a love of the sun

by heavensparkle

First published

a story about twilight's appreciation for celestia's sun

The world of Equestria has always had Celestia's kindness, this story is about one pony who decides to show her just how much she means.

twilight's decision

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It was an average day in ponyville, celestia's sun was high in the sky bathing the quiet little town in a peaceful warmth, a gentle breeze rolling in from the everfree forrest as ponies went about there daily rituals of shopping and conversing with others.

All was well for everypony in ponyville except the towns local librarian, Twilight Sparkle.

"Spike!", Twilight called through the library for her little dragon assistant."Spike, where are you!" she called again.

"Im down here." Came the reply from the young dragon who sounded to be in the basement. "just brining up some new stock after you're little magic misshap last week."

Twilight could only reply with a shy grin to this as she remembered the incident in question, she had just finished reading through 'advanced arcane magic's' when she had found a incendiary spell that she really wanted to try , and had for a brief moment succeeded before loosing control and managing to hillariously set half of her the library ablaze.

"Ugh, spike did you have to bring that up again. Anyway i was just wondering have we got a reply from the princess yet."

"Relax twi, im sure she's just busy, ruling all of equestria can't be easy you know"

"True, but sometimes i just worry that she's forgotten about me afterall she hasn't seen me since the gala last month." just then twilight's face lit up with a bright smile just as a young filly's would to getting a new toy. "Spike, i just had a wonderful idea, why dont we go visit celestia and get a reply from her in person im sure she will be glad to see me again." The young unicorn beamed with pride at managing to come up with a reason to visit her ever caring teacher again.

"It's great that you're happy to go visit the princess again but shouldn't you send a letter informing her of you're idea before just charging into the castle?"

To this twilight just shuck her head and said softly "No i dont want it to be another boring old visit this one has got to be special so lets suprise her."

Spike just looked and twilight and started snickering to himself "whatever you say twi." Before walking downstairs to get more books

"This has got to be special" Twilight thought to herself "I have to show her how much she means to me, not just as the ruler of equestria, but as my teacher, who has stayed by my side and has managed to get me the wonderful friends i have now,"

Thinking of all her friends and how to tell them about her suprise visit to celestia, making a mental note not to mention the suprise part to pinkie who would come up with some crazy idea which would probarbly one way or another turn into a reason for a party ,twilight smiled and looked at the sun still hovering high in the sky and uttered a "thank you" to celestia before deciding to help spike with the books.

Authors notes: this is my first try at a story so sorry for any mistakes the next chapter will be longer

all the lovely work on here has persuaded me to try, so "thank you all for the great stories"

I will be thankful for any creative critisism and suggestions.

If people like it ill carry on with the rest of the story i have many idea's for this one and "thank you again for all the great stories"

Celestia's morning

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Canterlot castle was just as regal as it always has been, its white marble walls shimmering in the sun as it sailed majestically through the air,birds chirped their melodies happily as the bright flowers climbed toward's the light, a gentle breeze rolled through the trees gently shaking the leaves as it past.

Truly one would think that this was a paradise, yet, for a certain Allicorn this was an everday sight,

Celestia looked out at the gardens with a sigh, observing everything enjoying her sun, her gift to the world, she felt saddend, everyday she raised the bright sphere into the sky to bless Equestria with it's warming glow, and every night she lowered it to be replaced by her sisters moon. By no means did she mind doing this, yet, it hurt the goddess to feel that she was just another thing that the world had came to expect and rely on.

"What's up Celly" came a slightly timid voice from behind her.

Celestia had been too lost in thought to notice the appearence of her younger sister and so had comically jumped into the air at the sudden realisation that she wasn't alone,to which Luna merely laughed.

"Oh, its just you Luna" Celestia said a bit quieter then usual "nothing's up im just appreciating the lovely day."

"Yes it is better then usual, you trying to impress somebody hmmm?"

"WHAT!, how could you even think such a thing" Celestia said with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Oh come on Celly im just having a laugh, I know Twilight will just love it" Luna managed to say barely managing to contain her laughter,Celestia's blush grew redder at how embarrassed she felt by now. "Oh calm down im just trying to cheer you up since you looked a bit down today, I know how much you like your pranks and jokes so I thought i'd try one to cheer you up."

"Luna, a joke is much more funny when it doesen't embarrass anybody, do you remember that time when i put you in the bunny suit?"

