• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,269 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

Finishing the fight

Chapter 4

What do I do? I can't run inside, he'll just follow me and I'll be putting everyone at risk. I can't fight him either, I already tried that and it didn't turn out well for me. Only option left is to try and talk him out of it, and that alone will take a lot of convincing.

I held up my hands, "Cody listen, you don't have to do this. There is no reason to be mad."

He stopped halfway up the stairs, "I knew you would try to talk your way out of this. Well, its not going to work." He took a menacing step closer.

I took a step back, my back now against the wall that was next to the door. I gulped, what now? All I can do now is fight, and the odds of me winning are very low.

He laughed evilly, "I've waited so long for this moment."

The door next to me flew open, almost hitting me, and out walked Mark, a angry expression on his face, "What's going on here?"

Cody put the knife behind him and smiled, "Oh, we're just talking."

Mark crossed his arms, "With a knife? Yeah, just talking."

I tapped Marks shoulder and said in as calm as a voice as I could, "Yeah, he's trying to kill me."

Mark nodded, "I can see that." He glared at Cody, "How about this: Drop the knife and fight me like a man."

Cody looked at his knife then Mark, "Or, I can just kill you and then Lance." He lunged forward, thrusting the knife towards Mark.

Mark dodged to the side and grabbed Cody's wrist. He then twisted it, causing him to drop the knife. Mark then pushed him back, making him stumble down the stairs. "Now we can have a fair fight."

Cody smiled up at him, "Alright then. We'll have a 'fair' fight."

Mark walked down the stairs, cracking his knuckles.

I smiled, this should be good. Mark's pretty tough and knows how to fight.

Mark crossed his arms, "Well, I'm waiting."

Cody smirked and jumped forward, doing a quick jab at Mark's face. Mark moved his head to the side and grabbed Cody's arm. He then pulled him towards him, slamming a knee into his stomach.

Cody fell to his knee's holding his stomach, trying to catch his breath.

Mark chuckled, "Come on now, you came here to fight, didn't you?"

Cody looked down and smiled, "I did." He jumped up and punched Mark in the gut. Mark doubled over and held his stomach. Cody spun around and kicked Mark in the face, making him stumble back.

Mark stopped him self and shook his head, trying to clear his head or something, "Cheap shot there bud."

Cody laughed crazily and ran towards Mark.

Mark chuckled and went to punch Cody in the face before he reached him. But Cody ducked under his fist and brought his own fist up and into Mark's chin, a perfect upper cut.

Mark quickly recovered and pushed Cody back with his right hand. He then kicked him in the chest, sending Cody backwards and onto the ground. Mark then rubbed his chin and spit out some blood, "Damn, what kind of skills are you hiding under that skinny body of yours?"

Cody stood, holding his chest, "You'll never know."

Mark raised an eyebrow, "Why are you even trying to fight? Just walk away and leave Lance alone."

Cody shook his head, "That is impossible."

Mark looked confused, "Why?"

In his moment of confusion, Cody sprang forward, slamming his fist into Mark's throat. Mark stumbled back, holding his throat. Cody then grabbed his head and slammed it into his knee.

Mark looked dazed and swung out in a last tempt to hit Cody. Cody grabbed his arm and spun him around, kicking him in the back in the progress. Mark fell to the ground, out cold.

Cody cracked his neck and turned to me, "Now, to finish what I came here to do." He began walking towards the stairs, his eyes on the knife.

I looked down and in desperation, bent down and picked it up.

Cody laughed, "And what do you plan to do with that?"

I looked around and reacted without thinking. I throw the knife across the street. I then hated myself, I could have used that!

Cody raised an eyebrow, "Smooth move."

Now I'm screwed! What am I going to do? I raised my fist instinctively. I looked at my fist in confusion. Huh, I guess that answers that question.

Cody laughed, "Really?"

I shrugged, "I guess."

He stopped at the bottom of the steps, "This is even better than just killing you."

Before I could react, he charged up the stairs, slamming into me. He picked me up and throw me down the stairs.

I hit the hard concert and groaned in pain. That hurt! Like really hurt!

