• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,079 Views, 61 Comments

A Wish That Could Be - Faithful Brony

Two worlds connected by a magic as old as the planets themselves. This mysterious force brings three strangers forth that will change Equestria forever.

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Things Overlooked

"The difference between what we are doing and what we're capable of doing would solve most of the worlds problems."

-Mahatma Ghandi

It was seven o' clock in the morning and at the Golden Oak Library Twilight, Spike, and Jessie were all eating breakfast which consisted of eggs and waffles. Twilight was reading, Spike was sprinkling rubies on his eggs, and Jessie was thinking to himself. The whole time it was rather quiet which suited everyone just fine. it went on like that for a while. After they were done eating Twilight and Jessie thanked Spike for the delicious cooking and then headed into the magic users study area. Jessie promptly choose the nice plush couch to sit on while Twilight went up to her desk and pulled out some paper and began her work. Jessie really was deep in thought for he was close to figuring out his friends location, but he could not pinpoint it exactly and that's what frustrated him most of all.

"Hey Jessie, did you hear me," Twilight called to him jolting him out of his thoughts.

"What, oh, sorry I didn't hear you there I was just thinking."

"Yeah I could see that, what were you thinking about," Twilight was truly puzzled on why Jessie insisted on being so quiet? its not that she didn't like it, in fact she found it quite soothing but she was curious as to what he was thinking about. Jessie knew that she would have probably ask the question again and he couldn't let her know yet about the elephant in the room so to speak, so he quickly diverted the topic.

"Its nothing, I'm just pondering something, anyway what are you doing today."

"I've got a lot of stuff I have to do. First need to get my dress picked up from Rarity since she said she was done putting what I wanted on it, after that I need to go to Aloe and lotuses spa to schedule an appointment next week, then I need to go to the market place to get some groceries, and finally I need to get back just in time to get a package that I've been expecting from the Pony Express for a month now." Twilight did not look forward to her day.

"Well maybe I could help you out, since todays my day off I could go get those groceries and schedule your appointment at the spa, then all you would have to do is get your dress, leaving you with plenty of time to get back and wait for the package."

"That would really help me out but are you sure, you don't have to do that," Twilight said with a hint of a blush.

"Nah, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest in fact, I'll go do that right now and you can go get your dress." Twilight handed him the bits need to for the groceries, she also tried offering some bit as a reward but he declined, and he went out to complete the errands. Twilight headed out of the library and began her walk to Carousel Boutique. The walk was a short one since she took a short cut between two buildings half way there. Once she got to the store she rang the bell and stood there waiting.

"Just a minute darling, I will be right with you," Rarity said in a sing song tone. The door opened a minute later with Rarity standing there. "Well hello Twilight, I assume your here to pick up your dress."

"Hello Rarity, yes I am actually, thank for adding the extra piece."

"It was nothing, after all I'm always ready to help a friend dear. Just wait here a minute and I will go get your order." She headed into the backroom for a second and came back out with Twilights gala dress and on it the new feature. It was a sapphire bow going around the waist with little stars twinkling in the material.

"Wow Rarity its beautiful, thanks," Twilight went up to Rarity and gave her a hug which she returned warmly.

"Like I said, it was nothing dear. Its always nice to help somepony out, anyway what's got you so excited all of a sudden."

"Well Jessie's been real helpful around the library lately, real dependable. He gets me discounts on books when ever I order a new shipment of them through the bookstore he works at, not to mention he volunteered to help me with errands today and he wouldn't take payment for it either. he is really sweet and kind, just like Fluttershy."

"Well darling have you thought that maybe he's just trying to pay you back for letting him stay in your house, plus I get the feeling he's keeping something secret, something he doesn't want us to know."

"I don't know, I guess he could be. He did seem to be in deep thought this morning, more than he usually is, plus When I asked him what he was thinking about he completely dodged the question and moved in onto something else. Maybe he is hiding something, but there nothing we can really do about it, I mean it could be something personal that he might not want to talk about. We will just have to wait and see if he will be willing to tell us, so until then lets just leave it alone."

"Alright Twilight, what errand did you send him on anyway," Rarity said while working on a new dress.

"I sent him to get some groceries and to set up an appointment for me at Aloe and lotuses spa, I should be getting back though, I have a package to wait for." Twilight wave goodbye and went out the door and back to the library. On her way however she was ran over by three small blurs. Twilight recognized all to well the famed Cutie Mark Crusaders symbol right before being Knocked over and into a tumble roll with the three fillies.

"Oh, sorry Twilight, we didn't mean to do that, we were just in a hurry," Applebloom said apologetically.

"Its alright Applebloom just be more careful next time. Where are you three headed to anyway, and where's Babs Seed I thought she was here for the rest of the week."

"Well we were going to go try getting our Cutie Marks in construction today then after that Babs-" Scootaloo landed on Applebloom and interrupted her.

