• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,269 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

Trespassing again?

Time for a 'Kickass Rant'

Have you all heard of the new bills called, PROTECT IP/SOPA. If you haven't then google them, like right now. I'll make this short. They are bills that will pretty much make the internet useless. Mostly everything will be censored or blocked. Whole sites will be closed down and the ability to download any videos/music/etc. will be removed. This bill is the worst idea that I have ever heard!

This concludes our 'Kickass Rant'

Please enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 9

We pulled up to a semi small house. It wasn't that small, big enough for four people to live comfortably. There was similar houses all over the neighborhood, but this one had a keep out sign posted on the lawn.

We all climbed out of the truck, even Twilight. I took the lead and walked up to the door, everyone else behind me.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response. After five minutes of waiting, I turned to everyone, "They're not home."

David pointed to the driveway, "Their cars are still here. They're home."

I shrugged and turned to the door. I then grabbed the knob and turned. To my surprise, it turned. I pushed the door open to reveal a pleasant house. The front door lead into a living room, and beyond that was a dinning room.

Peter pushed me from behind, "Well, go on in."

I shook my head, "No way, I'm not trespassing twice on the same day."

David smirked, "You have to. Your cutie mark was test dummy, am I correct?"

I glared at him, why did I have to tell him about that, "Fucking fine, but you owe me."

He nodded, "Okay with me."

I sighed and walked into the house. It looked like Seth and Zorrow spent a lot of time and cash decorating this place.

I walked further in and into the dinning room. Nothing. I walked out of the dinning room and into a hall. There was three doors and some stairs that lead up to the second floor. I looked in each room and saw no one. I then headed for the stairs.

Once I reached the bottom of them, I had a thought. Why the hell am I walking through their house looking for them? I sighed and cursed at David and Peter for making me go in. I began climbing up the stairs.

When I reached the top, something small and long, like a pipe, hit me in the gut. This caused me to double over, which also caused me to fall down the stairs. When I hit the bottom, struggling to breath, I looked up to see two young looking guys standing at the top.

"See, I told you they were trying to rob us." Said the one holding the baseball bat.

The other one looked at him, "I guess you was right Seth. Should I get one of the katana's?"

I held up my hands, "Wait!" Oh god, please let them still have their memories!

Seth looked down at me, "Strange?"

Zorrow looked at him, "What? What is it?"

I kept shaking my hands back and forth, "Its me, Lance. Lance Greenfield."

Seth's eyes widened, and so did Zorrow's, "Lance? Is that really you?"

I stood, my head throbbing, "Yes! Thanks for the headache and neck pain!"

Seth laughed weakly and threw the baseball bat out of sight, "Sorry about that."

I shook my head, "Its fine. Now, follow me, Peter, David, and Twilight are here."

They both smiled, "Awesome!" They then walked down the stairs and to the front door.

Soon, we was all sitting in their living room, in a semi circle.

Zorrow looked at Peter, "So, that's what you look like in real life. I still remember you kicking me in the balls."

Peter chuckled, "That was fucking hilarious!"

Zorrow glared and patted his groin, "They still hurt, even though we're back on earth."

Peter smiled, "I did a good job then."

I pointed to my groin, "Don't forget me, I lost the ability to have kids."

Zorrow crossed his arm, "Doesn't count with you. You already have a kid on the way."

I chuckled and sat back in the seat, "I'm that good."

David laughed, "Wait till you meet my butler, Roberto, he's pretty awesome."

Seth looked at him, "Where is your butler?"

David chuckled, "Lance's house."

I smiled, "I beat my mom loves him, cleaning and fixing up the place."

Peter smirked, "And other things."

Mark and I glared at him, "Like what?"

Peter began to laugh, "Your mom!"

We both sighed, "What ever. He's like eighty years old."

Peter kept smirking, "So, your mom may like it old and wrinkly."

Mark stood and cracked his knuckled playfully, "Okay, your dead."

We all laughed at this, even Mark.

Twilight chuckled, "Bronies are a weird bunch."

David looked at her and grinned, "You have no idea Twilight, you have no idea."

Suddenly, Seth clapped his hands, "Okay, now for a question." He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands, "Tell me how you all found us, from the beginning."

I smiled, "Well..."