• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,079 Views, 61 Comments

A Wish That Could Be - Faithful Brony

Two worlds connected by a magic as old as the planets themselves. This mysterious force brings three strangers forth that will change Equestria forever.

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A Learning Expierence

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

The sun was shining through the window with a golden glow bringing a comforting heat with it. Twilight stirred in her sleep, pulling the covers over her face. Somehow the sun intensified its light. She thought to herself about how Celestia might purposely be making it shine brighter just so she would get out of bed. She finally decided to get up and go into the bathroom and started drawing a bath. She looked in the mirror for a brief minute while the water was filling up to give a once over.
She had bed head that was sticking hair out everywhere and baggy eyelids that she knew were from the many times she stayed up late. Twilight turned the water off and got into the tub allowing the nice hot relaxing water to melt all those sore muscles away.

Jesse got out of bed after being rudely awakened from a nice dream by the suns bright rays. He thought to himself about how he could just shut the blinds and pull the covers over his face. He decided against that however since his stomach growled indicating that he needed to be fed. He headed down the stairs and into the kitchen where he smelled something great cooking. He investigated it further to find Spike in there making eggs and pancakes.

‘Hey Spike what’s up, that smells good what is that” Jesse walked in and sat down while talking to Spike.

“Thanks, Jessie, I put a lot of work into my cooking. Twilight has given me a lot so I’m just returning the favor. So do you want some?” as if on cue Jessie's stomach rumbled loudly. “I will take that as a yes then,” Spike laughed as he serves some up and handed it to Jessie. he grabbed it and took a bite and to his satisfaction, it tasted really good.

“Wow Spike that’s pretty damn good, have you considered getting a job as a chef.” Spike blushed a little from the praise.

“Well I’ve thought about it but I'm not sure yet. I have other plans right now though”

“What might they be,?” Spike was hesitant at first but walked over to Jesse and started to whisper.

“Jesse since you’re a guy, Can I talk to you about something." Jessie noticed Spikes awkwardness and turned to look at him

“Why, can’t you tell Twilight," Jessie questioned him?

“This is something that she wouldn't know how to help me with.” There was a long silence held before it was broken again.

“Ok Spike I’m listening, what’s up”

Spike didn’t speak at first, looking around to make sure no one was listening, he turned back to Jesse.

“I’m in love with Rarity,” Jesse already knew this but acted surprised anyway.

“Well Spike, Even though she is your big sister/mother in a way, I understand why you feel like you need to talk to a guy about this dilemma. That is understandable, however, she's not clueless. I think she has real advice to give you but that's your choice ultimately," Jessie said as he gave him something to think about it”

“but do you think you can help me win her heart, I love her and I want to show her that," Spike spoke genuinely?

“Oh I can definitely help, but I think that having two to help will give you a greater perspective. I’m going to get Rob and together we’ll come up with a plan that I’m sure will win you Rarity's affection.”

“Ok, here comes Twilight,” Spike darted back to the stove and started serving up the other two plates, acting like nothing happened.

“Good morning Spike, good morning Jesse. what’s for breakfast spike?”

“Good morning Twilight, I made pancakes and eggs with hay toast,” Spike said while setting the plates on the table.”

Twilight took a seat at the table right next to Spike and started to eat her breakfast.

“Wow Spike, this is good, you really have outdone yourself.”

“That’s exactly what I said.” Spike just sat there blushing a little darker shade of red than an apple.”

“Jessie, after we're done with breakfast, I wanted to ask you more about your world and humans.”

“Okay Twilight, I don’t really have anything to do right now.” They finished up breakfast then went into Twilights study so she could write down more research on the humans and Earth. They recapped on the info she already had, starting with his solar system, how many planets, Earth’s population, how many countries, the different governmental types, all different types of technology earth possess, what they do for fun, and many other subjects.

“Now that we are done with that, on to the questions. She asked Jesse about the food requirement for humans. The different types of religions and people. She inquired about how relations are between different countries. she even asked about the wars there had been in human history. She asked about many subjects till late into the afternoon.

“Wow, Twilight you sure do have an ich to know things. I hope we don’t have too many of these sessions. It could become quite a hassle,” Jessie asked which prompted Spike to jumped in at this point.

“Yeah Twilight, you keep this up and you might make him go comatose with all those questions. Then he won’t be able to answer any of them,” Twilight scoffed and puffed her cheeks up at Spike comment.

“It will not Spike, I’m just curious about his world. We've never seen humans before and now is my chance to study them and ask one questions about his world. If he ever does go back, this might be my only chance to learn about them. Also, to confirm and debunk some of the things any pony scholars may have written about in their mythologies. Now to your comment Jessie, no we won’t. Just a few more of these and then we’ll be done, don’t worry too much.
We are done for the day, however, so we will continue this tomorrow. Jessie, have you thought about what type of job you want? Maybe there's something in town that interests you," Twilight asked wondering what he would do.

“Not really, I haven’t had much time to go look. what with you asking all these questions and a lot of things being on my mind. I haven’t really had the time to go and look.”

“Well the bookstore in town is hiring, maybe you can stop by there. I know the owner and he could use the help considering he just received a large order of new books from Manehatten. he could need help organizing them.”

