• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 5,447 Views, 81 Comments

Assassin's Creed: Friendship is Sacred - iDeltaVelocity

"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."

  • ...

A New Mission

Assassin’s Creed: Friendship is Sacred

Chapter 8: “A New Mission”

One week later…

Orleans, France
The carriage finally slowed to a stop at its destination. Daniel gazed at the stone structure from his seat, and at that moment, a feeling of nervousness became to overtake him. The High Order and its members—especially the Templar Grand Master—were a very hard bunch to please. They didn’t take bad news well, and unfortunately, the contents of the letter in his hand bared a reference to the Ring of Eden, which they were supposed have handed over by now.

Tipping the handler, Daniel got off and went inside. The main Templar base in France was located in Orleans. The city was devoid of Assassins, which made it the ideal for the Templars to set this place up as their primary city. He made his way through the building; thanks to his visit here multiple times, he knew where to go without getting lost. The inside was like a maze, most likely to confuse any intruder that tried to break in.

He eventually came across a large chamber where five men sat at a wooden table at the other end of the room. The moon shone in from the skyline above, casting light down on the Frenchman as if he were standing in the middle of a spotlight. This only made him much more nervous as he faced his superiors.

“High Order, Grand Master.” He bowed his head at the gentleman sitting in the middle, wanting to show as much respect to them as possible before presenting the bad news, “I understand you were expecting Gabriel, but he was sent off on important business for the King, so I thought it best to step in for him.”

“A terrible time for it, but unavoidable nonetheless,” replied one of the Templar Masters, “He needs to keep the Crown loyal to the Templar cause, so we see his absence as understandable. We called him here to discuss the Ring of Eden. It was supposed to be delivered to us last week for shipment to our brothers over in Spain. Why haven’t we received it?”

“We have had some trouble with the Assassins.” Daniel tried his best not to grow nervous amidst the collective stares from the High Order. “Despite our best efforts against them and their allies, they’re proving to be quite a pain in our sides. We’ve had to delay delivery on multiple occasions because of continued assaults on our guard details.”

“I guess we shouldn’t have expected any less from them, but I trust the artifact is still safe under your possession.”

Daniel exhaled. He was hoping they wouldn’t ask about it. The Ring of Eden was one of the single most important artifacts the Templars had ever discovered, next to the Elements of Eden, of course. Though, he couldn’t lie to them; doing so would most likely bring serious repercussions for him in the long run. “The Ring… has been lost. The Assassins had stolen it a few days ago. The men told me it was a surprise attack—”

He was interrupted. “With the Apple in your possession, as well as the other artifacts you have found throughout the country, you should have been able to drive them back with ease. But instead you come here with excuses.”

“Gabriel still has the Apple with him, and we couldn’t risk revealing the location of any of the other artifacts.”

The Grand Master intervened. “It doesn’t matter. The point is we’ve lost the Ring of Eden.” His statement was quick and to the point. In all his years serving with the Templars, he realised that petty bickering would get them nowhere in their mission, especially in the crisis they were facing. It was how Cesare Borgia lost control and died; he wouldn’t allow the same happening to anyone under his command. They were simply too far ahead for that to happen now.

“And what about the Element?” he asked, wanting to change the subject, “The one Gabriel claims is in the city?”

“Still with the Assassins,” Daniel answered, “which is another reason why we’ve had to take careful steps regarding the other artifacts. We have as much control over France and her New World colonies as we want. One slip up could cost us dearly.”

“I understand. You make an excellent point, Daniel. Attacking without regard of what would not be the smartest of moves we’ve ever made, and we know when it comes to the artifacts, the Assassins are always reluctant to use them. The last time they did, they’re precious Mentor went into self-exile.”

Daniel could remember quite well from what he’d been told about the incident, which was the sole reason why the Assassins started losing control over France in the first place. “But that doesn’t mean we should attack, does it?”

“Of course not. As I said, it wouldn’t be the wisest of moves if we did so,” said the Grand Master, “When Gabriel returns from wherever he was sent, remind him that he is responsible for retrieving the Ring and the Element, as well as preventing any more artifacts from falling to the Assassins. As far as we are concerned, we can’t afford to lose leverage. We are so close to our goal.”

