> When Worlds Collide > by Spike45 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day in the land of Equestria, many people where enjoying the fine day, especially in a small town known as Sapien were you couldn't walk down the street without being greeted with gentile smiles by everyone you came across. However, there were a few who weren't enjoying this fine day, three young girls by the names of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, also known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who had to endure the boring hours of class. Applebloom was staring into space while resting her head on her desk, she had red hair that reached past her shoulders with a pink bow on the top back part of her head. She wore a pair of blue jean overalls with a slight pale yellow t-shirt. Sweetie Belle who was doodling on a piece of paper had violet hair that had a light violet streaks and curly tips. She wore a grayish white dress that reached down to her knees and faded to light purple near the bottom. And Scootaloo, who was sleeping while leaning back in her chair with her arms slacking on her sides and mouth hanging open. Unlike the other two Scootaloo's skin pigment was darker and had slightly spiky fuchsia colored hair, she also wore a dark orange t-shirt with blue shorts. "Now who can tell me the different class categories for humans?" Ms. Cheerilee asked as she walked around her desk. Ms. Cheerilee had long hair and wore a cerise crisscross v-neck t-shirt with beige dress pants. A young girl with curly light scarlet hair, braces and purple glasses rose her hand to answer, "Thky, Earth, Magic, Beatht, and Magical Beatht" said the little girl with enthusiasm. "Very good Twist, but can anyone tell me how each of these classes are different?". The room fell silent to this question. Cheerilee then began to walk around the room until she got to the only one sleeping in her class. "SCOOTALOO!" Ms.Cheerilee yelled. Scootaloo abruptly woke up causing herself to almost fall out of her chair. The class then began to laugh as Scootaloo began to look around to find out what was happening. "Can you answer the question?" asked Ms. Cheerilee with disdain. "Huh!?" was all Scootaloo could say as she scratched the back of her head in confusion. Ms. Cheerilee crossed her arms while raising an eyebrow at Scootaloo. "Maybe if you spent less time sleeping and more time paying attention, maybe you would be able to come up with a better answer." A girl with pale, light grayish violet hair with white streaks, wearing a pale magenta t-shirt with blue capri pants and a tiara on her head quickly rose her hand. "Yes Diamond Tiara?" asked Ms. Cheerilee. "The sky class can grow magical wings composed of pure light at will allowing them to fly, walk on clouds, and manipulate the weather. The magic Class is physically the weakest compared most but make up for it in their potency and ability to use magic. The earth elementals are physically one of strongest of the five and are slightly resistant to magic. Also unlike the other two these three classes gain a mark on the side of their shoulder, these are called Cutie Mark and they represent one's special talent and only appear when the person figures out what their special talent is. The beast class can vary from a different variation of abilities, this is because they each represent a different creature and can do partial transformations of said animal. Finally there's the magical beasts, that are the same as the beast class but they instead represent mystical creatures, they are the most uncommon of the five." Finishing her explanation Diamond Tiara gave a snobbish look to Scootaloo whith Scootaloo glaring back. "Very good Diamond-" Ms. Cheerilee was then was interrupted by the bell. "Well that's all the time we have, make sure to study for tomorrows test." All the kids then ran out the class room in an uproar, following them was Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. "Come on guys hurry up" said Applebloom as the three left school. "Were are we going" asked Sweetie Belle. "Tu Twilights house" Applebloom answered. "But why?" Scootaloo asked in confusion. "We already ruled out being librarians as our special talent." "Were not going there to be librarians." said Applebloom. "Then why?" the two asked. "I'll explain later, just hurry up." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other perplexed as to why their friend was keeping secrets. "At least tell us what's in the bag?" Sweetie Belle asked while pointing to Applebloom's blue bag she had strapped over her shoulder. "Nope." > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After about fifteen minutes of running Appleboom led her friends to a giant tree that was hollowed out and turned into a house. This tree was actually Sapien's local library and also the home of the Cutie Mark Crusaders friend Twilight Sparkle. Upon reaching Twilight's house, Applebloom peeked through the windows to make sure no one was home. "Ok, the coast is clear, let's get inside." said Applebloom. "How are we supposed to do that?, the doors locked." said Scootaloo. "Don't worry, Ah've seen Twilight hide a spare key under her mat before." Applebloom then moved the welcome mat at the door revealing a key. After unlocking the door the Cutie Mark Crusaders entered the library. "Now can you tell us your plan?" Scootaloo asked impatiently. "Yeah!" said Sweetie Belle. "Ok, y'all member when ah told y'all bout the time I had Twilight try ta magically make mah cutie mark appear?" "Yeah, but you said it didn't work." said Sweetie Belle. "Well this time ah planned to use some of the heart's desire that ah saved from the whole cutie pox disaster with a spell ah found." Applebloom said while taking out flower that had pink petals that were in the shape of hearts out of her bag. "But who's gonna cast the spell?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Duh! You are, after all, you're the only magic user here." said Scootaloo. "But I don't know how to cast a spell like that, plus I can hardly use magic in the first place." "Don' worry, the heart's desire will give you the power to do whatever you desire. Just eat it and follow the spell ah found yesterday." "Where is the spell?