• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 690 Views, 8 Comments

When Worlds Collide - Spike45

Human mane6 meets themselves as ponies in another world were a dangerous adventure awaits them. The lives of both worlds hang in the balance.

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Chapter 3

Twilight couldn't think strait, she was blinded by a red and white light as she felt herself spinning and rotating frantically as there was an extreme burning sensation felt throughout her body, so intense that she could literally feel her skin sizzling and peeling off. On top of that she felt a force pushing on her that felt like tiny daggers continually stabbing her which made her burns hurt so much more. As Twilight flailed around she started to slowly lose consciousness from the sheer pain. Twilight saw everything slowly becoming dark as her body and screams began to settle down. But as she herself became more quiet Twilight heard screams that were not her own, quickly realizing she wasn't alone Twilight snapped herself awake as she realized who the owners of those screams were. With all the strength she could muster Twilight tried to conjure up a magical barrier to protect and stabilize herself from the pain of being in this new environment. After fighting through the pain Twilight succeed in making her barrier. As soon as she had ground to stand on Twilight fell down on all fours, at this point Twilight was exhausted to the point that she was about to keel-over. Despite Struggling to keep up her own body weight Twilight rose to one knee and began looking around for her friends, becoming more worried when she noticed she couldn't here there screams anymore, and from what she could tell she was inside a red and white vortex that had white bolts of lightning coming from the walls. Twilight soon noticed something in the distance coming her way, as the object got closer she saw it was her friends Spike and Rainbow Dash.

"Don't worry guys....I'm coming" Twilight said in between deep breaths.

The struggling Twilight lifted her hand and placed it on the barrier, a flickering glow appeared around her hand and a bulge in the barrier formed and started too stretched towards her friend. The bulge lowly reached out towards Rainbow Dash and Spike as Twilight began to sweating and moan in pain in the barrier trying to keep up the magic to save her friends, despite the fact that she was basically out of magic at this point. As a tear started to run down her cheek from the sheer pain of her burns covering her body Twilight let out a small whisper.

"I will save you."

The bulge then reached its destination and enveloped Twilight's two unconscious friends. Rainbow Dash and Spike we're then slowly brought back to the safety of the barrier. After rescuing her friends Twilight fell on the floor of her barrier in relief. She then turned her head to look at her friends again, and a small smile appeared on her face. However, this happiness was short lived as Twilight noticed a hole in the barrier. She watched as her barrier crumbled away starting from hole that appeared. As the barrier disappeared the burning sensation returned causing the Twilight to scream and wither in pain again as tears started to flow down her cheeks. Twilight struggled to open one of her eyes to look at her friends despite the burning sensation in her eye, as she looked at them she saw black smoke coming off their bodies as the atmosphere continued to try to burn the flesh off their bones. The flow of tears from Twilight's eyes increased as she witnessed her friends dying in front her.

"I'm sorry."

There was then a blinding white light that engulfed everything.


A pink pony was bouncing in a secluded open field with a small green alligator on her back. The pony had darker pink curly mane and tail with three part balloons on the side of flank. The mare then abruptly stopped as her ear started to twitch.

"Itchy ear, this is the spot." said Pinkie Pie.

"Come on Gummy, today I teach you how to fly a kite."

The pink mare then bucked the alligator off her back into her hooves and placed him on the ground. The pink pony then proceeded to reach into her mane and pulled a classic style blue kite. Using her for-hooves the pink pony threw the kite in the sky where a sudden gust of wind took the kite higher in the sky. The pinkie Pie then put the kite handle in Gummy's toothless mouth, Gummy then started to chew on the handle as the pink pony cheered him. However, the cheering abuptly came to a halt.

"Uh oh." she said as she looked at her tail.

"twitchy twitchy twitch ah twitch." said the mare as she pulled out an umbrella hat from behind her back and placed it on her head.

The gust of wind keeping the kite aloof suddenly stopped causing the kite to fall into a nearby bush.

"Oh no, the kite." the pink mare quickly grabbed her pet alligator and galloped to the bush as fast as could.

When reaching her destination she came to a screeching halt and hid behind a nearby tree in a panic. She peeked out from behind the tree to confirm what she saw. Lying next to her kite were three sleeping mysterious creatures.

"Oh my gosh monsters, RUUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIFE!" said the mare in a load whisper.

The mare jumped in the air and started to run as fast as she could, as her legs formed a figure eight, she stopped and hung there in mid-air looking around frantically.

"Wait...where's Gummy?"

The pink mare turned around and saw the pet alligator sniffing and licking at one of the bodies. The Pink mare quickly hid back behind the tree and started to call over to her pet.

"Gummy, get away before they get you."

Gummy continued to examine the body while the mare watched in horror. A couple seconds passed and the mysterious creatures continued to lie motionless.

"That's strange, why aren't they moving?" said the mare as she slowly came out from behind the tree and started to walk over to her pet.

As she got closer she noticed two important factors about theses mysterious creatures. One was that two of them had similar hair color and style as two of her friends, especial the one with rainbow colored hair, second was that most of their clothes were torn, singed and burned along with cuts and severe burns all over their body.

