

First published

Rainbow Dash had given birth to an alicorn, and a quest for answers begins.

So I just realized that my OC, Starlight, from this 3-year-old story, shares her name with Starlight Glimmer, who was recently introduced to the show. Small world, I guess?

Rainbow Dash, Thunder Flash and Soarin are back in the FOURTH sequel to Bad Luck, following Huge Mistake!

In the previous story, Rainbow had given birth to an alicorn. This is what happens when the family and friends try to uncover some answers. What could it mean? Is there anything royal about Rainbow or Soarin? What don't they know? Why am I asking you this?

Immense Power

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“…So what do you want to do?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Perhaps we could contact Soarin? Or Princess Celestia?”

“…I don’t know.”

“This isn’t something we can keep secret, you know. This is a matter of great importance.”


“Aren’t you going to say something?”

“…It’s just so weird…he’s a pegasus, and so am I. I don’t understand how the two of us could produce an alicorn.”

“Try to mention that as little as possible. I don’t want to be reminded of something as horrible as adultery. It is weird, though.”

“And something else. If it’s an alicorn, why didn’t it have wings when it was born?”

“That’s beyond me. The internet knows plenty about that, so I should go check later.”

“Check now.”

“Why are you so anxious, Rainbow?”

“Alicorns are tied to royalty. None have ever been born outside of the Royal Family. Do you think there’s some importance to this?”

Rainbow Dash and her husband, Thunder Flash, stood in their room. There was an immense disturbance in their balance, because Rainbow had given birth to an alicorn. He was born, seemingly, as a unicorn, but grew wings after a short time.

“Okay. I’ll go check. Are you sure you’re okay?”

After a short period of silence, Rainbow looked away.


Flash sat down in the living room in front of his laptop. He put his hoof on the latch to open it up, and came back with a fresh hoof-full of slobber.

“Ick…I bet that’s the foal’s fault.”

In disgust, Flash shook his hoof a couple times to rid it of the slime. Then he opened his laptop and fired up Google.

He searched up “How to care for an Alicorn”. The screen loaded for a little bit, and a list of results showed up. At the top, it read, “Showing results for: How to care for a Unicorn”

Flash groaned in exasperation. “Are you kidding me? No one on the whole internet knows how to raise a dumb Alicorn?”

However, he knew deep down that an Alicorn hasn’t had to be cared for as a foal for thousands of years. Rainbow Dash’s face could be in the history books for two things now: Performing the very first Sonic Rainboom and being the first mother of an Alicorn in recorded Equestrian history.

On the subject of Sonic Rainbooms, his son, Blazing Sun, would be in the history books for the second Sonic Rainboom. And he’s only nine years old.

Rainbow Dash limped into the room. When their alicorn foal had been born, Rainbow had to get some stitches applied, so that explains the limping.

“How’d it go?”

“Nothing. There is absolutely nothing about raising an alicorn.” Flash sighed.

“Well what do you expect? Our…er…MY foal is the first alicorn born in millennia.”

“Millennia. That’s a pretty big word for you, Dash.” Flash joked.

“…Hey, shut up!”

Flash hesitated. “Well, the first pony we should call is Soarin. He might have some answers.”

Flash started to get up to grab the phone, but Rainbow stopped him.

“I’ll go visit him personally. I bet he’ll enjoy my company.”

Flash shrugged. “I guess that’s a good idea.”

“By the way, where is our-…I’m sorry…MY foal?” Rainbow asked.

Flash looked up at her. “Are you kidding me?”

“I’m sorry! It’s just that I’m so used to-…never mind.”

Flash was still looking at her. “He’s in Blaze’s room. What they’re doing in there is beyond me.”

Rainbow shrugged. “Whatever; I’m going to go visit Soarin.”

“Alright, have fun.” Flash said as Rainbow walked toward the door. “But not too much fun!”

Rainbow scoffed. “Do you honestly think I’ll be able to do THAT again, what with all the stitches I have?”

“I was just joking. See you later!”


Rainbow Dash touched down in front of Soarin’s house, and took a deep breath. After working up some courage, she knocked on the door.

A couple minutes passed, and there was no answer. Rainbow was just about to leave when the door suddenly opened, revealing Soarin.

“Rainbow Dash! I didn’t expect to see you here! How’s the foal?”

Rainbow hesitated. “The foal is what I’m here to ask you about, Soarin.”

Soarin looked surprised. “Well, what is it?”

“Me and Flash found out that it’s an alicorn. For some reason, it didn’t have wings when it was born, and the doctor didn’t pick up on anything strange.”

Soarin was genuinely taken back. “……You do realize alicorns are royal, right?”

“Yeah, I think I noticed that. Why?”

“You need to make sure no one knows about it. Who already knows?”

Rainbow stopped to think for a moment. “Just you, me, Flash, and my kids. That’s all.”

“Good, because if word were to spill out, your-…um…OUR foal would be in great danger.”

Rainbow chuckled.


“Nothing…it’s not important.” She said as she laughed a little more.

“Anyway, there are bad ponies out there who crave power. And your-…I’m sorry…OUR foal is the prime target for such a thing.”

Rainbow burst out laughing.

Soarin started to laugh as well. “S…stop! It’s contagious! What is so funny?”

Rainbow wiped a tear from her eye. “It’s just the whole ‘your-…I mean our’ thing. That’s the fourth time I’ve heard it today.”

“It seems the foals from Flash and the foal from me is getting pretty confusing.” Soarin observed.

“Anyway, why would my-…CRAP! Why would OUR foal be such a prime target?”

“It’s just that alicorns have immense power. That of a pegasus and a unicorn. If someone bad got their hooves on it, they could raise it badly. For evil.”

“I just always thought that our foal was royalty somehow. Haven’t you noticed that the only alicorns in recorded history were part of the royal family? It’s just strange that two average pegasi could-”

“But we’re not average pegasi.” Soarin interrupted. “Think about it. You’re the record-holder of the first Sonic Rainboom. The fastest speeds ever recorded by a living pony. I’m a very famous and talented pegasus from the Wonderbolts. And so are you! How many ponies can you list that don’t know our names?”

Rainbow was silent for a second, processing what Soarin had just said. “What do you mean by this?”

Soarin put a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “I think the two of us possess immense power. Enough to create an alicorn.”

Rainbow’s face was blank. Immense power…seriously? What could this mean?

“I should contact Princess Celestia.” Rainbow suggested.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

What’s up everypony? I’m back after such a (short/long) time! Ideas just keep pouring in like ice water on a hot summer afternoon, so updates might be frequent!

By the way, I apologize for the oversized image. Most of them are going to be like that. :l

Near-Death Experience

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“There has never been a bigger challenge for me. Ugh, what should I do? If I do something wrong, I’m gonna here it for about a week! …hmm…which one?”

Flash stood in front of the pantry, troubling himself over a snack choice for the hungry and demanding foal sitting behind him. This wouldn’t have been such a challenge for him, if Rainbow’s three-day-old foal were still feeding off of milk.

Blaze walked into the room, carrying a cigarette lighter and a stick of TNT.

“Hey dad, whatcha doin?” He asked.

“Trying to decide on a food choice for your little brother.” Flash answered with a thoughtful look on his face. “What are you doing?”

Blaze looked down at the explosive weapon he held in his hoof. “Umm…”

“What do you mean ‘um’?” Flash asked, turning to Blaze.

Flash stumbled backwards, and gasped loudly. “Blaze!!! Where did you get that?!?!” He yelled.

“Well, you know that bag of firecrackers I had in my room? I forged some of them together, and added a long string to it for the fuse! I call it…The Catastrophe!” He said with a big grin on his face.

Flash started panting heavily. He didn’t even bother asking how Blaze managed to forge together dangerous explosives. “Blaze…you have to get rid of that thing. NOW.”

The foal looked at what Blaze was holding, and giggled. His eyes closed, and his horn began to glow.

Suddenly, the fuse on the Catastrophe lit up, and began to burn shorter.

“W’uh oh!” Was all Blaze said.

Flash cried out in shock. He ran over to Blaze, pushed him off his hooves, grabbed the explosive, and ran to the front door. He opened it, and hurled the explosive as far he could.

Lucky for him, Rainbow Dash was just returning home, and the explosive hit her in the face. It plopped down on the front porch, and the fuse fizzled to its shortest length.

“Ow! Flash, what was that for?” Rainbow asked.

“HIT THE FLOOR!!!” Blaze and Flash shouted simultaneously.

A small amount of smoke sizzled out of the explosive. Rainbow picked it up, and chucked it backwards behind her in a panic.

The raw power of the resulting explosion blew Flash’s entire house several yards backwards, and all the windows in Ponyville shattered simultaneously. Rainbow Dash lost her balance, and went toppling over the edge of Flash’s house, yelling on the way down.

“No! Rainbow Dash!” Flash yelled.

Flash leaped off the porch, and soared down at rocket speeds to save her.

He only had to close about twenty feet of distance to reach her. She was flailing her hooves around, trying desperately to touch him, or anything else willing to halt her horrifying descent.

When a pegasus is not falling head-first, they’re unable to gain control of their wings. There was nothing Rainbow Dash could do.

The only other time Flash had flown this fast was when he tried to retrieve an explicit snapshot from Blaze. A snapshot containing……passionate material of him and Rainbow Dash.

Flash was beginning to gain on her. Only ten feet to cover…nine…seven… Suddenly, they passed the cloud barrier, and the ground came into view, getting closer too fast for comfort.

Flash gave the last of his energy to thrust himself forward, and he caught Rainbow’s hoof. Then, he began to pull up with all his might. Slowly and steadily, their descent began to slow.

Just before Rainbow hit the ground, their descent stopped. He saved her.

Suddenly, Rainbow jumped up and clung to Flash like a little girl does to her mother during a Halloween movie.

Panting, Flash managed to chuckle. “Rainbow Dash, you aren’t scared are you?” He asked.

“What? No! I’m just…happy you’re alive, that’s all.” She lied.

Flash laughed this time. “Yeah, I bet you are. Because your own life didn’t matter at all at that time.” He joked. He was also serious.

“Yeah, uh…whatever. Let’s just get back to the house.” She responded.

“Do you want me to carry you up there?” Flash asked.

“Why would I let you do that?” Rainbow asked, almost sounding disgusted.

Flash gave Rainbow a loving and caring look.

Rainbow sighed. “Fine…”


Starlight wandered out of her room with dreary eyes.

“Blaze? What was that loud explosion?” She asked.

Blaze chuckled. “That was my newest explosive: The Catastrophe!” He announced proudly.

“What are you feeding the foal?” She asked.

“Oatmeal Bran cookies. The little dude seems to get a serious kick out of these.” Blaze replied.

Starlight just shrugged, and walked toward the front window. Outside she could see Flash flying up to their house, carrying Rainbow Dash in his arms like a groom does to his newly-wed bride. She gasped.

“Blaze, there’s mom and dad!” She exclaimed.

Just then, Flash and Rainbow walked in the front door. They both dusted themselves off.

Rainbow got in Flash’s face. “You will never speak of this again…” She whispered threateningly.

“What, the way you let me carry you up to the house, or the way you clung to me like freshly-done laundry?” He chuckled.