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Ah left it in the other room, you get it Scootaloo while I get Sweetie Belle ready. Ah left it on the bookshelf, it's the scroll with a star on the seal." "Ok I'll be right back." replied Scootaloo energetically. As the Scootaloo entered the next room she noticed books and scrolls open and all over the place, some were even stacked up as high as twice the little girl's size. She even noticed a blanket and pillow tucked away in a corner. "Wow twilight really likes to read, I guess this is what rainbow Dash meant when she said Twilight was an egghead." As she examined the room she noticed a tall bookcase filled with scrolls containing a scroll with a star on the seal on one of the high shelves. "There it is." Scootaloo said with enthusiasm as she ran to it. "It's not that high, I bet I can fly up and get it." As she thought this, wings started to grow out of Scootaloo's back, though they looked to be feathered wings they were actually made of pure light. As the wings formed a light shined from them giving it somewhat of a holy glow. When the wings reached their full length that reached as far as her elbows, Scootloo took a few steps back before running towards the bookcase, as she started flap her wings she then jumped strait up while reaching out for the scroll. She felt herself stay in placed in midair for a brief second before she felt her body start to slowly descend. Scootaloo flapped her wings harder but she still continued her one way ticket to the ground. Scootaloo then started to kick her legs in hope of pushing herself further in the air but instead of ascending higher she instead kicked the book case by accident causing all the scrolls to fall on top of her sending her back down to the ground with a thud. Scootaloo poked her head out of the top of the pile she was buried in with an annoyed look, but that Quickly changed when she noticed the scroll she was looking for in the pile. "Got it!" However she then began to squint her eyes at the seal on the scroll noticing something engraved within the star. "Swirl?" she said with a quizzical look but decided it was of little importance and rejoined her friends in the other room. "Ya found it?" asked Applebloom as she saw her friend enter the room. "Yup, ok Sweetie Belle do your thing."said the tomboyish girl as she handed over the scroll. "Me first, afer all it is mah idea." said Applebloom. Sweetie Belle was unsure, even if she ate the heart's desire which according Applebloom would give her the power she needed, how could SHE pull off a spell Twilight couldn't, and in a worst case scenario what if a fiasco like the cutie pox incident happens again. Sweetie Belle then looked at her friends who were staring at her with hope and excitement, seeing this Sweetie Belle shook off all her doubt, No, if my friend believe I can do it, then I can do it, besides I'll never get my cutie mark if I'm hesitant, Sweetie Bell thought. She picked up the scroll and looked it over but paused when seeing how complicated the spell was, raising an eyebrow at how a spell to make a cutie mark appear on a person's shoulder could be so complex. But Sweetie Belle pushed that thought aside thinking that if it was so easy then no one would wait for their cutie mark to appear naturally. Sweetie Belle then walked over to Applebloom and took a deep breath, she placed her hands on her own head and closed her eyes to concentrate. She began to build up her magic and soon a bright light blue aura appeared around her forehead then transfer to her hands. As her friends stood there watching her for a minute or so in silence they noticed that Sweetie Belle began to sweat. The aura became sporadic as Sweetie Belle struggled to keep her concentration and control of the magic she was building up. She never used this amount of magic before and it was taking its toll, it was as if her head was going to explode. Sweetie Belle shut her eyes tighter trying to take back control. "What are guys doing?" came a sudden voice as the owner of the voice touched the little girls shoulder. Sweetie Belle surprise by this unknown presence turned her body in quick succession towards the person and yelped as she fell to the ground. However the sudden surprise caused the dam to break in her head as she lost what little control she had over her magic. The magic blasted out of her hands towards the unknown person. "TWILIGHT!" screamed two more voices as the magic formed itself into a red portal. The portal emitted strong electrical discharges along with a powerful wind that pulled things into the air and instantly sucked in Twilight. "Did they just say Twil-Aahh!" Applebloom was cut off by one of the electrical discharges that hit the floor next to her. As Twilight went though the portal she screamed in terror, the two mysterious voices screamed again "TWILIGHT!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders were behind the portal so they weren't directly being affected by it but they still felt a force puling on them that was strong enough that they had to actually try to keep themselves grounded while holding up there armed to protect themselves from the flying objects in the room. Hearing the voices scream a second time Scootaloo quickly looked towards the remaining two figures. "I know those voices" Scootaloo thought as she focused on the two in front of the portal, as she looked at two she was filled with intense shock. "Rainbow Dash?! Spike?!" Scootaloo then watched helplessly as her friends Rainbow Dash and Spike got sucked up into the portal too. After the disappearance of their friends the portal became more violent, the discharges started to hit more things in the room that resulted with either vaporization or just leaving a scorch mark. The suction power became more intense causing book cases to fall to the ground, random furniture started to slide across the floor until it went flying into the portal when they got close enough, even the windows began to shatter from the intense pressure caused by the suction power of the portal. The room began to violently shake causing both Applebloom and Scootaloo to fall to ground, joining there friend Sweetie Belle. Cracks began to form on the walls and floor while parts of the ceiling started to fall from the sky. The Cutie Mark Crusaders started to panic, they could tell that