Cody walked down the stairs and stood over me, "To easy." He brought his right foot down on my gut, knocking the air out of me.

I coughed, and tried to take in air.

Cody grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me to my feet, my face inches from his. He smiled victoriously, "How does it feel knowing your going to die?"

I grunted and reacted on instinct again. I slammed my head into his, causing him to let me go. I stumbled back holding my head. That wasn't a good idea, but at least it made him let me go.

Cody grabbed his head and growled, "I'm going to make you suffer!"

He stepped forward, slamming his fist into my gut, followed by a jab to the face.

I stumbled back, holding my face, blood pouring out of my nose. I can't fight him, hes kicking my ass.

Cody slammed his foot into my family jewels, and as I went to my knees, kicked me square in the face.

I fell back on my back, gasping in pain. I slowly stood, ignoring the pain in my groan.

Cody stopped his assault and smirked, "This is such fun isn't it?"

I'm screwed if I stay here and fight. I have to run, or get help.

I made a move like I was going to charge him, making him go into a fighting stance. But instead, I turned and ran down the street.

As I ran, I could hear him behind me, sounding pissed.

I picked up the pace, trying to resist the urge to collapse and hold my groan. I looked ahead and saw an alley. Hopefully that leads to another street.

I sprinted towards it and took a sharp turn. I then ran down the alley as fast as I could. When I looked ahead, I saw that there was a wall blocking the way to the second street. Thank God I'm good at parkour. The wall was a good nine feet high, easy.

When I reached the wall, I jumped up and grabbed the edge. I then pulled my self up... and fell backwards, back into the same alleyway.

I sat up and rubbed my head, fucking shit! I can't do parkour in this condition.

Cody walked up clapping his hands, "Great job! Maybe next time you can jump a five foot wall."

I stood and saw something running up behind Cody. I shook my head, "Shut up."

A pair of arms grabbed Cody from behind him and throw him against the wall.

Mark looked at me and grinned, "You okay Lance?"

I rubbed my head, "I'll live."

He looked at Cody and walked over to him. He picked him up with one hand and looked him in the face, "Still want to hurt Lance freak?"

Cody looked to be dazed, "I want to kill him, not hurt him."

Mark shook his head, "Wrong answer bud." Mark slammed him against the wall and pulled back his fist.

I looked at this in confusion. Should I let him beat down Cody, or stop it? If I tell Mark not to, then...

Mark punched Cody in the face, hard.

I winced at the sound of impact. Note to self, stop thinking about what I should do during an emergency.

Mark then brought his knee into Cody's side. He began slamming his fist non stop into Cody's face, chest, and gut. He then slammed into Cody with his full body and let him slump to the ground.

I walked over and shook my head, "A little over board, don't ya think?"

Mark shrugged, "Well, I could have done worst." He picked Cody up by the collar, "Stay away from Lance! Got that?"

Cody's eyes where off center and his head lazily bobbing around.

Mark shook him, "Got that!"

Cody nodded in response.

Mark let him go, and Cody slumped to the ground.

Mark began walking out of the alley, "Coming Lance?"

I walked after him, "Yeah, I'm coming." Once we walked out of the alleyway, I turned and looked down the alley. What irony, this all began in an alley and it looks like it ends in an alley.

We walked down the street towards our house. Mike was rubbing his chin, "Damn, that little guy had a arm on him."

I nodded and rubbed my chest, "Good thing you was here this time."

He punched my arm, "Yes, yes you are bro."

I laughed with effort, "Thanks."

He nodded, "No problem, you know I've got your back."

I smiled, "I know."

We walked up the stairs that lead to our house. As Mark walked in, I stopped.

He turned and looked at me, "What is it?"

I looked my self over, I had a few bruises and a few cuts on my face from falling off the wall. Mark had cuts and bruises all over his chest and face.

"What are we going to tell mom?"

He smiled, "Pack of crazy dogs chased us down the street. She'll buy it."

I chuckled, "Good idea."

I stepped inside and felt relieved. My problem with Cody was finally over.