Blaze and Starlight turned in surprise. “She did what?” They exclaimed simultaneously.

“After I saved Rainbow, she held close to me, like if she were scared.” Flash replied.

Rainbow covered her ears, and her face turned red. “La la la! I can’t hear you! La la la!” She exclaimed.

The foal giggled and clapped his hooves together.

The rest of the family laughed as well. Everyone except Rainbow Dash, who was thoroughly embarrassed.

“Oh come on, Rainbow. It’s all in good fun!” Flash said.

“Yeah, that’s what I said on last year’s Nightmare Night when I went around zapping ponies, but they didn’t enjoy that at all.” Rainbow pouted.

“Just be glad I saved your life.” He added.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence where only the foal could be heard.

“Yeah, well…Soarin suggested a possibility as to why we had an alicorn.” Rainbow mentioned, desperately trying to change the subject.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What’d he say?” Flash asked.

“He said something about the two of us possessing immense power. Do you know what that means at all?”

Flash thought for a moment. “No…I don’t think so. Do you know what kind of power he might have been talking about?”

“He said we’re both well-known all around Equestria, and that we have superb talents. Do you think that could be considered power?” She asked.

“……I guess it could. Not exactly energy, which is a totally different thing. But I think I can see why that would be considered power.”

Rainbow nodded. “I suggested contacting Princess Celestia. Maybe tomorrow or something I can visit Twilight’s and have her write a letter.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Flash finished.

There were a few more seconds of silence. Suddenly, Flash chuckled out loud.

“What is it?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s just funny how scared you were back there, and how you hung on to me.”

“Hey, shut up!”

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

What goes on! I originally planned on this chapter being related to contacting Princess Celestia, but I was getting too many ideas. At least that’s a good thing! Also, if anyone wants to see what Thunder Flash looks like, please visit General Zoi’s Pony Creator, and type in this code: 393G1J40204F4F4FFEBD9E00000DD9800UN1B3120B000001H0CCFE00FF7FFF0Y107F3FCC004CB2
This is the image for his cutie mark:

Nothing more to say, except I’ll see you in the next chapter!

Princess Celestia's Reply

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The following morning was cold, dreary and rainy. However, it was warm and sunny high up where Flash’s house stood. This was supposed to be the day Rainbow visited Twilight to write to the Princess.

Rainbow Dash walked into the living room, only to be surprised by what she saw.

Her foal trying to read her porn magazine.

Her eyes went wide. “Hey, hooves off that!”

She quickly snatched the tablet out of the foal’s hooves. No sooner did she set the piece of adult literature on the table when she noticed that the foal’s wings were fully extended.

Rainbow chuckled. “That’s the kind of thing pornography does to ponies who read it.”

She picked the tablet back up and stared at the cover. The thick, bold letters spelling “Playpony” stared back at her.

“Why didn’t I get rid of this thing?” She asked herself.

She fanned the book open, and skimmed over some of the pictures, closely examining the ones she recognized.

While reading, Rainbow realized that her own wings began to extend outward.

She couldn’t help but to chuckle. She looked out at her unfurled wings.

“I guess that’s why.” She muttered to herself.


Soon after, Flash entered the room, yawning loudly. “Dashie? What are you doing in here?”

Flash got a better look at the scene before him. Rainbow quickly shoved the tablet behind her back.

“Uh…hi Flash!” Rainbow said awkwardly.

Flash got a clear look at Rainbow and the foal’s extended wings. Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

Rainbow looked at him, confused.

“I love my family!” He exclaimed.


Around lunchtime, Flash walked toward the kitchen to prepare lunch. There, he saw Rainbow Dash by the front door, putting on a scarf.

“Since when did you wear scarves?” He asked.

Rainbow turned to him. “It’s cold outside.”

Flash looked confused, and then surprised.

“Wait, are you leaving already? I thought you were leaving this afternoon!” He exclaimed.

“Why does it matter?” She replied.

“I was going to try a new homemade pizza recipe for lunch that I thought you would like. Just for you.” He answered.

Rainbow hesitated. Talk about bad timing.

“Do you think you could hold off on making the pizza for about half an hour?” Rainbow pleaded.

Flash sighed. “Well, I don’t know…You know how Blaze gets when he’s hungry.”

Rainbow glanced over at the scar on her shoulder from last week when the sub-sandwich delivery guy was ten minutes late. That was just a couple days before the foal was born.

“Do you think you could hold him off?” She asked.

Flash sighed again. “Fine, I’ll do my best.”

Rainbow smiled. “Thanks!”

And with that, she opened the door, and flew off.


Rainbow Dash touched down in front of the library, and shivered. The rain had stopped, but the air still contained a slight chilliness that sent shivers down her spine. She quickly knocked on the hardwood door.

A couple seconds later, Spike answered, rubbing his eye and yawning. His yawn made Rainbow Dash yawn.

“Spike? Did you just get up?” She asked.

“Twilight has no assignments today, so we’re both taking it easy. Is there something you needed?” He responded.

“Yeah, I needed to talk to Twilight.”

Spike motioned for Rainbow Dash to come inside. She acknowledged his regards, and he closed the door behind her. The warm air in the library was heaven on her fur.

Rainbow could see Twilight walking down the stairs. “Hey Rainbow! Do you need something?”

“Twilight, I need to talk to you in private.”

Spike could see where this was going, so he walked upstairs and curled up in his bed again.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“Well, that foal I had just days ago? It’s not a unicorn, it’s an alicorn.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. She was absolutely shocked.

“But…an alicorn hasn’t been born for…”

“Thousands of years, I know.” Rainbow interrupted. “There also hasn’t been an alicorn born outside the Royal Family, either. We were hoping you could write a letter to Princess Celestia so we could sort out this chaos, or that your eggheadedness would know the answer.”

Twilight gave her a stern look. However, she was used to being called an egghead by Rainbow Dash. With how much Thunder Flash had changed her, that part would never change.

“Well, I guess I could. I can just use my magic, since Spike probably doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

Using said magic, Twilight made a piece of parchment float out of one of the nearby drawers, along with a quill. She walked over to the podium standing by the wall, and set the parchment up to write.

“What do you want me to say?” She asked.

“It doesn’t have to be from me. Just say that I had a foal that turned out to be an alicorn, and we’re just curious as to why.” Rainbow answered.

There were quite a few minutes where it was absolutely silent, as Twilight used her magic to write the letter. During that time, Rainbow just stood around and looked at all the books on the wall. Her eyes eventually trailed over to the set of Daring Do books on one shelf. There were no new ones.

“There, I think that should cover it. Now we just need Spike to send it.” Twilight said, rolling up the letter.

“Here, hand it to me.” Rainbow suggested, holding out her hoof.

Twilight handed the letter to Rainbow Dash. She took it, and walked upstairs with it.

“Spike…wake up. Spike…” She whispered.

Groaning, Spike grabbed the letter, and quickly blew on it, sending it up in flames and out the window to be sent to Princess Celestia.

Rainbow walked back down the stairs. “Now what?”

“Now we just have to wait for the reply. If she’s busy, it could take a couple hours. But if she’s just sitting around in her royal chambers, it should be here within minutes.” Twilight replied.

Suddenly, a belching noise was heard from upstairs, and a glow of green light illuminated the darkness.

“Here’s your reply…” Spike lazily called.

Twilight used her magic to levitate the letter down to her and Rainbow, and she opened it up.

“My Faithful Student Twilight,
It is very interesting to know that your friend Rainbow Dash has produced offspring.” She read.

Rainbow scoffed. “Everypony keeps saying that.”

Twilight just chuckled, and read on. “It has been known by all the generations of the Royal Family that alicorn offspring is produced by the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, as long as they’re paired with their soul mate. This is why me, Luna, Cadence and all the rulers preceding us have been alicorns. But now that the Elements are under your control, it is most likely that your offspring will be born an alicorn. I hope this answers your question.
-Princess Celestia”.

Rainbow thought for a moment. “So…that means you, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie can also give birth to alicorns?” She asked.

Twilight shrugged, then chuckled. “I guess so! Wow…that’s a lot to take in.”

“But I’m confused…why did I have an alicorn with Soarin, and not Flash?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, it said in the letter that you have to be paired with your soul mate. Perhaps Soarin is your soul mate, and not Flash?” She suggested.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

I apologize for the late update. I was just so deep in homework! But I’ve finished most of it, so hopefully updates won’t be too far apart. I’m also planning out another story about Rainbow getting trapped in the world of Minecraft! A story where she meets Steve, and they work together to fight off enemies and survive, and become good friends in the process. Hopefully I can also get started on that soon!

Additional Reactions

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“Is lunch ready?”


“Is lunch ready?”


“Is lunch ready?”


“Is lunch ready?”

“Well, let’s think for a moment. It wasn’t ready the first time you asked, it wasn’t ready the second time you asked, and it wasn’t ready the third time you asked. Why would it be ready now?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it is.”

Flash was ready to tear out his mane. If Rainbow Dash didn’t get home soon, he would either do that, or strangle Blaze. Whichever came first.

“Could you please leave me alone? How could lunch possibly be ready if I’m sitting here on the couch?” He desperately asked.

Blaze put a hoof up to his chin. “Nah.”

Flash planted a hoof on his face. How long could he hold him off? If Dashie didn’t get home soon, this was going to end badly.

The way Blaze works when he demands food escalates the way you feel when you’re about to vomit. It starts out kind of sore, but starts to get queasy as the demanding pressure rises. Eventually, you know what’s about to happen.

Just then, Rainbow Dash walked in the front door. Somehow, she looked kind of depressed.

“Dashie! Thank Celestia you’re home! Now I can get lunch started!” Flash exclaimed.

He sprinted over to Rainbow Dash and gave her a big hug. When he noticed she didn’t hug back, he began to worry.

“Dash? What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Um, hello? Aren’t you getting lunch started?” Blaze called impatiently.

Flash put a hoof up. “Just hold it, Blaze! This is more important!”

Blaze just sighed angrily and stormed off to his room.

Flash stroked Rainbow’s silky mane. “What’s bothering you?”

When Rainbow sighed, Flash could tell it was going to be a long story.

“Well, I got the letter sent to Princess Celestia, and she responded immediately. It was her response that got me.” Rainbow started.

Flash nodded. “Go on.”

“The Princess stated that all the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were capable of producing alicorns. However, they have to be paired with their soul mate. The one they were meant to be with.” She explained.

Flash’s face was blank. He expected more information. “So……”

Rainbow looked down, and a single tear rolled down her cheek and onto the floor. Of all the things, crying was a rarity for Rainbow Dash.

“Flash…I never had an alicorn with you. I…I had one with Soarin.”

Flash’s face fell. “Oh…right…”

Rainbow shook her head. “I don’t understand. I just never…you know…clicked with Soarin the way I did with you. I like him and all, but only as a friend.”

Flash nodded slowly. “We’ll talk about this later. I have to make lunch for some demanding ponies lurking down the hall.”


When lunch was over (it went very well, by the way), all was quiet around Flash’s house. It was that kind of afternoon where everyone is kind of tired, and there isn’t much activity going on.

However, Flash couldn’t find Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow! Where are you?” He called out. “Rainbow Dash!”

Blaze poked his head out his doorway. “Dad, could you please quiet down? You’re right next to my room!”

