than read her lousy stories. And then, why would Twilight even be published. It all felt too strange.
But Tabissa wouldn’t let it go like that. She told Twilight to explain what her stories were about and then, seemingly pleased by the scenarios she heard, tried to explain to Twilight that she should follow her heart in any circumstances. It was as she was able to read in Twilight’s soul the love that the unicorn had for literature. And Twilight, on her side, was shaken discovering in her that repressed need to share what she imagined whit other ponies.
She finally left Tabissa with the most beautiful of memories and the feeling that a new fire was burning in her chest.

As she had promised, she went back to princess Celestia and began to report in a very analytical way everything that she had experienced with notes and without missing out any little detail. But when she arrived to the talk she had with Tabissa, she just couldn’t find the words. That was a part of her report she had found herself incapable to fill correctly. So she began to talk about it more casually. She explained the best she could how unexpectedly the meeting had went and how she felt when she had left.
Celestia, feeling that her student wasn’t telling her everything, insisted a little:

“Did you feel like there was something you had to do?” she asked.

“I guess it could be said that way.” answered Twilight.

It was strange. Twilight immediately thought that she was acting just like Fluttershy, wanting something but being too afraid to speak about it. She always understood the psychological process her friend was passing through because she had analyzed it and read about it in books. But this time, she was experiencing it, and, for all she could tell, it wasn’t exactly the same as what her study had led her to imagine it could be. There was, on one side, the very violent urge to do or say something, and on the other side, the fear, or shame, or guilt to want something that she didn’t objectively needed to live. But the dream of sharing her stories with other ponies was so beautiful she almost cried just thinking about it. And the princess saw it.

“Twilight” she began to say, “Do you wish to become a writer?”

“No, it’s okay.” Lied Twilight, “And I have my study on the magic of friendship to pursue. I just cannot give in to a mere tantrum.”

But her face was telling everypony that would have looked at it that she was lying. It was no whim or caprice. She genuinely wanted to become a writer. With all her heart and mind. Celestia saw it crystal clear. That is why she told Twilight that she could ask one or two editors to take a look at Twilight stories. Twilight’s humility fought back a little, but when she realized her dream could come true, she totally gave in. Celestia assured her she would do what needed to be done to ensure Twilight would have a good chance of seeing her dream become a reality. And the unicorn didn’t need to hear that much. She didn’t know how to show her gratitude in an appropriate way and was mixing smiles, words of gratitude and expressions of joy altogether in a loud big bowl of childish joy. The noise even attracted the guards, which finally put a stop to Twilights overreaction.

Twilight went home and decided she should write a new story to deserve being read by others. All her old ones just seemed way too bad for that purpose. She spent three whole months working on it and finally had her masterpieces in her hooves.

“This is going to be so great!” she thought as she pressed the pile of paper against her heart.

Her story was called “The third one.” She had put everything she had in it and was very proud of it. She sent it to the princess that congratulate her student about the hard work and the fascinating scenario. Celestia assured Twilight that she would soon hear new about an editor and wished her good luck.

Chapter three: The third one

Twilight only waited two days before receiving a response about her story. And those two days felt quiet like an infinity. Even so, Twilight had decided she shouldn’t get all over her head with that whole adventure. She decided she should act like the whole thing was over and her story had been refused. That was, in her opinion, the best way to make sure she wouldn’t be too disappointed in case she really didn’t make it and that it would also be very good for her to return to her usual activities. In fact, she didn’t expect to hear anything about it until weeks. But on the inside, she was just dying to know how it would turn out. She was, after all, just a simple pony with dreams.

The speed of the answer surprised her a little, and frightened her to be quite honest. She waited one whole day before reading the letter. And a second came before she had even opened the first one. She understood what it meant and opened both in a mix of joy and incredulity. The first one told her her story would be published and that the editor wanted to meet her to discuss the details of the contract and congratulate herself. The second one was about exactly the same as the first one, and had been sent to make it in case the first one had been lost, because of the time Twilight had taken to answer.
Twilight most literally couldn’t believe it. She always thought it would be way harder to get published. And to respect Twilight’s right to overreact in the most silliest of ways, we aren’t going to describe what happened until she arrived at her meeting with the editor.