"Then Babs is going to come with us to try and get our Cutie Mark in ghost hunting, until then she said she wanted to try some the sweets they got at Sugar Cube Corner, we were going to meet up later," Scootaloo then grabbed Sweetie Belle And Applebloom and ran.

"Well that was odd, well back to the library," and continued on she went, unaware of the fact that The crusaders were in the bushes ten feet away from where she was previously standing.

"Why did you stop me from telling her about what Babs wanted to show us," Applebloom said quizzically.

"Because what she wants to show us is right next to the secondary entrance of the Everfree Forest you know the one near that odd lake."

"Well yeah we know that, but why cant Twilight know that," Sweetie Belle stated questioningly.

"Because she might say its too dangerous and try to stop us, beside what if its treasure, we could get our Cutie Marks in treasure hunting. that would be epic, finding treasure and becoming rich, I can already see the gold now."

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TREASURE HUNTERS-" and off the fillies went to go about their day.

Jessie was busy walking through the market district, looking through the many stalls that were there, in hopes of finding what the list says he needs to buy. It takes him a little bit but he eventually figures out where most of the carts are without much effort. Unfortunately a couple of the carts were kind of difficult to find, and one in particular was moving periodically which made it difficult to get the last item. After a little bit of looking he eventually found the annoying moving stall and got what he wanted.

"Now that that's completed I need to get over to the spa," this task took him half an hour to do since the spa was near Fluttershys cottage. Once he got there he talked to the receptionist and scheduled Twilights appointment. With that done he was about to head out when he ran into Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

"Hello Jessie, what are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking that is," Fluttershy said with her usual soft tone.

"Oh, well I was just setting up an appointment for Twilight, I pretty much offered to Run some of her errands cause she was busy."

"Wow that is so nice of you, but you should join me and Fluttershy since we were about to get treatment done," Pinkie said while jumping up and down.

"Oh, no I cant unfortunately, I need to get this stuff back Twilight but maybe next time." Jessie head for the door but was pulled back and pushed into the spa room, surprisingly by both the girls.

"No you are going to relax, you must be tired after having to run all over Ponyville to get these errands completed, stay and join us it will be fun if you want to have fun that is," Fluttershy said with a meek determined look. Jessie saw no point in arguing with her in fact he actually wanted to go to the spa, but he wanted to get his task done first. After their continued asking he gave up and decided to join them. He went through a round while talking to the girls, explaining the different types and aspects of music.

"I think Rock is pretty good although, it really has more interest to me than most of the others although rap is pretty good too."

"I think those sound really funny bu-", Pinkies tail started to twitch, "Uh-oh, my tails a twitcha twitching, something's going to fall," and Pinkie promptly put on her rain hat. Not but a few seconds after, the door to the spa opens.

"Usual delivery load of incense for Ms. Aloe and-", right then a bucket of water fell of the door onto the guy and made the floor slippery causing the him to slip and fall over.

"See told ya," Pinkie then went over to help the mail pony up

"Anyway, I think those types of music may be great for somepony like Rainbow Dash but don't think I could listen to that, it sound to loud and frightening," Fluttershy said while shaking slightly.

"I can see that, well there's many genres of music on my planet that are interesting and some are quite relaxing. I'm sure there's a type of music that would fit you perfectly, we will have to try to figure that out at some other time. Right now I have to get this stuff back to Twilights," after they exchange goodbyes he set off on a route back to the library.


Sometimes you ask yourself what is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, well for Jessie this was certainly in the top five. Sunsets on earth were good but in Equestria your compelled to enjoy its warm rays of color and just bask in its sun, Jessie was really enjoying his walk back to the library . It was peaceful for him, listening to the winds as he walked by. However there's always been something that could disturb even a peaceful day like this, and that is a child, which there were three of right now currently running towards Jessie at alarming speeds for a filly, and not slowing down either. He soon recognized them to be the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the inevitable crash was imminent. The three fillies ran right into him at somehow a surprisingly slow velocity for the how fast they were going and hit him with little force. They went tumbling over and landed in a pile. Everypony started picking themselves up and dusting off. "What are you three running so fast for?" The three fillies jumped up immediately and started pushing him.

"YOU GOT TO HELP QUICK, BABS IS DROWNING," the three fillies said scared out of their minds. Jessie started running as fast as he could with the fillies barely keeping up. once they got over the hill and were on the other side, they could see the lake up ahead and Babs near the middle of it barely treading water. Jessie ran up to the lake and not wasting a minute jumping in as he began to swim over to the drowning filly. Jessie swam as fast as he could was almost there when she started to sink. he dived under the water swam down, grabbed her in his arms and back up in what would probably have been a new swimming speed record. once they got to shore Babs crawled up and started coughing up water.

"What happened, why didn't you guys jump in and get her, instead of getting me to do it, the three of you could have easily done that," Jessie said breathing heavily.

