• Published 13th Oct 2012
  • 3,479 Views, 153 Comments

Answers - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash had given birth to an alicorn, and a quest for answers begins.

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Princess Celestia's Reply

The following morning was cold, dreary and rainy. However, it was warm and sunny high up where Flash’s house stood. This was supposed to be the day Rainbow visited Twilight to write to the Princess.

Rainbow Dash walked into the living room, only to be surprised by what she saw.

Her foal trying to read her porn magazine.

Her eyes went wide. “Hey, hooves off that!”

She quickly snatched the tablet out of the foal’s hooves. No sooner did she set the piece of adult literature on the table when she noticed that the foal’s wings were fully extended.

Rainbow chuckled. “That’s the kind of thing pornography does to ponies who read it.”

She picked the tablet back up and stared at the cover. The thick, bold letters spelling “Playpony” stared back at her.

“Why didn’t I get rid of this thing?” She asked herself.

She fanned the book open, and skimmed over some of the pictures, closely examining the ones she recognized.

While reading, Rainbow realized that her own wings began to extend outward.

She couldn’t help but to chuckle. She looked out at her unfurled wings.

“I guess that’s why.” She muttered to herself.


Soon after, Flash entered the room, yawning loudly. “Dashie? What are you doing in here?”

Flash got a better look at the scene before him. Rainbow quickly shoved the tablet behind her back.

“Uh…hi Flash!” Rainbow said awkwardly.

Flash got a clear look at Rainbow and the foal’s extended wings. Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

Rainbow looked at him, confused.

“I love my family!” He exclaimed.


Around lunchtime, Flash walked toward the kitchen to prepare lunch. There, he saw Rainbow Dash by the front door, putting on a scarf.

“Since when did you wear scarves?” He asked.

Rainbow turned to him. “It’s cold outside.”

Flash looked confused, and then surprised.

“Wait, are you leaving already? I thought you were leaving this afternoon!” He exclaimed.

“Why does it matter?” She replied.

“I was going to try a new homemade pizza recipe for lunch that I thought you would like. Just for you.” He answered.

Rainbow hesitated. Talk about bad timing.

“Do you think you could hold off on making the pizza for about half an hour?” Rainbow pleaded.

Flash sighed. “Well, I don’t know…You know how Blaze gets when he’s hungry.”

Rainbow glanced over at the scar on her shoulder from last week when the sub-sandwich delivery guy was ten minutes late. That was just a couple days before the foal was born.

“Do you think you could hold him off?” She asked.

Flash sighed again. “Fine, I’ll do my best.”

Rainbow smiled. “Thanks!”

And with that, she opened the door, and flew off.


Rainbow Dash touched down in front of the library, and shivered. The rain had stopped, but the air still contained a slight chilliness that sent shivers down her spine. She quickly knocked on the hardwood door.

A couple seconds later, Spike answered, rubbing his eye and yawning. His yawn made Rainbow Dash yawn.

“Spike? Did you just get up?” She asked.

“Twilight has no assignments today, so we’re both taking it easy. Is there something you needed?” He responded.

“Yeah, I needed to talk to Twilight.”

Spike motioned for Rainbow Dash to come inside. She acknowledged his regards, and he closed the door behind her. The warm air in the library was heaven on her fur.

Rainbow could see Twilight walking down the stairs. “Hey Rainbow! Do you need something?”

“Twilight, I need to talk to you in private.”

Spike could see where this was going, so he walked upstairs and curled up in his bed again.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“Well, that foal I had just days ago? It’s not a unicorn, it’s an alicorn.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She was absolutely shocked.

“But…an alicorn hasn’t been born for…”

“Thousands of years, I know.” Rainbow interrupted. “There also hasn’t been an alicorn born outside the Royal Family, either. We were hoping you could write a letter to Princess Celestia so we could sort out this chaos, or that your eggheadedness would know the answer.”

Twilight gave her a stern look. However, she was used to being called an egghead by Rainbow Dash. With how much Thunder Flash had changed her, that part would never change.

“Well, I guess I could. I can just use my magic, since Spike probably doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

Using said magic, Twilight made a piece of parchment float out of one of the nearby drawers, along with a quill. She walked over to the podium standing by the wall, and set the parchment up to write.

“What do you want me to say?” She asked.

“It doesn’t have to be from me. Just say that I had a foal that turned out to be an alicorn, and we’re just curious as to why.” Rainbow answered.

There were quite a few minutes where it was absolutely silent, as Twilight used her magic to write the letter. During that time, Rainbow just stood around and looked at all the books on the wall. Her eyes eventually trailed over to the set of Daring Do books on one shelf. There were no new ones.

“There, I think that should cover it. Now we just need Spike to send it.” Twilight said, rolling up the letter.

“Here, hand it to me.” Rainbow suggested, holding out her hoof.

Twilight handed the letter to Rainbow Dash. She took it, and walked upstairs with it.

“Spike…wake up. Spike…” She whispered.

Groaning, Spike grabbed the letter, and quickly blew on it, sending it up in flames and out the window to be sent to Princess Celestia.

Rainbow walked back down the stairs. “Now what?”

“Now we just have to wait for the reply. If she’s busy, it could take a couple hours. But if she’s just sitting around in her royal chambers, it should be here within minutes.” Twilight replied.

Suddenly, a belching noise was heard from upstairs, and a glow of green light illuminated the darkness.

“Here’s your reply…” Spike lazily called.

Twilight used her magic to levitate the letter down to her and Rainbow, and she opened it up.

“My Faithful Student Twilight,
It is very interesting to know that your friend Rainbow Dash has produced offspring.” She read.

Rainbow scoffed. “Everypony keeps saying that.”

Twilight just chuckled, and read on. “It has been known by all the generations of the Royal Family that alicorn offspring is produced by the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, as long as they’re paired with their soul mate. This is why me, Luna, Cadence and all the rulers preceding us have been alicorns. But now that the Elements are under your control, it is most likely that your offspring will be born an alicorn. I hope this answers your question.
-Princess Celestia”.

Rainbow thought for a moment. “So…that means you, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie can also give birth to alicorns?” She asked.

Twilight shrugged, then chuckled. “I guess so! Wow…that’s a lot to take in.”

“But I’m confused…why did I have an alicorn with Soarin, and not Flash?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, it said in the letter that you have to be paired with your soul mate. Perhaps Soarin is your soul mate, and not Flash?” She suggested.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

I apologize for the late update. I was just so deep in homework! But I’ve finished most of it, so hopefully updates won’t be too far apart. I’m also planning out another story about Rainbow getting trapped in the world of Minecraft! A story where she meets Steve, and they work together to fight off enemies and survive, and become good friends in the process. Hopefully I can also get started on that soon!