• Published 17th Nov 2012
  • 623 Views, 11 Comments

Mason's Quest - gplane1749

Mason, an earth pony, becomes the apprentice to a decendant of Star Swirl the Bearded.

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Chapter 7: The Forest

Chapter 7: The Forest

Mason looked at the path leading into the Everfree Forest. The thick foliage blocked most of the sunlight leaving the forest floor covered in shadows. The undergrowth next to the path was incredibly dense and looked like it would be impossible to walk trough without a blade. The forest was crawling with monsters such as timber wolves, manticores, cokitrices, and hydras. Most of the time they stayed deep in the forest so the pat would be safe. Now however he was not sure since Swift Wind told that the monsters had be come more active.

“Well no time like the present. Might as well enter this death trap now.” Mason said to no one in particular. Mason slowly and reluctantly walked down the path and into the gaping maw of the dense forest in front of him.

“I just have to continue down this path and make it to Zecoria’s house and then I will be home free. This is going to be a piece of cake.” Mason tried to reassure himself. Right then he heard a low growl coming from his left.

“I am sure it was just a small animal or something nothing to be worried about.” He said trying to slow his frantic heart rate. Mason kept going down the narrow path except now he was traveling a little bit faster. He tried to look deeper into the forest to the side of the trail but his eyes could not pierce the gloom. All he could see were the dark trunks of trees and sometimes the eyes of creatures.

“Well they seem to be avoiding the path and me so that is very good for me.” Mason thought aloud. He kept walking and soon reached a patch of glowing blue flowers. “Ugh poison joke. I better avoid that unless I want what happened last time to happen again.” With a small shudder, he carefully walked his way around the tricky flowers.

Once he had made it to the other side of the patch he heard a low growl behind him. Mason slowly turned his head to look at whatever had produced the noise. A lone timber wolf was creeping out of the underbrush along side of the path. Mason stood frozen in place by fear. He had only seen timber wolves in the distance from when he was on digs. The wooden monster slowly crept closer to its prey. It crouched and prepared to strike.

Mason’s instincts took over and he ran, he ran as fast as he could to get away from the horrible beast. Mason could hear its paws pounding the hard packed earth of the path. The sound of its breathing slowly grew closer and closer to the terrified pony. Mason turned his head to see his pursuer. He could not see the root reaching out from the ground and he tripped over it.

The timber wolf saw its chance and rushed forward. The beast pounced and tore at Mason’s exposed underbelly. Mason cried out in pain and felt a second rush of adrenaline. He kicked out with his hind legs. He felt them make contact and the enraged wolf was thrown off him. The beast leaped again but this time Mason was ready. He spun around and sent a kick as powerful as he could make at the flying wolf. His hoofs went through the chest of the timber wolf fatally wounding it. The forest beast broke apart into hundreds of twigs.

Mason took stock of his injuries. He had three long cuts going from his left shoulder to his right hip. The cuts were not deep but they were bleeding and needed to be looked at. His back legs were covered in small scratches from the twigs in the chest of the timber wolf.

“I need to get to Zecoria’s house now. Otherwise, I might not make it with these injuries.” Mason limped around the corner of the path and saw what he was looking for. It was still a few hundred yards off but his goal was in sight. Mason nearly jumped for joy he was saved! He pushed on and after nearly half an hour of slow limping, he made it to the hut. He rose is hoof to knock but his strength failed and he collapsed in front of the door.

“Please help me.” He was able to croak out. Then the door swung open and there stood the zebra Zecoria. “I must get you in soon or you will surely meet your doom. Twilight would you be a dear and levitate him over here.”

Mason looked around the small room. The walls were covered in strange masks and figures. On the wall above the small fire place was what he had come here for the Alicorn Amulet. Mason looked down at the rest of the room. Standing at the end of the couch he was laying on were Twilight Sparkle and Zecoria.

“Please hold still I am going to cast a quick healing spell on you.” Twilight instructed Mason. Then an odd feeling washed over him. It felt like a week static shock but all over. Then the sensation flowed into all of his cuts and scrapes. He could feel the injuries closing up.

“Feeling better?” Twilight asked. A nod from Mason confirmed this. “Who are you and what are you doing out here in the Everfree?”

“My name is Mason and I am on royal business to retrieve the Alicorn Amulet.” Mason answered. “Here the order from the government.” Mason said as he brought out the document from the left side of his saddlebags. He told them that he had been sent by one of the princess’s mages to come and get it. He also told them that he had a place in town he was staying and should be getting back.

Zecoria walked over to the item in question, brought it down from the wall, and gave it to Mason. “Here is the item you must not use, for it is not a pleasure cruise.” The zebra warned.

“I understand.” Mason replied. He turned to Twilight. “Would you mind if you teleported me back to town? I really do not want to walk back through the forest when it is almost dark.”

“Sure Mason I was just about to go myself when you showed up. Stand here next to me.” Mason did as he was told. “Good bye Zecoria .” Twilight and Mason called before they disappeared in a flash of light.

The two ponies appeared in front of the town library. Mason looked around and knew how to get back to Swift’s place so he turned to Twilight to say his good byes. “Good bye Twilight Sparkle. I can not thank you enough for what you did back in the forest.”

“It was nothing. Are you sure you can make it back to where you are staying.” She asked.

“I will be fine. Good night.” With that, the grey earth pony turned and walked the short distance to his friend’s house.

“Good night.” Twilight called after him.

Mason stumbled into Swift’s house and collapsed onto the living room couch.

“What happened to you?” Swift asked.

“I will tell you in the morning.” Mason responded.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the long wait on this chapter. Feed back is welcome.

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