it wasn't going to be long before the entire building collapsed, at this point the force pulling them became so strong that it actually started to lift them off the ground. The Cutie Mark Crusaders started to scream in horror thinking they would meet the same fate as their friends, Sweetie Belle then noticed a nearby wooden table that was rooted to the floor. "THE TABLE!" she screamed. "I'M ON IT, GRAB ON!" said Scootaloo as she grew her wings again. Her friends then grabbed held of her and with the help of her wings she was able to ground them. Scootaloo then kicked off the ground with her friends towards the table but the extra weight caused her fall short by a half foot. As the Cutie Mark Crusaders felt themselves getting pulled back towards the portal Applebloom and Sweetie Belle started to scream again, while Scootaloo was trying with all her might to fly the rest of the way but was only able to get them to stop going backwards. Realizing that they stopped moving Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at their flying friend. "You can do it Scootaloo" said Appleboom. "Yeah, your almost there" said Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo heard her friends cheering for her but she knew it was all in vain, after all she couldn't really fly yet, and now she had to support the weight of herself AND her friends. She became more tired and her wings began to flap slower causing them again to start going back towards the portal. "No! Don't give up" said Appleboom. There was then a sound that resembled a buzzing engine, Sweetie Belle looked back and saw a giant glowing red and white orb with more intense electrical discharges were the portal used to be. "APPLEBLOOM LOOK" said Sweetie Belle who was starting to freak-out . Applebloom saw the spectacle and turned back to Scootaloo. "Scootaloo please, you can't give up." she said with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to die." said Sweetie Belle, but despite Scootaloo's efforts they still continued to go backwards. "Come on Scootaloo are you can't just give up, I thought you wanted to be just like Rainbow dash?" said Applebloom. Scootaloo's eyes shot open. "Your right Rainbow is the best flyer in all Equestria, if I can't even fly one or two feet I would only be embarrassing myself and insulting Rainbow Dash just for having such a dream. Besides if can't even come through for my friends then what's the point?" Scootaloo then began to flap her wings harder than ever, her wings were moving so fast that they just appeared as a white shimmer, before long they soon started to move closer to the table. A smile grew on Applebloom and Sweetie Belle's face as they continued to steadily move forward. "You can do it Scootaloo, your almost there." said Sweetie Belle as they were now inches away from the table. Scootaloo than grabbed onto the table causing her friends to cheer. "You made it" said Sweetie Belle. Suddenly the force pulling them increased immensely along with the shacking of the room. The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked back and saw that the orb grew bigger. "Oh No" screamed Applebloom. "Everyone hang on! " said Scootaloo. The orb then exploded engulfing everything in a blinding light. As the light slowly faded away the Cutie Mark Crusaders fell to the ground, the orb along with the portal was gone leaving a crater in the middle of the floor. The Cutie Mark Crusaders than picked themselves off the floor and stared at the crater. There was a long silence. Sweetie Belle was the first to talk "What just happened?" > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight couldn't think strait, she was blinded by a red and white light as she felt herself spinning and rotating frantically as there was an extreme burning sensation felt throughout her body, so intense that she could literally feel her skin sizzling and peeling off. On top of that she felt a force pushing on her that felt like tiny daggers continually stabbing her which made her burns hurt so much more. As Twilight flailed around she started to slowly lose consciousness from the sheer pain. Twilight saw everything slowly becoming dark as her body and screams began to settle down. But as she herself became more quiet Twilight heard screams that were not her own, quickly realizing she wasn't alone Twilight snapped herself awake as she realized who the owners of those screams were. With all the strength she could muster Twilight tried to conjure up a magical barrier to protect and stabilize herself from the pain of being in this new environment. After fighting through the pain Twilight succeed in making her barrier. As soon as she had ground to stand on Twilight fell down on all fours, at this point Twilight was exhausted to the point that she was about to keel-over. Despite Struggling to keep up her own body weight Twilight rose to one knee and began looking around for her friends, becoming more worried when she noticed she couldn't here there screams anymore, and from what she could tell she was inside a red and white vortex that had white bolts of lightning coming from the walls. Twilight soon noticed something in the distance coming her way, as the object got closer she saw it was her friends Spike and Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry guys....I'm coming" Twilight said in between deep breaths. The struggling Twilight lifted her hand and placed it on the barrier, a flickering glow appeared around her hand and a bulge in the barrier formed and started too stretched towards her friend. The bulge lowly reached out towards Rainbow Dash and Spike as Twilight began to sweating and moan in pain in the barrier trying to keep up the magic to save her friends, despite the fact that she was basically out of magic at this point. As a tear started to run down her cheek from the sheer pain of her burns covering her body Twilight let out a small whisper. "I will save you." The bulge then reached its destination and enveloped Twilight's two unconscious friends. Rainbow Dash and Spike we're then slowly brought back to the safety of the barrier. After rescuing her friends Twilight fell on the floor of her barrier in relief. She then turned her head to look at her friends again, and a small smile appeared on her face. However, this happiness was