• Published 13th Oct 2012
  • 3,479 Views, 153 Comments

Answers - MIKEANTHONY321

Rainbow Dash had given birth to an alicorn, and a quest for answers begins.

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Similar Desires

“Yeah! I bet it doesn’t feel good to be the one getting pounded, does it?!”

Rainbow yelled in the changeling’s face as she laid painful punches and kicks all over its body. By the time she was done, the changeling was bruised, bloody, and out-cold.

Flash sighed.

“It’s hard to believe that you just beat up a changeling, and you yourself were coughing up blood not half an hour ago.”

Rainbow, panting heavily, stood up.

“You can’t keep Rainbow Dash down for long.” She boasted.

“Flash! Rainbow! Thank Celestia you came! That changeling almost made me relive the event of Jet’s creation.” Soarin shuttered.

Flash and Rainbow looked horrified and disgusted.

“Eeeewwww!!! Not only is it evil, but it’s a rapist too???” Flash exclaimed.

Soarin was confused.

“No, not like that. It was going to make me tell the story of when me and Rainbow Dash had sex after the Wonderbolts party. Let me tell you, telling that story would be worse than getting both of my wings broken.”

“Oh, so you didn’t enjoy having sex with me? How offensive!” Rainbow joked.

“Well no, I did enjoy it, but not like…um…”

Soarin blushed.

“Why are you putting me in this position?”

Rainbow and Flash laughed.

“Let’s get you out of those chains. That looks like it hurts.” Flash suggested.

Flash and Rainbow walked up to Soarin. Flash took the front side, and Rainbow went around back. When she got there, she gasped in horror.

“What is it?” Flash asked.

“Soarin’s wings really DID get broken!” Rainbow replied.

She lightly touched the tip of his right wing.

“OW! Careful sweetheart, it still hurts.” Soarin mentioned.

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Listen, even if it is just slang, I hate being called ‘sweetheart’ by anypony. Even Flash.”

Flash nodded in agreement.

“One time I called her ‘my little princess’. I still have a red mark on my cheek from that day.”

Soarin laughed.


After a few minutes, the couple managed to get Soarin’s chains off. He rubbed his tender hooves, as they were sore from the chains’ tight grip.

“What do you think we should do with the changeling?” He asked.

“Well it’s still alive, so that rules out a few suggestions. Perhaps we just kill it?” Flash suggested.

Rainbow shook her head.

“That goes against every rule about being an Element of Harmony. Killing is wrong, and I won’t allow it.”

She thought for a second.

“But…I do know something we can do. We have to get it over to Fluttershy’s.”

“What, why?”

“She lives next to the Everfree Forest, where a cockatrice lives. If we leave the changeling in the Forest, it’ll eventually be turned to stone.” Rainbow explained.

“Oh yeah, good plan!” Flash added.

“Well you can go ahead; I’ll just be heading back to my house. I’d rather just relax and take it easy after all that’s happened, and I have two green cocoons to clean out of my basement!” Soarin chuckled.

“Whatever floats your boat.”

Flash slung the unconscious changeling onto his back.

“So…I guess this is goodbye for now?” Soarin asked.

“Yeah, I guess.” Flash replied.

Rainbow whispered something into Flash’s ear.

Flash nodded.

“Yes, it’s okay. Go ahead.” He smiled.

Rainbow walked up to Soarin, and kissed him on the lips. Soarin was surprised, but went with it anyway.


On the way to Fluttershy’s, Flash and Rainbow had time to catch up together after their separation.

“So what happened with the fake me before you knew I was a changeling?” Rainbow asked.

“I said I didn’t approve of you going to Soarin’s house, since you were still at inner conflict with the ‘soul mate’ issue. You got really mad, and……”

Flash paused, and Rainbow could tell he was starting to tear up.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s just…I……I didn’t want you to leave me. You wanted to divorce me, because I didn’t let you make your own decisions.”

Flash paused again, and sniffled. A tear ran down his eye.