Luna looked absoloutley horrified as the memory came back to her. "You promised to never speak of that again," Luna said angrilly staring at Celestia.

"Consider it as revenge my dear little sister, now is there anything I can help you with,surely you didn't come here to just humliate me."

"No, I actually came to ask you a question"

"Ask away my dear sister" Celestia said gently towards luna, who was still angry about getting reminded of how she had been stuffed into a bunny suit and made to hop around canterlot.

"I wanted to ask about your student, Twilight" at the mention of Twilight's name Celestia's face changed from a happy smile to a puzzled look,"I was just wondering what is she like?"

"Oh she's a wonderfully smart mare, always thinking things through before she acts, although her helping usually makes the situation worse her heart is in the right place, and, with her friends help there is nothing they can't overcome, i think you and Twilight would get along well together."

"What's that supposed to mean, are you saying I make things worse?"

"Not at all luna I am merely stating that you could be good friends, if you maybe stop beign so reclusive and socialise a bit more," luna merely pouted, sticking out her lower lip at this statement.

Both regal sisters started laughing at this Celestia had always enjoyed her sister's childlike behaviour and Luna always enjoyed seeing her sister smile


Twilight was busy looking through her shelves for a book to take to Canterlot for a bit of light reading, yet, she couldn't decide on what to pick so as usual she went up to the bookcase and just blindly picked a book, and, without a second glance at what it was it was shoved into her saddle bags.

"I cant belive it, Celestia's gonna be so suprised when i arrive, this is gonna be great," Twilight looked back over her checklist what she had packed to go to Canterlot "scarf, check, saddle, check, food," looking over at her bags she noticed that not a single bit of food had been packed. "ugh how could I have been so silly to forget to pack anything to eat, im so stupid."

"Don't they have food in Canterlot anymore," came a reply from Spike, who had just appeared beside twilight while she was having a manic breakdown.

"Yes they do Spike, but I don't want to be a burden on the princesses," twilight said with a serious look on her face.

"but" spike said trying to plead with Twilight yet all he got back was a hoof to the mouth and an even more serious look from Twilight

"No,no,no and no Spike i've already told you I don't want to be a burden, I mean they might not even want me at the castle,I might have to stay at a hotel what am i gonna do then Spike?I won't be able to afford that pricey hotel food"

With a sigh Spike had given up as he knew it was pointless to argue with her when she got this way, and had suggested that she go to sugarcube corner to get something for the trip.

Walking through the streets of ponyville twilight looked around appreciating all the little town had to offer, suprisingly it was a pretty quiet day as only a few ponies were out among these few was a mint green unicorn with a lyre cutie mark sitting next to a cream earth pony with three wrapped candies for a cutie mark, on the other side of the road was a mysterious chestnut stallion with an hourglass for a cutie mark, he was busy taking to an unknown lavender pony, Twilight just shrugged her shoulders and carried on to sugarcube corner.

As the door swung open the bell above the door let out a merry little ding to announce the arrival of a new customer

"Welcome to sugarcube corner the sweetest place on earth, oh hey Twilight" came the greeting from her pink friend.

"Oh hey Pinkie, how have you been" Twilight said bracing herself for another one of Pinkie's overly extended one sided conversations.

"I've been fine Twilight, thanks for asking, how's you" Pinkie said chippier then usual.

"Im fine, have you seen Applejack or anyone else, i've got something i need to tell you all" Twilight asked hoping to tell everyone alltogether to save her the hassle of tracking everyone down.

As if rehearsed, the bell above the door dinged merrily to anounce the arrival of the other four of Twilight's friends; First Applejack, followed by Rainbow Dash, and both Fluttershy and Rarity walking next to eachother, presumably talking about the trip to the spa they just had

Pinkie bounced over to the group with a huge smile "Hey girls Twilights got something she wants to tell us"

The group followed twilight to a nearby unocupied table and all listened intently to what Twilight had to say


"So let me get this straight you're going to Canterlot and you aren't gonna take us along?"

"Rainbow Dash darling, think about this we all need our time to do what we want, and Twilight really wants to go alone, so who are we to object, after all she did get us the tickets to the grand galloping gala."

"Yeah but I still think it would have been nicer for Twilight to take us."