Daniel acknowledged them. He saw no other option, and whenever the High Order spoke, their orders were to be carried out regardless of whatever situation you were in. He stepped out of the room, making his way back outside into the night. He wondered how on Earth they were supposed to retrieve the Ring from the Assassins. Since they had it, as well as the Elements, in their possession, they were virtually untouchable.

It was only a matter of time before the Templars of France would decline.

Rainbow dash took a running start. She was focused on it; a few days of rigorous training were coming down to this moment. Volodya waited patiently for her on the platform above, wanting to see how she progressed thus far. There was really no doubt that everything she put herself through would pay off for her after this moment.

Rainbow jumped onto the stack of crates set up in front of her. It was a graceful step, much easier than what she went through previously. Perhaps she’d finally managed to overcome this challenge, she believed. She leapt off the top crate and found herself sailing towards the platform. She held out her arm to grab it and—

She missed it just by a few millimeters. However, before she began to drop to the ground, she felt something grab her by her arm. She looked up and saw Volodya; he was keeping her from plummeting to the concrete below. He pulled her up to the platform. “That was a close one,” he said, “although you’re making excellent progress in climbing. Perhaps on the next try you’ll get it.”

Rainbow sat on the edge of the platform, just happy that she didn’t smash into the side of the wall like last time. She and Volodya had spent the consecutive days training her on climbing onto the rooftops. She still didn’t have the hang of, she found herself improving with each day. “This is difficult.”

Volodya scoffed at her words. “Just wait until the real shit kicks in. You’ll think this is child’s play.” He jumped off the platform to the ground below, followed by Rainbow Dash.

“So, what’re you planning to do now that you got the Ring?” asked Rainbow.

“The Ring of Eden was the only reason the Mentor sent me to France in the first place. I guess now that it’s been retrieved, I can head back to Russia. I’ve always wondered how everything has changed since I first left. I haven’t seen my home in almost four years.”

“What was life like before you joined the Assassins?”

Volodya looked at her. “What life? I’ve been an Assassin ever since I was born. I didn’t have a choice unlike you or your friends. I was born to a mother and father who were fighting for the Brotherhood, and so I was automatically qualified for the job. But I see it as more of a blessing rather than a burden. Knowing that I’m undermining every attempt of the Templars to establish dominance over Europe is more than I need to keep going.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, understanding his words, though she was more worried about the fact that he and Benoit were made Assassins immediately after birth. To her, it didn’t seem quite right, even if it was for a good cause, but she knew there was nothing she could do when dealing with the traditions of the Creed or its members.

The door opened as they were about to head back into the Bureau, with Benoit standing on the other side. “Volodya, do you have a second?” he asked. Volodya nodded, and Rainbow Dash headed inside, leaving the Russian with his French counterpart. “We’ve found another artifact,” Benoit informed him. He had sent a scouting party out earlier, hoping to find whatever they could relating to where the Templars might have stored the other Pieces of Eden.

“Are you sure?” asked Volodya, “Which one is it?”

“But that’s just it. We don’t know what it is. Our scouts weren’t able to get a clear enough look during reconnaissance. But we do know where it’s located. It’s been locked up inside Bastille fortress.”

Volodya never thought he’d have to return there, after rescuing Adeline from the threat of execution. Guard patrols there would most likely be tightened after the escape, an unfortunate occurrence that would provide more difficulty for them if they weren’t careful. The heist would have to involve careful planning in order to get it right. “Right then; I’ll go tell the others to prepare.”

“One more minute, mon ami.” Benoit stopped him just short of going back into the small building. “There is another thing I wanted to discuss with you, about our new recruits.”

“You mean the Equestrians? What about them?”

“We’ve been training them for past week and a half,” Benoit explained, “I think that maybe it’s time to let them out into the field, to see how well they can fare with us in battle.”

Volodya’s given expression showed that he was unsure of this decision. On one hand, Benoit was correct. They’d spent the better part of the week training them in things such as combat and deception, but that still left a hint of uncertainty of what would happen if they did follow through.

It was obvious that they had no combat experience whatsoever, which would be gained by partaking in operations such as this, but the girls just didn’t seem like the fighting type, especially the shy one with pink hair. He was not entirely sure whether or not he wanted to go along with it. “What if they are confronted by a guard? Running and hiding isn’t going to be a permanent solution.”

