• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,079 Views, 61 Comments

A Wish That Could Be - Faithful Brony

Two worlds connected by a magic as old as the planets themselves. This mysterious force brings three strangers forth that will change Equestria forever.

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An Unexpected Surprise

"For the man sound in body and serene in mind there is no such thing as bad weather, every day has its beauty and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously."

-George Gissing

(a year later, in the land of the dragon nation, Vovin.)

Lava and smoke spilled out from many of the tiny volcano tubes that littered the mountain city of Volcana. The lava provided most of the light within the city. In the hall of the elders walked one of its residents, this one was called Shojima. He had recently received a notice from one of his brethren that the elders wish to speak with him. It was said to be a matter of great importance. Heading down the hall he came to the council chamber doors.
These doors were made of obsidian with many ancient hieroglyphs on the wall in the dragon language. He had seen these doors many times since he had become the apprentice of one of the elders known as Rockjaw. Shojima simply referred to him as master or teacher. He pulled the doors open and entered the chambers. He proceeded to the middle of the room and got down on one knee.

"Elders, you summoned me, what do you command," Shojima asked with the utmost respect for his leaders. The room lit up a little, enough to see the three great dragons that stood before him. The first was eighty feet tall with azure green scales and purple eyes, her name was Naga. The second was one hundred feet tall with crimson red scales and yellow eyes, his name was Linwiloke. The last one was ninety feet tall with black and grey scales, and blue eyes, his name was Rockjaw. The three elders stared directly at the one kneeling before them and then Rockjaw stepped forward, shaking the ground slightly.

"My apprentice, I want you to come with me to Equestria while I meet with Celestia to renew the peace treaty we hold with her.," Rockjaw said as his voice resonated throughout the room.

"I understand master, I will prepare for departure," Shojima then stood up and bowed to the elders before leaving. When he got back to his room he pulled out two swords from his weapons locker that were completely identical. They both were made of star metal, an ore that dragons used to make their weapons and armor with. It was ten time stronger than pony steel and three times the weight. Each one was adorned with an obsidian hilt and a small amethyst in the pommel. He dawned the two swords then grabbed a necklace from a box.
Once he was finished packing his things he went out to the entrance of the mountain where the elder was patiently waiting. After he joined with the elder, they took off in a long flight towards Equestria.

"My student, is there something on your mind, you seem distracted," the Elder dragon asked with a low rumble?

"There is some personal business that I have in Equestria. I have ask though, why it is that you need me with you to deal with this," Shojima asked while holding in large amount of air he didn't know he was holding.

"I'm sure you will figure out whatever it is you need to do. I'm bringing you because you need to learn how to negotiate with her. You are being groomed to become an Elder someday," the Elder said to his student sincerely. The rest of the flight was spent in silence flying as high as possible so to get there on schedule.


It was a warm fall morning in the land of Equestria, especially in the castle town of Canterlot. Celestia had raised the sun like she normally did, before she decided to go lay back down. she was feeling like she wanted to sleep in a little longer. She had recently been feeling more tired than normal, and she had every right to be. This year the Grand Galloping Gala was going to be two days after Nightmare Night. The day was going to be long.
The biggest thing was the fact that during the next few weeks, she was going to play host to an elder dragon. This was going to be problem because most ponies in Equestria today have not seen such a sight. The whole thing was announced to the country but it didn't make anything easier for the ponies. Her subjects do not like them and are easily scared of dragons. She decided to take every precaution possible for Rockjaw arrival. Celestia had a big room made in the lower parts of the castle near the Crystal Cave.
It was specifically for him to sleep in during his stay. As Celestia walked the halls, she could see the decorations being hung up for the Gala. The staff ponies asked many questions about the decorations, food, and other things. Many things still needed finalization to be ready for the event. When she went around the corner and into the kitchen a nice sweet aroma hit her. She recognized it immediately as Chef Pierre cooking.

"Good morning Chef Pierre, what are you cooking up this time," Celestia said wondering what smelled so good. Her personal chef was one of the finest cooks in the Griffin Empire and he's the only one that could please Celestia with his refined taste for sweets.

"I have no doubt that these sweets will be simply amazing. It is of course going to be the main desert options for the Gala. This has to be my finest craftsmanship with vanilla in quite a while," Pierre explained.

"Can you bring up that big bottle I had made and stored in the freezer, i'll also need the special sweets I had you make for our guest," Celestia asked with a smile.

"Oohh, yes the dragon, I'll have that brought up right away. This should be interesting having a dragon as my client for this week," Pierre cracked his claws and got to work cooking many other things. Exiting the kitchen, Celestia didn't get more than five feet before another pony approached her.

"Princess Celestia, I have the latest updates on the guest list for the Gala and also I was wondering if you wanted me to notify the guards to go pick up Twilight Sparkle and her friends" the pony ask.

