> Mason's Quest > by gplane1749 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Mine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason's Quest Chapter 1: The Mine Mason wandered into the dig site’s headquarters building. The entire team had been working hard all day, but Mason, being one of the few earth ponies, did most of heavy lifting and was badly in need of a break. He started fixing himself some coffee when he heard the foreman shout “Everypony out here now! We’ve got something.” “Man I hope this is not just another false alarm.” Mason thought as he stepped into the fog cloud formed by his breath. There had already been three this week alone. Every time the team thought that they found what they were looking it turned out to just a normal mineshaft. None of them lead to the entrnce they were looking for. “Mason we need you out here now. These catacombs are not going to uncover themselves.” The foreman barked. He never thought anything anypony did was fast enough. “I am on my way sir.” Mason said with forced respect. He trotted over to the pile and saw the boulder that needed to be moved. It did look like there was a tunnel behind but it could go on for five feet or five miles. Mason slipped the yolk attached to the boulder over his head and started to pull. “Man this is heavy. It’s almost like it is cemented to the wall.” Suddenly a thought occurred to Mason "What if it is." “Hey guys check for cement around the rock real quick." A pegasus flew over to the boulder and brushed off some dirt. “Hey guys get some chisels over here quick.” A group of ponies rushed over and started to work furiously on the cement around the boulder. “All clear!” a worker shouted. Mason grunted as the boulder started to creep forward. Inch by inch and foot by foot the huge boulder slowly left the tunnel entrance. Mason pulled even harder than he did before he knew that this time it would be the real entrance and not just normal mineshaft. “Stop! That is good, Mason. Quick Fleetfoot get me some rope. Mason is going in.” The foreman ordered. “What why am I going in. One of the pegasus usually does it.” “After last time they all agreed that none of them were going in again. I am definitely not going in that so leaves it up to you.” “Fine but I am getting out of there if things even start to go tiny bit bad.” “Whatever. Just tie this around your waist and get going.” Mason gulped as the yolk came off his head and was replaced by a coarse rope. “Nothing to be afraid of if anything goes bad they will pull me out in a jiffy” Mason assured himself. The tunnel was as dark and gloomy as the Everfree Forest at night. The cobwebs hung in sheets from the ceiling and moisture oozed down the rough stone walls. Masons hoof-steps echoed down the tunnel and sounded like an approaching legion of guards. Mason stopped but the hoof-steps kept coming. “Oh no, that is a legion of guards! I got to get out of here as fast as I can. The guys up top, they can get me out of here in a flash.” “Guys! Get me outta here! Mason shouted at the top of his lungs. “Now!” he added as an after thought. There was no response what so ever from the rest of the dig team. “Oh no! They must have run off when they heard the guards. Okay that just mean I have to run out before the guards reach the entrance. Mason started to run off back to the tunnel’s entrance. “I am going to make it” he thought “I mean what can possibly go wrong.” In his haste to get out of the tunnel Mason did not see an errant rock sticking up from the ground. Mason’s torch sputters out as it clatters to the ground. Mason himself did not fare much better he lost his balance and started to tumble down the step incline. After rolling for what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes Mason landed with loud thump in what seemed to be a large room. “Wow I can’t even see my hoof in front of my face. This is what I get for joining that band of so called treasure hunters. They were no more petty thieves and they abandoned me to die in this rotten hole!” Three months before Mason was out of work. Everpony’s house was built there was no longer a need for bricklayers like him anymore. He went from job to job never finding anything permanent. Then one day the foreman showed up. He offered Mason a job and Mason was desperate enough to take it. Mason knew that if they were caught they would be put in prison but he needed the money. Mason thought he saw a light in the distance but he was at the bottom of an extremely old abandoned mineshaft there could not be any light. “Might as well check it out anyway better than sitting here a least” Mason thought aloud as he blew a piece of his mane out of his face. When Mason got closer to the light he saw that it was a crystal lantern in the wall and that row of these ran down the wall. The lanterns were not bright enough to light the tunnel the just led the way down it. Mason plodded along the path for hours. Every once in a while he would pass an intersection but he always stayed o the path