Flash ignored his remark. “Where’s your mother?”

“I don’t know. Outside, I think.” Blaze answered.

“We’re in a cloud home. One does not simply ‘sit’ outside!” Flash exclaimed.

“Calm down! I think she’s on the front porch.”

Flash gave Blaze a stern look. “Don’t tell me to ‘calm down’, okay? I’m your father, so you’re not mine.”


Sure enough, when Flash opened the front door, he saw Rainbow Dash sitting on the edge, looking down.

“Rainbow, there you are! You’re not thinking of jumping, are you?” He joked. He chuckled a little.

Rainbow didn’t even look up. “That’s a terrible thing to joke about…”

“Oh…” Flash mumbled. “Wait, ARE you going to jump?”

Rainbow turned to him, disgusted. “No, I’m not going to jump!” She exclaimed.

By the looks of her face, Flash could tell she had been crying again.

Flash walked over and sat down next to her. “What’s bothering you so much about this whole ‘soul mate’ thing?”

Rainbow sniffled, then spoke. “Think about it. I had twins with you because I wanted to. I had an alicorn with Soarin because I was intoxicated. And now I find out I’m supposed to be with him! How would that make you feel?” She asked him.

“Man, I feel like I’m in a soap opera…” Flash muttered.



Rainbow just stared at Flash for a few seconds. Eventually, Flash spoke.

“Look, don’t feel like your destiny is tied to Soarin just because of some alicorn you accidentally had. Whoever you truly love the most is the one you’re meant to be with.”

Rainbow scooted over to Flash and kissed him. What she didn’t know, however, was that Blaze was watching through the front window.

Starlight walked up behind him, and sighed. “What are they doing this time?”

Blaze turned to her. “They’re kissing again. I don’t know what it is about kissing that adults like so much.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders.

Starlight blushed a little. She shyly stepped back a step.

Blaze was confused. “Why are you acting like that? Have you kissed someone before?”


Now Blaze was interested. “What? No way! Who was it? Tell me, tell me!” He begged.

“I don’t really want to…he’s my business, not yours.” She responded.

“Is he your coltfriend? Do mom and dad know?”

“Well…no. I haven’t told mom and dad yet. Could you please stop asking questions?”

Just then, Flash walked in the front door. He closed the door behind him, leaving Rainbow Dash outside.

“Wait, what about mom? Isn’t she coming inside?” Starlight asked.

“Rainbow just wants to be left alone right now. It’s very rare for your mom to be emotionally distraught, so we’re just going to leave her alone, okay?” Flash responded, giving his children stern looks.

Blaze and Starlight nodded in understanding.

“Oh, dad? I have to tell you something.” Blaze said, snickering a little and trying to keep a straight face. Starlight gave him a threatening look.

“What is it?”

“……Starlight has a coltfriend!” He blurted out.

Starlight’s eyes widened.

“BLAZE!!! How could you?!” She exclaimed.

Crying could be heard down the hall, as the foal had been awoken by Starlight’s outburst.

Seeing how Blaze made Starlight feel, Flash was not happy.

“Blaze, do you think it was right to blurt out your sister’s personal secrets in front of me?”

Blaze laughed. “Yes!”

Flash shot him a dirty look. “Go to your room. I’ll talk to you later.”

Still laughing, Blaze obeyed.

Flash knelt down in front of Starlight.

“Star, is there anything you want to talk to me about?”

Starlight shook her head, then slowly walked toward her room.

Flash got up and headed for the front door to see if Rainbow had heard the commotion. However, he saw something he didn’t expect.

Rainbow was gone.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

I'm sorry there haven't been any pictures recently. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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Flash stuttered in shock.

“W…wha…what? Where’d she go?” He exclaimed.

He walked over to the edge of the porch and looked down. He saw no signs of her anywhere.

He took a deep breath, relieving himself of any impulse to panic.

She’s probably visiting one of her friends to calm down or something. It’s not like something happened to her.

He turned around to walk inside and saw her foal hovering in his face.

“WAH!!!” He yelled. He breathed heavily a few times. “You…you scared me!”

He grabbed the foal, and took him to the couch to watch TV.

He went to set the foal down, and saw that he wasn’t in his hooves anymore.

“What the-?” He stammered.

He looked around a little bit, and saw the foal hovering above the kitchen table, giggling.

“Man, you’re getting good with your wings!” Flash mused.

The foal closed his eyes, and his horn began to glow. With a sudden brush of magic, Flash’s wings had disappeared.

The foal was laughing uncontrollably now.

“What? What’s so funny?” Flash asked. Suddenly, he could feel that the limbs on his back weren’t there. That’s when he knew his wings had been stolen.

“Wow, now I know what it feels like to be an earth pony.” He chuckled, then stopped suddenly. “Wait…that would mean…”

Realizing too late, Flash suddenly fell through the floor of his home. What used to be his living room became a large horizon of ground many thousands of feet below him as he fell at an alarming rate.

“AAHHH!!! HELP ME!!” He screamed as loud as he could.

Right when it seemed like his fate would be sealed, a supersonic slur of rainbow flew underneath him, suddenly stopping his descent.

Confused, he looked down to identify his rescuer, which was Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow, where were you?” He asked.

Rainbow scoffed. “A simple ‘thank you’ would have done just fine.”

“Hey, you didn’t thank me when I saved your flank a couple days ago.” Flash snapped.

“You kept making fun of me for hanging on to you after you landed. I think I gave my thanks.” Rainbow responded.

She began to lift Flash back up to their house. On the way there, she noticed something.

“Flash, where are your wings?!” She exclaimed in surprise.

Flash sighed. “Your dead foal used his magic to take them from me. That’s why I fell through the house.”

Rainbow gasped. “My foal is dead?!?!?!” She cried out.

“No, but he’s going to be.” Flash answered.


Rainbow Dash flew up to the house and opened the front door. She had to carry Flash inside, because dropping him would result in having to save him again.

When she turned to the kitchen, she saw her foal still sitting there, literally holding Flash’s severed (yet not bloody) wings in his hooves.

Rainbow spoke to her foal in a scolding and dominant tone.

“Jet! Return your father’s wings, now!”

The foal, defeated, made his horn glow. Flash’s wings magically appeared back on his body.

Flash leaped out of Rainbow’s grasp, and flapped his wings a couple times to get used to them again.

“Man, I’ll never take these things for granted again!” He squealed.

Rainbow picked up Jet, and carried him off to his room. Once she placed him there and closed the door, she walked back to the living room, where they stood completely alone.

“You named your foal Jet?” Flash asked.

“Yeah. Soarin suggested it.” Rainbow responded.

“Wait…Soarin? You went to see Soarin?”

“Yeah. I wanted to explain the whole ‘soul mate’ thing to him.”

“Rainbow, you left without telling me. And for a second, I kind of panicked. I assumed you were at one of your friends’ place, and if I had known you were going to Soarin’s, I wouldn’t have approved.”

“What? What do you have against Soarin?”

“I had nothing against Soarin, until Jet came along. Now I’m kind of uneasy. Especially with ‘fate’ apparently telling you you were meant for him.”

“Since when did you become my father? You can’t tell me that I can’t hang out with Soarin!”

“But Rainbow, look what happened the last time you hung out with Soarin? I just don’t want you to leave me, or get pregnant again!”

Rainbow got in Flash’s face.

“I have one word for you. IN-TOX-I-CATED. How many times do I have to keep telling you that?”

“You kept telling me that everything was going to be okay when you left for that party. I trusted you, and it all went down the drain. I’m not saying that you lie, I’m just saying that I’m not sure what could happen.”

“I’m not a foal anymore, Flash! I think I can handle my life without your protection!”

“Okay, let’s not get carried away-“

“I can’t believe you think that I can’t be near Soarin without something bad happening! I’m not stupid, you know!”

Flash’s voice began to rise.

“Rainbow, I never said that!”

“Everything you said kind of sums up to that! Maybe the Elements of Harmony were right! Maybe Soarin is right for me!”

“NO! Don’t do this again!!!” Flash yelled.

Without thinking, he gave Rainbow a good hard slap across the face.

Rainbow quickly put a hoof up to her cheek where she had been struck.

Flash gasped, immediately realizing what he had done.

“Oh gosh, Rainbow. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-“

Before he could finish, Rainbow growled loudly, reeled back, and gave him a powerful punch in the nose.

Flash went flying backwards, and slid along the floor. He put his hooves up to his nose in pain.

Flash watched in agony as Rainbow walked over and stared down at him.

“Are you done yet?” She asked him.

Flash took his hooves off his nose, exposing a river of blood flowing from it. Grunting loudly, he tried to get back up.

Once he regained his balance, Rainbow was still staring at him angrily.

“Now you know not to mess with-“

Before she could finish, Flash screamed at the top of his lungs, and performed a powerful uppercut to Rainbow’s stomach. Rainbow clutched her abdomen in extreme pain.

Not giving her a chance to recover, Flash delivered a painful combo of punches and kicks, preventing her from defending herself.

Rainbow had been given a horrible black eye, and was bruised and bloody all over. She wobbled awkwardly in place, efficiently drained of her energy.

Flash gave her another uppercut to the ribs, and a hard punch to her mouth, and she fell unconscious.

Flash stared down at the beaten and broken pegasus lying half-dead in front of him. There was an alarming amount of blood all over the floor.

Flash panted heavily. “Don’t mess with YOU? We’ll see about that.”

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

I’m just going to be quiet and let the story sink in a little bit. Yes, it is still me writing this story.
I had to change the story-status to Teen because of this chapter!

By the way, there's a song by Maroon 5 called "One More Night" that I think goes really well with Rainbow Dash's emotions following the events of this chapter. The link to the song is here.

Just listen closely to the song, and see how it relates to the current situation!

Painful Separation

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Flash had laid his beaten and bruised wife down on the couch, where he had applied bandages and gauze around her wounds. She was still out cold.

The way he saw things, Rainbow could either forgive his apology, or she could leave him out of pure anger (and probably once again smash the new wedding ring he got her).

He had a very threatening feeling that she would pick number two. Apparently, she had forced him to tap into an untold darkness that dwelled within him, and he blindly beat her up to the point of unconsciousness.

His guilt was feeding off of his urge to remain calm.

“Oh…I wonder how long it’ll be until somepony finds out…” He whispered.

Just then, Flash could hear rapid hoofsteps sprinting down the hall. Soon after, Blaze burst into the living room.

“Hey dad! I just found out I was named after one of the Wonderbolts!” He beamed.

“Yes, I think I of all ponies would know that, being that I named you. Could you please leave now?”

Before Blaze could ask why, he caught a good glimpse of his blacked-out and crippled mother.

“Holy crap!” Blaze exclaimed, running towards Rainbow’s unmoving body. “What happened, what happened?”

Flash was getting annoyed. “It was just an accident, okay?”

“Unless she fell off of our house and hit the ground, I don’t believe you.” Blaze stated.

“It was just a fight we got into. No big-”

Blaze interrupted. “No big deal? Dad, look at her! What did you do?”

Flash sighed, ashamed of himself. “Blaze…just go to your room. I promise I’m trying to take care of her. She’ll be alright.”

Blaze stared down Flash for a second, then obeyed. Flash turned back to Rainbow.