"Yes please, and tell them to take all the time they need," the catering pony ran off to go tell the guards, this gave Celestia a moment catch her breath and sigh. I've been doing this for a couple hundred years now and I still never get use to how much goes into prepping for this event," Celestia said to no one in particular. She continued her walk and it led her to the garden.
There were many animals wandering around the area and some would even approach her and start to play. Many ponies didn't know it but Celestia herself had a love for animals. She would play with them when the time was available for her to. Philomena her pet, flew in and sat next to her nudging her side. Celestia began petting her lightly. "I wonder how well things are going to go these next few weeks Philomena, it is going to be a little difficult keeping the nobles in check since the elder is coming.
They always make everything difficult, saying their stupid comments and don't get me started on the hell Blueblood is going to give me throughout the entire time he is here." Philomena made a few encouraging gestures and then gave her a hug.

"It seems Philomena has the right idea." Celestia turned to see her sister, Princess Luna standing a few feet away.


"You can't let the nobles bother you. They will continue to complain and that's all they will ever do why'll the elder is here, Luna said as she walked over to Celestia. Blueblood especially will always make trouble because that's who he is. I recommend that you tell the guard to keep him out except on the day of the Gala," Luna suggested giving her sister a hug as well.

"Alright, I will, but why are you really out here. Your face betrays you," Celestia asked curiously?

"Well, I recently became aware that Elder Rockjaw will not be coming alone. He is bringing his apprentice," Luna said admittedly.

"Why did he not send a letter, more importantly when did he get an apprentice," Celestia asked with shock on her face?

"I don't know, I would like to know as well," Luna said with as much surprise as her sister had.

"This is definitely shocking, he hasn't had an apprentice since we took over as Equestria's monarchs. I will send a message to Twilight and the girls to let them know about this. i will need you to help me get the rest of the Gala ready," she asked Luna in a hurry? Celestia gave her a bear hug that would rival pinkies before leaving. thank you sister for what you said, you keep me strong, more than you realize, the elder princess thought as she ran off to do what she needed to.

"She is too stressed out, we really need to find a way to get her away from all of this for a while. Maybe someday soon, we can get her to go on vacation. Why is it the Elders kept this information from us until now? I wonder who it could be, Luna asked to no one in particular? Philomena, can you help me with something? The phoenix looked to her and nodded flapping her wings ready to take off.
I knew I could count on you Mena. I need you to intercept the dragons and lead them to Canterlot," Luna instructed. Philomena immediately took off with a roaring blaze from her wings which propelled her faster towards her destination. Luna got up and walked into the castle to continue what her sister had been doing.


The company of two dragons and a blazing phoenix were flying along the ocean surface with the sun lowering down to the horizon indicating that the day would soon end.

"We will be arriving soon," Elder Rockjaw said interrupting the silence, and from what he could tell, Shojima's train of thought. the elder was right as the city of topic came into view. To say that Canterlot was a interesting sight would have been an understatement. it was simply breathtaking the way the evening sun light hit the city and illuminated every aspect of its buildings and walkways.

"You know, in all my times of coming to Equestria I have never actually been to its capital. I usually tend to stay away from it. Now I see that it was worth the wait. It truly is a spectacle to see up close," Shojima said looking at every detail of the city as they got closer. Philomena turned left slightly and headed directly for another part of the castle leaving the dragons to find their own landing area. As they flew over the city, ponies looked up at them just staring as if they were waiting for something to happen.
After nothing happened, the ponies went back to their usual business. The dragons descended into the courtyard of the castle. Six pony guards and one that looked more decorative stood their waiting for them. After landing, the decorative one approached them with walk that said military.

"My name is Captain Shining Armor, I official bid you welcome to Canterlot. If would follow me to the great hall, the Princesses are waiting for your arrival. this way, Shining said as he led the way to the throne room

"Master, I will meet up with you in the great hall in a little bit. I got to go check on our accommodation and unpack," Shojima said before bowing to his teacher and giving the unicorn stallion a nod. Leaving the group, the pony and dragon continued on into the castle. The inside was made of polished marble and gold with decorative glass windows lining the halls. Each one of the windows depicted different events and stories told about all over Equestria. They started with the Princesses battle with Discord all the way to the reinstatement of the Elements of harmony.
The elder noticed a window with six ponies and a small dragon holding a crystal heart on it. He wondered why it was there.

"Captain, what can you tell me about this story right here," Rockjaw asked, pointing to the ornate window.

