• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 1,762 Views, 30 Comments

A Hero's Story - TheBlackPanda

The world of man has ended, though one has escaped and has made his way to Equestria.

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Chapter 9 Part 2: Fight for Freedom!

I was dumbstruck. I stared the Light in the face. It was a being of, naturally, light. It's eyesockets were pure black. The irises were a deep red. It had my body frame, (Thin and tall) but it radiated light in every way. It growled at me, daring me to strike. Wasn't there a old Equestrian story about Celestia and Light? What was it? She tamed it with her raw power, and it fled? Yeah, that's it. I looked in it's eyes, and realized that it was a sentient being empowered by both light AND darkness. Just like me. Except I had a human form. It wasn't held back by the limitations of a human form. That meant one thing: I had to abandon my humanity to defeat it. I sighed, knowing this was it. I walked over to Rainbow. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Saying goodbye," I pulled her to me and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you too.." She was already tearing up. I hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, but it has to be this way..." I held her for just a little while longer. I didn't want to let go. But finally, I mustered up the courage. I looked in her eyes one last time. Those rose colored eyes, I loved them. The last hold on who I was. It was those eyes.

I turned and walked to the light. Spreading my arms, I shouted "You want to end this? COME AT ME BRO!" Then the light consumed me, and I released my human form to accept that power.


I was floating around in a sea of light. Then I looked ahead and saw Apocalypse. He looked at me, with eyes of hate.

"So," He said, "You finally abandon your human form, huh?"

"Anything to provide freedom for others!" I yelled.

He grinned, "Well, then I'll show you how hopeless your endeavors have been."

He flew at me with blinding speed. I barely had time to block his punch. It sent me back a few feet, but it didn't phase me. I prepared to counter but instead he threw another punch, hitting me square in the mouth. It felt like someone smacked me with a baseball bat. I could taste the metallic sensation of blood. I spat it out. I charged again, only to have him knee me in the gut. I fell to my knees and began to vomit blood. He laughed, "Is this all you have in your non-human form? Pathetic."

He picked me up by my shirt collar. He put his other hand around my neck. Letting go of my collar, he began to punch me in the face repeatedly, until I could see spots in my vision. He threw me. I rolled around before seeing him enter my vision.

"Pathetic. Now you will face a fate worse than the human race." He pulled his sword out and stabbed me through the chest. It stung. My chest was on fire. I couldn't breathe. Then I felt him. He was zapping my energy out of me. It can't end like this. I grabbed the hilt of his sword. I concentrated, and began to pull my energy back into my body. Then I felt a breakthrough. Another familiar energy entered me. I recognized it as Kaitlin's. I felt my wounds and bruises healing, thanks to her healing abilities that came with her energy. I began to laugh.

"Really? I don't think you understand... I AM THE FATE OF THE HUMAN RACE!" I screamed.

I pulled his sword out and lunged at him. I swung it at him, but he was quick at dodging. I faked one direction, then swung in the other. He had no time to dodge. It ran though him, stopping about three inches through.

"Now, we go back."

I teleported us both back to Nightmare Moon's castle. I pulled the sword out of him and jumped back. I charged him, and kicked him in the nuts. I stabbed him through the chest, then roundhoused him in the face. He was on the floor, but he was getting up.

"Let me put my two cents in." Darkside said to me.

I nodded, and let him walk to his sister's murderer. "Ya know, I have a bone to pick with you."
He picked him up, and kneed him in the face.

"Here's for killing Brandon's family,"
He punched the Light, so hard, in fact, that he went flying and steam was rising from Darkside's fist. The Light ran into the wall, HARD.

He yelled with the force of a hurricane, his voice layered very similar to G Major. A thunderstorm surrounded them. Darkside raised his hands, and a tornado of FIRE swirled around him. He pointed his palm in that general direction and a storm of fire blasted toward the Light.

I walked out to the Light's position. I watched him lay there, still dazed. "Your time is up." I said.
I raised my arms for the epicness. I made energy swirl in a hurricane. Five swords appeared around me. I felt true light in these. I lowered my hands. The swords pinned themselves in the Light's hands, legs, and forehead. The remaining two slammed at his side. Then I summoned the little neck braces for the Elements of Harmony. I placed them in a circle around him. I had formed a pentagram to imprison him. I raised my right hand. I heard everyone cheering my name.

"You have taken everything from me," I started, "But today, I take it back. Today, the dimensions and their nations no longer have to fear your tyranny. Today, all the worlds and all the nations can shout the words of a famous man, 'free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.'. Today, I avenge my brothers and sisters, mother and father, aunts and uncles. Today," I yelled this out to everybody, "Is the day of FREEDOM!" I slammed my right hand on his forehead. He screamed and writhed. I gripped harder, until finally darkness enveloped me.


I stood in darkness, staring at him.

"I refuse to lose like this..." He said, weakly. He was fading fast.

I raised my right hand to him, and opened my palm. Suddenly, I saw, standing around me, my friends and my family from Earth. They were smiling at me. I grinned and turned to Apocalypse, no longer the Light, and said, "My friends give me strength to defeat the devil and his wiles. You have lost this."

I fired a blast of pure energy, enveloping him as he screamed. Finally, it was over. My friends and family from Earth stood around me, smiling. They combined into a small flame. I heard a voice saying:

Congratulations, you have diverted not only the prophecy, but saved yourself. I have one last task for you. Keep this flame alive, and you will wake up on Earth, and this will be nothing but a dream. You will live a peaceful life there. Smother the flame, and you will return to Equestria, and live your life there. Your humanity will be restored either way. Remember, there is no turning back when you pick. I will leave you once you choose. But be warned, the grass may always be greener on one side, but there may not be food or water. Be wise hero!

I looked at the flame. It was warm. It was bright. I felt tears in my eyes. I knew what to do.