• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,268 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

Unexpected reunion

Chapter 15

"You hit him, sir..." Agent Nelson said as he watched the teenage fugitive tumble off the building.

"Well, I wasn't aiming for him. Just trying to scare him into stopping." Agent Michael remarked as he lowered his weapon.

Agent Nelson sighed and pushed up the visor on his helmet, "You still shoot him. Probably dead now..."

Agent Michael frowned, "Aww shit..." He reached up to his helmet and turned on his mic, "The fugitive has been injured. Requesting support on the right side of the red brick building."

A second passed before a response came back, "Copy that. What's his status?"

Agent Micheal sighed, "Probably deceased..."


"... Uhh, your orders were to obtain the fugitive, not neutralize them."

Agent Micheal gulped, "I know, it was a miss fire."

"Lie." Agent Nelson said under his breath.

"Er, roger that. Regroup on the other Agent's."

"Yes, sir." Agent Micheal said before releasing his finger from the mic.

"We're screwed now..." Agent Nelson commented as he trudged across the roof and back to the fire escape.

Agent Micheal put his weapon over his shoulder and leaned on the side of the roof, looking in the direction where the fugitive fell.

A small lump formed in his throat, causing him to hang his head.

But, when he did, he saw the fugitive, clearly hurt, slide out a side door on the building and slowly trudge away from the scene.

"Well I'll be damned..."

Agent Micheal twisted around and sprinted for the fire escape, determined more than ever.



I stumbled and fell against the wall for support. Fucking blood loss...

Plan.... I need a plan.

I need to get back to the others, we need to get out of New York... Fast!

A sudden shutter shot through my body at the image of Twilight and the other two in prison... They wouldn't be able to handle themselves.

Should I go back to them?

I'll just be putting them in danger...

I have to go back, I must warn them.

But, what if...

"Hold it right there, Lance!" A voice said behind me, and I recognized it as one of the FBI Agent's who had shot at me.

I stiffened and slowly leaned off of the wall.

"Turn around, and hold your hands up." He commanded.

I gritted my teeth and slowly turned, my hands held up.

When I turned, I saw a single Agent pointing his assault rifle at me. Where's the other?

The Agent slowly removed one hand from his weapon and pulled his helmet off, letting it hang on his neck by the strap.

"So, do you recognize me, Lance?" He asked, lowering the rifle slightly.

I looked at him strangely, one eyebrow raised, "Uhh, should I?"

He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair, "I thought you would recognize your old man."

Old... man? But he's... oh shit...

"D-Dad?" I said, my voice shaking slightly.

A small smile formed on his lips, "Finally, I knew you would eventually." He then lowered the rifle all the way.

I put my hands down and looked at my father cautiously.

Here's a little info on my father. He left my mother when I was only five, but, I don't know why. My mom never talked about it.

"So, FBI?" I said, still eyeing him.

He smiled lightly and shrugged, "I've always had this job, Lance."

"Figures." I said, a cold stare on my face.

He sighed and took a step forward, causing me to take a step back.

"Lance... I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked.

He looked back down the alley and then back at me, "For two things. One, for shooting you."

"That was you?!" I snarled, trying to keep my voice down. "I should have known."

"And two: For leaving you and your mother."

I stopped staring at him angrily and put my hand on my wound, "Why did you leave mom?"

He sighed and looked behind him, at the street, "Lance, this is no place to discuss this. Just come with me and..."

I began to back up, "No, I'm not going to go back and be put in jail!"

He took a step forward, "You have to, it's the right thing to do."

I shook my head, "Listen dad! All those things they've said I've done are only partly true. I haven't done anything wrong!"

His expression softened, "Lance... It's my job to...."

"Fuck your job! You're my dad! Just let me go and I promise, I'll show you I didn't do all that the way they said it happened!"

He shook his head, "Lance, I can't do that. I came here with the intentions to take you in."

I took a deep breath and exhaled, "Well, if that's what you want to do..." I turned, "You'll just have to shoot me, because I'm not going with you."

"Don't do it, Lance." He said sternly.

I gritted my teeth and began to sprint down the alley, waiting for the gun shot that would knock me to the ground.

But, it never came. Instead, I continued down the alley, dodging a few trash bins. When I came to the end, I looked back briefly to see my father walking back the way he came.

I stopped running and slumped against a building.

I let a few tears drop onto my shirt before continuing on.

My mind is made up, I'm going to get the others and we're going to the one place I know we'll be safe.

I've been wanting to reveal Lance's father for a long time, but, kept on waiting. Looks like I made the right choice in waiting.