• Published 13th Oct 2012
  • 3,479 Views, 153 Comments

Answers - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash had given birth to an alicorn, and a quest for answers begins.

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Temporary Role-Reversal

Soarin quickly galloped through the back alleyways of Ponyville, searching for the scumbag changeling that took the form of his friend. He just hoped that no one else would have to get involved, because they don’t need to deal with the stress.

“Soarin? What’s going on?”

Soarin turned around to see where the voice came from, and saw Spitfire standing behind him.

He blushed a little.

“Aw horseapples…”

“What is it?”

“Nothing. Listen, I need you to go back home. This is something very important and dangerous, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Soarin had this interesting crush on Spitfire, so he cared deeply about her safety.

“If it’s dangerous, then I want in. What’s so dangerous about you running around the alleys of Ponyville at midnight?” She asked.

Soarin sighed.

“There’s a changeling on the loose. A changeling is an insect-like creature that can disguise itself as somepony you love, and right now it looks like Rainbow Dash.” He replied.

“You mean our new captain? Why?”

“To fool Thunder Flash. I always thought changelings fed off of love, so I have no idea why it’s doing this. The point is we have to stop it! Come on!”

As Soarin galloped away, ‘Spitfire’ followed close behind.

It may not be easy, but the changeling was determined to capture Soarin, and imprison him along with the two creepy lovebirds back at the cloud home.

And the real Spitfire? She’ll be lucky if someone ever comes looking for her.

She shuttered, remembering the brutal fight Spitfire put up back over at her place.

Spitfire got some lucky punches in here and there, but she still felt that she won the fight. After all, Spitfire was the one trapped back at her place.

It’s all part of the price to pay for full Equestrian domination.


Rainbow Dash laid on the floor next to the wall, defeated. Blood slowly dribbled out of her mouth, and she tried her best not to vomit from the blow she had taken to her lower stomach.

She could faintly hear Flash screaming from inside his green, gooey imprisonment, trying to get her attention.

She glanced up at him drearily.

His eyes shifted toward the top of the cocoon he was in, trying to tell her something.


She was interrupted by a few more red-coated coughs.


Flash made a sawing motion with his hoof.

Oh, now she understood.

Rainbow tried to acknowledge his request. Without saying a word, she painfully struggled to stand up, and stumbled out the bedroom door.

She headed straight for the kitchen, and opened up a supplies drawer. She grabbed the sharpest object she could find, which was a pair of scissors.

Heading back to their bedroom, she climbed onto their bed, and began to cut at the bindings.

As a result, Flash’s prison fell to the ground and broke open.

“Great! Now let’s catch up with Soarin, and hunt this thing down together!” He beamed.

“Uh…Flash? I’m feeling dizzy…”

Barely finishing her sentence, Rainbow fell backward onto the bed, dropping the scissors on the floor.


Flash ran forward in surprise. He saw that Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep again.

“Never mind; I have to stay and take care of you. Good luck, Soarin…” He sighed.


“So how did you find out that I was roaming Ponyville? Were you nearby or something?” Soarin asked.

“I was actually on my way to see you. I was going to inform you on a performance the Wonderbolts will be attending at Las Pegasus in a few weeks.” Spitfire answered.

“Shouldn’t you have gone to inform Rainbow Dash first? She is the captain, after all.”

“Well, if you hadn’t recalled, it’s the middle of the night. Everyone in the Wonderbolts knows that our captain loves to sleep! I just figured you’d be more up and around.”

“Yeah, good point.”

Spitfire changed the subject.

“Speaking of Rainbow Dash, how have things been going recently? I heard you two got more acquainted with each other the past few months.”

Soarin sighed.

“Oh yeah…we’ve been acquainted with each other……more than we should.”

“Really? What do you mean?”

“There was an incident after that party our team threw about a year ago. We were both very tipsy from alcohol consumption, and we kind of…”

“You did it with Rainbow Dash?! That’s amazing!”

Soarin gave her a confused look.

“Somehow…I don’t think so.”

“Well why not?”

“Rainbow Dash is married, you know. To another one of our recruits: Thunder Flash.”

“Oh come on, what’s wrong with getting intimate with your friends once and a while?”

“Well, she got pregnant, for starters. You think that’s okay? Imagine being married, and your husband had a foal with another mare that you were good friends with. How would that make you feel?”

“It could be worse.”

The two approached a dim streetlight at a deserted crossroad.

“Hold on, let’s stop here.” Soarin suggested.


Soarin gave her a cold stare for a few seconds. Then, without warning, he gave her a clear, hard punch in the face, sending her a few feet backwards.

Spitfire put a hoof up to her face in pain.

“Soarin?! What the hell?!”

Soarin stood over her.

“You’re not Spitfire, you disgusting excuse for a changeling.”

“Soarin, what the hell’s gotten into you? It’s me!”

“Yeah right. The real Spitfire would probably kick me off the Wonderbolts for having sex with another recruit.”

“Soarin, please…”

“Can it. Where is she? Where is Spitfire?!”

The confused, terrified look on Spitfire’s face was replaced by an evil, content smirk. She laughed.

“I had you going there, didn’t I?”

“Shut up! Where’s Spitfire?”

“Dead. I gave her what she deserved. A long, treacherous road-trip to hell.”

“You’re lying! What did you really do to her?!”

Soarin kicked the changeling with all the power he could muster, sending it back a few more feet.

“Tell me where Spitfire is, or I’ll gladly put a few more holes in your ugly body, probably where they don’t belong.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“And why not?”

The changeling pointed behind him. He turned around, and saw an army of changelings waiting behind him.

“When did you get the time to muster up all of your friends?” Soarin asked.

“They were waiting around in the shadows the whole time, with a lust for attack. I may have been banished from Chrysalis’s army, but I do have an army of my own, all of which also feed on hatred.”

Soarin looked around in all directions, distraught by the sheer number of changelings that surrounded them.

“Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be the one asking the questions.”

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out!
By the way, I'm sorry the picture is so large. It was the only one I could find.