"why Rainbow, what would a city pony like yah'll do in fancy shmansy place like Canterlot, yah'll probarbly just want to go ah'n see the wonderbolts or somethin' like that"

"Yeah Dashie, you're always complaining about the mean snooty ponies whenever we go to Canterlot, why do you suddenly want to go now, huh, huh, huh?" Pinkie asked now standing on the table staring Rainbow Dash in the eye.

"Uhm, can I say something?" Fluttershy squeaked out."I would love to go to Canterlot as much as the next pony but i agree Twilight has done so much for us if she want's to go alone maybe we should let her," Fluttershy said quietley

"Ugh, fine, but if we have to come save that egghead head of yours Twi by Celestia i'll..."

Rainbow couldn't finish as Twilight had pulled everybody into a group hug, thanking them repetabley she quickly rushed out of the door completely forgetting why she went in, she continued running untill she bounced into a familiar pink mass and landed on her back.

"Hey Twilight you forgot your Cupcakes"

"Huh, but i didn't, Pinkie how can you possibly do something like, erm nevermind," Twilight forgot the most valuable lesson she had taught herself about Pinkie 'don't try to understand Pinkie'

As soon as twilight had managed to get up to thank Pinkie she was gone "erm thanks," Twilight said to the air that used to be Pinkie before turning round to head back to her library.


Author's notes: thank you to the people who take the time to read this story and an even bigger thank you to the people who like it

i tried to portray the charecters in my writing but im not so good so sorry if some seem out of charecter also sorry for any other errors

i will appreciate any feedback and helpful comments and will hopefully have the next chapter out soon

The journey

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It had been another rather uneventful day, Twilight having persuaded her friends quicker then she thought possible now wandered around Ponyville.

"Right i told my friends, got everything packed, and Spike is looking after the library while im gone" she mumbled to herself, "im just about set."

Walking around in another of her 'mental checklists' she hadn't noticed it had quickly became the evening, school had just ended and families were reunited.

Smiling at this beautiful sight Twilight saw one of her friends, a gray pegasus with a blonde mane.

"Hey Ditzy, what are you doing here?"

"Hello Twilight, im just picking up my little muffin from school" Ditzy said with a smile at getting to talk about her daughter.

"Oh yeah how is little Dinky, i haven't seen her in awhile."

as if by magic Dinky appeared rushing up to her mother and giving her a heart melting nuzzle, Ditzy returned the embrace and looked from her daughter to Twilight.

"Hiya miss Sparkle, momma has told me so much about you and how you're the most magical unicorn in Equestria, she says you can help me with my magic " Dinky said beeming with joy.

"Sure i can, but i doubt i'd be much help," Twilight said with a blush appearing on her face,"plus i wouldnt want to tire you with me talking about how i got my magic."

"I'm sure miss Sparkle would love to teach you, yet we have to get you home" Ditzy said ruffling Dinky's mane.

"Aw, bye miss Sparkle" Dinky said with a sigh before joining her mother walking home.

Twilight having decided to go back to her own home saw a package left on her doorstep, from afar it looked like an average parcel, but from close up it was an unusual little thing hastily wrapped and a few rips in it but still the contents were hidden,opening the parcel with her magic Twilight saw a note inside and read it

"Dear miss Sparkle, my momma has told me about you, she has told me how kind you were to her after the accident with the mail and she is really glad she didn't hurt you, i wanted to send you a present for how kind you were to my momma and me, it isn't much but i hope you like it."

From the letter twilight assumed it was from Dinky and Smiled, although it wasn't the neatest of letters probarbly getting help from Ditzy, it was the thought that counts, eager to find out what her present was she looked inside the parcel and found a small rectangular item wrapped in bubble wrap,opening the bubble wrap it was revealed to be a small picture frame with both Dinky and Ditzy inside smiling, Twilight took the present into the house and put it on the table to remember to put it up later.

Walking upstairs she pulled out one of her favourite books and started reading unable to wait for her trip tomorow.


Celestia trotted through the halls of Canterlot stuck in thought, Luna's moon now high in the sky.

"Cmon think, you're the ruler of Equestria surely you can come up with something."

Celestia mumbled to herself as she carried on walking past door after door.

"Hmph you call yourself wise you're no wiser then a school filly" Celestia continued her mumbling while passing through the throne room, "why today of all days, why did it have to happen to me today."

Some guards were looking at Celestia puzzled but had come to know to leave the princess to her own thoughts.

"Ugh silly filly Celestia, listen to yourself all this complaining and no action" Celestia stopped and looked around she was now outside her sister's room, having no solution to her problem herself she knocked on the door.

