• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,079 Views, 61 Comments

A Wish That Could Be - Faithful Brony

Two worlds connected by a magic as old as the planets themselves. This mysterious force brings three strangers forth that will change Equestria forever.

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Unexpected Gift

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

(Current day and time)

The group sat around conversing amongst themselves after listening to the story Russel told. The ponies had varied reactions to the tale including the princesses. Jessie and Rob however were just glad to see him again and know that he was okay.

"What do you think of what he just said," Rainbow Dash asked Twilight in a low tone so not to be heard?

"I don't know, its difficult to determine the validity but it may be true. Princess, what do you make of him," Twilight asked Celestia quietly?

"I don't know my student, it hard to read him. Something about him however seems off, I don't quite know what it is. I feel like he's hiding things or withholding information. We will have to talk about it later, right now their are other answers that are needed at the moment. I wonder about his full intentions here," Celestia answered as she showed mistrust about what his motives were. She gazed at Russel intensely as she continued to try and read him.
She was usually able to tell another creatures intentions by a combination of reading body gestures and facial expressions. If that failed to work she would always use a mind reading spell as a back up method. This situation was different as neither had worked. Celestia couldn't see his face and his body gestures were hid well by the armor he wore. When that failed she attempted the spell but saw only a thick mental fog. A few seconds after that and she still couldn't read anything.
She guessed that he had some sort of mental block in place to keep others out of it. She made note to learn more about Russel's achievements so far to better understand his goals. On the other side of the table, Jessie was telling Russel about everything that happened while they were separated.

"Nice man, so your like an official Cutie Mark Crusader now. Way to go dude I'm proud of ya, that sounds like loads of fun. By the by, good job on becoming a teacher Rob. You both seem to have done quite well making lives of your own here. So how does it feel to be here," Russel asked them as he felt happy talking with them once again.

"Its great, their is so much of a difference here. When it comes to the pure water or the clean unpolluted air, its wonderful. Even the vegetables and fruits are better than the quality of the ones back home. I feels healthier here and I have more energy than i ever had before. I'm able to do more than I have ever done. Although I do miss home sometimes," Jessie told him as he sighed lightly.

"I concur, its great here but I still feel uneasy sometimes too. Now I'm okay with it at least, I wasn't for quite some time though. Making friend here helped a lot to let go of the longing of home," Rob added to the topic.

"Well I've got a gift for ya, just wait a few min and I will show you it. Back to answering questions guys," Russel said as he turned to the ponies. They soon faced him all wanting answers. He had much to explain to them.

"Its pretty much known now where you went, what you did, and how you got there. There are still a few details that we need you to share, like the magical artifacts," Princess Luna said wanting answers

"Yeah, what happened to the one you put on. Is it gone," Rainbow Dash asked trying to figure it out?"

"Its still connected but on a more meta physical level. It essential became my artificial magic well since its apart of me. I've become pretty decent at using magic. What else do you want to know," Russel asked politely?

"You don't have a horn to charge and direct the spells. how do you even cast them then," Twilight asked wondering how it was even possible.

"The great thing about being human is our powers come from the written and spoken word. Power resides within the very words we speak. That why humans create such powerful music and tell fascinating stories. Most basic spells I can recite in my mind and it will work. Some spells that are more powerful require me to speak out loud. Casting in front of sigils works pretty well too," he said as if it was completely normal to say. Twilight's jaw dropped, but seconds after retracted as the gears begun to turn in her head.

"If your magic well is artificial than it cant grow on its own. You weren't born magically capable. How does it increase its size then," Princess Celestia asked as she finally said something?

"All artifacts hold magic in them and I extract it using a modified spell I devised. I absorb it then the item become inert and useless. I get stronger with each one I absorb and more powerful spells become accessible. Its quite helpful actually," Russel explain as he waited for the next question.

"WHAT, how many of those artifacts have you found," Twilight asked? She was sad to see these historic items lose their abilities.