She was a stressed pony who always seemed to smile whatever what she was saying. She welcomed Twilight with a lot of care. Twilight was offered snacks, drinks and, overall felt treated like a queen. The editor was speaking about giving her money for her book and, seeing that Twilight didn’t responded, offered more money. Two things only bothered Twilight.
First, the editor wanted to change the title of the story to “The incredible mystery of the third one” because it would sell better. Twilight didn’t object, but thought for herself that the mystery wasn’t “incredible” and that the mystery wasn’t even the point of the story. But nonetheless, she had no objective reason not to accept, so she did.
The second thing that bothered Twilight was that the editor wanted to insert three whole pages about Twilight’s life at the beginning and the end of the book, because, as she said, the ponies loved to learn more about the author. The text was already written and they only needed Twilight authorization to put it in, which, once again, Twilight saw no objective reason to refuse.
At the end of the meeting, the editor asked Twilight how was the writing of the next tome of the “Incredible mystery of the third one” going on. Twilight didn’t know how to respond. She hadn’t even thought of writing another tome. In fact, she thought the end of her story would have made that almost impossible to do. But she didn’t want to disappoint the editor and told her that it was still a work in progress. The editor seemed very satisfied with the answer, assured Twilight that all the marketing tools would be used for her book and then left Twilight, after having, once again, congratulating her, three times.

It was going a little too fast for Twilight to really grasp the entire situation. But she was being published and soon realized that it was more than a casual publishing. It seemed like all Equestria had been covered by the advertisement and it began slowly impossible to speak about literature without mentioning “The incredible mystery of the third one”. And thus, Twilight began to be solicited for interviews and by fans who liked her story. She remembered Tabissa and tried to answer as best as she could in the middle of the hurricane of attention. But altogether, she felt pretty great in that universe. And she could barely not faint when some of the authors she had looked up to the most came to her to congratulate her.
The dream had come true.

Chapter four: So much more to know

After some days spent in Canterlot answering to all the solicitations, Twilight came back to Ponyville. She was taking a little break, even if she accepted to go to some reading groups that wanted to talk with her because they were actually just discussing her book.
But Ponyville was still quiet enough for Twilight to find her breath again. She even began to write the tome two of her story. After all, there were a lot of ponies awaiting it. It felt a little forced because it wasn’t planned right away, but she was sure to be up to the challenge.

That was exactly what Twilight was thinking about when wandering in the middle of the market, when she noticed a stallion behind a little and strange wood stand. It was strange, because it wasn’t really a stand, but a table, a tablecoth and a makeschift job to make a sign stand that said: “Free books”.
The pony behind his stand was shouting as were all the sellers in the markets. Shouting for what, Twilight couldn’t imagine, if he was giving away free books. She decided to go and see what it was all about.

“Oh Celestia!” said the pony when he saw Twilight being interested by his stand. “You’re Twilight Sparkle!”.

She had been accustomed to such reaction. But this time, she felt even more uncomfortable than usual. She wasn’t there as a writer, but only as a very curious pony.

“What is it you’re doing?” She asked, not really being able to hide how curious she was.

“Oh” answered the stallion, “Not much. I’m just giving away some books that I can’t keep. What are you doing here?”

But Twilight was looking at the books. They were all the exact same book, titled “Friendship is magic”.

“How come you have so many of the same book?” she asked.

“It’s a funny story.” Began the stallion, “I wrote that story some time ago and I wanted to make a book version of it, to be able to read it more easily. But they didn’t accepted to bind my story for less than twenty books. So I decided that I would take the twenty and give nine-teen to other ponies to enjoy if they were interested. So here I am. That’s all.”

Twilight found the anecdote interesting and quite unusual.

“Can I get one book please? I can pay for it if you want.” She asked the stallion.

“You want one of my books? You?” responded the stallion, very surprised, before he realized and gasped a little more: “And you want to pay for it?”