“Oh Dashie…I’m so sorry. Please forgive me…”

A tear fell down Flash’s face, and it landed on Rainbow’s arm. Right after, he saw her head move a little.

Flash’s eyes widened at the reaction. “Dash?”

Rainbow’s eyes slowly opened. Her breathing had begun to pick up, as her consciousness had returned. She coughed up some blood, and clutched her ribs in pain. Flash stepped back in shock.

“Oh gosh, Dash……I’m so sorry…”

Rainbow’s head turned, and she stared at him for a few seconds. She squinted a little.

The red liquid coating her mouth freaked Flash out a little.

“Please Dash…say something. Please…”

Rainbow coughed a couple more times, and blood ran down her face. She struggled to make words form on her lips.


Flash got a little closer, trying to hear her better.

“I…I hate you…” She rasped.

And with that, she fell unconscious again. She had gone deathly quiet, and Flash couldn’t hear her breathing anymore. Blood poured out from her mouth, forming pools on the floor.

Flash stepped back a few more steps, shivering severely.

“Oh…OH…Oh Celestia, no!” He exclaimed.

He ran to the phone as fast as he could possibly go, and picked up the phone. Tears streaming down his face, he dialed the number.


When the paramedics had finally arrived, Flash was in pieces. As they ran over to Rainbow with an AED, he stood off to the side whispering.

“How could I have possibly beaten her up that hard? There’s no way she can die from being beaten up! I didn’t mean to kill her!”

Flash heard one of the paramedics announce, “We have a pulse!”

He heard the other one suggest that they take her to the ICU, and two more medics came in, carrying a stretcher.

When they got Rainbow onto the ambulance, Flash followed. He stayed in the back with Rainbow, and a medic came around and closed the doors.


By the time they had reached the hospital, the medics had Rainbow on the way inside faster than Flash could keep up. He understood, being that every second counts against Rainbow’s……well, life apparently.

Once they had Rainbow in a room and on a bed, they asked Flash a couple questions.

“How are you related to this mare?” One asked him.

Even under questioning, Flash managed to stay bold and collected.

“She’s my wife. We’ve been married for about ten years.”

The medic’s eyes widened.

“You’re married to the famed Rainbow Dash?” She asked unprofessionally. “You’re pretty lucky. I can name about six colts off the top of my head who wanted to ask her out.”

Flash knew that those six colts would probably get their chance with her once this whole thing was done. It’d be a miracle if Rainbow remained married to him once she recovered.

The group heard some loose groaning coming from the bed. They all turned to see Rainbow Dash starting to wake up.

The group of medics walked over to her bed, and the one who had questioned him took out a clipboard.

They waited patiently for Rainbow to fully become aware of her surroundings.

“Wha…who…who are you?” She stammered, looking at the medic with the clipboard.

The medic ignored the question. “Are you Mrs. Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow looked angrily over at Flash.

“I think MISS Rainbow Dash will do just fine. The ‘Mrs.’ is unnecessary.”

Flash’s jaw dropped.

“Dashie, don’t do this! Please!”

Rainbow just rolled her eyes, and ignored him.

“Ms. Rainbow Dash, our tests show that you have broken ribs, and a partially skewered lung. “Do you know how this happened to you?”

Extremely angry, Rainbow pointed an accusing hoof at Flash.

“It was him. He beat me up until I was unconscious!” She bellowed.

Confused, the medic turned to Flash.

“Mr. Flash, is this true?”

Flash could only stammer, unsure of how to respond.


The medic cut him off.

“You do realize that assault is punishable by several years in prison, right?”

However, the medic couldn’t help but notice the stream of dry blood that also ran down Flash’s face. She turned to Rainbow.

“Ms. Dash, did you also partake in this incident?”

Rainbow didn’t hesitate.

“Heck, yeah! That guy pisses me off!” She almost yelled.

The medic sighed.

“You know what? I’m just going to leave this alone. I’ll just leave for now.”

The group of medics left the room, leaving Rainbow and Flash alone. There were a couple whole minutes of awkward silence to go with it.

Finally, Flash broke the silence.

“Rainbow, why-”

“Don’t talk to me.”


“I said don’t talk to me! Leave me alone!”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because I’m sick of you. You treat me like a foal, and beat me up when I refuse! Look at me! I’m in a hospital because of you!”

“Who are you going to go to? Soarin? The ‘soul mate’ thing is corrupting your judgment!”

“Soarin is a good pony, and he supports me and all of my decisions! And he did his best to help me when Jet was being born!”

“So did I! I was also there for you in all of those situations, and I care about you just as much as he does!”

“Then why am I cooped up in a hospital bed because my ribs are broken?”

Flash had no response to that. So he improvised.

“I…I screwed up, Dashie. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t fix my ribs! Or my lung!”

“It’s just that-”

“By the way, while I was at Soarin’s, he gave me some good news. Because of all my stunning skills, they promoted me to the captain of the Wonderbolts.”

“That’s great!”

“No, it’s not. You know why? I’m removing you from the team.”

Flash was horrified.

“Dashie, no! Please don’t! Please!”

“Stop calling me ‘Dashie’!”

Flash’s barrier broke. He started crying. Rainbow had gotten into the Wonderbolts because of him, so that made it all the worse when she booted him.

“W…what about the kids? What about them?”

“I’ll just take them with me. I figure they’ll have a better life with both me and Soarin than you.”

Flash could barely form words to speak. He was crying almost uncontrollably now.


“It’s over, Flash. We’re through, and I’m not turning back. We’re done here!”

Rainbow angrily pointed a hoof toward the door.

Defeated and heartbroken, Flash left the room, and his life with Rainbow Dash.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

No one worry, I’m not going through a depression or anything. I just figured my story needed a little more ‘spice’ to break the repetition. Let me just say that Rainbow WILL NOT be returning, like the last time.
I’ll try to give this three-sequel story a happy ending!

I am Rainbow Dash

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“Rainbow Dash, do you take Thunder Flash for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

“I now pronounce you, mare and colt.”


Flash cried deeply on the couch, soaking the cushions and making noise throughout the house. Eventually, Blaze walked in and sat down next to him.

“Hey dad, what’s wrong?”

Flash sniffled. “You really want to know?”

Blaze nodded solemnly.

Flash sighed. “We’re getting divorced. She’s taking you, Starlight and Jet to live with Soarin.”

Flash continued sobbing.

Blaze was shocked.

“Mom’s leaving you? And she’s taking us too?”

Flash sniffled again.

“…Yes, I just said that.”

“What about you?”

Flash was silent, then burst out crying again.

“……I guess I just live here alone for the rest of my life.”

Blaze looked like he was going to cry too. He hugged his father.

“No, I can’t leave you!”

Flash hugged him back. It was an embrace that racked their emotions more than the original news had. An embrace that, when broken, might be forever.

“Don’t worry about me. I know you’ll have a good life with Soarin. He’s a good pony, and he’ll be a great father.”

Blaze started to cry as well.

“Would you like to see your mother in the hospital?” Flash asked.


Blaze left down the hall to get Starlight and to wake up Jet. Jet slept all the time, and when he did, something always ended up floating, or being turned into a frog.


Rainbow Dash was in deep slumber, dreaming about something she’d rather forget.

“Rainbow Dash, do you take Thunder Flash for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

“Wake up.”


“Ms. Rainbow Dash! You have company!”

Rainbow awoke to a nurse standing in her doorway.


“Ms. Dash, you have company.”

The nurse left, and was replaced by Flash and the three children. Rainbow didn’t mind her children, but she was not amused to see Flash.

Flash looked very hurt to see her staring at him like that, but she didn’t care. Her anger still replaced any hope she had of returning to him.

“Omigosh mom! What happened to you?” Starlight exclaimed, running up to Rainbow’s bed.

Rainbow could see Flash shaking his head in the doorway, as if saying not to tell her.

She just rolled her eyes.

“Me and your father got into a big fight. He beat me up.” Rainbow coldly told Starlight.

Starlight gasped, and turned to Flash.

“Seriously dad, how could you?”

Flash dropped his head in shame.

“Can I have my foal, now?” Rainbow asked in a demanding tone.

“Who, you mean Jet?”

“No, I mean you. Yes, I mean Jet!!!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Okay, no need to be sarcastic about it.”

Flash took the alicorn foal off of his back, because he’d been earning some stares from the ponies who passed by.

Flash walked over to Rainbow and set Jet in her hooves, where he fell asleep almost instantly.

“By the way, could you take this? It’s making it hard to move my wing.”

Rainbow held up her wedding ring for Flash to take.

Flash felt like he was going to tear up again.

“Are you sure you don’t want to keep it?”

Rainbow looked at it for a second. Her reflection stared back at her through the expensive, clearly cut diamond it was encrusted with.

“Um…yeah, I’m pretty sure.”

She held it up again.

Well, at least she didn’t smash it. Now Flash had something to remember her by. However, he didn’t know if that was a good thing, or a bad thing.

He walked up to Rainbow, and took the ring.

“Oh, Flash? There’s something else.”

Flash turned to look at her.

“What is it?”

Suddenly, before Flash could figure it out, Rainbow gave him a massive punch to the nose.

Once again, he went toppling backward, and fell on the floor. However, now he was unconscious. Blood began to flow out of his nose.

“Yeah, how does it feel?! Not good, I bet!!” Rainbow yelled.

Blaze and Starlight watched in horror.

“Mom, what did you do?” Blaze exclaimed.

“I gave that dick a taste of his own medicine.” Rainbow responded.

There was a commotion down the hall, and a few nurses burst into the room. They saw Flash out-cold on the floor.

“What happened in here?” One of them asked.

Rainbow pretended to look scared.

“I don’t know! Everything was fine, when this random pony came in and did a hit-and-run on Flash! It all happened so fast!” She stuttered.

“Come on, let’s get him to the ER.” One of the nurses suggested.

They didn’t have a wheelchair or a stretcher handy, so they had to carry him. Once they were out of the room, Rainbow snickered.

“Seriously mom? Now you’re no better than he is!” Blaze exclaimed.

“You think I care? When I’m getting revenge, I don’t care who’s better. I just want my revenge.”

Starlight was getting frightened, so she hid behind Blaze.

“Who are you? You’re not the loving and caring mother we used to have.” He stated.

“Listen here, and listen good. I am Rainbow Dash. I’m a brash, athletic all-star who is her own hero. My friends are the other five Elements of Harmony, and them alone. I don’t take orders, I give them. Anyone who gets in my way won’t be very happy about it. I only win, never lose, and never give in to anypony. The only reason I was the ‘loving and caring’ mother you know is because Flash changed me. Without him, I’m Rainbow Dash again. And you know how Rainbow Dash is when she’s angry!” She exclaimed rather loudly.

Starlight began to cry, and so did Jet.

Blaze slowly shook his head.

“You monster……I don’t even know you!”

“What are you going to do about it?” Rainbow mocked.

“What about you?! You’re the one cooped up in the hospital bed!”

Just then, another nurse walked in the room.

“Seriously, what is going on in here? Some other patients are trying to sleep!”

Blaze pointed to Rainbow Dash accusingly.

“There was no hit-and-run on Flash! It was her! She punched Flash in the nose!”

Surprised, the nurse turned toward Rainbow.