“That’s why we trained them in combat. We know they’ll have to use their skills eventually. If they do get caught, they’ll have to put them to use.” He put a hand on Volodya’s shoulder. “We’ll be sure to keep an eye on them, to make sure they don’t get into any trouble.”

Volodya took a moment to think about it. The girls had been a huge help during their first “visit” to the Bastille, but how would a second raid go about for them? Surely it would not be the same as the last; they wouldn’t be used as distractions this time. They’d actually have to infiltrate the fortress, which obviously was not an easy task, even for experienced Assassins such as himself and Benoit. They were lucky to have gotten away the first time.

But keeping the Pieces of Eden out of the hands of the Templars required every Assassin they could muster, which also included the ones they’d recruited. From his years of experience, he saw it as a necessary step. They walked back inside and down into the cavern. “Listen, everyone!” The Assassins turned their attention to the Russian.

“We’ve found another Piece of Eden. The Templars have it locked up and under heavy security.”

“Where might it be?” asked Francois, “Surely they have it stored where we aren’t able to get to it easily.”

Benoit stepped forward and answered: “Somewhere in the Bastille, most likely kept in the armory. We’ll have to infiltrate the fortress to get it.”

The girls were left somewhat speechless at the news. To hear that another Piece of Eden was being held in the Bastille, after they barely survived their first “visit” was enough to drain the colour from their skins. “We really have to go back?” Rainbow asked.

“Sadly, yes, and the patrols are sure to be tighter due to Adeline’s escape. Simply luring the guards with disguises won’t do much this time. We’ll have to create a bigger distraction to get their attention.”

“And how do you suppose we do that?” asked Adeline.

“I seem to recall there being a guard tower just a little ways north of the fortress,” one of the other Assassins pointed out, “It isn’t as heavily guarded as the Bastille is. In fact, there are only a few guards stationed the last time I checked. We can detonate a few barrels of gunpowder.”

“Then that should be sufficient enough to distract the guards long enough for us to get in. But we’ll also have to keep a few operatives on point to keep them busy while we sneak in.” Francois and another Assassin volunteered, vowing to keep the Templar guards out of the way while the others carried out the heist.

For Benoit, the plan seemed to be coming together. Many of the guards in front of the fortress would be more focused on the fallen guard tower than the artifact they have in their possession. They wouldn’t expect the Assassins to voluntarily break in again, which also meant a much greater chance the artifact would be left under little watch.

The plan was extensive. While Francois and his partner provided them with the distraction, surrounding archers would be taken out individually, and Applejack and Fluttershy would be kept on the lookout. Meanwhile, while the others made sure to steer any guard patrols away, Benoit and Volodya, along with Rainbow Dash and Twilight would infiltrate the fortress from the top.

Volodya and Benoit still remembered the interior of the Bastille from when they rescued Adeline. It wouldn’t be too difficult to navigate their way through, and with the Assassins catching them off-guard, they’d most likely escape without a scratch.

Everyone still wondered what the artifact might have been. Some wondered if was the Sword, or maybe the Shard; others pondered what it might have been the missing Shroud of Eden. In any case, whichever Piece of Eden it might have been, they would find out soon enough. And with it, they would find themselves one step closer to regaining control over France.

Hours later…
Nighttime provided excellent cover for the Assassins as they moved through the streets. Avoiding guard patrols was relatively easy—almost too easy—not having to worry about dropping what they were doing in order to fight. They needed to avoid confrontation as much as possible; for fear that another patrol would most likely be signaled should a skirmish suddenly break out.

Francois was on his way headed over towards the guard tower and the others had taken their positions. Applejack and Fluttershy were nervous, anxious. This was their first operation, and even they realised that anything could go wrong, which would most likely cost them their lives in the process. They had to put as much faith in their Assassin friends as possible.

Benoit, Volodya, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were headed for the fortress. There were roaming guard patrols stationed around the place, growing and growing in number as they slowly approached the Bastille. They had to stick to the shadows around them to avoid being spotted; at least until the tower was set aflame.

“We’re going to have to climb up.” Volodya pointed to the top of the Bastille. The side was adorned with slabs from the stone that made up the fortress, which they could use to climb up. “Rarity and Pinkie Pie; you two will have to distract any guard that is left. Remember, speed and stealth.”