“I guess I could go check that out, but first I got some things I need to do. I will get that done later.” Jesse said as he headed out the door of the library and ran to Sweet Apple Acres. On the way there he looked at many of the buildings and shops that were in town. He saw many buildings, some with intricate designs with fancy lettering. Others had simple signs that displayed to the ponies bluntly what the shop was selling.
Jessie noticed quite a few restaurants and coffee shops and then a thought occurred to him. Once he obtained a job, he should take the girls out to say thanks for what they've done for him and Rob. He decided to slow down his walking to take in the clean, warm, fresh air of Equestria. The dull, shitty air he was used to did not even compare. "Wow, Equestria in a certain way is a lot better place to live than Earth." When he finally arrived he spotted Rob picking apples out in the orchard.

Hey Jessie"

“Hey Rob, what are you doing?”

“I’m just picking some apples for Granny Smith so she can make her apple cider for Nightmare Night this year. “Apparently she makes hard spice apples cider and its supposed to taste like cinnamon apple candy. It sounds really tasty if you ask me.”

“That's awesome, can't wait to try some. Anywho, I came here to talk to you about Spike.”

“What’s up?”

“You know how he’s in love with Rarity?”

“Of course I know that, anyone that's watched the show knows that. Why?”

“Well he asked me for help and I told him we would come up with a plan that could win him Rarity's affection.”

“I don’t know man, I would love to help but what if he gets turned down. The kid is infatuated with the mare and i think it would just crush the kid. plus you also got to factor in the possible implications if she says yes as well,” Rob stated

“Dude, come on, you know how much he loves Rarity. Plus he is kind of looking to us to help him figure this out. we would be really helping out with his self-esteem and love life.”

“Well if I am to help, we need to go over every detail, plan everything carefully and we need to pick the perfect time place and setting. Another thing we would need to do is teach him how to talk to a girl properly plus he needs to be more confident, this whole thing is going to take a while so be ready for a long time of planning and work.”

“It doesn’t matter to me just as long as we accomplish this goal of helping out Spike.”

“Alright but I got to finish picking the rest of these trees in this section so could you help me it will go much faster.”

“Yea I guess I could.” Jesse grabbed one of the buckets and started picking at another tree. “Rob, have you figured out what job you’re going to try and go for?”

“Well I don’t know, I certainly ain’t going to continue doing this though. “My talent is literature and story writing so maybe I could write a book or be a teacher maybe.”

“Well, I did hear from Fluttershy that the Mayor is directing funds to build on to the existing school. Probably has something to do with the recent increase in the population of Ponyville. New families are buying houses out here. They might need another teacher pretty soon to help out.”

“I will have to look into that, thanks for the heads up.” “What about you Jessie, what job have you picked?”

“I haven’t really picked anything yet, but Twilight did suggest I go to the bookstore and look into working there. Personally, I think she just wants discounts so she can buy more books for her library.” The two shared a laugh then Rob continued picking apples. Jessie decide to help him since he had nothing better to do. Once they were done they set all the apples in the barn and headed out to see if they could get some jobs in town. While in town the two headed back to the library to go over some ideas with Spike on winning Rarities affection. They entered the Golden Oak Library and found Spike sitting on the couch reading.

“Hey Spike, where did Twilight go?”

I sent her out on a long errand run to pick up a few things. I managed to come up with a huge list of things that we need. That should keep her busy for a little while,” Spike explained while grinning, he thought it was pretty clever.

“Okay that should give us a decent amount of time to think up a few ideas, but here’s the thing, Spike you will have to do everything we say. It is very important that you follow this plan to the letter. First We will go over each plan then pick the best one and get to work on it,” Jessie and Rob explained.

“Spike the first thing we are going to teach you is how to talk and act around ladies.” This whole thing went on for hours until finally, Twilight got home around six o’clock. “Well Jessie, it looks like we're done for the day. We will discuss this further at a later date,” Rob whispered before going over to the door and exchanging pleasantries with Twilight.

“So Jessie, did you go see about that job that I recommended,” Twilight asked after speaking with Rob?

“Yes, and unsurprisingly after mentioning that you were my reference, I was hired almost right away. Now I've finally got something to do.”

“See, told ya you would get it. How about you Spike, what did you do while I was gone.”

Spike just blushed and said “nothing.”

“Hold on a second, where are Rarity and Pinkie Pie? We should have at least seen one of them by now. Especially considering Pinkie is able to defy the laws of physics,” Rob said to Jessie.

“Yeah, I find that to be quite odd,” Jessie replied in an alerted tone prepared for anything.

“Excuse me but, how do you even know them. I haven't introduced you to the rest of my friends,” Twilight said now curious as to how they knew things she believed they couldn't.

“Well Twilight, in our world, you, this place, your friends, even Celestia are all part of a television show that is made to entertain people and teach children important life lessons.”

“That doesn’t sound likely, although you do live in a different kind of reality so I guess it could be possible. However, that does sound really strange.” Twilight sat there trying to process this new info.

“Back to the question at hand. Where’s that pink puffball of cotton candy going to pop out from?”
……….”hellotwiightnicedaywhosyournewfriendsaretheyaliensdotheyhaveaspaceshipcanirideinitohineedtothrowthemawelcometoponyivilleparty,” The party pony blabbered out incoherently as she popped out from a book on the table.

Rob turned with a shocked face and simply uttered with a scared tone “oh no.”