“You really believed Soarin was the only one right for you. You were going to leave me.”

Rainbow stared at him as he slowly started to cry. She really felt bad for him.

The same thing had happened to her back at flight camp, when she met a very nice and handsome colt. She really enjoyed his company, and was living a happy life with him.

Then, she caught him cheating on her.

Rainbow Dash rarely ever experienced true love, and when she did, it was hard to let go.

“What happened next?” She asked softly.

“I kind of panicked, so I smacked you without thinking, hoping it would snap you back into reality. Unfortunately, it backfired. We got into this massive physical fight, which I came out on top of. I just…didn’t stop. Not until you were bloody and unconscious.”

Flash paused again.

“The worst part is…I didn’t even feel bad until you woke up and said you hated me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m here for you. The real Rainbow Dash. Everything that happened then was just a changeling’s doing.”

“But I thought it was you! That’s what makes it so mortal.”

“Come on, this is the Element of Loyalty you’re talking to! I wouldn’t leave you over some silly thing like not letting me go to Soarin’s.”

Rainbow put her arm around Flash.

“By the way, where’s Jet?” Flash asked.

“Good question. We’ll see if Fluttershy knows when we arrive at her house.” Rainbow answered.


Rainbow knocked on the door. After waiting about ten seconds, Fluttershy answered.

“Oh, hey Rainbow Dash. How are you doing?” She asked in her soft, innocent voice.

Before Rainbow could answer, Fluttershy saw the unconscious changeling resting on Flash’s back.

“Eep! What are you doing with that thing?”

“We were going to dump it in the Everfree Forest. That’s why we came to your house.” Rainbow responded.

“Y…you didn’t…k…kill it…did you?”

“Oh no, don’t be silly! It’s just unconscious right now, so we had to get rid of it.” Flash spoke up.

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash?”


“Are you missing your foal, by any chance?”

Rainbow and Flash gasped.

“Yes, I am! Why, do you have him?”

Fluttershy was startled by their sudden enthusiasm.

“Um…yes. He’s sleeping on my couch.”

Fluttershy motioned for them to come inside. Flash left the unmoving changeling outside, and they walked inside.

Rainbow headed straight for the living room, and looked on the couch. Sure enough, her precious Jet was sleeping soundly on the center cushion.

She gasped.

“Oh my gosh, Jet! Thank Celestia you’re okay!”

Rainbow wanted to run over to him and hug him as hard as she could, but she didn’t want to disturb his slumber.

Fluttershy walked into the room.

“Gee Rainbow, I didn’t know you were so motherly.”

Rainbow sighed.

“Believe me, once you have a foal of your own, things change.”

Flash spoke up from the other room.

“You know what? I’m going to go dispose of the changeling myself, before it wakes up. I’ll be back in a few.”

“Okay, just be careful. This is the Everfree Forest at 3:30 in the morning we’re talking!” Rainbow replied.

Flash nodded, and walked out the door.

“What do you mean by ‘things change’?” Fluttershy asked once they were alone.

“It’s just that everyone who knows me knows that I’ll never be a suitable mother. I agreed with them. I always knew that having a foal would keep me from my goals, and just slow me down. I had dreams, and I worked hard every day to make them a reality. I didn’t really care to have a foal when I could be doing so much more. But now that I have three foals, things have changed. I would do anything for them.” Rainbow explained.

“But according to the Poison Wish, your deepest desire was to start a family.”

Rainbow sighed again.

“I guess I just didn’t know it yet.”

There was a little bit of silence, where the mares stood and watched Jet sleep. Fluttershy broke the silence.

“I’ve always wanted a foal.”

Rainbow looked over at her.

“Hey, don’t let that wish go. You’ll meet that special someone someday, and you’ll be happy. I know it. Just think, if Rainbow Dash can do it, then so can you!”

Fluttershy smiled, leaned over, and hugged her friend.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

Sometimes my mood mixes in with what I write. It’s been a long day, and it’s only Monday. So that’s why this is more of a slower chapter.