“Hum… yes.” Answered Twilight, who didn’t see what was so incredible in what she said.

“Sure thing!” said the stallion, “It’s an honor. I really liked your book, I wouldn’t have imagined a famous writer like you would be interested in mine.”

Twilight didn’t answer, but blushed a lot. That pony was just so… full of joy and so genuine about his work that she felt obligated to pay for the book, which almost upset the colt who wanted to give it as a gift. Finally, they decided on a common agreement that Twilight would take the book as a gift and give whatever money she wanted to some charity action she would choose at the time that she would want.

Then, after some more discussion, Twilight left the stallion and his stand, mostly because another pony with her daughter wanted one of the books, and she began to read her new acquisition.

What she discovered was absolutely amazing. She couldn’t even put it down to eat or whatever for that matter. She felt that the book she had between her hooves was the most ultra best story ever written on the surface of all of Equestria. She found everything she could have hoped for in it, and even more. In a sense, she wanted to say she had found herself in that story. That was so amazing that she began to read it a second time, and then a third time.

A doubt came to her mind. She found a copy of her own book and began to read it. And it wasn’t bad. But not that good.
And she began to feel like something was wrong. There was only one solution to figure it out and she rushed out of her home to the market where she began to search for the stallion and his weird stand. By chance, he still had one book to offer to somepony and she was able to find him once again.

“Your book, it’s the most marvelous thing I’ve ever read! How come you aren’t published yet?” She asked, just as the stallion was able to notice she was back.

And to be honest, she startled him a lot. But after a little time, he finally began to understand what Twilight wanted. And because Twilight was pressing him to answer, he explained to her why he was keeping the book for himself, or almost for himself.

“You see, my friends actually do have sent a copy of my story to a publisher, but they refused it. They said the title wouldn’t sell, and that it was just a story for little fillies and that they had already a lot of those. They proposed to me to change the scenario in a way that would sell better and create a pseudonym and a fake backstory because my name wouldn’t sell very good either. I felt it wasn’t worth it. I already have a job, I don’t need the money, so I refused.”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“It’s all okay, you know.” Told her the stallion. “I’m happy that my friends enjoyed my story and I don’t really have the time to write anyway, so I couldn’t live the life of a writer. And my boss would miss me if I was to quit. I’m a drawer, that’s what I’m really interested in. So, I’m really happy to hear that you enjoyed my story, but I don’t want to be published. There are already way enough ponies with more talent than I have who are trying their best to become writers. Why would I be the one to shine? Why me and not another? I’m really happy with just the way things are right now.”

And he really was. The fame didn’t interested him at all. A filly with a bowtie in her hair came to take the last book, thanked the stallion and left as fast as she had come. So the stallion, having no reason to stay there anymore, began to pack up and move away.

“Mister Foster!” Twilight called him, “Thanks.”

“Thanks for what?” asked the stallion.

“Just… Thank you.” Answered Twilight, not really sure what she meant either.

They both went their own way. The stallion disappeared and Twilight went back to the library where she began to think about all what had happened.

Chapter five: When it all comes down to the bookshelf

“Are you sure?” asked princess Celestia.

“Yes princess.” answered Twilight. “I’m really grateful for all your help and it has been a wonderful experience, but I feel there are other ponies that deserve to be known way more than I do.”

The princess looked at her student. Twilight couldn’t see what was in Celestia’s mind, but she saw the look the princess was giving her, one of those looks she was the only one able to make.

“Would you mind writing me a letter about what you’ve learned? It has been ages since the last one and I think it would be quite interesting.”

“Sure princess. But before that, I have a gift for you.” Said Twilight.

And she showed the princess her copy of “Friendship is magic” that she had taken from the stallion. And she gave it to the princess.

“That book,” said Twilight “I don’t believe you have got already. And believe me, it’s worth all of your attention.”

The princess smiled and thanked her student. She took the book and laid it on a table. Then, she heard Twilight’s report, about fame and how the best things in the world aren’t the most famous one. She finished her report by saying:

“In the end, the most important thing is to have fun in what we do, and enjoy it with our friends and not force it to everypony.”