Rainbow sighed.


To be Continued…

Author Notes:

Dang…I think I wrote myself into a corner. Updates are coming so fast because even I want to see what happens next! The problem is, I don’t know if I’ll be able to successfully wrap it up. Chapters will keep coming until I can figure it out, I guess.

Happy Season 3 everypony! :D


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Please let me start by saying that I'm sorry this isn't a real chapter! I always get so guilty when I start a hype over a little announcement.

All I wanted to say was that I finished more vital spacing revisions on the three prequels, so you can check that out if you wish! I also added a cute picture to chapter 5 of Bad Luck, called "Weird Feelings".

Also, please disregard the text in the previous author notes, stating that Rainbow Dash won't be returning to Thunder Flash. I'm having a difficult time concluding the story, so I'm actually not sure what's going to happen next.

I'm sorry for grabbing your attention so rudely, because this is the only way I can get the message to everyone!


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The nurse was getting pretty annoyed, but didn’t feel like getting the authorities involved.

“Don’t you two KNOW how to get along?!” She exclaimed. “You are married, right?”

“Not anymore. As soon as I get out of this hospital, I’m getting a divorce.” Rainbow replied.

The nurse put a hoof on her face.

“If I were in charge around here, I’d throw both of you out and tell you to sort it out yourselves!”

“But aren’t we still healing?”

“You both look okay to me! Besides, you two are the reason you two are even here!”

Rainbow was without a response. She just blankly stared at the angry nurse.

“You know what? I’m going to go speak with the front desk and see if I can’t get you two demons out of here.” The nurse said, much quieter this time.

Once she left, it was silent around the room.

“…So are you still mad at dad?” Blaze asked.

“Not quite as much. I think I made my point.” Rainbow responded.

“So are you going to return to him?”

Rainbow gave Blaze an annoyed look.

“What do you think? I said I wasn’t quite as mad. I didn’t say I wasn’t mad at all.”



Flash began to slowly wake up. When he looked around, he saw that he had been put in his own room.

He put a hoof on his broken and swollen nose. Sure, it could handle one. But two punches?

“Ah…it just doesn’t make sense. Rainbow is violating so many things right now. This just isn’t her…”

Flash thought out loud to himself.

“She’s not being loyal. That’s the most important part. She broke every single vow she made back up on the altar. I mean, we’ve been through so much. Blaze and Starlight are just one example on that. How could she throw it all away over one little fight?”

Flash noticed a nurse staring at him through the door, confused.

“Heh heh…I guess you heard all that?”

The nurse just slowly kept walking. However, another one walked in behind her.

“Mr. Flash?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“You and Rainbow Dash will be leaving now.”

“What?! Why?”

“Mr. Flash, this is a hospital. Not a civil-war battlefield. Most of us here are getting pretty sick of your inability to cooperate with Rainbow, who is supposed to be your wife.”

Flash just sighed, defeated.

He climbed out of his bed, and walked toward the door. The nurse followed.

When Flash got to the front door, Rainbow Dash and the children were standing at the desk, checking both of them out of the hospital.


“Don’t talk to me.”

Flash sighed.


Once they left the hospital, it was dark outside. Flash could see that Rainbow was heading in the wrong direction from Soarin’s.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I have to go to your place to get my stuff. Duh.”


As Rainbow flew off with the kids, Flash flew in the other direction. He was heading for Soarin’s to talk to him about Rainbow’s decision.


Once Flash had gotten there, he knocked on the door.

After several minutes, there was no answer.

Confused, he knocked on the door again. Still no answer.

Something didn’t feel right to him. He got a weird feeling that something was wrong in there.

Flash looked back and forth to make sure nopony was watching. Then, he stepped back, jumped forward and kicked the door down with his hoof.

The house appeared to be completely empty.

However, Flash could hear groaning noises echo all around him.

“H…hello? Anypony home?” He stuttered.


Flash crept around Soarin’s house, afraid that something was going to jump out at him at any moment.

As he neared that back of the house, the groaning got louder. It was echoing the loudest by the basement stairs.

Flash gulped, and slowly descended the stairs toward the basement.

When he reached the bottom and turned on the light, he gasped loudly and stepped backward in shock.

Both Soarin and Rainbow Dash were suspended upside-down, trapped in large, green cocoons that hung from the ceiling.

“R…R…Rainbow? What are you doing down here?”

Flash ran forward toward the big, sticky bubble that his wife was encased within.


Rainbow groaned, and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Flash, she went crazy.

“Flash, help me! Help!”

Flash could hear Rainbow calling, but couldn’t make out the words.

Rainbow began to kick around and flap her wings, but couldn’t break free of her bondage.

Hearing all the commotion, Soarin began to wake up. He saw Flash trying to help Rainbow, and began to make noise.

“Hey! Over here!” He called.

Once again, Flash could hear him, but couldn’t tell what he was trying to say.

He stopped and thought for a second, and came to an idea.

“Wait here. I think I found out how to free you two!”

Flash ran upstairs, and outside to Soarin’s garage. From there, he searched around for a sharp object.

Eventually, he came to a pair of hedge-clippers.

“Alright, this is close enough.”

As fast as he could, he raced back downstairs to the basement, and grabbed a stool. He set the stool up next to Rainbow’s cocoon, and stood up on it. From there, he used the clippers to snap the cocoon from the ceiling.

The cocoon fell to the floor and broke open, freeing Rainbow from her imprisonment.

Flash did the same with Soarin, and he was free from his cocoon.

“Rainbow, how did you get here so fast? I thought you were heading to my place to get your stuff.”

“Flash, that wasn’t me! That was a changeling who looked like me!”


“Remember when I left to tell Soarin about the alicorn foal? While I was at his place, a changeling captured us! It fed off of my blood, and turned into me to fool you! See?”

Rainbow turned at an angle, and showed Flash a swollen bite-mark that had appeared at the base of her neck.

“After that, it imprisoned us in two large cocoons, and left.”

Flash was silent for a couple seconds, trying to wrap his mind around what Rainbow had said.

“Wait…so these so-called ‘changelings’ feed off of blood?” He asked.

“No, they actually feed off of the love two ponies have for each other. This changeling fed off of my blood so it could not only turn into me, but copy off my memories. That way it knows everything that has happened to me, and everything we’ve done together. EVERYTHING.”

“Gee, that’s kind of perverted.”

Soarin chuckled.

“You’re missing the point!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“So how do you know all this stuff?” Flash asked.

“It told us right before it imprisoned us.” Rainbow responded.

“Well, of course it did! How come I didn’t think of that?”

Rainbow ignored his humorous response.

“We were stuck in those cocoons for a couple of days. What time is it?” Soarin asked.

“It’s after dark. Why does it matter?”

“Because changelings are strongest at night. It could be anywhere by now, and it wouldn’t be very pleasant to run into it.”

“Okay, think of this as a lockdown. If any of you two leave, it could spell certain disaster. Stay down here at ALL COSTS. I’m going to go look for our little Rainbow-Dash-impersonator.”

“Flash, no!” Rainbow yelled.

Flash was already out the door.


Flash ran towards his house through the heavy drape of darkness that enveloped Ponyville.

Turning one corner, he heard a chuckle. He stopped in his tracks, and turned toward the shadows where the chuckle had come from.

“Hello, Thunder Flash.” Rainbow Dash said, stepping out into the light.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

All the ideas are coming together, and I think this is shaping up to be a pretty sweet finale!


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“Why are you doing this? Why did you turn into Rainbow Dash to fool me?” Flash asked.

“What, you mean that rainbow-haired pegasus fool you’re so madly in love with? Just for laughs.” The changeling replied.

“Do not call Dashie a fool, you ugly, stupid parasite! I’m going to tear you to shreds!” Flash raged.

“Let’s not get crazy here. I do look just like her, after all.”

“The joke’s off! Show me your true form!”

The changeling smiled.

“If you insist…”

In a blinding flash of lime-green light, Rainbow Dash’s form was replaced by an ugly, black insect that was full of holes. Thunder Flash’s first view of a true changeling.

Flash squinted a little.

“Are you sure that’s you? I can’t see you under that thick layer of pure disgusting hideousness. It’s no wonder you disguise yourself to look like beautiful mares such as Rainbow Dash, because you simply can’t display something like THAT in public!”

“Shut up! You think I asked to look like this?” The changeling rasped.

Flash ignored the changeling’s burst of anger.

“If you changelings feed off of love, why did you try to break me and Dashie apart?”

“Queen Chrysalis exiled me from the rest of the changeling army. She said I was her weakest link. You know why? I feed off of hatred instead of love. To changelings, this is considered a disability. When I break you and Rainbow Dash apart, I’ll continue to break apart the rest of the Elements of Harmony! I’ll become more powerful by the second, and the Queen will have to let me back in the army! With our abilities combined, we will rule all of Equestria!”

“I’m sorry, what was that? I was more interested in that bird nest over there.” Flash lied.

“Nice try, Thunder Flash. But I know you heard me. There’s no way you can stop my plans.”

“Well it’ll be much easier now, since you just TOLD me what your plans are!”

“You get a serious thrill out of trying to make me look stupid, don’t you? Enjoy it now, because you’ll never get to do it again.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

The changeling smirked, and lunged toward Flash. In one swift punch, Flash’s vision faded to black.


Soarin sat down on the big leather couch he had stored in his basement, while Rainbow paced the floor.

“Come on Rainbow, sit down with me. There’s no point in stressing over this too much.” Soarin suggested, patting the spot next to him.

“Don’t stress? Don’t stress?!?! Soarin, a changeling bit me in the neck, and sucked my blood! A changeling! And now Flash is out there, as well as my kids, and they’re in danger! Don’t tell me not to stress!”

“But Rainbow, stressing isn’t good for your heart. And it sure-as-Celestia isn’t going to bring Flash back. Just sit down with me and relax a little bit.”

Rainbow was about to agree when they heard the basement door open. Both of them tensed up.

“Who goes there? What do you want? If you want to get down here, you’re going to have to get through me!” Rainbow yelled, prepared to fight.

However, everything changed when she saw Flash appear at the bottom of the stairs.

“Whoa, calm down Rainbow. It’s just me.”

“Flash! Thank Celestia you’re safe!”

Rainbow leaped onto Flash and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

“I’ve been away from you for far too long. How did the search go?”

Flash shrugged.

“It’s no use. I can’t find it. You think it’d be easy, since it looks like you.”

“Yeah, that gorgeous devil.” Rainbow replied.

Soarin cracked up laughing.

“Yep, that’s Rainbow Dash for ya!” He exclaimed to Flash.

“Alright, we need to do another search. Except this time, we’re all going.” Flash ordered.

“Yes!” Rainbow and Soarin exclaimed simultaneously.


Once they were outside, Rainbow and Soarin got a view of the outdoors for the first time in the last thirty-six hours.

“Wow, it’s dark outside. You can barely see the streetlight over at the corner.” Rainbow mused.

Flash reviewed the game plan.

“Okay, I’m afraid if I leave Rainbow Dash alone, something is going to happen to her, so I’m going to go with her. Soarin, do you think you can go by yourself?”

“You can count on me.”