Rarity exhaled and pulled the hood over her head. Their actions here would have a profound effect on the Assassins and their operations throughout France. She hoped that, along with Pinkie and their friends, they would make this mission a success, one that would have a lasting effect in the long run.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel a bit intimidated looking at the Bastille. It was like a huge monolith, and she would have to climb it. Hopefully her lessons with Volodya paid off. A sudden explosion rang out through the sky, making the Assassins jump out of their skins. Most of the guard patrols around the fortress were drawn to a burning tower in the distance. They immediately recognised it as a watch point they used for spotting suspicious activity in the area.

Just as planned, many of the guards ventured out towards the tower. They could not afford to lose it to possible dissidents, especially those with efficient-enough firepower to challenge the French Crown.

“That’s our cue,” said an Assassin. She climbed up the building in front of him, where an archer had been positioned. She waited for the archer to approach her position, and once he was close, he reached up, plunging her hidden blade into his abdomen, and pulled him off the roof.

The archer fell to the ground, landing right in front of Applejack and Fluttershy. The two looked on in disbelief; a dead body right in front of them. And at that they suddenly came to the conclusion that they might have to take someone’s life as well, if it came down to it.

“Girls…” The Assassin motioned them from above, “Come on! We need to get into position. Climb up here!”

Scared and hesitant, Applejack and Fluttershy began to carefully ascend the side of the building onto the roof. They could see the entrance of the Bastille from where they were. The front entrance was closed; most likely locked from the other side. Most of the guards had left, only leaving two behind, similar to how it was when they first approached the place. They could see their friends, as well as Benoit and Volodya, getting closer to the fortress.

Benoit glanced over at Rarity and Pinkie Pie and gave them a nod. Together, the two made their way over to another position near the entrance. If anything they would need to draw the two guards away just like they did last time. Rarity gave a whistle, hoping to lure the guards over to her and Pinkie.

She began growing frustrated when they didn’t move. “I don’t think they heard me,” she told Pinkie Pie, “We’ll have to try another—”

Pinkie Pie threw a wooden bucket over, striking one of the guards in the head. He let out a yelp in pain as he and his comrade readied their spears for a possible confrontation. “Come out, cowards. Where are you hiding?”

Rarity and Pinkie Pie withdrew as the guards left their position, allowing the others to sneak by them. They made their way over to the side of the fortress and began their ascension, scaling the structure. Training with Volodya on climbing building had given Rainbow more versatility as she made her way up the bricks that comprised the fortress. She was almost as fast as the two Assassins in front of her.

They climbed managed to climb onto the roof at the end. There were no archers in sight, possibly because the guards didn’t think anyone would try to sneak into the fortress again. Trying to attack the Bastille was suicidal, after all.

“A little help, please?” Twilight was struggling to climb onto the roof. Rainbow hurried over and helped her friend up. “That sure was an exercise. I’m surprised you could do this.”

“I’ve had some training with Volodya.” Rainbow and Twilight saw the Assassins open a trap door leading into the fortress. They motioned them to follow before jumping in. They found themselves in a guard room. Luckily there weren’t any soldiers around, which made infiltration that much easier.

Benoit hurried over towards a door, listening out for anyone on the other side. He heard a few soldiers passing and thought it best to wait until they were gone. As they waited, Twilight noticed a small leather-bound book on a nearby table. She went over and picked it up. It didn’t have a title on it. “What do you think it is?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think it’s a journal.” Twilight placed it in her pouch, “We can take a look at it once we get back to the cavern.”

Rainbow agreed, just as Volodya bought their attention. The group ventured out of the guard room and began making their way through the fortress, making sure to avoid anything that might give away their position. With a fortress full to the brim with soldiers, the last thing they wanted was to get caught.

“We’ll have to split up and cover more ground,” said Benoit, “We’ll meet back at the entrance if anything goes wrong.”

They acknowledged the order. Twilight headed out with Volodya and went one route, while Benoit and Rainbow Dash took another. They figured the Piece of Eden would be stored in any place where guard presence was heavy, most likely somewhere near the armory.

They kept their swords drawn in the case that they’d be pull into battle, though Rainbow hoped she wouldn’t have to use it. She couldn’t go through the act of actually killing someone. They descended down a flight of stairs and took cover behind a stack of crates, just narrowly avoiding a passing squad of soldiers before continuing.

