• Published 13th Oct 2012
  • 3,479 Views, 153 Comments

Answers - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash had given birth to an alicorn, and a quest for answers begins.

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“Why are you doing this? Why did you turn into Rainbow Dash to fool me?” Flash asked.

“What, you mean that rainbow-haired pegasus fool you’re so madly in love with? Just for laughs.” The changeling replied.

“Do not call Dashie a fool, you ugly, stupid parasite! I’m going to tear you to shreds!” Flash raged.

“Let’s not get crazy here. I do look just like her, after all.”

“The joke’s off! Show me your true form!”

The changeling smiled.

“If you insist…”

In a blinding flash of lime-green light, Rainbow Dash’s form was replaced by an ugly, black insect that was full of holes. Thunder Flash’s first view of a true changeling.

Flash squinted a little.

“Are you sure that’s you? I can’t see you under that thick layer of pure disgusting hideousness. It’s no wonder you disguise yourself to look like beautiful mares such as Rainbow Dash, because you simply can’t display something like THAT in public!”

“Shut up! You think I asked to look like this?” The changeling rasped.

Flash ignored the changeling’s burst of anger.

“If you changelings feed off of love, why did you try to break me and Dashie apart?”

“Queen Chrysalis exiled me from the rest of the changeling army. She said I was her weakest link. You know why? I feed off of hatred instead of love. To changelings, this is considered a disability. When I break you and Rainbow Dash apart, I’ll continue to break apart the rest of the Elements of Harmony! I’ll become more powerful by the second, and the Queen will have to let me back in the army! With our abilities combined, we will rule all of Equestria!”

“I’m sorry, what was that? I was more interested in that bird nest over there.” Flash lied.

“Nice try, Thunder Flash. But I know you heard me. There’s no way you can stop my plans.”

“Well it’ll be much easier now, since you just TOLD me what your plans are!”

“You get a serious thrill out of trying to make me look stupid, don’t you? Enjoy it now, because you’ll never get to do it again.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

The changeling smirked, and lunged toward Flash. In one swift punch, Flash’s vision faded to black.


Soarin sat down on the big leather couch he had stored in his basement, while Rainbow paced the floor.

“Come on Rainbow, sit down with me. There’s no point in stressing over this too much.” Soarin suggested, patting the spot next to him.

“Don’t stress? Don’t stress?!?! Soarin, a changeling bit me in the neck, and sucked my blood! A changeling! And now Flash is out there, as well as my kids, and they’re in danger! Don’t tell me not to stress!”

“But Rainbow, stressing isn’t good for your heart. And it sure-as-Celestia isn’t going to bring Flash back. Just sit down with me and relax a little bit.”

Rainbow was about to agree when they heard the basement door open. Both of them tensed up.

“Who goes there? What do you want? If you want to get down here, you’re going to have to get through me!” Rainbow yelled, prepared to fight.

However, everything changed when she saw Flash appear at the bottom of the stairs.

“Whoa, calm down Rainbow. It’s just me.”

“Flash! Thank Celestia you’re safe!”

Rainbow leaped onto Flash and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

“I’ve been away from you for far too long. How did the search go?”

Flash shrugged.

“It’s no use. I can’t find it. You think it’d be easy, since it looks like you.”

“Yeah, that gorgeous devil.” Rainbow replied.

Soarin cracked up laughing.

“Yep, that’s Rainbow Dash for ya!” He exclaimed to Flash.

“Alright, we need to do another search. Except this time, we’re all going.” Flash ordered.

“Yes!” Rainbow and Soarin exclaimed simultaneously.


Once they were outside, Rainbow and Soarin got a view of the outdoors for the first time in the last thirty-six hours.

“Wow, it’s dark outside. You can barely see the streetlight over at the corner.” Rainbow mused.

Flash reviewed the game plan.

“Okay, I’m afraid if I leave Rainbow Dash alone, something is going to happen to her, so I’m going to go with her. Soarin, do you think you can go by yourself?”

“You can count on me.”

“Okay, good. If anyone sees the changeling, do anything you can to fight it off! Remember, it looks like Rainbow Dash, and the real Rainbow Dash is with me. So if you see Rainbow Dash alone, prepare to fight!”

“Got it!” Rainbow and Soarin exclaimed together.

“Let’s go!”

Soarin, Flash and Rainbow flew off in two different directions.


Flash and Rainbow ran toward their house, assuming the changeling was still there. If not, they had to make sure the kids were okay. If that changeling got its ugly hooves on Jet, things could get more complicated than both of them anticipated.

Flying up to the entrance, Rainbow and Flash threw open the door.

Inside, everything was very dark, and nothing could be seen or heard.

“Blaze? Starlight? Where are you?” Rainbow called.

Even though Rainbow Dash was considered an athletic tomboy, she still felt that motherly worry for her children.

As they walked through the house, they heard a very muffled call coming from their bedroom.


Rainbow ran toward the bedroom, with Flash close behind.

Rainbow tried to open the door, and found it locked. Stepping back, she leaped forward and kicked the door down.

Inside, she saw Thunder Flash trying to free himself from another large green cocoon.

“What the hay-?”

Before she could put two-and-two together, she received a powerful uppercut to the ribs, and went flying across the room.

Coughing up blood, she stared helplessly up at the Flash imposter standing before her, who was laughing maniacally.

“Now you know the pain I felt when your abusive husband tried to waste me, last time I looked like you!”

Rainbow coughed up more blood.

“F…F…Flash tried to waste me?”

“Oh please, he doesn’t care about you.”

Off the corner of her eye, Rainbow could see Flash freaking out from inside the cocoon, shaking his head violently.

She began to have trouble breathing. She stared back up at the changeling Flash.

In a brilliant flash of lime-green light, the appearance of Flash was replaced by Spitfire.

“Two down, one to go.”

The changeling kicked Rainbow in the abdomen, and she blacked out.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

This chapter is kind of short, I know. It was a little rushed. On school nights, I have to be in bed by nine! However, Thanksgiving break starts on Wednesday, so there might be another chapter soon.