with the lanterns. Mason was growing tired. He was hungry, he had not eaten since breakfast, his hooves were killing him, and he was battered and bruised from the long fall down the level he was on. He was so busy wallowing in self pity he almost bumped into a door. The door was right in the path and it seemed to be what the lanterns were leading him to since there was one on each side of the door. Mason reached up and knocked on the door. “That was silly it’s not like somepony is going to answer.” thought Mason. “Who is out there” called a voice from beyond the door. “What there is somepony else down here! I am saved!” thought Mason as he danced with glee. “Sir I am Mason and I am lost and weary will you please let me in.” An older light blue pony with wire frame glasses opened the door. “Of course my boy I am not a stallion that would leave somepony to rot. Come in. come in.” “Thank you so much sir. May I ask who are you and what are you doing down here in thi tunnel.” “My name is Sun Swirl, the great great great great great grandson of Star Swirl the Bearded. As for why I am down here I am the keeper of the Crystal Cave.” > Chapter 2: Trading Stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason’s Quest Chapter 2: Trading Stories Mason could not believe what his eyes and ears were telling him, standing right in front of him was another pony, a living breathing pony. This was not just anypony either; he claimed to be a descendent of Star Swirl the Bearded one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria. Plus he claimed to be the keeper of the Crystal Caves, whatever those were. Mason walked into the room in wonder. He had expected a small dusty hovel but instead there was a normal room just like in any other house. There was a small couch with a coffee table in front of it, a lamp, bookshelves lined the walls, and he saw an entrance to a small kitchen. There was something off about the room though; every thing in the room was out of date. Not one piece of furniture was in the modern style. Mason did not recognize any of the books he saw on the shelf. “Have a seat on the couch Mason; you look like you could use a rest. Hang on I will be right back with some thing to drink.” “Thank you Mr. Swirl.” “Call me Sunny, Mr. Swirl is my father.” “Okay then Sunny. You said you were the keeper of the Crystal Caves, what does that mean.” Sunny sat the tray with two cups of tea down onto the coffee table and sighed. “Have you ever heard of the Crystal Caves?” “No I haven’t. Are they important?” “Very much so, they are one of the most powerful places in Equestria. Long ago when chaos reigned supreme and Discord ruled the land-” “Did somepony say my name?” a voice called out from one of the side rooms. It had a mischievous sound to it. “Could it really be him? No it can’t be.” “Shut up and go back to sleep!” Sunny yelled at the door the voice emanated from. “Fine, you didn’t need to be so rude though.” “Who was that?” Mason asked cautiously. “Nopony” “Okay? Please continue with your tale.” “Ah yes my story. When Discord ruled he would always test his newest ways to spread chaos before he did it on a much larger scale. His favorite testing ground was the mountain where Canterlot now sits. Discord’s tests released huge amounts of raw magical energy. This energy trickled down into the cave underneath the mountain and absorbed by the crystal formations. After the princesses sealed away Discord in stone Celestia noticed the enormous collection of energy stored here in the caves. She knew that if this amount of energy was ever harnessed by a being with malicious intent that all of Equstria would be at stake.” “Wow. All that power down here, no wonder it is a secret.” “Really that much power.” Mason asked in awe. “Yes, I am afraid so. That is the reason why formed the position of keeper to make sure that nopony wielded the power held inside the crystals against Equestria. That is also why Canterlot was built on top. The princesses wanted to keep a close eye on the energy themselves. As the kingdom grew, the royal sisters could not focus on the caves anymore, so they appointed Star Swirl, the most powerful unicorn in Equestria ant the time, as the first keeper. The position was passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Then my father, Moon Swirl, passed it down to me. ” “Wow I never knew all that Is it a royal secret?” “No, but is not supposed to be common knowledge either. Now I have shared my story with you why don’t you share yours?” "I have to ask why did you tell me all that? You do not even know me." "I felt like I owed you an explination as to why I am down here. I also have not had a pony to trade stories with in a very long time. Plus I talk more than I should most of the time." "Ok, that makes sense." Mason sighed, “My story is not nearly as interesting as yours.” “I am sure that it will be more interesting than sitting in an underground room.” Mason relented. He knew he would have to tell the old stallion. “I hope he does not kick me