• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,269 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

Finding a brony in a Manhattan

Chapter 5

"Shit!" I yelled as my mom put the rubbing alcohol on one of the cuts on my face.

She glared at me, "Language!" She said as pressed the pad against the other cuts, "So tell me again, how did this happen?"

Mark spook up, his face covered in Band-Aids, "A pack of dogs chased us down the street and we jumped into a trash bin full of metal to escape."

"Uh huh." She mumbled as she finished working on my face. "You two need to be more careful."

I nodded, "We know."

She stood and picked up her supplies, "You two..." She just smiled and left the kitchen.

I turned to mark and grinned, "She bought it."

He reached up to his face and started pulled off the Band-Aids, "She went a little overboard with the medical supply again."

I laughed and pulled off the Band-Aids on my own face off, "I know right? Where does she keep getting all of it?"

He shrugged and scratched his chin, "Beats me."

I touched my face and winced. I began to feel a slight vibration in my right pants pocket. I was confused for a second till I remember my phone.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I looked at the screen to see who was calling. The picture was of my uncle Leon.

I smiled, I wonder if he's found them all. I pressed the Accept Call button and put it to my ear, "Hello?"

The line was silent for a second before my uncle began to speak, "Hey Lance, good news and some bad news."

"What is it?" I responded, knowing he had found some information on them, but what about the bad news?"

"Good news or bad news first?"

"Bad news."

The line was silent again, "Well, the one named Frederic died five years ago. Killed by his own father."

What? Oh wait, that's right. Only the bronies that died from the rapture was sent back, he stayed since he died five years prior to the Rapture. Lucky bastard, "Oh, well, that sucks. Now the good news?"

"I found the first guy on the list, Peter Kruzel."

"Only one?"

A short pause, "No, he's just the first one I've found that lives close. When I say close, I mean Manhattan."

Peter lives in Manhattan? "Where does he live exactly?"

There was a short pause, followed by my phone vibrating, signaling that a message had been received. "Okay Lance, I sent you a file. Download that into your GPS and it'll show you."

"Thanks uncle Leon."

"No problem Lance, just stop by more often. I've been wanting to do some multiplayer with you."

I laughed, "You got it uncle Leon."

"Alright then, talk to you later."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and opened up my apps center. I scrolled through it till I came across my GPS. I opened it and downloaded the file uncle Leon had sent me into its navigation system. It began calculating a route to his house.

Mark walked up and crossed his arms, "What are you up too this time?"

I chuckled, "Oh, just looking for a few friends that went to Equestria with me."

He seemed to be considering what I said, "Huh, sounds interesting, mind if I come along for the ride?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Why do you want to come along?"

He shrugged, "Well, a few reasons, mainly because your going to need a little protection."

I shook my head and smiled, "I can protect my self."

He smirked, "Oh yeah, you handled Cody pretty well."

"Shut up."

He held up his hands, "I speak only the truth little bro."

I sighed, "Fine, you can come along, but only because I want you to come along, not because I need protection." Well, its mainly because I need his protection.

My phone beeped, signaling that it had finished calculating a route.

Mark smiled, "So, you want to do it tonight or tomorrow?"

I shrugged, "Depends on the time." I looked at the clock to see it was only 9:12 PM. "I guess tonight would be fine."

He clapped his hands together, "Perfect, time for a little fun. Lets get going."

I shook my head, "Let me check on Twilight."

He sighed, "Okay, just hurry up. I want to see this guy. I'll be in the truck."

I nodded and headed for the stairs. I jogged up them and the others.

I then walked into my room to see Twilight reading one of the books we had gotten, not surprising.

She looked up and put on a smile, "Yes?"

I smiled back, "Me and Mark are going to see if we can find Peter. Do you want to tag along?"

"Peter?" She looked at the books and then at me, "Can I bring a book?"

I chuckled, "Of course. But its dark out and the light in the truck is broken."

She cocked her head, "Truck?"

I smiled, "Well, a truck is what we humans use to get around faster than walking. We have many other types of transport, but I don't really have time to explain it all. I'll just buy you a book on it." I motioned for the door, "So, you want to come along?"

She rubbed her mouth and looked to be thinking, "Alright, I'm coming." She picked up her current book and walked over to me.

I turned and lead her down the stairs, and out the front door. We walked over to the truck, it had four seats and was pure white. A very nice truck in my opinion.