“How many guys are in here?” asked Rainbow.

Benoit answered, “Possibly a few dozen on patrol, at the most. We’ll have to time our movements carefully to get past all of them without raising an alarm.” Having spent a lot of his years specializing in infiltration and sabotage, he knew what to do in this particular situation.

"So where might the armory be located?"

"Should be on this floor. We just need to keep looking."

He and Rainbow continued through the interior of the fortress, avoiding any and all guards that stood in between them and the armory. A few times, however, they’d nearly gotten caught, but were luckily ignored before any of the soldiers had their chance to inspect. Within a half-hour, they found themselves at the armory. It wasn’t guard, which was considering how the Bastille usually was with keeping important things safe and secured.

The two Assassins trekked over towards the armory door, staying on the lookout in case a patrol were suddenly come from around the corner. They approached it; Benoit pulled out a knife and pick and stuff it into the key hole.

“What’re you doing?” asked Rainbow.

“Lock picking,” said the Master Assassin, “It’s a really nifty skill to learn.” He managed to find the pressure points within the lock, which finally opened the door. Rainbow Dash looked on in amazement. She would have to try and learn it after she had gotten the hang of climbing.

Benoit pushed the door open, and the duo found themselves in a room full of a variety of weapons, ranging from swords to rifles. There were enough weapons here to arm a small military; it was unbelievable that there were other fortresses like this across the country.

They noticed a small crate on the far-end of the armory. Benoit informed Rainbow to take one of the rifles, deciding that they might be able to make use of one later, before making his way over to the crate, figuring that it must have been storing the artifact. As Rainbow grabbed a rifle and strapped it around her torso, Benoit used his sword to pry open the crate. He looked inside. “What the…?”

“What’s wrong? Did you find it?”

“Quite the opposite,” said Benoit. “It doesn’t seem there was an artifact to begin with. The crate is empty.”

Rainbow went over to check. There wasn’t anything, except a few thin pieces of clothes. “So it wasn’t in the armory. Maybe Twilight and Volodya had better luck than us.”

“Here’s hoping they did. We can wait for them at the entrance.” They turned to leave, but only to see a guard standing at the armory door.

“Assassins in the armory!” he yelled, drawing his sword, “Seize them!” Rainbow and Benoit could hear the sound of an entire squad of French troops converging on their position. They were surrounded.

Author's Note:


Comments ( 16 )

Whole Grain? I don't get it.

3099921 Eh, just a random author's note

It's reference to where I pointlessly talked about whole grain for almost half an hour to my Skype group

Wait thats the end? Is it still in the making?


Is it still in the making?


It still says 'incomplete' underneath the chapter list

ah yes. I see that now. Thanks.

They were surrounded.


This is pretty fun to read, actually. I usually avoid humanized ponies.
Kinda feels off though, although, that's probably the time lapses.


Kinda feels off though, although, that's probably the time lapses.

That's exactly how I felt. Maybe it was the time lapse, I'm not too sure.

For me, I personally felt like I could have written the chapter a bit longer


I'm pretty sure it's the time lapses. I'm probably mixing this story up with quite a few others ones, but it always seem to end on either a cliffhanger or an opportunity for a time lapse in training purposes.

Also, on a whim, I've a feeling that the Pieces of Eden are in-story versions of the Elements of Harmony, or maybe a perversion of it.

Checking on the Wiki, there are currently 6 pieces of Eden known. Quite a convenient number for our current crossover.
I've a feeling I'm technically correct, yet not, about how the Pieces of Eden are related to the Elements.

They were surrounded.

Fuck that, you can kill 24 people alone in the games! ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
Those French soldiers are screwed. :pinkiecrazy:

3978364 i remember in revelations i got spotted in that one cave near the end of the game and i killed like 50 of them using only hidden blades to fight :pinkiecrazy: (seriously there was SOOOOO many bodies on the ground) :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

good story, I hope the next chapter is finished soon.:pinkiehappy:
also pinkie is bucket happy.:pinkiecrazy:

5344205 um.:unsuresweetie: When is your next chapter?

This is dead isn't it?
Aw mayng, I just started reading this.. :fluttercry:
Y U DO DIS?! :flutterrage::flutterrage:




I've been reading this for a long time, and I really want an update. PLEASE? :applecry:

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