out for what I have done. I don’t think that he would but I have been wrong about people before.” “Okay I will tell you my story. I was born in the town of Ponyville. My parents were normal ponies. My father was a bricklayer like me and my mother was a unicorn seamstress. I grew up in a good family; both of my parents loved me and they cared about my life. I inherited the family business and-” “You were a tailor?” “No, a bricklayer. Business was going good until ponies stopped needing things built. I tried going to other towns but it was the same situation everywhere. With no work I became desperate and was about to sell the family homestead when the foreman found me. He was a pegasus and he was the most charismatic pony I ever met. He offered me a job, helping his archeological dig team. He told me that since every member of the team was a pegasus the team needed somepony to haul heavy loads. I had a moment of great stupidity and agreed. One day we were about to start a dig when a group of guards came and threatened to arrest us that was when I realized they we were not archeologists but grave robbers. I wanted to quit but I really needed the money. Then I fell down a tunnel on the last dig and met you.” “It seems like that you falling down that tunnel was a blessing in disguise, now you do not have to worry about getting arrested.” Sunny stood up and exclaimed, “Well then we better go fix up that hole you made.” “How can we get there? It took me hours to find this room.” “Ah you forgot one very important thing; I am an extremely powerful unicorn, second only to Twilight Sparkle. I will teleport us there. Hang on.” “Wait we’re going no-“ Mason was cut off as the weirdest sensation filled his body. It felt like his entire body was being pulled in all directions and being pushed into a ball at the same time. When the feeling passed, Mason was stunned. “Wow we really are at the tunnel entrance. He must be super powerful to get both of us here from at least a few miles away.” “We’re here. Now help me move this boulder I used up most of my magic getting us here and it takes a while to recharge.” Mason pushed the boulder while Sunny pulled with his magic. Suddenly a shout rang out “Stop thief! Halt in name of the royal guard.” “Crap” Mason and Sunny said in unison. > Chapter 3: New Job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Stop right there criminal scum!” the guard shouted at Mason and Sunny. “We were not trying to break into the tunnel I promise.” Mason tried tell the guard but he was convinced in the slightest. “Sunny you have to have a badge or something right?” Mason asked. “I forgot it at home.” Sunny said with a calm voice. “We can’t get arrested! Quick use some mind control or something and convince him that we are not the ponies he’s looking for.” “Mason, that is very illegal and would definitely get us in serious trouble. Do not worry he will take us to the princess and she will recognize me and pardon us.” “Ok, I trust you Sunny.” Mason whispered. To the guard he said, “We surrender.” “Stop before I… Wait you surrender?” The guard asked skeptically. “Yes,” Sunny replied “and we wish to have our trial immediately.” “Very well, I will take you both to day court. Follow me.” Mason and Sunny followed the guard along the small trail back to the castle. After about twenty minutes of walking, the group reached the entrance to the castle. The guard leading them spoke to the two guards on duty and they let them pass. Mason was awestruck he had never seen anything so magnificent as the castle. The spires seemed to rise into the sky forever. The entire building was like an embodiment of the princess. Strong and powerful but also full of grace and beauty. “Quit gawking and hurry up. We do not want to keep the princess waiting.” The guard ordered. Mason and Sunny quickened their paced and rushed to keep up. Soon the courtroom doors loomed up to meet the group. Mason’s breathing was starting to become panicky “I can’t meet the princess. I am not worthy. I am a no good thief and she is going to punish me for it. Oh, man I am going to get Sunny in trouble too. No! The princess will not punish Sunny for being nice to me; he will be fine.” Mason reassured himself. “Your Highness, these petty thieves wish to have their trial held now.” The guard told the princess. “Thank you. You may return to your post, the situation has already been explained to me by the guards at the door.” The guard turned and left the courtroom but not before saying, “Good luck, you’re going to need it,” to Mason. Mason looked upon the princess in absolute wonder. He had never thought that he, a lowly bricklayer from Ponyville, could meet the princess. He mane looked like it had been infused with the best colors of day. Every color was a light pastel just like a utopian painting. The colors swirled and danced through the mane as if they each had a mind of their own. Her coat was as pure as the noonday sunlight that streamed in through the stained glass windows of the courtroom. Her