• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,079 Views, 61 Comments

A Wish That Could Be - Faithful Brony

Two worlds connected by a magic as old as the planets themselves. This mysterious force brings three strangers forth that will change Equestria forever.

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Change Begins at Home

"It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects."

Nikola Tesla

Russel tended to his wounds as he paced back in forth in his home. Each wound was burning as he used a healing spell to fix the gashes and cuts on his body. His body ached with pain as the bruises would attest to when they fully formed but something else was present. Tension was thick in the atmosphere of his den. It was so thick that you could almost cut it with a knife. He was in an intense conversation with the literal voice in his head, and it was disagreeing with everything he was saying.

"I like this place, it is beautiful in so many way. This world has great potential but it needs help. If your in my mind than you have seen what my race has done to its own. I want to make sure this one doesn't end up the same. With the knowledge i gained on earth they have a chance to be different. The inhabitants here can be the best of themselves and the best of humanity without the bad of either.
I wasn't powerful enough to change my world, but maybe I can here. Do you think I should not," Russel asked in a questioning tone?

"Its not just that though is it, like you said I'm in your brain. I know what motivates your plan and I know your not doing this all just for them. What you're going to do is both reckless and dangerous; you could die. More importantly, what would your friends in Equestria say to you if they knew what you're about to do? You have much skill I'll give you that, but you also have been incredible lucky so far. Your race has barely any magical potential and what you intend to do, it's stupid and a detriment to your life .
I will help you since i cant stop you, but i strongly advise against your current course of actions, the horn said warning Russel of the dangers. Just as Russel was about to make a retort he heard movement coming from outside his den. Seconds later Rakharr and Saheir came in through the entrance and stood ready to receive instructions.

"So what is it you need the two of us for Shojima," Saheir asked trying to discern the mission quickly?

"I need you to head to the location I have marked on this map for you. Once you arrive there, be friendly and quick with your stay. At the village center there is a temple; go into the temple and speak to the Zebra Chief there. He goes by the name of Chief Ronktif. You must remember the "Chief" part as a show of respect. Ask him if he would be so kind as to let me borrow the assistance of his Shaman Arishazi.
Tell him I'll owe him a favor for it. Now make haste, every second counts," Russel said as he finished the instructions and sent Saheir off to retrieve his guest.

"And what would you have me do," Rakharr inquiring of his own mission?

"I need you to go to Equestria and retrieve another shaman by the name of Zecora. She lives in a place known as the Everfree Forest near a town called Ponyville. Here are the coordinates, fly fast cause there is a lot of land and sea to cover."

"I know the place, I have a cousin who pasted by there on the annual dragon migration they do every year. It shouldn't take too long maybe a few days at most. I'll be back soon enough," Rakharr said before taking off as quickly as possible towards his destination. As soon as he left Russel quickly made his retort.

"Look, do you think I'm not aware of the risks. I know little about what I'm going to attempt and you creating more doubts is not helping. this is why I'm sending for the only two shamans I know, to make my one shot at this successful. I know the danger but someone once said something very true. Sometimes we have to pay a heavy price for the knowledge we seek. I will never know unless I try now will I," Russel finished then went about his business?
The horn doubted that any of it would even be possible. However he had been lucky so far, maybe his luck would hold out in the end. Over the course of the next few days they worked together to set up a few alchemical tables. On top of the table were many vials, beaker, pestal and mortars, several chemical mixing stations, and a whole lot of various herbs and plants they could use experiment. He also requested of another dragon to retrieve him some enchanting gems. The very gems now sat at the other end of the table next to the herbs.
These items however were just the beginning of the process. They were still going to have to find out the right set and sequence of ingredients needed to perform the process correctly. There was undoubtedly going to be many failed attempts before they find the right one. it could take weeks, months, maybe even a year but Russel was determined to see it done. with the set up complete, all he needed was the shamans he requested; which should be arriving any minute Russel imagined. he went out to inspect whether or not his new colleagues had made it back yet when he found Saheir in the tunnel district with Arishazi in tow.
Russel went over to greet her with a bow and she did the same.

"It is good to see you again, I foresaw us meeting a second time way back when. I will say this though, I did not expect it to be like this though. what is it you need me for, I am anxious to learn more," Arishazi asked eager to find out why she was there? He simply grabbed her hoof and led her back to his den where she got quickly orientated with all the tools at her disposal. Rakharr showed up not to soon after with who Russel recognized to be Zecora. She however was not surprised to see him again for some reason.

"Fate has chanced for us to meet again. You forgot to tell me, what is you name human," Zecora asked as she smiled at him?