"I have personally found four not including the horn. Another two were located by a merc for hire and I managed to buy one from a traveling merchant. So eight in total," he said stated simply.

"How many of them artifact are left to wrestle up," Applejack asked wondering just a little?

"five remain but I have resources scowering for information to the locations of them. I go there and retrieve it as soon as the next one is located," he explained.

"why are you looking for more magic anyway silly," Pinkie Pie asked hopping up and down and smiling like normal?

"I cannot fully disclose at this time. Its part of a personal mission only known by me and that's all I'll say for right now. That's enough question for the moment, Jessie, Rob, can you please stand. I have something to give you in payment for your loyalty and faith as my friends" Russel said to them.

"You don"t need to repay us for that, that's what friends are for. What is it though if you don't mind me asking," Jessie was slightly interested? Russel held out his hand in a closed fist. His hand began to glow a faint green color that grew brighter by the second. After a minute the room flashed with light, then it dimmed back down just as fast. When they could see again, everyone in the room looked to see two glowing multi colored orbs of energy in his hand.
An image that switched between a horn, a wing, and a plant was inside it.

"For your what you have done this is my gift to you, the gift of a new life. I want to give you what you told me you desired the most. These spheres of energy will do one of two things for you two. If you say yes, you can pick between the symbols and it will turn you into the race of pony that corresponds with that symbol. I'm sure you can figure which one goes with which," Russel explained as he gave the orbs to Rob and Jessie. the ponies were shocked and even the princesses showed surprise to this scene of events.

"I honestly don't know what to say, accept, thank you man. How though, how did you manage to do this," Jessie asked as he gave Russel a bro hug?

"I perfected the original alchemical spell that I performed to turn myself into a Dova. These will do the same for you accept it will turn you completely into the pony race of your choice. Not halfway like it did for me. This is my gift to you for being true friends."

"What was the other thing you said it could do," Rob asked wanting to know?

"While I understand that it would be what you desire, its not the only thing you want. I know your hearts ache for home, since that is the case the orbs can also open a door back to Earth. You can go back to your old lives back home if you choose. Ponder on the offer for a little while, its a hard choice. When you feel like you are ready, choose which one you want," Russel finished as he turned to the ponies.

"How are you able to return them when we couldn't even find a way," Twilight asked perplexed by the offer he had just given?

"I found the original seam in this dimension that brought us here. Using residual energy that i collect from the opening, I was able to give it a command spell. If they ask it, it will immediately open," Russel stated answering Twilight's question.

"What about you, you could have done that for a while now. Why haven't you tried to go home yet" Applejack asked pointing out the option?

"I have already made the change and this form would cause to much trouble for everyone. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. The magic in this world is now part of every living cell inside my body. I don't know what would happen if I tried. My guess is, the trip would cause unknown ill effect towards me and I don't feel like attempting it. Plus I made the decision to stay and I have no quarrels with that.
moving on, Elements of Harmony, I have gifts for you as well. I would first like to personally thank you for taking care of my friends and helping them. You helped them despite the fact they are different and not of your world. I see the elements chose well in picking you six as their hosts. Here is my way of saying thank you," Russel said as a flash of light appeared over each of the mane six. Four loud thuds sounded out in succession.
The first to notice anything was Pinkie Pie. In front of her laid a recipe book with several images of desserts on it. Next was Rainbow Dash who saw a Daring Doo book in front of her. After her a flash appeared over Rarity and out came a special large roll of fabric. Next was Fluttershy who received a cage and inside was a small bird. Twilight was next as she received a book that looked old and had an inscription on it.
The last being Applejack, except she didn't see anything land in front of her. Instead she saw Russel with her hat in his hand. He waved his other hand over it and it came out repaired. He waved his hand over it again and it vanished only to reappeared on her head. It still felt and fit the same as it always had.