wings shimmered like marble in the light. He could feel the immense power radiating off of her like heat from the sun. “Sun Swirl please explain yourself.” The princess commanded. “I was down at my post, Your Highness. Then I heard a knock at the door. The pony that was knocking was this young fellow right here, Mason I gave him some food and a drink and he explained what happened. . Mason told me that he had fallen down the abandoned mine and got lost. I teleported us back to the entrance so we could reseal it when your guard arrested us.” Sunny quickly explained. “I see. Tell me Mason what you were doing in the mine in the first place.” The princess inquired. “I was working for a band of treasure hunters. We were trying to find another entrance to the catacombs underneath the city. We had planed to steal the paintings hidden during the dragon wars. Our client was very wealthy and was going to pay us a very large sum of money for them.” Mason admitted. “Maybe she will go easy on me since I confessed. I am still looking a month or two of prison though.” Mason dejectedly thought. “So you were trying to steal precious art, some of which is worth millions on bits. For that, you must be punished. You are hereby sentenced to three months in prison with no chance of parole.” The princess ordered. “Wait, what if he serves five years community service under me as my apprentice. Consider it a favor.” Sunny suggested. “Why should I give you a favor? You were the one that let the changeling queen into the caves where she imprisoned my niece.” The princess asked. “Your Highness. Is it true that you could not beet her? Why do you hold a grudge against Mr. Swirl? He could do nothing to stop her.” Mason interjected. “What you say is true Mason. Sun Swirl I will accept your offer; Mason you are now ordered to Sun Swirl’s apprentice for the next five years.” “Thank you so much Your Highness!” Mason said as he bowed as low as he possibly could.” “Both of you got back to your post you have work to do.” The princess told them. “Yes Your Highness.” The two stallions said in unison. Once they had gotten out of the castle, Mason asked a question that had been bugging him. “Why did you help me back there, you could have just let me go to prison?” “I could not pass up on the chance for free labor.” Sunny replied, “I am kidding! You should have seen the look on you face. The real reason is I did not want such a good stallion like you go to prison because he fell in with the wrong crowd. I do need an apprentice though and I thought you would like this job better than a being a thief.” “Thank you Sunny; you do not know how happy I am.” Mason responded. “Now I have a job I can be proud of. Not to mention a pretty cool boss.” > Chapter 4: Settling In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason’s Quest Chapter 4: Settling In Mason and Sunny were walking down the path that led to the caves entrance. The two stallions soon reached the blocked off entrance. Sunny stopped and concentrated, his horn started to glow a light blue that matched his coat. “I think my magic is charged up enough for me to teleport us back to the caves.” Sunny told Mason. “Stand right next to me so I can get us both back in one piece.” Mason felt the disorienting effects of teleporting for the second time that day. This time Mason kept his eyes open for the experience. He saw “So what will I be doing as your apprentice?” Mason asked “ I mean I am not a unicorn so I can not learn magic.” “I will have many uses for you Mason even if you will not be able to learn my magic ways.” Sunny told him. “You will help me with my magical experiments and collect needed supplies. You may not be able to perform magic but boy will know how to do it. After your apprenticeship you will probably be more knowledgeable than most unicorns.” “Ok, that sounds good to me. What are we going to do first?” Mason asked. “Not so fast there Mason, I till need to show you around the caves so you know where you will be working.” “Ok, that sounds good to me.” “Great lets get started.” Sunny started walking down the corridor. He stopped at the first door to the left. “Here is where our other houseguest stays.” “What do you mean by that? Is that really Discord in there?” Mason asked skeptically. He just could not believe it. “Why yes it is. The princesses have trusted me to keep the frozen statue of Discord down here.” Sunny answered. “How can he talk? Isn’t he is frozen in stone?” “He could not talk at first but I was lonely down here so I enchanted the stone to allow him to talk. He is actually pretty good company for a malevolent sprit of utter chaos and he’s pretty well read too.” “Wow, you are in charge of one of the most powerful things in the known universe and a huge magic reserve.” “It is not that important almost nopony knows about the magic and Discord is as weak as a kitten. It is the family job and I am proud to do it. Now it is time we move on to the other rooms. Here is where you my apprentice will be sleeping. ” Sunny