“Okay, good. If anyone sees the changeling, do anything you can to fight it off! Remember, it looks like Rainbow Dash, and the real Rainbow Dash is with me. So if you see Rainbow Dash alone, prepare to fight!”

“Got it!” Rainbow and Soarin exclaimed together.

“Let’s go!”

Soarin, Flash and Rainbow flew off in two different directions.


Flash and Rainbow ran toward their house, assuming the changeling was still there. If not, they had to make sure the kids were okay. If that changeling got its ugly hooves on Jet, things could get more complicated than both of them anticipated.

Flying up to the entrance, Rainbow and Flash threw open the door.

Inside, everything was very dark, and nothing could be seen or heard.

“Blaze? Starlight? Where are you?” Rainbow called.

Even though Rainbow Dash was considered an athletic tomboy, she still felt that motherly worry for her children.

As they walked through the house, they heard a very muffled call coming from their bedroom.


Rainbow ran toward the bedroom, with Flash close behind.

Rainbow tried to open the door, and found it locked. Stepping back, she leaped forward and kicked the door down.

Inside, she saw Thunder Flash trying to free himself from another large green cocoon.

“What the hay-?”

Before she could put two-and-two together, she received a powerful uppercut to the ribs, and went flying across the room.

Coughing up blood, she stared helplessly up at the Flash imposter standing before her, who was laughing maniacally.

“Now you know the pain I felt when your abusive husband tried to waste me, last time I looked like you!”

Rainbow coughed up more blood.

“F…F…Flash tried to waste me?”

“Oh please, he doesn’t care about you.”

Off the corner of her eye, Rainbow could see Flash freaking out from inside the cocoon, shaking his head violently.

She began to have trouble breathing. She stared back up at the changeling Flash.

In a brilliant flash of lime-green light, the appearance of Flash was replaced by Spitfire.

“Two down, one to go.”

The changeling kicked Rainbow in the abdomen, and she blacked out.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

This chapter is kind of short, I know. It was a little rushed. On school nights, I have to be in bed by nine! However, Thanksgiving break starts on Wednesday, so there might be another chapter soon.

Temporary Role-Reversal

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Soarin quickly galloped through the back alleyways of Ponyville, searching for the scumbag changeling that took the form of his friend. He just hoped that no one else would have to get involved, because they don’t need to deal with the stress.

“Soarin? What’s going on?”

Soarin turned around to see where the voice came from, and saw Spitfire standing behind him.

He blushed a little.

“Aw horseapples…”

“What is it?”

“Nothing. Listen, I need you to go back home. This is something very important and dangerous, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Soarin had this interesting crush on Spitfire, so he cared deeply about her safety.

“If it’s dangerous, then I want in. What’s so dangerous about you running around the alleys of Ponyville at midnight?” She asked.

Soarin sighed.

“There’s a changeling on the loose. A changeling is an insect-like creature that can disguise itself as somepony you love, and right now it looks like Rainbow Dash.” He replied.

“You mean our new captain? Why?”

“To fool Thunder Flash. I always thought changelings fed off of love, so I have no idea why it’s doing this. The point is we have to stop it! Come on!”

As Soarin galloped away, ‘Spitfire’ followed close behind.

It may not be easy, but the changeling was determined to capture Soarin, and imprison him along with the two creepy lovebirds back at the cloud home.

And the real Spitfire? She’ll be lucky if someone ever comes looking for her.

She shuttered, remembering the brutal fight Spitfire put up back over at her place.

Spitfire got some lucky punches in here and there, but she still felt that she won the fight. After all, Spitfire was the one trapped back at her place.

It’s all part of the price to pay for full Equestrian domination.


Rainbow Dash laid on the floor next to the wall, defeated. Blood slowly dribbled out of her mouth, and she tried her best not to vomit from the blow she had taken to her lower stomach.

She could faintly hear Flash screaming from inside his green, gooey imprisonment, trying to get her attention.

She glanced up at him drearily.

His eyes shifted toward the top of the cocoon he was in, trying to tell her something.


She was interrupted by a few more red-coated coughs.


Flash made a sawing motion with his hoof.

Oh, now she understood.

Rainbow tried to acknowledge his request. Without saying a word, she painfully struggled to stand up, and stumbled out the bedroom door.

She headed straight for the kitchen, and opened up a supplies drawer. She grabbed the sharpest object she could find, which was a pair of scissors.

Heading back to their bedroom, she climbed onto their bed, and began to cut at the bindings.

As a result, Flash’s prison fell to the ground and broke open.

“Great! Now let’s catch up with Soarin, and hunt this thing down together!” He beamed.

“Uh…Flash? I’m feeling dizzy…”

Barely finishing her sentence, Rainbow fell backward onto the bed, dropping the scissors on the floor.


Flash ran forward in surprise. He saw that Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep again.

“Never mind; I have to stay and take care of you. Good luck, Soarin…” He sighed.


“So how did you find out that I was roaming Ponyville? Were you nearby or something?” Soarin asked.

“I was actually on my way to see you. I was going to inform you on a performance the Wonderbolts will be attending at Las Pegasus in a few weeks.” Spitfire answered.

“Shouldn’t you have gone to inform Rainbow Dash first? She is the captain, after all.”

“Well, if you hadn’t recalled, it’s the middle of the night. Everyone in the Wonderbolts knows that our captain loves to sleep! I just figured you’d be more up and around.”

“Yeah, good point.”

Spitfire changed the subject.

“Speaking of Rainbow Dash, how have things been going recently? I heard you two got more acquainted with each other the past few months.”

Soarin sighed.

“Oh yeah…we’ve been acquainted with each other……more than we should.”

“Really? What do you mean?”

“There was an incident after that party our team threw about a year ago. We were both very tipsy from alcohol consumption, and we kind of…”

“You did it with Rainbow Dash?! That’s amazing!”

Soarin gave her a confused look.

“Somehow…I don’t think so.”

“Well why not?”

“Rainbow Dash is married, you know. To another one of our recruits: Thunder Flash.”

“Oh come on, what’s wrong with getting intimate with your friends once and a while?”

“Well, she got pregnant, for starters. You think that’s okay? Imagine being married, and your husband had a foal with another mare that you were good friends with. How would that make you feel?”

“It could be worse.”

The two approached a dim streetlight at a deserted crossroad.

“Hold on, let’s stop here.” Soarin suggested.


Soarin gave her a cold stare for a few seconds. Then, without warning, he gave her a clear, hard punch in the face, sending her a few feet backwards.

Spitfire put a hoof up to her face in pain.

“Soarin?! What the hell?!”

Soarin stood over her.

“You’re not Spitfire, you disgusting excuse for a changeling.”

“Soarin, what the hell’s gotten into you? It’s me!”

“Yeah right. The real Spitfire would probably kick me off the Wonderbolts for having sex with another recruit.”

“Soarin, please…”

“Can it. Where is she? Where is Spitfire?!”

The confused, terrified look on Spitfire’s face was replaced by an evil, content smirk. She laughed.

“I had you going there, didn’t I?”

“Shut up! Where’s Spitfire?”

“Dead. I gave her what she deserved. A long, treacherous road-trip to hell.”

“You’re lying! What did you really do to her?!”

Soarin kicked the changeling with all the power he could muster, sending it back a few more feet.

“Tell me where Spitfire is, or I’ll gladly put a few more holes in your ugly body, probably where they don’t belong.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“And why not?”

The changeling pointed behind him. He turned around, and saw an army of changelings waiting behind him.

“When did you get the time to muster up all of your friends?” Soarin asked.

“They were waiting around in the shadows the whole time, with a lust for attack. I may have been banished from Chrysalis’s army, but I do have an army of my own, all of which also feed on hatred.”

Soarin looked around in all directions, distraught by the sheer number of changelings that surrounded them.

“Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be the one asking the questions.”

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out!
By the way, I'm sorry the picture is so large. It was the only one I could find.

Soarin's Attitude Adjustment

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“Where is he?” The changeling asked.

“Who, Flash? You should know; you probably already trapped him somewhere.” Soarin replied.

The changeling chuckled softly.

“That’s actually true, but it’s not him I’m talking about. I’m talking about your son.”

“I don’t have a son.”

“Oh, don’t lie to me. I’m talking about the accident that happened at the party with Rainbow Dash named Jet.”

“Do not call him an accident!!!”

“Well he is, isn’t he? You don’t want to snap at me Soarin. The congregation of my predators standing around us won’t allow that.”

Soarin growled angrily.

“Why do you want him anyway?”

“So you don’t know? He’s an alicorn. The first of his kind in the last ten-thousand years.”

“Wow, so Celestia’s that old?”

“That’s beside the point. The power your foal possesses is unimaginable. Something that’s unnecessary for my plans, but would help immensely in the long run!”

“If you lay one disgusting hoof on him…”

“Or else what? Look around you, Soarin. Must I say it again?”

“How come you didn’t find him already? He should’ve been back at Rainbow’s house.”

“Don’t play games with me, you useless pegasus! I know you have him!”

“So you’re telling me that you headed back to Rainbow Dash’s house disguised as Rainbow Dash with the children following you, and you still managed to let them slip out of your hooves?”

“I’m not concerned about the other two. They’re locked up somewhere where nopony will ever think to look for them.”

Soarin tried to change the subject.

“How did you know Jet was an accident?”

The changeling chuckled again.

“You stupid foal. How would I not know, with Rainbow Dash’s memories swirling around in my head?”

“So now I’m a useless pegasus AND a stupid foal? What are you going to call me next? A pedophile?”

The changeling gritted its teeth.

“I’m so sick of your stupid laid-back attitude! This is the last straw! Changelings, attack!”

Soarin gasped as a wave of changelings washed over him. The last thing he saw before fading to black was the changeling leader taking the form of Fluttershy.


Flash lightly consoled Rainbow Dash, who was sleeping soundly on their bed. At the same time, he wished she would wake up. A changeling was on the loose, and their kids were missing.

“Oh come on, Rainbow. You need to wake up.” He whispered.

Flash got an inappropriate idea. He walked over to the closet, and pulled out a whip. Flash and Rainbow had owned it for quite a while, and would use it a lot during intimacy. (The embarrassing part was that Rainbow was usually the one to use it on him.)

He walked over to the big, empty part of the room, and whipped it as hard as he could.

The resulting crack sent a small burst of rainbow-colored light out in all directions, like a miniature Sonic Rainboom. This woke up Rainbow with a jolt.

Dazed, she glanced over at Flash and saw the whip he was holding.

“Oh Flash, I don’t feel like getting dirty right now.”

Flash chuckled at her remark.

“I know, I’m not either. I used this to wake you up.”

“Why? It’s still dark out.”

“Don’t you remember the changeling that’s assaulting us? Our kids are still missing, and I think Soarin’s in trouble.”

Rainbow yawned.

“Five more minutes?”


When Soarin came to, he was in some dark, cold room. Instead of being trapped inside a cocoon, he was chained to the wall by his arms and legs.

He struggled to break free of his bondage.

“Hey, what is this?”

He looked up, and saw the changeling emerge from the darkness.

“I suppose you know why you’re here.”

Soarin scoffed.

“What are you going to do? Give me a blowjob? I don’t think now’s the time.”

The changeling walked up to him and smacked him.

“That’s why! You’re here for your terrible attitude! Now I want some answers now, or I’ll be forced to resort to drastic measures.”