"Weeell, me and Applebloom cant swim that well and Scootaloo can't swim just like Babs can't," the three fillies stated with sad expressions. Babs seed got up and turned around and ran over to her friends giving them a hug, after that she ran up to Jessie giving him a hug too.

"Thanks for getting help gals and thank you for saving me Jessie, I was really scared," she said in her Manehatten accent.

"Your welcome, but just what exactly were you doing in the water in the first place if you cant swim?"

"Well I was trying to retrieve the treasure that's floated down to the bottom of that lake by now. It was right there on the shallower area and I thought that maybe I could reach it, but when I went to grab it I slipped and it got pushed further in, at that point I was starting to drown."

"Well if its so important why not just get someone who knows how to swim to retrieve it for you."

"well since your here could you retrieve it PLEEEASE," Sweetie said while making an a adorable begging face.

"Yeah can you can you," the other three crusaders put on similar adorable begging faces. Under the combined cuteness of all four fillies Jessie's will could not fight it off, and he succumbed to the cuteness overload.

"Alright I'll get the thing for you, but I'm still telling Applejack what happened," Jessie proceeded to jump into the water and swim up to the middle of the lake and then dived. He swam down to the bottom and started searching the immediate area. He searched around for a bit and couldn't find anything at first, but as he was swimming by an indentation in the sand, he saw a flash from something shiny and swam towards it. Once he had the shiny object he raced back towards the shore, tired from all the swimming. After getting out of the water he opened his palm to show the girls what he grabbed. In his hand sat a large platinum bit that had a little patina look to it.

"Woooow its a real odd bit, I wonder how it got there," Applebloom said with a puzzled look.

"Lets go look in the library and see if we find out what exactly this is,' Babs said with urgency.

"Ok we will go see Twilight, I been trying to get back to the library for hours now," Jessie said, glad to finally be getting back to the original task he was given. The group got on the trek back to the library and not at a moment to soon because it was going to be dark in minutes. Once they arrived they went into the main room of the building and saw Twilight and Applejack looking at something. The pair saw the group come in and Applejack ran up to her sister grabbing her and giving her a bear hug.

"Where have you four been," Applejack said standing there with a stern face.

"Hold on now AJ, before you get all mad at them for being out late let me explain, I can vouch for them."

"Is that true girls, what happened," Applejack asked as she visibly started to calm down. The girls explained everything that happened not sparing any details. After the fillies finished speaking the two mares sat there processing this.

"So all this happened for one little bit which you took a huge risk to get," AJ said incredulously.

"Jessie, may I see this coin you retrieved," Twilight asked wanting to see the cause of all this. Jessie held out the coin for all to see. Twilight then searched for a book and came back with a small hard covered book. On the cover it said guide to every currencies since the beginning of Princess Celestia and Luna's rule. Twilight thought the name of the book was ridiculous, but she began flipping through the pages until she found a particular one.

"I knew I saw that coin somewhere before, this book says that coin is rare, and it says that bit is worth fifty-thousand single bits. It looks like you girls actually found some treasure, that is a major find." The Crusader jumped up and down cheering about this news.

"Alright you girls settle down now, you've had your fun, now I need to get you home."

"Jessie can you come with us, we want to give you your reward for saving Babs and getting us that treasure. That reminds me," Applebloom proceeded to turn around and look at her flank which the other three mimicked. They were a little saddened to find it still barren and void of a Cutie Mark.

"Aaaaaaaaww, well anyway are you coming Jessie," Applebloom said already over the latest failure.

"I guess, I mean I got nothing else to do so lead the way," Jessie said curious about this and so he followed them back after dropping the stuff off on the table. When the group made it to the farm the three fillies put a blindfold on him and lead him through the orchard for several minutes. When they finally came to a stop they took the blindfold off him and he took notice of his surrounding and he recognize it immediately. The club house was bigger than it looks when your standing in it.

"Jessie, you have saved the life of a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and you have also brought us great treasure. Therefore we would like to reward you with your own spot in our group and your very own Cutie Mark Crusader signature cape if you are ready to take the oath." This was an offer that he was inclined to accept seeing as how he always like watching their crazy crusader antics on the tv show, it was funny and enjoyable.

"Yes I accept this offer with great appreciation, I'm ready to take the oath," Jessie said getting excited. They recited the oath for a good thirty minutes since some how the revised version was made longer than the original.

"Jeez scoots could you make it any longer," Sweetie Belle said jokingly, Scootaloo just blew raspberries at her

"Alright, by the power vested in me as a leader of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in Ponyville, I now give you the title of Cutie Mark Crusader Knight, welcome to the club." This day couldn't have gotten any better for Jessie because it was already perfect, he had fun for the first time in a while since coming to this world. So the day ended with much adventure and excitement for the fillies and one human.