short lived as Twilight noticed a hole in the barrier. She watched as her barrier crumbled away starting from hole that appeared. As the barrier disappeared the burning sensation returned causing the Twilight to scream and wither in pain again as tears started to flow down her cheeks. Twilight struggled to open one of her eyes to look at her friends despite the burning sensation in her eye, as she looked at them she saw black smoke coming off their bodies as the atmosphere continued to try to burn the flesh off their bones. The flow of tears from Twilight's eyes increased as she witnessed her friends dying in front her. "I'm sorry." There was then a blinding white light that engulfed everything. ________________________________________________________________________________ A pink pony was bouncing in a secluded open field with a small green alligator on her back. The pony had darker pink curly mane and tail with three part balloons on the side of flank. The mare then abruptly stopped as her ear started to twitch. "Itchy ear, this is the spot." said Pinkie Pie. "Come on Gummy, today I teach you how to fly a kite." The pink mare then bucked the alligator off her back into her hooves and placed him on the ground. The pink pony then proceeded to reach into her mane and pulled a classic style blue kite. Using her for-hooves the pink pony threw the kite in the sky where a sudden gust of wind took the kite higher in the sky. The pinkie Pie then put the kite handle in Gummy's toothless mouth, Gummy then started to chew on the handle as the pink pony cheered him. However, the cheering abuptly came to a halt. "Uh oh." she said as she looked at her tail. "twitchy twitchy twitch ah twitch." said the mare as she pulled out an umbrella hat from behind her back and placed it on her head. The gust of wind keeping the kite aloof suddenly stopped causing the kite to fall into a nearby bush. "Oh no, the kite." the pink mare quickly grabbed her pet alligator and galloped to the bush as fast as could. When reaching her destination she came to a screeching halt and hid behind a nearby tree in a panic. She peeked out from behind the tree to confirm what she saw. Lying next to her kite were three sleeping mysterious creatures. "Oh my gosh monsters, RUUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIFE!" said the mare in a load whisper. The mare jumped in the air and started to run as fast as she could, as her legs formed a figure eight, she stopped and hung there in mid-air looking around frantically. "Wait...where's Gummy?" The pink mare turned around and saw the pet alligator sniffing and licking at one of the bodies. The Pink mare quickly hid back behind the tree and started to call over to her pet. "Gummy, get away before they get you." Gummy continued to examine the body while the mare watched in horror. A couple seconds passed and the mysterious creatures continued to lie motionless. "That's strange, why aren't they moving?" said the mare as she slowly came out from behind the tree and started to walk over to her pet. As she got closer she noticed two important factors about theses mysterious creatures. One was that two of them had similar hair color and style as two of her friends, especial the one with rainbow colored hair, second was that most of their clothes were torn, singed and burned along with cuts and severe burns all over their body. "OH MY GOSH, what happened to them?" said Pinkie in a worried tone. She quickly moved closer and put an ear to their mouths to make sure they were still breathing. "Good, they're still breathing but they need help. I know maybe Twilight or Fluttershy can help, Fluttershy's good with animals and Twilights magic can fix anything. Gummy you stay here while I get them." Gummy just stood there staring at the pink mare with his big purple eyes as she zoomed off leaving a pink trail behind her. As the pink pony ran through the open field she soon reached town. "Ok Twilight lives closer so I'll try her first." thought the pony as she zoomed by the other ponies roaming the streets. As she reached her friend's house she knocked on the door frantically with her head like a woodpecker. A purple unicorn with a dark violet mane soon came to the door. "Pinkie? What are do-Aah", Pinkie quickly grabbed Twilight, pulled her out of the house and threw her outside. Twilight landed on her flank and before she could react Pinkie pie quickly grabbed held of Twilight's tail and started dragging her away. "PINKIE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" said Twilight As she was being dragged on her back. "NYO THIME, ISH AN EMHRGENCY!" Pinkie answered with Twilight's tail in her mouth. "PIINNKIIIEE!" yelled Twilight as she continued to be dragged through the streets. As they got close to their destination, Twilight having had enough teleported herself away from the pink mare and stood firmly on the ground a couple of feet away. Twilight then starred at her friend in anger "Why did you drag me out here?" she asked in frustration. "I'msorryTwilight,it'sjustthatIfoundsomecreaturesthatwerereallybadlyburnedandifIdidn'thelpthemtheywoulddiesoIthoughtyourmagiccouldfixthemsinceyourmagicmagiccould doanythingand-" Pinkie was speaking so fast that Twilight was having trouble understanding her. "Wait, wait, wait, whose injured?" asked Twilight. "The mysterious creatures" replied Pinkie. "What mysterious creatures?" "The ones behind that bush." Twilight turned her head to see the bush Pinkie was talking about, she quickly walked over and saw Gummy standing next to the three injured mysterious creatures Pinkie was talking about. Pinkie pie quickly joined Twilight and went over to Gummy. "Good job Gummy, stand down". Seeing Pinkie so close to the bodies Twilight decided to get a closer look. Of the three bodies two of them were about the same size as her while the third body was substantially smaller, about the same size as a filly or colt. The first body had hair similar to her mane, it wore a lavender sweater vest with a purple diamond pattern going around the waist. Underneath the vests was a white colored short sleeved dress shirt, and going with this was a purple mini skirt. The second tall body had hair that was almost as long as the previous body, however, what was weird about it was that it had rainbow colored