“I just told you lady, I don’t want a blowjob.”

“So be it…”

The changeling’s distorted horn glowed green, and Soarin’s chains shortened and tightened, stretching his limbs to painful lengths.

“Where’s Jet?!” The changeling demanded.

“Why should I tell you?”

“The list of reasons why you should tell me is too long and dreadful to be put into words. So I suggest you tell me, or things are going to get ugly. I’ll make sure you die slowly, from electrocution or live burning. Where is your son?”

“I don’t know!”

With a glow of the changeling’s horn, the chains got shorter, stretching him even more. Soarin winced as he felt something pop in his right arm.

“How do I know that Jet is really an accident? What if the whole thing was intentional?” It asked.

“Stop it!”

“It’s easy, throw a party for the Wonderbolts, make sure there’s a lot to drink, and get her intoxicated. After that, it’s easy…” The changeling hissed in his face.

“That’s not true…”

“I bet you enjoyed it. Sex with the star of the Wonderbolts got you off big time, didn’t it?”

“You shut your dirty mouth! All of that is not true!”

“No, you’ll be the one shutting your mouth. All this hatred you have for me is just making me more powerful.”

With one flick of magic from her horn, the changeling outstretched Soarin’s left wing, and bent it really far.

The fragile bone beneath the cartilage in Soarin’s wing snapped, and white-hot pain surged up through his body.

“Aaahhhhh! Damn you!” He cried.

“Uh uh uh! You don’t want your other wing broken, do you?”

The changeling smiled.

Soarin looked up at the changeling, panting heavily, with pure anger in his eyes.

“Now tell me the whole story on how Jet was created. Every last detail.”

“Why in Equestria would you want to know that? I thought you wanted answers from me, not a sob-story.”

“I have time. Nopony will ever find us here, so I want to prolong your pain not only physically, but psychologically as well. That’s why I want you to relive your biggest mistake. Tell me everything.”

“In your dreams!”

Once again, the changeling used her magic to snap Soarin’s other wing. The pain returned to him as the bone in his other wing snapped.

“Oooooowwwww!!! Okay, okay, I’ll tell you!” He exclaimed.

The changeling laughed.

“Go on…”

“It started at the party us Wonderbolts held to celebrate our groundbreaking performance. It was more of an adult party, so there was a lot of alcohol, liquor, and tequila involved. By the time most of the ponies had left, me and Rainbow Dash were extremely woozy from alcohol consumption. I found her asleep over the toilet bowl, so I went over to wake her up. I asked her if she wanted to come back over to my place for a…second round. I think you know what comes after this, and Rainbow Dash got pregnant.”

Soarin hung his head in shame.

“Not enough detail.” The changeling said.


“Tell me what happened at your place after the party.”

“You pervert! Why?”

The changeling shrugged.

“You seem pretty ashamed already; why not tell me more?”

“I was drunk! I don’t remember it anyway!”

Soarin’s chains got even shorter. More of his limbs cracked, and he could not move anything but his head.

“Fine! If you MUST know…”

The changeling patiently waited for him to begin.

“Well, I don’t know which one of us was more drunk, because we were both leaning against each other for balance. Once we were in my bedroom, Rainbow got onto the bed and spread her legs, and I…”

The door to the room flew off the hinges in a startling explosion. Flash and Rainbow ran inside, and tackled the changeling to the ground.

“This game’s not over yet!” Flash yelled in the changeling’s face.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

What’s wrong with me…

Similar Desires

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“Yeah! I bet it doesn’t feel good to be the one getting pounded, does it?!”

Rainbow yelled in the changeling’s face as she laid painful punches and kicks all over its body. By the time she was done, the changeling was bruised, bloody, and out-cold.

Flash sighed.

“It’s hard to believe that you just beat up a changeling, and you yourself were coughing up blood not half an hour ago.”

Rainbow, panting heavily, stood up.

“You can’t keep Rainbow Dash down for long.” She boasted.

“Flash! Rainbow! Thank Celestia you came! That changeling almost made me relive the event of Jet’s creation.” Soarin shuttered.

Flash and Rainbow looked horrified and disgusted.

“Eeeewwww!!! Not only is it evil, but it’s a rapist too???” Flash exclaimed.

Soarin was confused.

“No, not like that. It was going to make me tell the story of when me and Rainbow Dash had sex after the Wonderbolts party. Let me tell you, telling that story would be worse than getting both of my wings broken.”

“Oh, so you didn’t enjoy having sex with me? How offensive!” Rainbow joked.

“Well no, I did enjoy it, but not like…um…”

Soarin blushed.

“Why are you putting me in this position?”

Rainbow and Flash laughed.

“Let’s get you out of those chains. That looks like it hurts.” Flash suggested.

Flash and Rainbow walked up to Soarin. Flash took the front side, and Rainbow went around back. When she got there, she gasped in horror.

“What is it?” Flash asked.

“Soarin’s wings really DID get broken!” Rainbow replied.

She lightly touched the tip of his right wing.

“OW! Careful sweetheart, it still hurts.” Soarin mentioned.

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Listen, even if it is just slang, I hate being called ‘sweetheart’ by anypony. Even Flash.”

Flash nodded in agreement.

“One time I called her ‘my little princess’. I still have a red mark on my cheek from that day.”

Soarin laughed.


After a few minutes, the couple managed to get Soarin’s chains off. He rubbed his tender hooves, as they were sore from the chains’ tight grip.

“What do you think we should do with the changeling?” He asked.

“Well it’s still alive, so that rules out a few suggestions. Perhaps we just kill it?” Flash suggested.

Rainbow shook her head.

“That goes against every rule about being an Element of Harmony. Killing is wrong, and I won’t allow it.”

She thought for a second.

“But…I do know something we can do. We have to get it over to Fluttershy’s.”

“What, why?”

“She lives next to the Everfree Forest, where a cockatrice lives. If we leave the changeling in the Forest, it’ll eventually be turned to stone.” Rainbow explained.

“Oh yeah, good plan!” Flash added.

“Well you can go ahead; I’ll just be heading back to my house. I’d rather just relax and take it easy after all that’s happened, and I have two green cocoons to clean out of my basement!” Soarin chuckled.

“Whatever floats your boat.”

Flash slung the unconscious changeling onto his back.

“So…I guess this is goodbye for now?” Soarin asked.

“Yeah, I guess.” Flash replied.

Rainbow whispered something into Flash’s ear.

Flash nodded.

“Yes, it’s okay. Go ahead.” He smiled.

Rainbow walked up to Soarin, and kissed him on the lips. Soarin was surprised, but went with it anyway.


On the way to Fluttershy’s, Flash and Rainbow had time to catch up together after their separation.

“So what happened with the fake me before you knew I was a changeling?” Rainbow asked.

“I said I didn’t approve of you going to Soarin’s house, since you were still at inner conflict with the ‘soul mate’ issue. You got really mad, and……”

Flash paused, and Rainbow could tell he was starting to tear up.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s just…I……I didn’t want you to leave me. You wanted to divorce me, because I didn’t let you make your own decisions.”

Flash paused again, and sniffled. A tear ran down his eye.

“You really believed Soarin was the only one right for you. You were going to leave me.”

Rainbow stared at him as he slowly started to cry. She really felt bad for him.

The same thing had happened to her back at flight camp, when she met a very nice and handsome colt. She really enjoyed his company, and was living a happy life with him.

Then, she caught him cheating on her.

Rainbow Dash rarely ever experienced true love, and when she did, it was hard to let go.

“What happened next?” She asked softly.

“I kind of panicked, so I smacked you without thinking, hoping it would snap you back into reality. Unfortunately, it backfired. We got into this massive physical fight, which I came out on top of. I just…didn’t stop. Not until you were bloody and unconscious.”

Flash paused again.

“The worst part is…I didn’t even feel bad until you woke up and said you hated me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m here for you. The real Rainbow Dash. Everything that happened then was just a changeling’s doing.”

“But I thought it was you! That’s what makes it so mortal.”

“Come on, this is the Element of Loyalty you’re talking to! I wouldn’t leave you over some silly thing like not letting me go to Soarin’s.”

Rainbow put her arm around Flash.

“By the way, where’s Jet?” Flash asked.

“Good question. We’ll see if Fluttershy knows when we arrive at her house.” Rainbow answered.


Rainbow knocked on the door. After waiting about ten seconds, Fluttershy answered.

“Oh, hey Rainbow Dash. How are you doing?” She asked in her soft, innocent voice.

Before Rainbow could answer, Fluttershy saw the unconscious changeling resting on Flash’s back.

“Eep! What are you doing with that thing?”

“We were going to dump it in the Everfree Forest. That’s why we came to your house.” Rainbow responded.

“Y…you didn’t…k…kill it…did you?”

“Oh no, don’t be silly! It’s just unconscious right now, so we had to get rid of it.” Flash spoke up.

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash?”


“Are you missing your foal, by any chance?”

Rainbow and Flash gasped.

“Yes, I am! Why, do you have him?”

Fluttershy was startled by their sudden enthusiasm.

“Um…yes. He’s sleeping on my couch.”

Fluttershy motioned for them to come inside. Flash left the unmoving changeling outside, and they walked inside.

Rainbow headed straight for the living room, and looked on the couch. Sure enough, her precious Jet was sleeping soundly on the center cushion.

She gasped.

“Oh my gosh, Jet! Thank Celestia you’re okay!”

Rainbow wanted to run over to him and hug him as hard as she could, but she didn’t want to disturb his slumber.

Fluttershy walked into the room.

“Gee Rainbow, I didn’t know you were so motherly.”

Rainbow sighed.

“Believe me, once you have a foal of your own, things change.”

Flash spoke up from the other room.

“You know what? I’m going to go dispose of the changeling myself, before it wakes up. I’ll be back in a few.”

“Okay, just be careful. This is the Everfree Forest at 3:30 in the morning we’re talking!” Rainbow replied.

Flash nodded, and walked out the door.

“What do you mean by ‘things change’?” Fluttershy asked once they were alone.

“It’s just that everyone who knows me knows that I’ll never be a suitable mother. I agreed with them. I always knew that having a foal would keep me from my goals, and just slow me down. I had dreams, and I worked hard every day to make them a reality. I didn’t really care to have a foal when I could be doing so much more. But now that I have three foals, things have changed. I would do anything for them.” Rainbow explained.

“But according to the Poison Wish, your deepest desire was to start a family.”

Rainbow sighed again.

“I guess I just didn’t know it yet.”

There was a little bit of silence, where the mares stood and watched Jet sleep. Fluttershy broke the silence.

“I’ve always wanted a foal.”

Rainbow looked over at her.

“Hey, don’t let that wish go. You’ll meet that special someone someday, and you’ll be happy. I know it. Just think, if Rainbow Dash can do it, then so can you!”

Fluttershy smiled, leaned over, and hugged her friend.

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

Sometimes my mood mixes in with what I write. It’s been a long day, and it’s only Monday. So that’s why this is more of a slower chapter.

Long-Kept Secrets

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Rainbow Dash stood with Fluttershy in her living room. Jet was still sleeping on the couch, and both of them didn’t want to disturb him. However, Rainbow had one question on her mind that she was curious about.