"OH MY GOSH, what happened to them?" said Pinkie in a worried tone.

She quickly moved closer and put an ear to their mouths to make sure they were still breathing.

"Good, they're still breathing but they need help. I know maybe Twilight or Fluttershy can help, Fluttershy's good with animals and Twilights magic can fix anything. Gummy you stay here while I get them."

Gummy just stood there staring at the pink mare with his big purple eyes as she zoomed off leaving a pink trail behind her. As the pink pony ran through the open field she soon reached town.

"Ok Twilight lives closer so I'll try her first." thought the pony as she zoomed by the other ponies roaming the streets.

As she reached her friend's house she knocked on the door frantically with her head like a woodpecker. A purple unicorn with a dark violet mane soon came to the door.

"Pinkie? What are do-Aah", Pinkie quickly grabbed Twilight, pulled her out of the house and threw her outside. Twilight landed on her flank and before she could react Pinkie pie quickly grabbed held of Twilight's tail and started dragging her away.

"PINKIE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" said Twilight As she was being dragged on her back.

"NYO THIME, ISH AN EMHRGENCY!" Pinkie answered with Twilight's tail in her mouth.

"PIINNKIIIEE!" yelled Twilight as she continued to be dragged through the streets.

As they got close to their destination, Twilight having had enough teleported herself away from the pink mare and stood firmly on the ground a couple of feet away. Twilight then starred at her friend in anger "Why did you drag me out here?" she asked in frustration.

"I'msorryTwilight,it'sjustthatIfoundsomecreaturesthatwerereallybadlyburnedandifIdidn'thelpthemtheywoulddiesoIthoughtyourmagiccouldfixthemsinceyourmagicmagiccould doanythingand-" Pinkie was speaking so fast that Twilight was having trouble understanding her.

"Wait, wait, wait, whose injured?" asked Twilight.

"The mysterious creatures" replied Pinkie.

"What mysterious creatures?"

"The ones behind that bush."

Twilight turned her head to see the bush Pinkie was talking about, she quickly walked over and saw Gummy standing next to the three injured mysterious creatures Pinkie was talking about. Pinkie pie quickly joined Twilight and went over to Gummy.

"Good job Gummy, stand down".

Seeing Pinkie so close to the bodies Twilight decided to get a closer look. Of the three bodies two of them were about the same size as her while the third body was substantially smaller, about the same size as a filly or colt. The first body had hair similar to her mane, it wore a lavender sweater vest with a purple diamond pattern going around the waist. Underneath the vests was a white colored short sleeved dress shirt, and going with this was a purple mini skirt. The second tall body had hair that was almost as long as the previous body, however, what was weird about it was that it had rainbow colored hair which reminded Twilight of her friend Rainbow Dash. This creature wore a cyan colored no sleeve hoodie with a black t-shirt under it, with that she wore a pair of long dark blue jeans. Twilight then again noticed something strange about the one with the rainbow colored hair, on the front of the hoodie there was a picture of a white cloud with rainbow lightning bolt coming out of it, the same as Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark. Twilight quickly looked back at the other body that had her hair and noticed that on one of the arm sleeve of her shirt was burned off and it revealed a mark on the side of her shoulder that was the same as her Cutie mark, a light purple six point star surrounded by white sparkles. Finally the third body had spiky green hair with blue jeans and a dark purple unzipped hoodie with a light green t-shirt. After examining the creature's wounds along with their destroyed clothes Twilight turned back to Pinkie in confusion.

"Who, what are they? And where did they come from?" asked Twilight

"I don't know I just found them like that." replied Pinkie,

"Can you fix them?"

"Wweelll...the big one with the skirt has a right arm that's completely singed while the other arm has three second degree burn spots. She also has a giant third degree burn on the upper thigh of her left leg with a second degree burn covering the entire bottom part of her right leg. Her wounds are pretty bad but it should take me less than a day to treat her. The small one suffered the least damage, even though both sleeves are gone along with one of his pants legs and half his shirt revealing his stomach, he just has a lot of first degree burns covering his body so for him it only take an hour or so. However the rainbow haired ones wounds are more serious. Both arms are completely singed, most of the clothing on her back were burned off revealing a giant third degree burn on her back, also like the little one her shirt was burnt to the point of revealing her stomach but unlike him she has a second degree burn on her stomach. Finally the button half of her left pants leg is completely severed from the top half so her knee is burnt to a crisp, and the right leg has giant holes in the pants revealing second degree burns."

"What does that mean?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Don't worry, burns are the easiest to fix since there external, this one will just take a while to fix but we need to work on her now or this one might not make it."

"So what do we do?" asked the pink mare.

"Well first I'll teleport them to my place, I'll treat them there."

As Twilight said this a light brilliant raspberry aura appeared around Twilight's horn, that same aura then soon appeared around the bodies causing them to levitate.

"Ok But wh-" but before Pinkie pie could finish there was a flash of bright light and both the ponies and unconscious creatures were gone.