hair which reminded Twilight of her friend Rainbow Dash. This creature wore a cyan colored no sleeve hoodie with a black t-shirt under it, with that she wore a pair of long dark blue jeans. Twilight then again noticed something strange about the one with the rainbow colored hair, on the front of the hoodie there was a picture of a white cloud with rainbow lightning bolt coming out of it, the same as Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark. Twilight quickly looked back at the other body that had her hair and noticed that on one of the arm sleeve of her shirt was burned off and it revealed a mark on the side of her shoulder that was the same as her Cutie mark, a light purple six point star surrounded by white sparkles. Finally the third body had spiky green hair with blue jeans and a dark purple unzipped hoodie with a light green t-shirt. After examining the creature's wounds along with their destroyed clothes Twilight turned back to Pinkie in confusion. "Who, what are they? And where did they come from?" asked Twilight "I don't know I just found them like that." replied Pinkie, "Can you fix them?" "Wweelll...the big one with the skirt has a right arm that's completely singed while the other arm has three second degree burn spots. She also has a giant third degree burn on the upper thigh of her left leg with a second degree burn covering the entire bottom part of her right leg. Her wounds are pretty bad but it should take me less than a day to treat her. The small one suffered the least damage, even though both sleeves are gone along with one of his pants legs and half his shirt revealing his stomach, he just has a lot of first degree burns covering his body so for him it only take an hour or so. However the rainbow haired ones wounds are more serious. Both arms are completely singed, most of the clothing on her back were burned off revealing a giant third degree burn on her back, also like the little one her shirt was burnt to the point of revealing her stomach but unlike him she has a second degree burn on her stomach. Finally the button half of her left pants leg is completely severed from the top half so her knee is burnt to a crisp, and the right leg has giant holes in the pants revealing second degree burns." "What does that mean?" asked Pinkie Pie. "Don't worry, burns are the easiest to fix since there external, this one will just take a while to fix but we need to work on her now or this one might not make it." "So what do we do?" asked the pink mare. "Well first I'll teleport them to my place, I'll treat them there." As Twilight said this a light brilliant raspberry aura appeared around Twilight's horn, that same aura then soon appeared around the bodies causing them to levitate. "Ok But wh-" but before Pinkie pie could finish there was a flash of bright light and both the ponies and unconscious creatures were gone. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in human Twilight's library a screams of terror were echoing throughout the house. "WHATA WE DO, WHATA WE DO?" said Sweetie Belle. "I'll tell you what we gotta do, we have to find a way to fix this before anybody finds out." said Scootaloo. "How are just three little girls suppose fix this? We're gonna need help if we're tu bring Twilight and them back." said Applebloom. "Maybe my sister can help us by using her magic." said Sweetie Belle. "That's a great idea." said Applebloom. "Were is she now?" asked Scootaloo. "She should still be working in her Boutique." "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." said Scootaloo. Meanwhile, at the Boutique Rarity was fixing up some of her old dresses with help from Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. "I simply cannot thank you two enough for modeling my dresses for me. I would ask Rainbow Dash but she said no, going on saying how she doesn't do dresses." said rarity as she was making alterations to her dresses. Rarity was wearing her work attire which consisted of a pair of black high waist dress pants made of a nylon polyester blend that had a giant belt with a silver buckle wrapped around her waist, a white collard dress shirt, some black high heel shoes and a pair of red oval shaped lens glasses that she wore when her work required more detail. "It's no trouble at all, we're happy to help." said Fluttershy. The delicate girl wore a yellow short sleeve off shoulder sweater with a skirt that was also yellow but was a shade of brown that went down to her knees, to finish this ensemble she wore a pair of brown gladiator sandals. "Yeah, besides what are friends for silly." said Pinkie Pie. The Party girl wore a Pink t-shirt that had picture of three balloons; the two on the outside was a light blue while the one in the middle was yellow. She also wore a dark pink miniskirt with tights of a similar shade underneath, along with pink sneakers. Rarity sighed. "I just wish that Rainbow Dash would take more of an interest in modeling, she actually has the perfect body for it, she could be just as if not more famous then you were Fluttershy. But of course Rainbow dash doesn't care for such fabulosity." "Well duh, it's Rainbow Dash's dream to join the Wonderbolts, not to be a model. Besides if Fluttershy hated being a model, there's no way Rainbow Dash would enjoy it." "Your right, and it wouldn't be right of me to force something on her she doesn't want to do." Finished with her dresses Rarity picked them up and gave and gave them to her friends. "Ok, now go change into these so I can see how they look." The two took the dresses and headed for the changing room but as they were about to leave the room there was a loud slam of a door from the front room that caused the entire room to shake. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then quickly entered the room. "Sweetie Belle" Rarity said with a annoyed whine. "What did I tell you about slamming the door." Ignoring the question Sweetie Belle ran up to her older sister "Rarity we need your help. Twilight, Spike and Rainbow dash are in trouble." "Oh my, what happened?" asked Fluttershy. Scootaloo quickly jumped in front of Sweetie Belle "We were at Twilight's and this crazy portal came out of nowhere and snatched them up." "Oh no, that terrible." said Fluttershy "We have to do something" said Pinkie Pie. She then gasped. "What if more people fall victim to this portal,*gasp* what if all of Equestria is in danger, *GASP* EVERYBODY RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Pinkie Pie then ran out the door screaming in terror. "Ye-yeah and we were hoping that you would be able to bring her back since you're good with magic n all" said Applebloom. previously distracted by Pinkie's performance Rarity turned back to the Cutie Mark crusaders with a suspicious look. "What were you three doing at Twilight's house" she asked. "Umm" said Scootaloo, she paused as she looked to the ground trying to come up with a believable excuse. "Uh we...we saw Twilight on our way home from school and she invited us over to...study?" said Sweetie Belle. "Yeah and we thought if we did that we could get our cutie mark as Scholars." said Applebloom. "What about Rainbow Dash and spike?" asked Rarity. "Spike was already at the house and we met Rainbow Dash on the way." said Scootaloo. The three girls had a confident look on their faces, proud of their believable lie; however, Rarity removed her red glasses and just stared at the three girls with a lax look. "Is that what really happened?" The confident faces of the girls had began to disappear and was soon replaced with worry. "What do you mean?" asked Sweetie Belle. "I was talking to Rainbow Dash earlier and she was already WITH Twilight. While I was talking with them Twilight told me she got a new scroll from Canterlot and wanted to study it as soon as possible, ALONE. However, she was going to give Rainbow Dash another one of those Daring Doo books before she did. So I'll ask you three again, what really happened?" said the Fashionista as she crossed her arms. Looking to the floor in defeat the Cutie Mark Crusaders told Rarity and Fluttershy what happened. "Oh..my." said Fluttershy. "How can you girls be so irresponsible?" said Rarity as the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued to look to floor with sad faces. "We just wanted are cutie marks" said Sweetie Belle with a whimper. "Getting your cutie mark takes time, now look at this fine mess you three have made because of your impatience." said Rarity as she glared at the three. There was a couple seconds of silence before Fluttershy interrupted. "Umm maybe we should deal with them after we save our friends." Rarity took a breath to calm herself down and looked towards Fluttershy. "Your right Fluttershy, you go find Pinkie Pie and I'll get Applejack, after we bring them up to speed we'll meet up at Twilight's so we can have a look at this spell. As for you three, I want you to head to Twilights house and wait for us. You girls caused enough trouble so I don't want you doing anything until we get there." "Yes Rarity." Said the Cutie Marked Crusaders in a melancholy tone as they continued to stare at the floor. Sweetie Belle felt horrible for all the trouble she caused, and now her sister probably didn't lover her anymore because of what she did to her friend, Sweetie Belle felt so lousy she just wanted to lock herself in a dark room. Rarity then walked over to Sweetie Belle, she crouched down, placed her hand on Sweetie Belle's chin to tilt her head up and gave a soft smile. "Though I am glad that your all alright, I don't know what I'd do if I lost my dear sister." A smile grew on Sweetie Belle's face. Rarity then gave her sister a quick hug then stood back up to head towards the door with Fluttershy, as they left the Cutie Mark Crusaders followed behind. As they left the boutique Rarity watched as Fluttershy ran in one direction as she herself sprinted towards Sweet Apple Acres. Normally Rarity would never subject herself to running because of fear of getting all sweaty or messing up her hair but her friends in danger caused her to disregard her own personal need for a lady like appearance. She was also exceptionally worried about her precious little Spikey-wikey, even though he was Dragon, part of the mythical beast class, he was still just a kid. As Rarity reached the Apple family's barn she went into the apple orchid to look for her friend. "Yee-haa" Screamed Applejack as she ran through the apple orchid. Applejack was light skinned but had a nice tan because of her constant working in the sun, along with some freckles on her upper cheek bones, with long yellow hair tied into a pony tail. Applejack wore a collared buttoned up dark orange dress shirt with rolled up sleeves along with blue jeans and brown cowboy boots. Finally, hanging off her neck and over her hair by some string was her signature brown cowboy hat that fluttered in the wind as she ran. AJ then jumped, as she left the ground she curled her body up in the form of a ball, after one spine she uncurled her body into a fly kick. She made contact with an apple tree that was over twice her size with a trunk that had a diameter of three feet. The entire tree shook as if it was made of a somewhat rubbery substance cause all the apples to fall into a wooden basket that was sitting at the base of the tree. Nearby was Applejack's older brother Big Macintosh. Big Mac was about a foot taller the Applejack, had a muscular build, and had a tan along with freckles like Applejack. He had short shaggy dark orange hair and wore a red muscle shirt with blue jeans, and brown gloves and cowboy boots. Big Mac elbowed a nearby tree similar to Applejack's causing the same effect as when Applejack kicked hers, he then looked at Applejack with a grin. "Y'all are in good mood." he said. "Of course, nothing like some manual labor to get the ol blood flown." Applejack then again sped off and kicked another tree causing more apples to fall in a basket. "Though I wonder where Applebloom is, she was suppose to help us bring these apples back to the barn when we were done harvesting." said the cowgirl as she put her hat back on her head. "You reckon she's hang'n out with her friends?" "Yup" said Big Mac as picked up one of the baskets full of apples. Suddenly out of nowhere came sudden voice. "APPLEJACK!" The siblings turned to see who was calling AJ. "Rarity?!" Said the cowgirl as she watched her friend trying to run in her heeled shoes towards them. She also noticed that she was breathing heavily while sweating profusely, and on top of that her hair was messed up, her HAIR, Rarity's pride