"Celly how many times have i told you not to knock, you are my sister and are welcome anytime" Luna's voice came from inside it was one of impatience with her sister.

"Sorry Luna im just having a very stressful night, do you mind if i talk to you" Luna shook her head, " alright well..."

Celestia told Luna everything.

"And thats it, do you think you can help?"

"Hmmmmm i don't know Celly it doesn't really have anything to do with me but, i supose i could help" Luna had a slight smirk on her face after hearing what her sister had to say.

"Thank you Luna" Celestia said nuzzling her sister "you are the best sister ever"

"What was that again i didn't quite catch that" both Celestia and Luna smiled and started to laugh.

"Don't push it, anyway you have really outdone youreself i must say this night is stunning"

"Well i saw you were pretty unhappy this evening, so i decided to try and cheer you up with my night"

Celestia took in the night sky and let out a calm sigh "well it sure has worked, i feel calmer already".

Both sisters sat and just stared at the stars for what seemed like an eternity, the spiraling masses showering through the sky like a million tiny fireworks going off at the same time, each one giving a little glitter as it hovered above the world.

"You know Luna, your night is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen" to this luna blushed a deep crimson "and in not the only one who thinks that just look down there" celestia pointed a hoof to one of Canterlots parks visible from Luna's high tower, there was a group of ponies with telescopes standing mouths agape at the stars, "they all think so too."

Luna was now in tears at how her night was beign appreciated "Celly, thank you."

Celestia merely nuzzled her sister and continued observing the beautiful night.


Dawn had come at last and Twilight was up before the sunrise to be prepared for her journey, she had managed to get a royal carraige to take her to Canterlot without Celestia knowing, and it was arranged to arrive with the sunrise.

With the carraige arriving in the distance Twilight became overjoyed "this is gonna be great" she squealed with delight.

The carraige touched down and a royal guard stepped out "c'mon Twilight we haven't got all day" he said jokingly

"I know that voice, Thunderhead, is that you?, its been so long" Twilight said to which the guard simply nodded

"How is life treating you Twilight? i bet you got all the colts after you" he said with a hearty laugh.

"Oh ha ha you were always such a joker, also not to seem rude or anything but shouldn't we be going?"

"Yeah yeah i had the rest of the guards get your bags we are ready to go whenever."

Both Twilight and Thunderhead got into the carraige and set off for Canterlot, the journey was a short one, and ended with both Twilight and Thunderhead saying bye to eachother Thunderhead promising to take care of her luggage, wandering around Twilight noted some locations to visit after her trip to the castle.

"So many places to visit, i dont remember Canterlot beign this big." Twilight thought to herself as she walked through the main gates of the castle.

Looking around Twilight noticed she had a problem "oh horseapples, i hadn't planned on how to find her when i got here, how could i be so stupid" Twilight shouting the last word ran up the stairs in the entrance hoping her mentor would be in the throne room.

Meanwhile Celestia was trotting through the gardens planning out her day as she liked to do "if i cancel that meeting then i'll have time for lunch, but if i do that i could lose connection's with the draconian emissary."

"The library,no, the meeting hall, no, there is only one place she can be" Twilight trotted on, now out of breath hoping that her beloved mentor would be waiting there for her.

"I've got it!" Celestia beemed at herself for once again planning her day yet the smile soon dissapeared at the sight of a certain lavender mare "oh come on" Celestia shouted at the top of her voice, startling both herself and Twilight.

"Princess what's wrong?" Twilight said, completely oblivious to the fact that she had now just ruined her mentors entire schedule for the day.

"Oh nothing my most faithful student, i just got a little suprised at your, well, suprise visit."

"YAY it worked, although not how i wanted it still worked."

"What is the purpose of this kind visit?" Celestia said putting on a smile.

"Oh you hadn't replied in a while, and i haven't seen you in a while, so i thought why not visit and get the reply for myself."

"that's very thoughful of you, but you need not have come, i had a trip to Ponyville to see you and catch up tomorow."

"I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry, i just didn't think."

Celestia gave Twilight a reassuring smile and placed a wing around her neck as she started to walk back to the castle.