Mark beckoned for us to hurry as he started the truck.

I opened the back seat door for Twilight and she climbed in. I then closed the door and jumped up front in the passenger's seat. I put my phone on the dash board and turn the GPS on, "Alright Mark, just follow the directions."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not stupid Lance." He said as he began to drive down the empty street.

I turned to see Twilight looking out the window at the passing street lights. I chuckled, "Having fun?"

She looked at me and smiled, "Your world is amazing Lance. There's so many things here that doesn't even exist in Equestria. I wonder why?"

I nodded, "We rely on science and technology, while Equestria relies on magic."

She considered my answer, "Seems reasonable."

I turned around and picked up the flash light that was kept under the seat, "Here Twi, you can read your book with this." I said as I handed it to her.

She took it and began to examine it curiously. She hit the button on the side and it turned on, casting the light into her face. She recoiled and dropped it, "What the..."

I chuckled and reached down behind my seat and grabbed it, "This is what we use to produce light. Kinda like a torch." I handed it to her and she nodded.

"Interesting." She then opened her book and held the light above it. She then dived into it and began reading.

I turned back to Mark, who was smiling. I cocked my head, "What?"

He shook his head, still smiling, "Oh nothing."

I looked out the windshield and saw we was going over Manhattan Bridge. I looked at my phone to see we was entering Lower Manhattan. We needed to go to Midtown Manhattan. Peter's apartment was close to Central Park.

I laid back and closed my eyes, I wonder if Peter...


"Wake up Lance, we're here." Said Mark as he stepped out of the truck.

I sat up and rubbed my face, I fell asleep? Wow, that's odd.

I stepped out of the truck, followed by Twilight. I looked at the building that Mark was walking up to. It was a fairly large apartment that faced Central park. Looks nice, and expensive.

We walked up to the door and I looked at the address: 200 West 67th Street, New York 10023.

A doorman stood outside and greeted us, "Good evening."

Mark and I both nodded in response, but not Twilight. She walked up and held out her hand, "And a good evening to you."

He looked at her hand and smiled. He then shook her hand, "Someone has manors." He said while glancing at me and Mark.

We then all walked into the lobby. I looked around and nodded, "Fancy."

I walked ahead and went up to the front desk.

The woman behind it looked up and put on her best, 'I'm happy to see you' smile she could, "Hello and welcome to the AIRE. How may I help you?"

I put my elbows on the desk and smiled, "Yes, we are looking for a friend of ours. His name is Peter Kruzel, can you tell us if he lives here?"

She nodded, "Let me check the computer."

I nodded and looked around, I saw a piece of paper on the desk and read it:

'This elegant new rental building opened May 2010. Situated in the highly sought-after neighborhood surrounding Lincoln Center, AIRE offers breathtaking vistas of the city skyline, Central Park and the Hudson River. Apartment features include mahogany hardwood floors, gourmet kitchens with sculpted wood cabinetry, quartz countertops and stainless steel appliance suite and luxurious baths with Dornbracht fixtures. Building amenities include private drive-court leading to gracious lobby, fitness center with yoga room and ballet bar, sound-proof rehearsal rooms, indoor and outdoor children's play areas, private party and event deck with catering pavilion, elevated park with mature plantings, walking paths and reflecting pool.'

I shrugged and put it back down, just some information on the building.

The woman looked back at me and put that smile back on, "Yes, we have a Peter Kruzel here. Floor 39, room C."

I smiled back, "Thank you."

She held up a hand, "Wait, I need to know your business with him."

I shrugged, "We're just friends who came to visit is all."

She furrowed her brow, "Okay then, you may use the elevator to the right."

Mark began making his way to the elevator and hit the call button. I followed behind him and Twilight.

The elevator door dinged open and we stepped in. I hit the button for the 39th floor and the elevator began moving upwards.

Twilight looked around, "What is this thing?"

Mark beat me to the answer, "This thing here is an elevator. It can get us between floors better and faster than stairs."

She nodded, "We need elevators in Equestria."

I laughed, "So true."

The door dinged open a sort time later and we stepped out. I looked left and right, seeing two ways to leave the elevator area. I turned right and walked towards the doorway. Once I stepped through, I saw room 39-C on my right.

I walked up and knocked.

After a few seconds of waiting, the door opened to reveal a teen. He was sorta skinny with blue eyes and black hair. He was wearing a purple hoodie and worn blue jeans.

