• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 1,404 Views, 36 Comments

Twist's Loss - Biker_Dash

After a tornado ravages Ponyville, how will Twist deal with losing her home and family?

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Two days have passed since the storm tore through Ponyville. Two days of having to deal with loss for so many. A few lost their businesses. Quite a few lost their homes. What hurt everypony the most was the lost of family and friends.

Rainbow Dash was released yesterday, and was staying at Sweet Apple Acres with AJ and her family. She had just wanted to head back to her own home, but Applejack was insistent that she stay with the Apples for a few days at least. Although no one would say, they were worried for her well being. They did not think she would do anything foalish, such as hurt herself, but she was suffering inside. The loss of the young Pegasus weighed heavily on her.

Applebloom was just as bad off, where as Scootaloo was one of her two best friends. This was her first experience with losing someone dear to her, and she was still breaking out in tears quite a bit. Now that Sweetie Belle had gone back to her sister's, Applebloom was feeling alone. Her siblings and Granny Smith were there for her, but it was not them she wanted right now.

Twist was one of the ones most hurting right now. She had cried out so many tears, that it seemed she would never be able to cry again. She didn't think she would ever be able to smile again, not with her parents gone. Everypony who saw her expressed just how sorry that they were for her loss. The doctors and nurses here all gave their sympathies and offerings to be there for her. Same with every visitor who came in. They say that they understand what she is going through. How in Tartarros does anypony know what she is going through? Especially when she cannot understand it herself.

She finds herself feeling empty, alone and scared. She wants to have her parents back. That is all she desires, but her rational mind tells her that it will never happen, and that they won't be back.

A part of her blames herself. Had she been faster, maybe Mom and Dad would still be here. If they had not had to save her, maybe they would still be alive. Thoughts like this have been going through her mind since she woke up. They just added to her deepening depression.

The only pony right now who has been with her since she first woke up has been Pinkie Pie. She has been at her bedside since she woke up following the storm, and had done all she could to try to cheer the filly up. Pinkie was a good friend and did not want Twist to be all alone right now. She had decorated the room in her typical Pinkie fashion, trying to bring a smile to Twist's face. Nothing she did could cheer her up though. So, the mare did the only things she could do. She stayed with the filly.

They both notice the door open and the nurse and two new ponies walk in. One's a dark red Unicorn dressed in a suit jacket with matching saddlebags that seem crammed full. She has a look to her that seems too professional. A bureaucratic look that says she has to get everything in perfect order so everything goes smoothly. A name tag says it all. She is from the Department of Pony Services. The other pony is an light gray Earth pony with a sky blue mane and tail. Pinkie knows her. She is Warm Heart, and she runs the local orphanage, and is known to be generally kindhearted. She looks tired, having to deal with the loss of one of her charges. And now, it looked as if she would have another young pony to watch over.

"Miss Pie," says the one from Pony Services. "Could you please give us some privacy for a little bit? We need to discuss a private matter with Twist." Pinkie starts to speak up, but is stopped by one word. "Please."

"Okie-Dokie! I'll be right outside," she says in her typically bouncy fashion, and bounces out the door. Once she is in the hall, she bounds over to the nurse's station, and inquires about what is going on.

"Twist is scheduled to be scheduled to be released this evening, Miss Pie. I am afraid that I cannot give any more details than that. If you wait around for a little while, I am certain that you can talk to Warm Heart and the mare from Pony Services when they are finished with what they have to do here," says Nurse Redheart.

"And what IS going on?" asks Pinkie. All that matters now is that her friend will be ok, and the visit from a government official has her concerned. All she can do is sit and wait, and hope that they do not take Twist too far away.

* * * * *

Inside the town's Library, Celestia and Twilight sit in her kitchen discussing what will be happening next. With the deaths of Mayor Mare, and the one who everypony thought would take her place someday, Time Turner, the town was without leadership. Now, everypony was looking towards either Twilight Sparkle to take over leadership, or towards Canterlot for them to send someone to take over as mayor. This was not an honor which she desired. She would rather things went back to normal and allow her to continue her studies, and run the Library. Sadly, nopony can turn back the clocks and change what has already transpired. No one can bring back the dead. And it looked as if she will have to do what she least desires right now.

"The idea does have merit, Twilight. On many occasions, you have proven yourself more than capable of leadership, and wise enough to make the hard decisions that come with it. The ponies of Ponyville look up to you with respect and trust," Celestia tells her student. Sipping her tea, the Princess continues, "They need you, Twilight. And I think you're ready to do this, even if you might feel that you're not. There is a town meeting tonight in the school, and I suspect by the time it is over, Ponyville will have a new Mayor. Please, Twilight, I need you to do this as well. I need to know that my ponies are in good, capable hooves."