Author's notes: sorry for the late update ive been having some family problems, anyway like always i hope you enjoy this story as much as i enjoy writing it,

any ideas, feedback, anything at all really will be greatly appreciated, and if you like this story please tell me so i know if im making the readers happy which is all i really want to do

im sorry for any errors and out of charecter moments in the story, im just writing how i think they would react to the situation so if they seem strange again im sorry

thank you for continuing to read and will update soon

A malicious Melody

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Celestia walked with Twilight through the castle, past the throne room and towards the study, neither of them sharing a word with eachother.

"My most faithful student, what's wrong" Celestia asked noting Twilight was deep in thought.

"Im keeping you from your royal duties, i shouldn't have come here, im sorry" Twilight said with the most sincere look she could muster.

"I'm sure Luna can handle everything, and you know you're welcome here anytime Twilight, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

Twilight looked up into her kind mentors face for the first time after leaving the garden, and staring back at her was not a face of anger, but one of love.

Meanwhile on the other side of the castle in the meeting hall was Luna, sitting bored senseless listening to the mayor of Trottingham talk about, something, Luna didn't really care what it was she just sat and nodded her head, 'how did Celly do this for 1000 years' Luna thought to herself, 'The moon was more fun than this.'

"And thats why our crops are the best in Equestria," the mayor had finally finished talking and started to leave, to which Luna was grateful, but upon inspection of the list of how many more meetings she had, she hung her head against the table she was sitting at, and sighed.

"One down, twenty more to go, this is going to be an eventful day" Luna said hugging an abacus close to her.

Celestia and Twilight had been speaking for hours about how they've been since the gala, and what they leared since then, each sharing a couple of laughs as the other made a joke.

"I must admit I have missed our little talks like this, it's wonderful to see you again" Celestia spoke as she remembered the long evenings Twilight and her had spent together.

"It's lovely to see you again too princess" Twilight said just as a guard walked through the door.

"Your majesty sorry to interupt, yet we have some guests that specifically request to see you."

Celestia sighed, although she knew that royal buisness came first, she was having too much fun with Twilight,"very well, you can handle yourself for awhile right?" she said to Twilight who simply nodded.


Back in ponyville a pink blur was rushing from place, stopping at each pony it met to deliver the message of a welcome back Twilight party, everyone accepted as they knew that a Pinkie Pie party was the best way to have fun, everyone except a very glum lavender unicorn, who had just been assaulted by the ball of pink fluff.

"Who is this Twilight? and why throw a party for her? and why should it concern me?" she asked clearly already bored with the pink pony.

"Oh my gosh, she's only one of my bestest friends in the WHOLE world, she is returning from her trip to canterlot soon, also because its fun silly."

"Sounds pretty boring to me" Pinkie was clearly dejected to hear this as her hair fell flat, the unicorn smirkingat her victory not prepared for what came next.

"Oh well if you change your mind it'll be at sugarcube corner" Pinkie said suddenly cheering up, knocking the unicorn down as she darted to the next pony, who just happend to be Applejack who had seen the whole thing.

"Don't fret sugarcube some ponies are jus' like that yet I ain't seen her round here before, who is she exactly."

"Her name is Melody and it's not nice to talk about people behind their back" Applejack snarled at this "yeah,well i decided i might just come to that party you mentioned."

To this Pinkie suddenly became ecstatic and started jumping around before hugging Applejack and running off.

"If the whole party is like that i just made a mistake,why is she so crazy, do you know?" she looked to Applejack who returned it with anger "well anyway see you later Apples."

Melody was laughing as she walked off leaving Applejack standing there bemused.

"What in tarnation is her problem?" Applejack questioned herself wondering how anybody could be like that.


Back at Canterlot castle Twilight had been waiting for half an hour and had now resorted to looking round the study.

Noticing a pile of scrolls on the desk she thought 'a quick look wont hurt' and started to look at all of them, each one of them was addressed to her and each ended at a different place.

'to my most faithful student,
how are your studies going...? how are you and your friends...? are you ok...?'

Each one unfinished but sharing the same message.

"Celestia is worried about me" the door suddenly opened and in came a tired Luna busy mumbling to herself

"Last time I ever cover for Celly, also what's this important buisness that came up at the last moment, oh hi Twilight, and how can she..." Luna stopped in her tracks noticing just who she saw and shied away from her

"Hi Luna how are you" Twilight said extending her hoof to the now cowering Luna

"Meep" was all she managed to say before fainting, falling to the ground with a loud thud.

"Oh no, i've broke her, quick think brain you can fix this"

"Twilight what have you done?" came celestia's voice from the now open door, 'too late' Twilight thought to herself.