"My name is Shojima, and i would like to formally apologize. I am sorry for literally running into you like that. I didn't see you coming and I didn't have time to stop and chat, I had a time table. That was rude of me to do. I hope that you can forgive me for my transgression," Russel asked with respect as he bowed?

"Your apology is accepted though truth be told I was elated. I am more than happy to give you my help; but what do you need me for... well," Zecora inquired ready to get started? Russel was stunned that she was willing to give her expertise over for his venture. He quickly introduced her to Arishazi who was more than happy to work with another shaman. He then sat down with them and explain his plan over as best he could. The entire time he was explaining, he was also watching their faces for the reactions they would give.
It was a mix of apprehension, silent nodding and questioning looks. When Russel finished they looked at each other and back at him with hesitation.

"The plan you have laid out is skeptical to test. We don't know if it can be done but we will do our best. The problem is in your biology, it is not comparable to anything we can see. You would have to take on some form native to this realm. Something that can handle the immense magical intake well," Arishazi explained telling him the requirement of his personal endeavor.

"Well there are many which can wield magic but we need one that resembles the human body as closely as possible. Which one would best fit that requirement," Russel asked since it would be the first problem?

"A dragon form would do well. Their body structure closely matches from what I can tell. Their organs not so much as they have ones i can tell that you do not. I think we could find a way around this, but I would need a sample we can look at to test this. How we go about that I do not know," Zecora chimed in with a solution to the enigma. Russel pondered on it for a second then turned to the perfect living pair of specimen not but ten feet away.

"Saheir, Rakharr, I'm going to need your help with one more thing," Russel asked as he picked up a couple beakers and walked over to them?

"What else do you need Shojima," Saheir inquired wondering what they could possibly do to help further?

"I need this beaker filled with your blood because it is the key to completing this experiment. It is needed to design a potion that will help me to achieve my new form for the future i imagine. However the blood must be freely given from a willing participant so i need your decisions. If you say yes than i will need you two to fill up these beakers. If you say no I'll respect it and begin looking for volunteers of which i could use your help with. So what will it be," Russel asked after he finished explaining the guidelines of each answer?
Saheir and Rakharr looked at each other for a minute and then nodded to each other. They turned to Russel and grabbed the beakers from Russel.

"How much do you need from each of us," Rakharr asked as he extended his claw and put it to his forearm?

"Thank you, Fill it to the one pint mark and that should be a sufficient amount," Russel instructed the two. The two cut their arms then leaned them over the beaker as the blood dripped into them. After a few minutes they filled them up to the required measurement line and passed them to him. Russel put his hand over their cuts and healed them instantly. He then took the beakers over to the alchemist tables and set them down. He took out a compound microscope and set it down before pulling out a knife.
He proceeded to place a drop of his blood between two glass plates then slid it under the microscope. Russel then took one of the filled beakers and placed one more drop of blood between two plates. He motioned for the two shamans to take a look and compare the cells since he already knew what human blood cells looked like. Zecora was the first to look and as soon as she did she was immediately surprised by it. She then let Arishazi take a look and she too was surprised.

"Your an interesting creature to be sure. Tell me, has your blood always been that way before," Zecora questions as she pushed him urging to look at it himself? When he did he could not believe what he saw. The cells didn't look like the normal red colored disks which human blood cells resembled. Instead it looked more domed shape with a radiation like glow to it. Russel quickly switched it out with the dragon sample and it was astounding.
Their blood cells had a ball like shape with little tendrils on each one. The most interesting part however was that they had the same radiation like glow.

"How the hell did that happen, that's not what its suppose to look like. What the heck is going on," Russel yelled out loud shocked by the recent images!

"If it's not normal for it to look like that or glow, than we got to figure out what made it so. Is their anything that you have consumed that would make it change so soon," the two shamans harmonized their question?

"It must have been when i took in that magical artifact. When the artifact merged with my body it must have bonded to my cells so that I could access its powers. That explains why it looks like radiation, Its got to be magic or something that's giving off that glow. Its probably infused into every cell in my body by now. Since everything else on this planet has some sort of magic capabilities than that explains why they both have the same glow. that's not something I expected to see though," Russel said as he was still confused but relieved that it was at least explainable.

"We need to start by figuring out how to make them compatible. We got a lot of equipment and herbs here, lets see what your blood can handle. lets get started now," Arishazi said as she grabbed some material and some herbs. She went to work immediately trying to figure it out. Zecora and Russel followed suit as they got started on mixing different concoction together. They knew it would take quite some time to solve the mystery but they were determined to find success in the long endeavor that was before them.

Author's Note:

i will now posting every week so look forward to more chapters produced in the near future.