He looked at us in confusion, "Uhh, who are you?" He looked at me and cocked his head, "Huh, do we know each other?"

I smiled, "I don't know, you tell me, Purple Blaze."

His eyes widened, "Lance?"

I nodded and held up my hands above my head, "The one and only." I put my arms back down and grinned, "So, God let you keep your memory also, huh?"

He chuckled, "Yep, all I had to do was ask." He looked behind me and smiled, "Who are they?"

I pointed at Mark, "That's Mark, my older brother."

Mark waved, "Yo."

I then gestured to Twilight, "And you already know her."

Peter shook his head, "No, I don't."

I smirked, "Oh come on now, you don't recognized Twilight?"

His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face, "That's Twilight?"

"Yep, God let her come back with me."

Peter stepped out of his door and ran up to her, picking her up in a huge hug, "Its good to see ya Twilight."

She laughed as he swung her back and forth, "Its good to see you to Peter."

He put her down and walked past me, "Come on in everyone, let me show you my place."

We all followed him inside.

Upon entering, I saw a kitchen to my left and what looked to be the living room in front of me. On my right was a hall way with two doors on the left side and a second hallway at the end.

Mark whistled, "Nice place."

Peter smiled proudly, "Thank you, it cost my parents a fortune, but worth it if I get to go to collage in America."

Mark walked into the living room, "Damn, I wish I could afford something like this."

I nodded my approval, "Peter, you lucky bastard."

He smiled, "I know."

Twilight walked to the floor to ceiling window and looked out across Central Park, "Beautiful."

Peter walked up beside her, "I know, America is such a wonderful place isn't it?"

She nodded, "Yes it is."

Mark walked up next to them, "So Peter, where are you from?"

"Poland." Peter said while looking out the window.

I coughed, making them all turn to me. I looked up and smiled, "Sorry."

They all shrugged and went back to looking out the window. Except for Peter, who walked up to me, "Lance, I must show you something."

I grinned, "Alright, lead the way."

He lead me to the hall and to the first door on the right. He opened it to reveal a room filled with instruments. There was a full set of drums, two electric guitars, and two acoustic guitars.

I couldn't help but smile, "Very nice dude."

He smiled proudly, "Thank you Lance. I love music, as you already know, and I love to play it."

I looked over at him, "I knew that, you played at my wedding, remember?"

He chuckled, "Oh yes, your wedding in Canterlot. I wish we could go back there."

I nodded, agreeing, "I know, I miss it already."

He sighed, "It hasn't even been a full day and yet, it feels like we've been gone for years."

I also sighed, "I would do anything to go back."

He then smiled, "Yeah, but your lucky. You got to keep your wife."

I grinned, "True, but I would rather be a pony in Equestria than here."


There was laughing behind us. We turned to see Mark standing in the door way, leaning his shoulder against the door frame and arms crossed.

"Wow, I never thought I would hear you say that Lance."

I chuckled, "How much did you hear?"

He shrugged, "All of it."

I sighed, "Well damn, now I'm embarrassed."

Everyone laughed, and soon I joined them.

Peter held up his hand, "Lance, I have an idea."

I looked at him, "What is it Peter?"

He smiled and rubbed his hands together, "We need to find all of our friends that went to Equestria."

I nodded, "I'm already working on it. I've got my uncle looking for everyone right now."

Peter looked overjoyed, "Great news! Who should we try and find next?"

I shrugged, "How about David?"

Peter gave me a thumbs up, "Yes! He was my first friend in Equestria."

I pulled out my phone, "Let me call my uncle." I dialed his number and waited. After three straight minutes of waiting, he finally answered.

"Lance! Do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah, its just eleven or so."

"That's to late for me." There was a pause, "What do you need?"

"I need to know where David Ambrose lives. Do you know yet?"

He sighed, "One second." There was a pause, followed by the sound of paper being moved around and a computer turning on. A few seconds later, my phone vibrated, "There you go Lance, all the information you need to know about him. Just open the file I sent ya and your set."

"Thanks uncle Leon, what would I do with out you?"

"You would be at lost because your favorite uncle isn't around."

"Your my only uncle."

A pause, "Still, I'm better than five."


"Now, I'm off to bed, and don't call back till morning, please."

"Alright, but one last thing."


"Where exactly does he live?"

"Your going to need a boat for this."


"Because, your friend David lives in the Caribbean's."