and joy. Upon reaching them Rarity leaned forward and placed her hands on her knees to support herself as she tried to catch her breath. "Whoa there sugarcube, where's the fire?" said AJ as she put her hand on her friends shoulder. "Twilight...Spike...and Rainbow Dash are in trouble." "What?!" said Applejack. Meanwhile Fluttershy was running through town heading for the Sugarcube Corner to look for her friend Pinkie Pie. It was actually easy to pinpoint her location for everyone in town knew the hyperactive girl since she made sure to know and become friends with everyone in town along with throwing a welcome party for anyone new to the town. It also helped that she drew attention to herself by screaming as she was running away. As Fluttershy reached the bakery she entered and saw the co-owner of the store Mrs. Cake standing behind the front desk. Mrs. Cake was a little on the heavy side with pink hair in the form of an ice cream swirl, she wore a light blue dress with an apron. "Why hello there Fluttershy, how may I help you?" said Mrs. Cake with a smile. Fluttershy paused a minute to catch her breath on account that she ran all the way from Rarity's shop, "Hi Mrs. Cake, did Pinkie pie come in here?" Hearing the question Mrs. Cake's smile turned into frown. "Yes, she just came in and ran to her room screaming, is something wrong?" "Yes but I'll explain later, right now I reeeally need to bring Pinkie over to Twilight's, if you're ok with that." "Of course dear, go right in." said Mrs. Cake as she opened up a small door in the front of the counter. As Fluttershy quickly went behind the counter she disappeared behind a door leading to the back of the bakery. "I hope it's not too serious." said Mrs. Cake to herself. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy went up some stairs where she came to the door to Pinkie's room. "Pinkie?" the introverted mare called out as she opened the door. "Oh my gosh, this is terrible, what am I gonna do?" Pinkie thought aloud as she frantically paced her room. "The world can't end yet, there's so many things I still have to do." "Pinkie." "Like, there's still so many sweats I haven't tried yet..." "Pinkie." "So many parties I have yet to throw." Realizing her friend was too lost her own thoughts to hear her Fluttershy went over to her panicking friend and tapped her shoulder. "Umm, Pinkie." Fluttershy called again. With this Pinkie stopped her rambling and finally took notice of the other presence in the room. "Fluttershy! Good timing." Pinkie pie quickly zipped away and came back with a big box. "I need your help throwing as many parties as I can before the world ends." Fluttershy tried to respond but was quickly cut off by Pinkie forcing the heavy box onto her. "Ok so we have bunch of early birthday's we have to celebrate, one for everyone in Sa Pien." "But... Pinkie" said Fluttershy in between grunts as she struggled with the box in her hands. "Plus one big End of the World send off party." "But...the world...isn't...ending." "What!?" said Pinkie pie. Fluttershy started walking over to Pinkie with the box "I said the worl-WOAH" Fluttershy toppled over backwards and fell to the ground with the box landing beside her. While rubbing her head in pain she finished her statement. "The world isn't ending." "What do you mean?" asked Pinkie as she helped her friend off the ground. "Portals aren't appearing and snatching up people at random, it's just one portal and that one was created by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in an attempt to get there cutie mark." said Fluttershy. "Oooooooohh" responded Pinkie. She then began snort and giggle at her over reaction. "I can't believe how silly I was back there, I even thought about organizing a migration to the moon to save everyone." As Pinkie continued to laugh Fluttershy looked to her in confusion. "Umm how would that even-" "WAIT! Even if the world isn't ending Twilight and them are still in trouble." Pinkie Pie said cutting of Fluttershy. "Yes, that's why I came-" "We have to get to the scene of the disappearance to see if we can fix this. Don't worry Fluttershy your auntie Pinkie Pie will take care of everything, now let's go." Pinkie then ran out the door to head over to Twilights house leaving behind a frustrated Fluttershy. "I'm a year older then you." she said as she walked out the door following her hyperactive friend. Meanwhile back at Apple Acres. " CONSARN IT, AH CAN'T BELIEVE HER" yelled Applejack in anger. "Why can't that girl stay out of trouble, just wait till ah deal with her, Ahm gonna, Ahm gonna." "Now calm down there Applejack, you should first worry about the safety of your friends." said Big Mac. "He's right Applejack that's why we're all meeting at Twilights so we can figure out what to do." said Rarity. Applejack looked to the ground in frustration "Fine, can you handle rest by yourself Big Mac?" "Of course, y'all just get goin' and save yer friends." "Ok, come on Rarity, let's go." Back at Twilight's the Cutie Mark Crusaders were waiting outside. "What do we do now?" asked Scootaloo. "Nothing, that's what Rarity said." said Sweetie Belle. "Yeah but we need to redeem ourselves in everyone's eyes by helping to fix this mess we made." said Scootaloo. "How do we do that?" asked Applebloom. "Well first we can find the scroll we used." said Scootaloo. "That's uh great idea, come on girls let go inside." said Applebloom with new found confidence. As the girls went inside they saw the place was still a mess, papers, furniture and debris were all over the place along with the crater in the middle of the floor. "Are you guys sure this is a good idea, I don't want to get into anymore trouble." said Sweetie Belle. "Don't worry, we ain't gonna cause any more trouble we'll jus find the spell and go right back tah wait'n for everyone." said Applebloom. Sweetie Belle was still unsure. "Alright everyone let's spit up, that way we'll find it faster." Scootaloo said with enthusiasm. With that the girls began to search the room. A couple of minutes passed and the Cutie Mark Crusaders still couldn't find the scroll they were looking for. Applebloom sat down on the floor, she was getting discouraged and was about to give up. As she let out a sigh Scootaloo head popped out behind a turned over desk. "You ok