pointed to a small and simple wooden board door. Mason reached out a hoof and turned to knob. He poked his head inside wanting to see his quarters for the next five years. “Sunny, this is a tiny broom closet.” “Sorry wrong door. I should really get signs for all of these. I am always getting lost. Your room is right across the hall.” Sunny proudly opened the door the Mason’s new room. It was sparsely furnished almost Spartan. There was a dresser, bed, nightstand, lamp and a window to look into the caves. “Sunny why is there a window if we are underground? All I can see is a few crystals and some rocks.” “The frame is enchanted so that it can show somepony the view out of any window as long as they have seen it before. To activate it you just say what you want to see. Here let me show you.” Sunny looked out the window and said “The right window in the tallest tower of the Canterlot palace.” The window rippled and swirled like water in a fierce wind. The image changed from the cave to an aerial view of all of Canterlot. It wasn’t a still image but a real live view as if Mason and sunny really were at the top of the Canterlot palace. “Wow, that is amazing. It will work for any window right, as long as I have looked out of it before?” “That is correct. Why don’t you give it a shot Mason?” Sunny told him. “Okay then here goes. The attic window in the house at 49 Oak Lane.” Again the window rippled and morphed into another image. The window looked to be on the second story of a house. The street below was almost empty and the houses looked not quite broken down but still well worn. The ponies that lived there cared about their houses they just did not have enough money to fix them up to top condition. At the end of the road was a large tree. The tree stood proudly over all the houses and was the reason for the name. “Wow. The view is just as I remembered. This was my favorite spot to sit when it was raining, back when I was still a colt and lived with my parents. We used to go down to the park and I would play around that tree for hours.” Mason told Sunny. “Thank you for including this in my room Sunny it means a lot.” A single small tear rolled down Mason’s cheek. “This gives me a little piece of home.” “I will let you get to bed Mason it has been a long day.” With that Sunny left the room closing the door softly behind him. Meanwhile in the “houseguest’s” mind. “Weak as a kitten eh we will see about that.” He said to himself. Suddenly a burst of magic caught his attention. “Oh a transport spell spinning out of control, I just love these. This is strong one and it is about to hit critical mass maybe I should give it a little nudge in the right direction.” “Ok everypony it’s time to play your favorite game show “Wheel of Worlds”! Here is how it works. Contestant number one will spin the wheel and whatever world it lands on is where we put the portal. Are you ready?” “Of course I am. Now to give this wheel a good spin.” The contestant spun the wheel so fast it was only blur. The wheel slowed down and landed onto a world. “Ah yes that will do nicely. Maybe one of “them” will come through. > Chapter 5: First Assignment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason’s Quest Chapter 5: First Assignment “Ah it is good to see that you are awake Mason. Come have a seat at the table.” Sunny told Mason as he sleepily walked down the hall to the kitchen. Mason pulled out a chair plopped down into it. Seconds later a plate filled with breakfast and surrounded by a light blue aura appeared in front of him. “Wow this looks great Sunny thanks.” Mason said as he hungrily ate toast and haycakes. “So what are we going to do today?” Mason asked the elder unicorn. “Today is your first assignment. Late last night Princess Luna informed me that a huge discharge of magical energy was detected. One of Twilight Sparkle’s spell had unraveled. No one was hurt and the princess only told me incase I had sensed it and was worried.” “What does that spell not working have to do with us?” Mason asked. “Well at the same time that the spell backfired I felt Discord’s magic. I think he had something to do with why that spell went wrong. I need to increase the strength of the magical barriers around his stone body.” “Wait can’t he hear us, should we move to a more private place? How would you do that anyway?” “Do not worry I canceled the spell that lets him talk and hear us. As to how I am going to do it I need something to increase my spell casting strength. I need the Alicorn Amulet.” “But isn’t that the thing that corrupted a unicorn so much that she sealed off an entire town?” “Yes but I am much stinger and not as easily corrupted. Now I need you to go get the amulet. I have to stay here and keep an eye on discord.” “How am I supposed to find the amulet? I don’t even know where it is.” “I do. It is in the possession of Zecora the zebra. She lives in the Everfree Forest. Her home is not that deep into the forest and there is a path so you should be fine.” “Yeah I remember that