The princess nodded, even if she thought that the lesson wasn’t entirely correct. But she would let that for time to solve. She asked Twilight what she was going to do with her writings.

“Well” said Twilight, “I don’t really know.”

And Twilight took into her hooves the parchment of her story. She had even brought all her old story with her. Celestia suddenly took the whole sack and said:

“I know what we could do with those.”

And she went and put them in the bookshelf Twilight had seen at the beginning of her adventure as a writer.

“Is it okay if we let your writings near mine?” asked Celestia.

“Those were yours?” responded Twilight.

“Yes. You would be amazed to see all we have in common.” answered Celestia.

“It would be an honor, your majesty.” said Twilight happily.

They discussed a little more and, finally, Twilight left to go back to her study of the magic of friendship, just after she promised to write a report letter very soon for the princess.
Celestia watched her student leave the room and picked up the exemplar of “Friendship is magic” from the table. A strange smile appeared on her face when she looked at it.

“Oh, Foster, you’re still fooling around with ponies, aren’t you?”

And she went to her bedroom where she picked another book that was lying right next to her bed. It was a very old book that was titled: “Friendship is magic.”


Author's Note:

Favorite of my stories. About fame.
And for once, it kind of really represents what I had in mind. Nothing epic, no big explosions and no fate of the universe in the balance, but an idea.

I came back to that story (I actually do it quite often). So many mistakes ^^. I let them because, well, nobody else is coming to read that story and it reminds me that I did, in fact, improved my english skills. A lot.
Still my favorite of my stories. I could have written only that one and be satisfied just as much.
Changed the name of the authors in chapter two to match those I've discovered on fimfiction. For my own enjoyement.

Comments ( 5 )

Mah god this satire. :rainbowlaugh:

Happy that you enjoyed it. :yay:

Even happier when coming from someone who writes so many comedies.

Really interesting.

Just got to say, was confused when the colt said he has a job and such. You would be better to use Stallion then since a lot associate "colt" with kids like Pipsqueak, Snips and Snails.

Guess that Foster is some "spirit of creativity" or some such thing huh that did the same with Celestia. (but have to say it would be very different her being a princess and doubt they would dare tell her to change anything that she writes)

Im sure they exchanged names at the start of the conversation, but dont see the significance of keeping it from us until almost the end then. But then again im sure its some reference that i just dont get. :rainbowlaugh:

Good... but... never-mind.


Well, I'm not an english speaker, so I don't exactly know what a colt is, just saw it used here and there. So stallion it will be.

Foster is... a lot of things. He is supposed to be the representation of the unknown but talented artist that do what it does for fun with no ambition whatsoever. And also the artist that just hadn't been lucky enough to have the fame that goes with his talent. He is also here to remind that "good" is a very subjective concept, as Twilight loved his story, but the publisher refused it.

Finaly, Foster's name and his book's name are references to mlp fim. As I heard, the brony fandom was born from a reaction on 4chan over an article someone wrote. What if the show had just stayed in the shadow, for only the targeted audience to enjoy? Foster is in reference to the "Foster's home for imaginary friends" and, by extension Lauren Faust. I allowed me to do that because I heard Lauren Faust say (in an interview) that she thought Hasbro would make the show bad and that she would have to go away because she didn't want to do something bad. And my pony also didn't wanted to make modifications or even lie to sell his story.

The ending with Celestia was... well, kind of a joke. Twilight was so sure she had finally a book Celestia didn't possessed, I wanted to prove her wrong. And yes, that does make Foster kind of a spirit of creativity. But isn't that what Lauren Faust has become when we see all the art (I mean, real art, no the lousy things I do) that has emerged from her vision?
I'm getting way out of my league.

ps: and me that wanted to do a season 1 doctor who crossover... oh life, why do you have to be so ironic.

Good... but... never-mind.

Well, i do mind, but if you want to keep it to yourself, that's okay with me. I just hope you enjoyed the story a little bit. (I've wasted some poeple's time before, and I fear I might do it again).

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