• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 1,127 Views, 3 Comments

a love of the sun - heavensparkle

a story about twilight's appreciation for celestia's sun

  • ...

A malicious Melody

Celestia walked with Twilight through the castle, past the throne room and towards the study, neither of them sharing a word with eachother.

"My most faithful student, what's wrong" Celestia asked noting Twilight was deep in thought.

"Im keeping you from your royal duties, i shouldn't have come here, im sorry" Twilight said with the most sincere look she could muster.

"I'm sure Luna can handle everything, and you know you're welcome here anytime Twilight, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

Twilight looked up into her kind mentors face for the first time after leaving the garden, and staring back at her was not a face of anger, but one of love.

Meanwhile on the other side of the castle in the meeting hall was Luna, sitting bored senseless listening to the mayor of Trottingham talk about, something, Luna didn't really care what it was she just sat and nodded her head, 'how did Celly do this for 1000 years' Luna thought to herself, 'The moon was more fun than this.'

"And thats why our crops are the best in Equestria," the mayor had finally finished talking and started to leave, to which Luna was grateful, but upon inspection of the list of how many more meetings she had, she hung her head against the table she was sitting at, and sighed.

"One down, twenty more to go, this is going to be an eventful day" Luna said hugging an abacus close to her.

Celestia and Twilight had been speaking for hours about how they've been since the gala, and what they leared since then, each sharing a couple of laughs as the other made a joke.

"I must admit I have missed our little talks like this, it's wonderful to see you again" Celestia spoke as she remembered the long evenings Twilight and her had spent together.

"It's lovely to see you again too princess" Twilight said just as a guard walked through the door.

"Your majesty sorry to interupt, yet we have some guests that specifically request to see you."

Celestia sighed, although she knew that royal buisness came first, she was having too much fun with Twilight,"very well, you can handle yourself for awhile right?" she said to Twilight who simply nodded.


Back in ponyville a pink blur was rushing from place, stopping at each pony it met to deliver the message of a welcome back Twilight party, everyone accepted as they knew that a Pinkie Pie party was the best way to have fun, everyone except a very glum lavender unicorn, who had just been assaulted by the ball of pink fluff.

"Who is this Twilight? and why throw a party for her? and why should it concern me?" she asked clearly already bored with the pink pony.

"Oh my gosh, she's only one of my bestest friends in the WHOLE world, she is returning from her trip to canterlot soon, also because its fun silly."

"Sounds pretty boring to me" Pinkie was clearly dejected to hear this as her hair fell flat, the unicorn smirkingat her victory not prepared for what came next.

"Oh well if you change your mind it'll be at sugarcube corner" Pinkie said suddenly cheering up, knocking the unicorn down as she darted to the next pony, who just happend to be Applejack who had seen the whole thing.

"Don't fret sugarcube some ponies are jus' like that yet I ain't seen her round here before, who is she exactly."

"Her name is Melody and it's not nice to talk about people behind their back" Applejack snarled at this "yeah,well i decided i might just come to that party you mentioned."

To this Pinkie suddenly became ecstatic and started jumping around before hugging Applejack and running off.

"If the whole party is like that i just made a mistake,why is she so crazy, do you know?" she looked to Applejack who returned it with anger "well anyway see you later Apples."

Melody was laughing as she walked off leaving Applejack standing there bemused.

"What in tarnation is her problem?" Applejack questioned herself wondering how anybody could be like that.


Back at Canterlot castle Twilight had been waiting for half an hour and had now resorted to looking round the study.

Noticing a pile of scrolls on the desk she thought 'a quick look wont hurt' and started to look at all of them, each one of them was addressed to her and each ended at a different place.

'to my most faithful student,
how are your studies going...? how are you and your friends...? are you ok...?'

Each one unfinished but sharing the same message.

"Celestia is worried about me" the door suddenly opened and in came a tired Luna busy mumbling to herself

"Last time I ever cover for Celly, also what's this important buisness that came up at the last moment, oh hi Twilight, and how can she..." Luna stopped in her tracks noticing just who she saw and shied away from her

"Hi Luna how are you" Twilight said extending her hoof to the now cowering Luna

"Meep" was all she managed to say before fainting, falling to the ground with a loud thud.

"Oh no, i've broke her, quick think brain you can fix this"

"Twilight what have you done?" came celestia's voice from the now open door, 'too late' Twilight thought to herself.

"I'm so sorry i dont know what happend, she just walked in mumbling to herself saw me sitting here and started panicking, and then she hit the floor" Celestia merely laughed at Twilight.

"It's alright just give her a minute, she'll be back to herself in no time, you probarbly just shocked her."

"Me, shock, luna?" Twilight asked questioningly regaining her breath after trying to explain what had happend at speeds the would put Pinkie to shame

"Yes, although she may not admit it, she has been wanting to meet you for some time now, that was the reason for my next visit to Ponyville, I believed meeting you would give her the confidence to socialise more and make some friends, as you can plainly see that didn't go so well" Celestia laughed as her sister regained consciousness.

Luna looked around still a little groggy before laying eyes upon Celestia laughing.

"You know thats the last time im ever covering for you Celly, after the mayor of Trottingham left it only got more and more boring, each city prepared a speech for why they wanted this and that, i don't know why they can't just ask, and i suppose Twilight is why you needed me to help in the first place."

"Yes, im sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but i thought something like this would happen."

"You're such a meanie" Luna sat down crossed her hooves and pouted, Twilight looked at Celestia for guidance but got none as her mentor was litteraly rolling on the floor laughing, after a minute laughing she got back on her hooves and looked to Twilight with a blush.

"Im sorry you had to see me like that, you must be embarrassed to call me your mentor."

"Oh, not at all" Twilight had a blush creeping upon her own face at the fact that she had really enjoyed watching Celestia act as Rarity would say 'unladylike'.

"Good now that that's settled why dont we have something to eat" Celestia said clearly trying to escape the room before anything else could happen.

"Sounds good Celly, are you eating with us Twilight?" Luna said with a pleading look upon her face.

"I dont want to impose or anything."

"Nonesense, you know you're an honoured guest at this castle and should be treated like one."

"Alright if you're certain i won't be imposing or anything."

And with that the two sisters and one very nervous unicorn set off for the grand hall.

Author's notes: I doubt anyone reads these but again im sorry for any mistakes and ooc moments in this.

Feedback is greatly appreciated as i really have no idea whether people like this story or not and if they do well thats great thanks and if they don't well i'll have a go at writing a different story and if that doesn't catch on im sorry in advance for that too

hope you like it and thank you for your time and patience with this story