Applebloom?" "What if the spell got sucked into that portal thing, if that happened we may never be able to bring our friends back." Applebloom then pulled her legs up to her and wrapped her arms around them while resting her head on her knees. "Don't say that, we have to save Rainbow Dash and the others, failure is not an option." said Scootaloo as she glared at her depressed friend. "Yeah but-" "GUYS I FOUND IT." came Sweetie Belle's voice from the next room. The two girls quickly got on their feet and ran to their friend who was waiting for them with the scroll in hand. "Good job Sweetie Belle, where was it?" asked Scootaloo. "Behind one of the bookshelves." "This is great now we can save Rainbow Dash." said Scootaloo, Appleboom looked at the scroll in Sweetie Belle's hands and gave it a quizzical look. "Wait lemme see that." Sweetie Belle handed over the scroll and Apple started to look it over. "This isn't the spell." "Wait, what!?" said Scootaloo in confusion "Yes it is, it has a star on the seal just like you said." said Scootaloo. "But it has the word swirl engraved in it, ah'v never seen this scroll before." "So we cast the wrong spell!?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Where so freaking LAME!" said Scootaloo as she smacked her hand against her forehead. "What's going on in here?" came a load voice the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned to see Pinkie Pie standing in the doorway. She was wearing deerstalker hat with a brown cloak, to go with this get-up Pinkie had a pipe in her mouth that excreted bubbles. "And just what do you troublemakers think you're doing?" "We were just helping to save everyone by finding the spell we used" Applebloom explained. "Did you find it?" asked Fluttershy as she came in the room wearing a bowler hat. "Yeah." replied Sweetie Belle. Pinkie Pie blew into her pipe causing more bubbles to be excreted before she took the pipe out of her mouth. "Good job rookies." "But it turns out all this happened because we cast the wrong spell" said Sweetie Belle discouraged again by her and her friends mistake. Pinkie Pie started to sway her head back and forth "Another rookie mistake, don't worry your silly little heads, Pinkie Pie's on the case. Now, let me see this spell." Applebloom handed over the scroll and Pinkie began to look it over with a magnified glass. Pinkie held up the scroll giving it a serious look, she then began to rub her chin as she read it over. Fluttershy came up to Pinkie's side, "So do you know how to reverse the spell and bring back our friends?" Pinkie brought the scroll away from her face. "Yeah I have no idea what I'm looking at." said the pink haired girl with a defeated look. The room then became deathly silent as everyone in the room was filled with despair after Pinkie's answer. "Come on guys cheer up, I'm part of the Earth class so of course I wouldn't know anything about magic, but rarity will definitely be able to fix it." As Pinkie was consoling her friends a load slam was heard from the front room. "AAPPLEBLOOOM!" came an angry voice followed by a slamming door. Appleboom quickly jerked her head up. "Crab apples" she said as she started to panic. Fast and heavy footsteps were heard approaching the room. As Applebloom looked at the door way she started a nervous sweat, waiting for the person who would soon enter the room. Applejack quickly stormed into the room with Rarity in tow behind her . "APPLEBLOOM!" Applejack yelled again in anger as she approached her Little sister. Applebloom closed her eyes and tensed up to prepare her body for whatever punishment that was to befall her. Applebloom heard her sister's footsteps walk up to her. There was a couple a seconds of silence, even though she couldn't see Applebloom could still feel her sister's presence looming over her. She began to shake in fear of what was to come but instead of pain she felt an arm go around her body while a hand gently pulled her head towards a warm embrace. In shock Applebloom quickly opened her eyes and saw Applejack down on one knee hugging her. "How can you be so stupid, what if something happened to you too?" "I'm sorry." said Applebloom as she leaned into the hug. Applejack continued to embrace her sister for a while longer before she stood back up. She starred back down at her sister as Applebloom stared back with a smile. Applejack slowly brought up one hands and quickly brought it down in the form of a fist on top of Applebloom's head. Applebloom fell to the ground rolling in pain as tears started to form in her eyes. Applejack then rose her fist clenching it as hard as she could while she rested her other hand on her waist, she glared at her sister with extreme anger and again started to yell. "YOUR DARN RIGHT YOUR SORRY, STARTIN TOMORROW EVERYDAY AFTER SCHOOL AH WANT YA TO COME STRAIGHT HOME CUZ YOUR GONNA START PICKIN ONE THIRD OF THE ENTIRE APPLE ORCHARD. AN UNTIL YA FINISH YOUR BASICALLY GONNA LIVE IN THAT ORCHARD ONLY TO LEAVING IT FOR FOOD AND SLEEP. AN TAH MAKE SURE YA STAY OUT OF TROUBLE ME AN BIG MAC WILL BE KEEPING A CLOSE EYE ON YOU WHILE YA WORK." Appleboom looked up at her sister from the floor. "Yes ma'am." said Applebloom as she fought back her tears. Scootaloo ran to her friend on the floor, "Are you ok?" asked the girl trying to help her friend back to her feet. Applejacks attention then turned Scootaloo as she watched her help up Applebloom. "What's this!? You think you have time to worry about others. Don't think you're the only one that's gonna get off scott free, cuz ahma make sure yer parents find out what y'all bin up to too." Hearing this Scootaloo looked at AJ with worry and fear of how much trouble she would be in if her parents found out what she been up to. "Well then, now that we got that out of the way let's focus on bringing are friends back. Did you guys find the spell?" said Rarity. "Yes, the girls found it but we can't understand how this spell works." said Fluttershy. "Can you make sense of this hocus pocus mumbo jumbo?" asked Pinkie with concern as she gave Rarity the scroll. Rarity opened the scroll and quizzically looked it over. Unable to understand the spell herself she rose an eyebrow in confusion, she then proceeded to put down the scroll and look to her friends. "We may need some assistance for this matter."