Any thoughts or reasons why she should not be mayor evaporated with those words. If her Princess asks her to do this, how can she say no? To her, a simple request from her beloved teacher carried the word of Faust, and she could never turn down a request from on high. "Ok, I'll do it. Just until the coming Autumn though, when they hold elections, and another pony can take the reins." Sipping her own cup of tea, she ponders how this will effect her studies. That is one thing which the would never give up. And her job as librarian, what of that? The only one in town that knew just how to keep the place running other than herself would be Spike, but will he be able to do so, and stay as her assistant? She would need him, just as much as she has always needed him. She would have to talk with him when he gets back from Rarity's.

Those thoughts could be set aside for now though, because there was more topics which needed to be tended to, and Celestia had to head back to Canterlot tonight after the meeting. Among other things, financial relief would be needed to help the town rebuild what has been lost. Yes, most of the homes and businesses that were damaged or destroyed were insured, but that only went so far, and the process takes forever. There was also a memorial service for the ponies who died that day. That weighed heavily upon her thoughts as well.

* * * * *

It was nearly eleven at night when Twilight finally made it back home, now with the new job title of Mayor of Ponyville. It had been pretty much unanimous among the townponies there that she should be the one to serve them as their mayor. For now, the library would serve as a temporary town hall until a new one could be built. Spike would serve as her assistant, of course, so she at least was not doing this all alone.

Gently, she used her magic to levitate the now asleep dragon from her back, and carried him to his bed, where she tucked him in. The poor fellow had exhausted himself with his tireless work the past couple of days. She looks down upon his sleeping form with a sad smile, thankful that he had not been lost in this tragedy. She loved him so very much, as if he was her own child.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and she quietly went to answer. Opening the door, she sees a pink mare. A sad pink mare, which is a rare thing, being that it's Pinkie Pie. But with all that has gone on, it is no wonder that she is sad. "Come on in Pinkie. Would you like some tea or coffee," she asks gently.

"Thank you Twilight. That would be nice," she replies. Most think that offering the party mare any sort of beverage with caffeine would be a recipe for disaster, but the chemical which so many wake up to acts almost like a sedative for a pony with ADHD.

"Lets go to the kitchen, and I will brew some. I think I could use a cup or two as well."

"Twilight, I'm worried about Twist," she tells her as they sit down. "Today, a couple ponies stopped by to see her. Warm Heart from the orphanage, and a pony from Pony Services. They're placing Twist in the orphanage. She has NO PONY to take her in Twilight!" exclaims the distraught mare. "And as sad as she is with the loss of her parents, how will she feel being placed in a place where she knows nopony at all?" Pinkie's eyes glisten with the tears of her sadness. She so very much wants to be able to help the orphaned filly, but she fears that she will become lost in the system, or worse, taken away by strangers, never to be seen again.

"She'll be ok, Pinkie," Twilight tells her, hoping herself that her words would prove to be true. "Scootaloo made some friends while in the orphanage, and Warm Heart is a really caring mare who will look after her. And I am certain there will be no problems with her having you visit, or her visiting you, Pinkie." Pouring a couple cups of coffee, she fixes her friend's coffee with a splash of cream, and a good dose of sugar. Twilight prefers her own coffee black.

"And what happens if some ponies come from Las Pegasus or Manehatten to adopt her? What if I never see her again?" Pinkie sobs. The pain inside of her from the past couple of days is tearing her apart. She always makes friends with everyone, and to suddenly lose so many at once, it's just becoming too much. And Twist is someone Pinkie thought of as like a younger sister. If she were to lose her as well, it would devastate her, Twilight realizes. To Pinkie, it would be as bad as losing one of the Cakes, or Rainbow or Rarity.

"Why did we have to lose so many friends Twilight?" Pinkie asks, her tears flowing freely now. "Why?"

All Twilight can do is hold her friend close, and share in the pain.

Comments ( 4 )

You're continuing this?? YAYAYAY!! :pinkiehappy:

1950801 I was hoping to have this 2nd chapter posted weeks ago, my my personal muse was being rebellious. I gave her an ultimatum tonight. She either works with me, or she ends up starring as Fluttershy's victim in the next youtube .MOV flick!

Hooray for continuation! :raritywink:

It looks like everypony is suffering... :ajsleepy: Poor ponies... I sense some complications coming regarding Twilight's New job and Pinkie's quest to be a guardian for Twist.

I have to admit, (and sorry if this is getting old) that all this really needs is a good proofreading to catch out spelling and grammatical errors. Are you still typing this up on your phone?

Overall though, good job. I'm guessing we'll be seeing some more One Wing or that Big Mac/Cadence fic next. It's good that you're writing again. :pinkiesmile:

1952286 last night errors was due to total impatience on my part to get it published. And I am no longer doin this on phone.

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