path. But what if she does not want to give up the amulet?” “Here is an official order that I need this for the princess. You’re from Ponyville right?” A nod from Mason confirmed this. “I would also like it if you cold stop by Sweet Apple Acres and pick up two bottles of cider. I have already ordered in the name Sunny so you can just ask for the order.” “Okay I can do that. My assignment is to go to Zecora’s home, get the amulet, then go to Sweet Apple Acres, and pick up your cider order. Right?” “That is correct. I have a two way ticket to Ponyville and a bag of bits for hotel and the cider. The train leaves in fifteen minutes so you better get a move on.” “Okay I will not need the money for the hotel room I still have friends in Ponyville that will let me crash at their place.” Mason grabbed his saddle bags and headed out the door. “Keep the extra anyway you could still need it for something. You have two days. After that I send out the guards to look for you.” Sunny called after the light gray earth pony. Mason trotted down the path into Canterlot. He quickly made is way to the train station. Mason climbed the stairs to the loading platform and hopped on to his train. The train to Ponyville was packed. Mason had to move to the last car to find an empty seat. “Everypony must be going to Applosa to visit the reenactment of the Great Pie War. I should go next year if I do not have another assignment. I hope that Swift Wind will let me stay at his place. He was always pretty cool about it before but that was three years ago. He will be so glad that I got out of that treasure hunter group. He always told me that it would just lead to trouble.” The train came to an unexpected stop. Mason did not remember any stops on the way to his hometown. Mason got up and looked out the window to see why the train had stopped. Outside was a tiny train station and a water tower. Behind the station was a small town. All of the buildings looked brand new. Mason turned to the mare next to him and asked, “What’s this town? I have never heard of it before.” “That is Stallonega. It is a boomtown. Copper was discovered there.” The mare answered. “Thank you miss.” Mason sat back down in his seat. “Wow I was really out of the loop. A whole new town started up and I did not even know.” The train jolted forward and resumed its passage to Ponyville and beyond. Mason tried to sleep the rest of the way to town but his mind kept wandering to the dangers he could face while in the forest. Mason had always been frightened by the dark forest. It was nor necessarily the animals that frightened him the most though. He thought he would be able to beat or get away from most of the things in the forest except for the bigger things like timber wolves, hydras, and manticores. What really scared him was how wild the forest was. The entire forest of trying to out do one another. There was no dependence on ponies like the rest of Equestria. Even the weather was strange and moved on its own. Mason was pulled out of his fitful daze by the sound of the train’s brakes squealing. He made his way up the isle and to the door of the train. When he stepped out the familiar sight of his hometown welcomed him. The gray stallion trotted off of the platform and on to main street to visit his old friend. He had a feeling that he could not shake. It was like some one was watching his every move. > Chapter 6: Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mason’s Quest Chapter 6: Ponyville Mason walked down the center street of Ponyville. He took in the sights of his home town, the town hall still standing tall and proud, the park, and his favorite building the library inside of the oak tree at the end of the street. As good as it was to reminisce about the time he lived here he could not shake the feeling of being watched. It was as if a pair of invisible eyes was watching his every move, his every breath, his every thought. Suddenly, when Mason had reached the center of town, a pink blur of pure happiness exploded into existence in front of him. Mason’s eyes could not follow the blur it was moving at speeds that rivaled the faster young flyer ever. Mason could just make out what was being said. The words were being shot at him with no pause or breath taken in between. “Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie and you must be new to Ponyville, because I know everypony in Ponyville and two donkeys. Oh and a zebra bt she doesn’t really live in Ponyville she lives in the Ever Free that’s why we never saw her. Are you from the Ever Free . Is that why I have never seen you before?” “I am not from the forest. I am living in Canterlot but I am from here. My name is Mason, do you remember me now Pinkie Pie?” Mason asked the hyperactive pink pony. “How do you know my name? Are you a spy sent by the changelings? Or Discord? Or a changeling Discord?” Pinkie asked getting right up in Mason’s face. “I am not a spy. You are a huge celebrity Pinkie Pie. Alost everypony in all of Equestria knows your name.” Mason