"Pinkie Pie, your gift is a recipe book of every dessert I ever had back on Earth. It even has a few smoothie and drink recipes in it as well. Rainbow Dash that Daring Doo book is her latest edition, Daring Doo and the Secret of Ambrosia. It not going to come out for another month at least, enjoy. Rarity, the fabric i gave you has many different environmental images. Maybe you'll find some inspiration for a new line of dresses or something.
Fluttershy, that bird is a young phoenix so it not fully grown. It lost its mother and I couldn't find her. It needed a good home so I felted you would take good care of it. Applejack, I knew you probably wouldn't want anything fancy or big. I decided to just repaired your hat to make it look brand new. Hope it was okay, you seemed to cherish it a lot.
It should fit just like it did before. Lastly Twilight, that book contains over three hundred spell that the horn has in its repository of knowledge. Hope the book serves you well when you need it."

"Thank you," the six ponies responded individually. They all had smiles on their faces and that was the response he was hoping for.

"As for you princesses, I would like to thank you as well for giving my friends safe harbor in your country. I know it probably wasn't easy getting it all setup and i am grateful for everything you have done. I didn't know what to give three princesses who already have everything. maybe the gifts in your rooms will help to show my sincerity. Thanks again for all you've done to help these two," Russel stated as he bowed to them. The princesses responded likewise and they all returned to their individual seats.

"First, I would like to say that I appreciate the gestures of apologies and good will. Its a nice thing and it has gone a long way towards proving your sincerity. I would also like to formally recognize the start of the treaty negotiations and resigning. Now as it is late into the night, I feel that it would be more appropriate to continue tomorrow. We all need some rested and a good healthy meal. We shall reconvene these negotiations in the morning.
Is there anything else that would like to be said before I end the session for tonight," Celestia asked. The whole room seemed to agreed since no response was given. Celestia slammed her hoof on the table like a gavel to signify the sessions end. She was still unconvinced on their strange guest and his intentions. She would have Twilight find out his intentions even if it meant tailing him. The group left the rooms and went to their individual rooms as their meals would be brought to them.
Celestia made sure she and her pupil were the last ones out of the room so they could talk in private.

"So princess, what did you want to discuss about Russel. I know Jessie and Rob didn't tell us about him but it seems he had his reasons. He did give us gifts and apologized," Twilight said as she put her new spell book on her back to carry it.

"I know something else is going on, I have held many negotiations over the years. I can tell when somepony is withholding information from me. There are thing about him he does not want us to know, that's why he gave you gifts. They were probably meant to deter you so that you would not be suspicious of him. He has an agenda and I am tasking you with following him. I sense something about him that he is keeping from everypony. We need to figure out if I'm right and if so, what he is planing," Celestia stated as she relayed her thoughts to Twilight.

"What do you want me to do," Twilight asked wondering what could she possibly do to help her teacher.

"I need you to follow him and watch what he does. If he does anything suspicious I want to know about it. You will switch with Luna in shifts so you can rest and take care of your daily activities. You start tomorrow, I pray that you are right Twilight. I do not like having to do this, especially to a guest," Celestia said as she yawned. she was incredibly tired from the looks of it.
Twilight walked her back to her room but unknown to her, Luna had begun her part after raising the moon. She turned into a shadow and was tailing right behind him. He walked all the way back to his room and closed the door as he entered. She slid right under the door and zipped to a corner of the room that was out of view. First thing he did was remove his armor and weapons. When he took off his helmet, she got a good long glance at his mutated look.
She was slightly impressed by his appearance but mostly in awe seeing the changes without his armor on. He peppered a few candles with fire as they immediately lit up. He held out his hand and light glowed in front of it. Soon it was replaced with a satchel. He reached inside and pulled out some sort of mixture in a vial. He uncorked it and chugged the whole thing before tossing it in the waste can.
It seemed to burn as he rubbed his throat softly. He went over to the middle of the room and sat down in a crisscross position. Russel then drew a sigil in front of him before slamming his hand down on it. Just as his hand hit it a magical shield rose up and encompassed him. He went into a meditative state and started to breath slower. Luna felt it was going to be a long boring night having to watch him.