"I'm so sorry i dont know what happend, she just walked in mumbling to herself saw me sitting here and started panicking, and then she hit the floor" Celestia merely laughed at Twilight.

"It's alright just give her a minute, she'll be back to herself in no time, you probarbly just shocked her."

"Me, shock, luna?" Twilight asked questioningly regaining her breath after trying to explain what had happend at speeds the would put Pinkie to shame

"Yes, although she may not admit it, she has been wanting to meet you for some time now, that was the reason for my next visit to Ponyville, I believed meeting you would give her the confidence to socialise more and make some friends, as you can plainly see that didn't go so well" Celestia laughed as her sister regained consciousness.

Luna looked around still a little groggy before laying eyes upon Celestia laughing.

"You know thats the last time im ever covering for you Celly, after the mayor of Trottingham left it only got more and more boring, each city prepared a speech for why they wanted this and that, i don't know why they can't just ask, and i suppose Twilight is why you needed me to help in the first place."

"Yes, im sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but i thought something like this would happen."

"You're such a meanie" Luna sat down crossed her hooves and pouted, Twilight looked at Celestia for guidance but got none as her mentor was litteraly rolling on the floor laughing, after a minute laughing she got back on her hooves and looked to Twilight with a blush.

"Im sorry you had to see me like that, you must be embarrassed to call me your mentor."

"Oh, not at all" Twilight had a blush creeping upon her own face at the fact that she had really enjoyed watching Celestia act as Rarity would say 'unladylike'.

"Good now that that's settled why dont we have something to eat" Celestia said clearly trying to escape the room before anything else could happen.

"Sounds good Celly, are you eating with us Twilight?" Luna said with a pleading look upon her face.

"I dont want to impose or anything."

"Nonesense, you know you're an honoured guest at this castle and should be treated like one."

"Alright if you're certain i won't be imposing or anything."

And with that the two sisters and one very nervous unicorn set off for the grand hall.

Author's notes: I doubt anyone reads these but again im sorry for any mistakes and ooc moments in this.

Feedback is greatly appreciated as i really have no idea whether people like this story or not and if they do well thats great thanks and if they don't well i'll have a go at writing a different story and if that doesn't catch on im sorry in advance for that too

hope you like it and thank you for your time and patience with this story

a quiet day

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"Dinner is served" said an astoundingly short stallion.

"Ah looks like another delicacy, thank you Clefthoof" said Celestia with a smile to the stallion.

"Why thank you your highness" said Clefthoof bowing out of the hall.

"Um princess, what exactly is this?" asked a skeptical Twilight staring at the plate, on it was a mesh of what she could only assume is food.

Celestia stared at her student with a blank look on her face, then looked to Luna who was busy fiddling with her abacus.

"Oh my dear Twilight i'ts probarbly not what your accustomed to but i assure you it is, as one of your friends would put it, simply divine"

Twilight laughed at Celestia's bad impersonation of Rarity, and began trying to eat the food that was infront of her, it wasnt to sweet or to sour, it was an amasing mesh of herbs and spices.

"So i take it you like it?" Luna asked with a hoping look on her face, "it's one of my own recipes."

Staring at Luna Twilight nodded, Luna jumped from her seat and began to hug Twilight before hopping around the hall, both Celestia and Twilight laughed.

They had all finished there meals and were now walking around the statue gardens, they had come upon a rather peculiar statue of a eagle, dragon, lion thing, that Twilight had to study.

"That is the statue of discord an old enemy of mine and luna's, he is a draconequus, an ancient race that even i'm unfamiliar with."

Twilight stared at the statue as if it going to attack her the moment she looked away

"Come on my student stone can't hurt you, lets proceed with our walk"

Twilight carried on walking but quickly glanced back at the statue swearing it had moved since last time but put it to her imagination and carried on walking.


Back at ponyville Rarity was up to her head in orders for Sapphire Shores and had to accept help from Applejack to be able to finish them all before the deadline.

"I can't thank you enough, without your help i would never have been able to finish them all in time."

"aw shucks Rarity even though ya'll act persnickety you're still family to me, plus ah needed a break from applebucking."

Rarity stared at Applejack, in all the years of knowing eachother she had never expected to hear them words cross her lips.