explained. “You must have moved here when I was always of doing a bricklaying job. Then I moved so I guess we never met.” “Well in that case I need to throw you a welcome back to Ponyville party.” Pinkie exclaimed. “I am not really one for parties. Thank you though besides I am here on business not to move back.” “Okay that’s fine not everyone likes a party. Now is there anything I can help you with while you are here?” “Since you know everypony in town could you tell me where Swift Wind lives by any chance?” Mason asked. “Oh! Oh! I do! He lives just down this street at the third house on the right.” Pinkie said while bouncing in place to a beat only she could hear. “Thank you very much. I hope to see you soon Pinkie Pie.” Mason called over his shoulder as he walked to his old friend’s house. “Bye Mason.” Mason quickly made his way to the house that Pinkie had pointed too. The gray earth pony was lost in thought. “I am glad that I did not go to Swift’s old address. This house certainly looks nicer than that tiny apartment he was living in.” He concluded as he reached the front door. Mason knocked three times on the door of the medium sized house. After a few moments, Mason was going to knock again when suddenly the door swung open and there stood Swift Wind. The pale green pegasus’s eyes widened t the sight of his old friend. “Mason! What are you doing here?” Swift Wind asked. “Does The Foreman know you are here?” “Nope I left the group around a week ago. I got a new job in Canterlot. Don’t worry this one is not like last time. I just came to Ponyville for business and decided to stop by.” Mason explained. “Do you mind if I come in?” “No not all Mason come right in. It is good to see you again.” Swift step out of the way and opened the door wider to allow the earth pony to come inside the house. He walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch. He motioned at a chair across from it. “Go ahead take a seat Mason.” Mason sat down in the chair and looked around nervously. Swift Wind broke the silence and asked a question that had been bugging him. “How did you get out of The Foreman’s group. He never lets anypony leave. No matter what.” “We were working on a dig in Canterlot. A mineshaft, we thought that it might have an entrance to the castle’s catacombs. The lowered me down into it when the guard showed up. They hightailed it out of there and left me in the mine. I wandered around and found the entrance to a old outpost. The unicorn there took me back up to the surface and offered me a job.” Mason explained. “A job? What kind of job could you do for a unicorn?” Swift Wind asked. “I work as an assistant Just help out wherever he needs work to be done. Right now I am getting him something from that zebra the lives in the woods. What was her name again?” “Zecora? She lives out on the path that goes by the apple orchard. If you leave now you could make it there and back by night fall.” Swift told him. “Thanks for the directions. If you say that I leave now I better get going. If what I am doing here takes longer than just today could I crash here?” “Of course you could. It would be just like old times. Now you be careful in that forest. The monsters have been more active lately.” Swift warned. “Okay I will keep that in mind, thank you. I will come back when I get back from the forest. Goodbye.” With that, the earth pony walked out of his old friend’s house with a slight wave. Mason walked down the road the led to the apple farm and the menacing forest beyond. Mason was worried about what Swift had said about the monsters being more active but he was sure that nothing to bad would happen. > Chapter 7: The Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: The Forest Mason looked at the path leading into the Everfree Forest. The thick foliage blocked most of the sunlight leaving the forest floor covered in shadows. The undergrowth next to the path was incredibly dense and looked like it would be impossible to walk trough without a blade. The forest was crawling with monsters such as timber wolves, manticores, cokitrices, and hydras. Most of the time they stayed deep in the forest so the pat would be safe. Now however he was not sure since Swift Wind told that the monsters had be come more active. “Well no time like the present. Might as well enter this death trap now.” Mason said to no one in particular. Mason slowly and reluctantly walked down the path and into the gaping maw of the dense forest in front of him. “I just have to continue down this path and make it to Zecoria’s house and then I will be home free. This is going to be a piece of cake.” Mason tried to reassure himself. Right then he heard a low growl coming from his left. “I am sure it was just a small animal or something nothing to be worried about.” He said trying to slow his frantic heart rate. Mason kept going down the narrow path except now he was traveling a little bit faster. He tried to look deeper into the forest to the side of the trail but his eyes could not pierce the