"That one actually happened somewhat recently, my sister and her friends defeated the tyrannical unicorn overlord known as King Sombra. They restored peace to the inhabitants of the Crystal Empire. An achievement of which my brother Spike played an important part," Shining Armor said as they came around a corner. They soon saw the giant doors to the great hall. Adorned on it were the goddesses of the sun and moon standing on their hind legs creating an arch. The guards at the door saluted to the Captain and he did the same.
The two guards stepped aside and opened the door letting them through. The great hall was huge with a relatively long table in the center. Sitting at the other end of it was the two Princesses he knew for hundreds of years, another princess he did not recognize, six ponies with a baby dragon, and two other creatures he recognize immediately beside them. They all stood there staring at the massive dragon before them.

"Greetings Elder Rockjaw, we are delighted to see you again, its been a long time," Celestia said with grace.

"Yes Princesses, it has been to long, however I do not recognize the third. Who are all your friends here, Rockjaw said as his voice faintly rumbled throughout the room.

"This is our niece, Princess Cadence and these six are the Elements of Harmony," Celestia said queuing them for introduction.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, I'm Celestia's personal student and the Element of Magic," the purple one said with courtesy.

"My name is Rarity Belle, I'm a renown designer and the Element of Generosity," the white one said very professionally.

"My name is Applejack, I own Sweet Apple Acres and I'm the Element of Honesty," the orange pony said tipping her hat to him. A cyan blue ponies started hovering in the air.

"The names Rainbow Dash, and I'm the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, oh and I'm the Element of Loyalty," the Pegasus said with vigor. A pink pony immediately got his attention.

"Hi, my name is Pinkie Pie and I'm the Element of Laughter. I like making ponies smile, oh, maybe I can throw you a party later and then you will smile too. Then we can be the best of friends having so much-" Applejack immediately stuffed a hoof in the party ponies mouth.

"All right now, simmer down ya hear. I'm sorry, she can be a bit energetic at times," Applejack said apologizing. She got quite a different response however.

"Hahahahahaha, its okay little pony, I do not mind. In fact its quite refreshing, to see one so young and full of life," the elder said with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Jessie. I'm a Human and I come from a place called Earth," the shorter one of the two said as he took a step forward. The other one followed suit.

"Hello, my name is Rob and its the same thing for me as well," he said politely." The baby dragon waved, getting Elder Rockjaws attention.

"My name is Spike and I'm Twilight younger brother," the little dragon stated proudly. The yellow Pegasus was the last one to approach, hiding behind her long pink mane.

"Hhh-hello, mmm-my name is fff-Fluttershy, I'm th-the Element of Kindness," she said shyly.

"Its nice to meet you all, I see you are the ponies from the window pane back there. I would very much love to hear about that story," Rockjaw said with interest.

"I will tell you all about it later. Right now I want to meet this apprentice of yours, where is he," Celestia asked with the same interest?

"He is currently checking out our accommodation. He likes to know his surrounding and he is constantly working. This is actually the reason I brought him with me. He will one day succeed me as Elder, so I thought it best that he meet his allies," the elder dragon explained.

"Sounds like an egghead to me. I'm sure he and Twilight will become the best of friends," Rainbow Dash said making a joke. Twilight responded by throwing a book at her missing just barely.

"Actually no, he is quite the adventurer. He doesn't spend a lot of time in the library, and when he is its just to learn about his next quest. he also goes to learn new spells to cast. he has become quite the spellcaster.".

"Wow, I didn't know dragons could use magic," Twilight shouted now super excited.

"Oh we do, its just not pony magic. Its dragon magic, the way of the voice. Now he does know quite a few pony spells too but it's mostly battle magic and defensive spells. He has taken quite an interest in that area and has become adept at using them." The elder dragon turned his head slightly as the room got somewhat dim. "Here he comes now," Rockjaw said promptly.
The doors to the great hall opened and even the hallways outside the throne room were dim. A huge black mist came swirling in through the door settling at the entrance. It began moving forward as if someone was walking. Slowly a form started to appear in the shadow before condensing into a solid mass and taking shape. Now standing at the other end with the elder was a nine feet tall odd looking dragon with very well made armor. It was a full body samurai suit with a hooded helmet completing it.
The armor had decorative looking gemstones on it. Some sapphires and amethyst but mostly gems with a decent sized gem on the chest plate. Even the mask looked intricately done. He however from the start was different in so many way compared to his master. The only reason you could tell he was a dragon was by the spikes and talons that he supported.
"everypony, I would like to introduce you to Shojima," Rockjaw said pointing his huge hand towards his student.

"Thank you master, I think I can finish it from here. Greeting to you all, its nice to finally meet you. Shojima turned towards the two humans. Before they could introduce themselves however, he was standing right behind them. Its nice to see you guys again, its been to long," he said before patting them on their shoulders then disappearing again and reappearing back by his master.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I met you before," the two humans said in unison.

"Oh, silly me, I forgot that you probably wouldn't recognize me in my new form. Well, I think its about time that I reclaimed my true name. master, ponies humans, and little dragon, please allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Russel."