• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 1,127 Views, 3 Comments

a love of the sun - heavensparkle

a story about twilight's appreciation for celestia's sun

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Celestia's morning

Canterlot castle was just as regal as it always has been, its white marble walls shimmering in the sun as it sailed majestically through the air,birds chirped their melodies happily as the bright flowers climbed toward's the light, a gentle breeze rolled through the trees gently shaking the leaves as it past.

Truly one would think that this was a paradise, yet, for a certain Allicorn this was an everday sight,

Celestia looked out at the gardens with a sigh, observing everything enjoying her sun, her gift to the world, she felt saddend, everyday she raised the bright sphere into the sky to bless Equestria with it's warming glow, and every night she lowered it to be replaced by her sisters moon. By no means did she mind doing this, yet, it hurt the goddess to feel that she was just another thing that the world had came to expect and rely on.

"What's up Celly" came a slightly timid voice from behind her.

Celestia had been too lost in thought to notice the appearence of her younger sister and so had comically jumped into the air at the sudden realisation that she wasn't alone,to which Luna merely laughed.

"Oh, its just you Luna" Celestia said a bit quieter then usual "nothing's up im just appreciating the lovely day."

"Yes it is better then usual, you trying to impress somebody hmmm?"

"WHAT!, how could you even think such a thing" Celestia said with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Oh come on Celly im just having a laugh, I know Twilight will just love it" Luna managed to say barely managing to contain her laughter,Celestia's blush grew redder at how embarrassed she felt by now. "Oh calm down im just trying to cheer you up since you looked a bit down today, I know how much you like your pranks and jokes so I thought i'd try one to cheer you up."

"Luna, a joke is much more funny when it doesen't embarrass anybody, do you remember that time when i put you in the bunny suit?"

Luna looked absoloutley horrified as the memory came back to her. "You promised to never speak of that again," Luna said angrilly staring at Celestia.

"Consider it as revenge my dear little sister, now is there anything I can help you with,surely you didn't come here to just humliate me."

"No, I actually came to ask you a question"

"Ask away my dear sister" Celestia said gently towards luna, who was still angry about getting reminded of how she had been stuffed into a bunny suit and made to hop around canterlot.

"I wanted to ask about your student, Twilight" at the mention of Twilight's name Celestia's face changed from a happy smile to a puzzled look,"I was just wondering what is she like?"

"Oh she's a wonderfully smart mare, always thinking things through before she acts, although her helping usually makes the situation worse her heart is in the right place, and, with her friends help there is nothing they can't overcome, i think you and Twilight would get along well together."

"What's that supposed to mean, are you saying I make things worse?"

"Not at all luna I am merely stating that you could be good friends, if you maybe stop beign so reclusive and socialise a bit more," luna merely pouted, sticking out her lower lip at this statement.

Both regal sisters started laughing at this Celestia had always enjoyed her sister's childlike behaviour and Luna always enjoyed seeing her sister smile


Twilight was busy looking through her shelves for a book to take to Canterlot for a bit of light reading, yet, she couldn't decide on what to pick so as usual she went up to the bookcase and just blindly picked a book, and, without a second glance at what it was it was shoved into her saddle bags.

"I cant belive it, Celestia's gonna be so suprised when i arrive, this is gonna be great," Twilight looked back over her checklist what she had packed to go to Canterlot "scarf, check, saddle, check, food," looking over at her bags she noticed that not a single bit of food had been packed. "ugh how could I have been so silly to forget to pack anything to eat, im so stupid."

"Don't they have food in Canterlot anymore," came a reply from Spike, who had just appeared beside twilight while she was having a manic breakdown.

"Yes they do Spike, but I don't want to be a burden on the princesses," twilight said with a serious look on her face.

"but" spike said trying to plead with Twilight yet all he got back was a hoof to the mouth and an even more serious look from Twilight

"No,no,no and no Spike i've already told you I don't want to be a burden, I mean they might not even want me at the castle,I might have to stay at a hotel what am i gonna do then Spike?I won't be able to afford that pricey hotel food"

With a sigh Spike had given up as he knew it was pointless to argue with her when she got this way, and had suggested that she go to sugarcube corner to get something for the trip.

Walking through the streets of ponyville twilight looked around appreciating all the little town had to offer, suprisingly it was a pretty quiet day as only a few ponies were out among these few was a mint green unicorn with a lyre cutie mark sitting next to a cream earth pony with three wrapped candies for a cutie mark, on the other side of the road was a mysterious chestnut stallion with an hourglass for a cutie mark, he was busy taking to an unknown lavender pony, Twilight just shrugged her shoulders and carried on to sugarcube corner.

As the door swung open the bell above the door let out a merry little ding to announce the arrival of a new customer

"Welcome to sugarcube corner the sweetest place on earth, oh hey Twilight" came the greeting from her pink friend.

"Oh hey Pinkie, how have you been" Twilight said bracing herself for another one of Pinkie's overly extended one sided conversations.

"I've been fine Twilight, thanks for asking, how's you" Pinkie said chippier then usual.

"Im fine, have you seen Applejack or anyone else, i've got something i need to tell you all" Twilight asked hoping to tell everyone alltogether to save her the hassle of tracking everyone down.

As if rehearsed, the bell above the door dinged merrily to anounce the arrival of the other four of Twilight's friends; First Applejack, followed by Rainbow Dash, and both Fluttershy and Rarity walking next to eachother, presumably talking about the trip to the spa they just had

Pinkie bounced over to the group with a huge smile "Hey girls Twilights got something she wants to tell us"

The group followed twilight to a nearby unocupied table and all listened intently to what Twilight had to say


"So let me get this straight you're going to Canterlot and you aren't gonna take us along?"

"Rainbow Dash darling, think about this we all need our time to do what we want, and Twilight really wants to go alone, so who are we to object, after all she did get us the tickets to the grand galloping gala."

"Yeah but I still think it would have been nicer for Twilight to take us."

"why Rainbow, what would a city pony like yah'll do in fancy shmansy place like Canterlot, yah'll probarbly just want to go ah'n see the wonderbolts or somethin' like that"

"Yeah Dashie, you're always complaining about the mean snooty ponies whenever we go to Canterlot, why do you suddenly want to go now, huh, huh, huh?" Pinkie asked now standing on the table staring Rainbow Dash in the eye.

"Uhm, can I say something?" Fluttershy squeaked out."I would love to go to Canterlot as much as the next pony but i agree Twilight has done so much for us if she want's to go alone maybe we should let her," Fluttershy said quietley

"Ugh, fine, but if we have to come save that egghead head of yours Twi by Celestia i'll..."

Rainbow couldn't finish as Twilight had pulled everybody into a group hug, thanking them repetabley she quickly rushed out of the door completely forgetting why she went in, she continued running untill she bounced into a familiar pink mass and landed on her back.

"Hey Twilight you forgot your Cupcakes"

"Huh, but i didn't, Pinkie how can you possibly do something like, erm nevermind," Twilight forgot the most valuable lesson she had taught herself about Pinkie 'don't try to understand Pinkie'

As soon as twilight had managed to get up to thank Pinkie she was gone "erm thanks," Twilight said to the air that used to be Pinkie before turning round to head back to her library.


Author's notes: thank you to the people who take the time to read this story and an even bigger thank you to the people who like it

i tried to portray the charecters in my writing but im not so good so sorry if some seem out of charecter also sorry for any other errors

i will appreciate any feedback and helpful comments and will hopefully have the next chapter out soon