gloom. All he could see were the dark trunks of trees and sometimes the eyes of creatures. “Well they seem to be avoiding the path and me so that is very good for me.” Mason thought aloud. He kept walking and soon reached a patch of glowing blue flowers. “Ugh poison joke. I better avoid that unless I want what happened last time to happen again.” With a small shudder, he carefully walked his way around the tricky flowers. Once he had made it to the other side of the patch he heard a low growl behind him. Mason slowly turned his head to look at whatever had produced the noise. A lone timber wolf was creeping out of the underbrush along side of the path. Mason stood frozen in place by fear. He had only seen timber wolves in the distance from when he was on digs. The wooden monster slowly crept closer to its prey. It crouched and prepared to strike. Mason’s instincts took over and he ran, he ran as fast as he could to get away from the horrible beast. Mason could hear its paws pounding the hard packed earth of the path. The sound of its breathing slowly grew closer and closer to the terrified pony. Mason turned his head to see his pursuer. He could not see the root reaching out from the ground and he tripped over it. The timber wolf saw its chance and rushed forward. The beast pounced and tore at Mason’s exposed underbelly. Mason cried out in pain and felt a second rush of adrenaline. He kicked out with his hind legs. He felt them make contact and the enraged wolf was thrown off him. The beast leaped again but this time Mason was ready. He spun around and sent a kick as powerful as he could make at the flying wolf. His hoofs went through the chest of the timber wolf fatally wounding it. The forest beast broke apart into hundreds of twigs. Mason took stock of his injuries. He had three long cuts going from his left shoulder to his right hip. The cuts were not deep but they were bleeding and needed to be looked at. His back legs were covered in small scratches from the twigs in the chest of the timber wolf. “I need to get to Zecoria’s house now. Otherwise, I might not make it with these injuries.” Mason limped around the corner of the path and saw what he was looking for. It was still a few hundred yards off but his goal was in sight. Mason nearly jumped for joy he was saved! He pushed on and after nearly half an hour of slow limping, he made it to the hut. He rose is hoof to knock but his strength failed and he collapsed in front of the door. “Please help me.” He was able to croak out. Then the door swung open and there stood the zebra Zecoria. “I must get you in soon or you will surely meet your doom. Twilight would you be a dear and levitate him over here.” Mason looked around the small room. The walls were covered in strange masks and figures. On the wall above the small fire place was what he had come here for the Alicorn Amulet. Mason looked down at the rest of the room. Standing at the end of the couch he was laying on were Twilight Sparkle and Zecoria. “Please hold still I am going to cast a quick healing spell on you.” Twilight instructed Mason. Then an odd feeling washed over him. It felt like a week static shock but all over. Then the sensation flowed into all of his cuts and scrapes. He could feel the injuries closing up. “Feeling better?” Twilight asked. A nod from Mason confirmed this. “Who are you and what are you doing out here in the Everfree?” “My name is Mason and I am on royal business to retrieve the Alicorn Amulet.” Mason answered. “Here the order from the government.” Mason said as he brought out the document from the left side of his saddlebags. He told them that he had been sent by one of the princess’s mages to come and get it. He also told them that he had a place in town he was staying and should be getting back. Zecoria walked over to the item in question, brought it down from the wall, and gave it to Mason. “Here is the item you must not use, for it is not a pleasure cruise.” The zebra warned. “I understand.” Mason replied. He turned to Twilight. “Would you mind if you teleported me back to town? I really do not want to walk back through the forest when it is almost dark.” “Sure Mason I was just about to go myself when you showed up. Stand here next to me.” Mason did as he was told. “Good bye Zecoria .” Twilight and Mason called before they disappeared in a flash of light. The two ponies appeared in front of the town library. Mason looked around and knew how to get back to Swift’s place so he turned to Twilight to say his good byes. “Good bye Twilight Sparkle. I can not thank you enough for what you did back in the forest.” “It was nothing. Are you sure you can make it back to where you are staying.” She asked. “I will be fine. Good night.” With that, the grey earth pony turned and walked the short distance to his friend’s house. “Good night.” Twilight called after him. Mason stumbled into Swift’s house and collapsed onto the living room couch. “What happened to you?” Swift asked. “I will tell you in the morning.” Mason responded.