"But i thought you loved it every year you always seem so ecstatic at applebuck season"

"Yeah ah sure love to buck apples but everypony needs a break from time to time, plus Fluttershy has been spending a lot of time with Big Mac recently so ah was hoping you knew something about that?"

"i'm sorry my dear but i don't, but enough about that is there any way i can repay you for your kindness."

Applejack shuck her head and looked around the boutique, she really admired how much work rarity Put into her dresses, every thread was perfectly woven in the fabric and showed the time and effort that went into each one.

"Nah i couldn't take anything from you, but thank you all the same."

Suddenly three very muddy fillies walked through the door much to rarity's dismay.

"Girls how many times have i told you, muddy little fillies belong outside."

"I'm sorry sis" a sincere Sweetie Belle said to the dismayed Rarity.

Rarity hurried to and fro with a towel, cleaning all the fillies thoroughly before sending them upstairs to take a proper bath, she then turned to see Applejack staring straight at her with a puzzled look on her face, Rarity simply shrugged this off and went to the nearest sewing machine and started sewing.

"Ah thought Applebloom and Sweetie were gonna be with Scootaloo's family today, what are they doing here?"

Rarity shrugged her shoulders and continued with her sewing, that was untill a light orange hoof wrapped it's way around her neck and forced her to stare into the deep emerald eyes of her friend, they continued to stare for what felt like hours as Rarity started to melt like a marshmallow in Applejack's hooves, the orage mare simply laughed at her friend as she went towards the door, to this Rarity jumped up and stood guarding the door.

"You can't leave like that, what was that about anyway's?"


On the other side of the town, a large red stallion was busy bucking trees watching the apples fall, the wind blowing through his mane, a tiny yellow pegasus was watching him from the distance.

"You know that your welcome here anytime right Shy?" Big Mac said without even looking away from the tree he was bucking.

The timid pegasus meekly squeaked and slowly started to approach the stallion.

"I'm so sorry Big McIntosh but i need your help again" Fluttershy said holding up a tiny little hedgehog wrapped up in a blanket, at first glance nothing was wrong but upon closer inspection there was a cut reaching around the critter's leg, "i found him like this in the forrest, i've tried everything but nothing seems to work and i've got enough with the bunnies."

There was an epidemic going around Ponyville this time of year affecting critters of all sizes but starngely preffering to affect small bunnies more then anything else.

Big Mac stared at the critter and wrapped his hoof around the bundle it was wrapped in.

"Thank you shy ill make sure he gets looked after, just remember not to tell AJ about this, she's beign getting rather suspicious of you visiting all the time, i think she's also been spying on me.

"Don't you think your overreacting just a bit?" Fluttershy said as she started to walk away from the farm leaving a worried stallion with a tiny hedgehog wrapped in his arms.


Author's notes: my sincerest apologies for the late update i have been both ill and busy over the past few weeks i haven't had a chance to update yet now that im better and free i will try and have a few more chapters up this week.

for anyone who is interested i will now be starting another story i will try and have the first chapter of that up later this week too so if this story isn't for you there will be something else for you.

thank you for your patience and i hope you continue to enjoy the story and any others i may write.

a stormy night

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The sky was dark and the wind howled ferociously, storm clouds gathered high above the city raining down heavily , Canterlot castle stood ablaze as the darkness seeped in, bounding down the halls was a lavender hued mare with malice in her eyes.

Coming to a halt just as the big sun emblasoned door to Celestia's room came in to view, Twilight took a moment to ready herself and charged in, the room was stained with blood and bodies of several servants littered the floor, in the middle of it all was the sun goddess herself, cackling maniacly.

"Do you like what i've done to the place?, the servants thought i was mad, hmph maybe i am but who's going to stop me?, Luna already tried, and look how that turned out!".

Celestia turned to allow the horrified mare to see the bloodbathed body of the Princess of the night, lying motionless and peacefull, it looked as if she were merely sleeping.

Twilight's stomach churned at the sight of this and Celestia merely smiled, the hate that Twilight was feeling before entering the room could not compare to the amount of raw emotion she was feeling at this very moment, lowering her horn and taking up an offensive stance, she prepared to charge.

"Hm you mean to take me down, i'd like to see you try" Twilight's anger reached its limit as she charged forwards, "i thought i'd taught you better then this, but if this is the way you want it to end, so be it!" Celestia had a spell ready to cast as Twilight closed the gap between them.