“Fluttershy, how did Jet get here in the first place?”

“I don’t know. I was just sitting on the couch watching TV, when I got up to get something to eat. When I came back, Jet was on the couch, right where I was sitting. It was like he teleported here by magic.”

Rainbow hesitated.

“It was by magic.”

Fluttershy was confused.

“Magic? But Jet is a pegasus.”

Rainbow shook her head.

“Fluttershy, I think you need to see this.”

Rainbow Dash slowly walked over to the couch, where Jet was sleeping. She very lightly pushed aside some of Jet’s thick mane, revealing his small horn.

Fluttershy gasped.

“H…he’s an alicorn? How is that possible?”

“Well…it’s complicated. It has to do with me, Soarin, and the Elements of Harmony.”

Fluttershy was shocked.

“Elements of Harmony? Does that mean I can have an alicorn too?”


Fluttershy was silent. She looked down, trying to wrap her mind around everything Rainbow Dash was explaining to her.

“The thing is, all six of the Elements of Harmony can have alicorns if they’re paired with their soul mate. Celestia and Luna are alicorns because the Royal Family had the Elements of Harmony before we did.”

“Wait…Soarin is your soul mate? I thought Flash was.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders.

“Fate works in funny ways. I’m staying with Flash though, so don’t worry.”

After a couple seconds of silence, Fluttershy chuckled a little.

“What’s so funny?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s just… Three foals from two different fathers. How do you do it?”

Now it was Rainbow’s turn to chuckle.

“You just gotta have the right stuff. When you’re like me, it’s easy! And if anyone calls you a whore, you either ignore them, or bash their head in. I usually choose number two.”

Rainbow winked, and Fluttershy smiled.

“Oh, and one more thing. If you want to know how to get a stallion, you have to put yourself out there.” Rainbow mentioned.

Fluttershy blushed deeply.

“Y…you mean like…”

“No no no, not like that. You have to be more social. Get to know ponies better. I know some pretty good online dating websites that I think you should try out.”

“Well, if you insist. But not right now, because we’ve both been up late, and I’m pretty tired.”

Right as the mares heard a flash of thunder rip through the sky, Thunder Flash walked in the door (pretty ironic, right?).

“The changeling has been disposed of. The only two questions left to be answered are: ‘Where is Blaze and Starlight?’, and ‘What happened to the changeling army?’.”

Rainbow and Fluttershy just shrugged.

“So what were you gals talking about?”

Fluttershy blushed again.

“Online dating. Rainbow Dash was telling me how to get a stallion.”

“Ooh, getting spicy, I see? Whatever you do, don’t ever resort to becoming a stripper. The guys who pay you to expose yourself like that don’t really care about your feelings at all, and should be punished for their act. Half of them are probably married, anyway.”

“Oh…” Rainbow whispered.

“What is it?”

“Um…nothing. It’s nothing.”

“Rainbow, were you a stripper once?”


Flash gasped.

“Oh my gosh…you were! Wow, I feel so weird right now, having never known this before!”

Fluttershy cringed.

“I can kind of see where this is going, so I’m just going to leave now…”

Fluttershy walked up the stairs to her bed, leaving Flash and Rainbow alone.

“Wow. Rainbow Dash as a prostitute. I mean, I guess I could see that, but why?”

Rainbow pouted.

“It was a hard time, okay? I spent every day training at my hardest to become a Wonderbolt, and I didn’t have a real-paying job. Weather duties wasn't paying enough to get by."

Flash stared, feeling like he really saw his wife for the first time.

“How many ponies paid to watch you dance in front of them?”

Rainbow shook her head.

“Hundreds. I lost track of how many would come in every day. The club I served at was twice as popular once I joined.”

“How was it? Was it a forced job, or was there something more you got from what you did?”

Rainbow sighed, deep in thought.

“I don’t know what I thought of it. Every day, dozens of stallions, and even some mares would watch me with lust, yelling out all the things they wanted to do to me.”

“Did you ever lap dance?”

Rainbow sighed, and nodded her head.

“Sometimes, when business was slow, I would lap dance for some ponies just to make some extra money.”

“I hope you know that none of your ‘clients’ really cared about you. They just enjoyed your body.” Flash mentioned.

“…Are you mad?”

“I’m not mad. I’m just…surprised. We were married for about ten years, and you never told me. Did any of your friends know about this?”

“Well, this was before I met any of my other friends. I only knew Fluttershy from Flight Camp. Not even she knew.”

Flash nodded slowly.

“Well if dozens of ponies would come to see you every day, you must’ve been quite a sight to see.”

He smiled.

Rainbow smiled too.

“Yeah, they all thought I was pretty hot.”

“I do too. I’m lucky though, because I get the real thing, and I don’t have to pay for it!”

Rainbow chuckled softly.

“You seem to be taking this pretty well.”

“Hey, what are husbands for? You only did it to make a quick bit, and you’re past it already.”

Flash hugged Rainbow.

Although what he said was true, Rainbow did get more out of what she did. After losing her coltfriend from Flight Camp, she did it partly to fill the void that he left when he cheated on her. If the cops had known that she was underage for prostitution, she would have been arrested, and the club probably would’ve been shut down.

She felt that Flash didn’t need to know all that.

Fluttershy called from upstairs.

“Hey Rainbow, what dating website was it that you wanted to show me?”

To be Continued…

Author Notes:

I'm sorry the picture is so large. :(

Now that the main problem with the changeling has been solved, the story should be wrapped up pretty soon, after they find their kids. There won’t be a fifth sequel, because that would be kind of obsessive! I’m still surprised I was able to milk three sequels out of the same story.

If anyone wants to, it would be cool if someone wrote a bonus sequel of Fluttershy pursuing a coltfriend! I would favorite that pretty quickly. ;)

Final Confessions

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After Rainbow had shown Fluttershy the dating site, they left her on her own to surf her possibilities.

They still had to find Blaze and Starlight.

“As usual, I think the best place to start looking would be our house. We don’t know if we missed something, or if they escaped and went there.” Flash suggested.

“Sounds like a plan.” Rainbow responded.

She opened her wings, and prepared to fly off.

“Wait. Before we go, I have just one more question for you, on the subject we were talking about earlier.”

“Flash, I really don’t feel comfortable talking about this.”

Flash ignored her remark.

“Were you even of legal age to be a prostitute at that time?”

Rainbow sighed, and gave Flash a sad look. She started to say something, but swallowed it.

Then, without answering, she flew off toward their house.

Confused, but also suspicious, Flash flew off after her.


Rainbow touched down on the front porch of their home and walked inside, with Flash close behind.

To their amazement, Blaze and Starlight were sitting on the couch in the living room, totally unharmed.

Starlight turned around to see who had entered.


She sprinted toward Rainbow Dash, and hugged her as tightly as she could.

“Blaze, how did you guys escape?” Flash asked.

Blaze scoffed.

“C’mon, you think some dumb old changeling cocoon can keep me imprisoned for long? Nah.”

Flash was impressed.

“Me, Rainbow and Soarin struggled inside those things for days on end. It took forever for somepony to come and rescue us!”

Blaze didn’t even turn around.

“I have my tactics.”

Flash realized something.

“How do I know you’re not a changeling?”

“Dad, if I were a changeling, I would’ve imprisoned Starlight by now, and I would’ve attacked you two as soon as you walked in.”

“Hmm. I guess that makes sense.”

Rainbow yawned very loudly.

“Can we please go to bed now?”


Flash stepped out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth, and found Rainbow reading a Daring Do book in bed.

He climbed into bed with her.


Rainbow looked up from her book.


“I want to talk to you.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Is this about the prostitution thing again? I thought we were over that.”

“We were, but I can’t help but feel like you’re not telling me everything.”

“What else is there to tell?”

“How long ago did you do that?”

Rainbow put a hoof up to her chin.

“I don’t know…twenty-five years, maybe?”

“…So that means you had to have been about 15 when you did that. You do realize the legal age is 18, right?”

“Yes yes, I know!” Rainbow suddenly yelled.

“Is there a bigger reason you turned to this profession?”

“I told you earlier. Money.”

Flash gave her a stern look.

“Are you sure?”

Rainbow looked down, and sighed heavily.

“Flash, if you really do love me, you’d know that this conversation is making me uncomfortable, and that I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

Rainbow turned her back to him, and fell asleep.

“Of course I love you. Why would you doubt that?”

There was no response. Rainbow Dash was already asleep.


When Flash woke up in the morning (or in this case, three hours), Rainbow wasn’t in bed with him.

Groggily, he got out of bed, and trudged down the hallway toward the kitchen. It was there that he found Rainbow Dash sitting at the counter, eating cereal.

“Hey, Rainbow?”

“If this is about that prostitution thing again, you can just turn around, and walk away right now.”

Flash was annoyed.

“How about this: If you truly love me, you’d stop hiding your past, and tell me the truth!”

Rainbow was about to take another bite, but stopped, the spoon hanging in the air in front of her.

“Smart move.”

Flash ignored her remark.

“I didn’t think this would become such a big deal. But if it’s bothering you on the inside, you should talk to me. That’s how most mares get their feelings in check.”

“True, but I’m not any normal mare. For example, a normal mare actually ENJOYS getting a hooficure every once in a while.”

Flash chuckled, remembering the time Rainbow told him about her first day at a spa. That was the time of that ‘Gabby Gums’ incident.

“You don’t mind telling me though, do you?” He asked.

Rainbow sighed.

“Money was a big part of it. But there was one other big reason I did it. You see, I was really popular back in Flight Camp. Being the first filly in history to perform a Sonic Rainboom really helped with your status at school. And as any popular gal at school would, I had a coltfriend. He wasn’t the kind of colt you’d hook up with just to look cool, because I really, REALLY liked him. Well, over the course of many months, he became popular himself, because he was dating the ‘Sonic Rainboom Girl’, which was my nickname. The popularity eventually got to his head, and he cheated on me for someone else. I’ll never forget the day I went to use the mare’s room, and found him making out with her in one of the stalls. The prostitution I performed was mostly to fill the void that he left when he turned on me.”

Rainbow looked down.

“I’m so sorry. That had to sting.”

Before Rainbow could respond, a loud gasp was heard from down the hall.

“Oh my gosh! I didn’t know mom was a prostitute!”

Both of them turned to find Blaze at the end of the hallway. Apparently he had heard Rainbow’s whole entire story.

They ignored him.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Is there anything you want me to do?” He asked.

“No, it’s okay. It’s in the past now. Besides, I still have you.”

Flash smiled.

“Yes. And I would never leave you for any other pony.”

Flash kissed her, and she returned the favor.

“We’ll be together……forever…”


Author Notes:

I know the ending could’ve been a little more solid, but I think it went well. Pay attention to this part: There will be no fifth sequel!!! However, a reader of mine named ‘forleaf’ is writing a bonus sequel about Fluttershy in her dating pursuit. It’s called, “Once Bitten, Twice Fluttershy”. He’s writing the story, and I’m proofreading and editing it. In my opinion, it’s very good so far!
The next story I will be writing is called “Saving Chunks”. It’s a Minecraft crossover where Rainbow Dash gets caught in the cubic world of Minecraft, and goes on great adventures with Steve!
We all (even me) will be awaiting my return!