A sudden flash of white light enveloped the area, Twilight awoke with a fright, panting heavily she looked around the room, there was nothing but darkness surrounding her, staring out the window the storm from her dream was raging on.

"Pull yourself together Twi, it was just a dream nothing to worry about, right?"

"Dreams are merely our perception of the world around us, some are blessed and show us what our hearts desire most, others are twisted by the darkness in us all, into visions of our deepest fears." Princess Luna smiled at being able to give an answer to the question.

Twilight looked towards the window then towards the door, searching for an explanation of how exactly Luna got in, Luna tapped her horn thrice and simply said with a mischevious smirk on her face, "magic."

"So if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?"

Luna's smile quickly faded as tears started to stream from her eyes, "i was just walking by and i heard you panting, so i came in to see if you were alright, im sorry."

Twilight felt so bad for making luna upset untill she saw a smile perk up on the Princess's face, the smile kept on growing untill Twilight lunged towards Luna embracing her in a hug.

"So how about you tell auntie Luna about this dream then?" Luna said trying her best to act serious.

Twilight regailed the story of her dream to Luna which listened intently, not wanting miss any detail, "and then i woke up."

"Hmm" Luna pondered for awhile and then suddenly came up with a solution, grabbing Twilight she dragged her out of the room, they passed by guards and servants alike, each with questioning looks upon their face, Luna dragged Twilight for what felt like hours around the large castle halls before finally reaching a balcony, noting that Luna wasn't slowing down Twilight passed out from fright.


Back in ponyville Pinkie was hopping around her room completely ignoring the storm outside, suddenly a lighting bolt struck Sugarcube corner and shook the confectionary palace, Mr and Mrs cake had left Pinkie to take care of the store while they visited relatives who were stopping nearby ponyville, so only the pink pony was in to feel the brunt of the storm.

As soon as the shaking subsided another lightning bolt struck, except this one caused no shaking, instead it caused a massive green crack to appear in the wall, Pinkie who had now recovered from landing flat on her face when the last bolt struck was now staring at the crack with wide eyes

"Ooooo what's this" Pinkie said prodding the crack in the wall with her hoof, the crack answered her by opening to reveal a bright green portal.

Pinkie instinctevely jumped headfirst into the portal without a slight hesitation not even bothering to think about where she would end up, as she fell she started to get bored, so she reverted to looking around, noting things of interest to tell her friends later such as a blue box with the words 'police box' on it, and a strange pink pony with a screw and a ball for a cutie mark.

As soon as the falling began it was over and Pinkie fell headfirst into a bright new world.


Rarity was in carousel botique sewing out a new dress, her experience with Applejack still stuck in her mind.

"What was that all about anyway, and how dare she come up to me and do that."

Rarity was so busy sewing that she didn't notice Sweetie Belle pop up right beside her.



"Finally i got your attention, i've been trying to tell you that you've been sewing thin air for half an hour now " Rarity looked at her hooves and sure enough the fabric was on the floor now more thread then material, and she had been pushing nothing.

"Thank you Sweetie, now is there anything i can do for you?" Rarity said with obvious boredom in her tone.

"Maybe you can tell me why you have been mumbling about Applejack all night, or perhaps why you've been so seclusive since she left!"

At a loss of what to do Rarity tried to look for a way out, but found her only means of escaping her marshmallow like sister was to run out in the rain, with no way of escape and her sister peering down she sighed and told Sweetie to take a seat.


Up in Rainbow's cloud home Rainbow was busy looking after Scootaloo.

"So what do you want to do Scoots?" Rainbow asked clearley unaware of how to look after anyone else but herself.

"Well i was hoping you could show me some of your neat tricks but" Scootaloo looked out one of the openings in the cloud that served as a window, and then back at rainbow, "how about we just play this."

"Hmmm Rainbow's a game for all ages, be the first to get all your colours to the Rainbow Factory to win" Rainbow read out the instructions clearly bored with the game already but the remembered back to when she used to be a filly and decided to play a couple of games with Scootaloo.

A couple of hours passed and Rainbow got more and more annoyed with the game, standing up on her hind legs and pointing a hoof at the game, she glared it down and shouted, "ARGH cmon this game is broken."

Scootaloo laughed at her idol's frustration with the game and tried to cheer Rainbow up "cmon Rainbow Dash it's not the games fault."

"Yes it is it's evil," Rainbow pouted and turned her back to the game not wanting to see it anymore.
