• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 721 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

7: A Little Home Repair

Spike and Ori proceeded to head they're way back the way they came, they now know that in order to reach Ku, they need to head to the Wellspring and clear out the waters.

"So we're cleaning up the waters again huh?" Spike asked. " Yep, hope this one isn't as tough as the last one." Ori replied and Spike sighed." I hope so too." Spike said as they moved along.

They bashed they're way over the spiked floors again and headed back to the area where they fought that monster, they saw more Moki in the background and they pulled a lever opening a door leading upwards.
"Those guys are helpful huh?" Spike said with a smile.
"They really are, really cute too!" Ori said as they bashed they're way upwards to the door and went on ahead.

As they entered they saw another one and he noticed them.
"You two are not a Moki clearly, your ears are too floppy, i notice things, like this map i found." He said as he showed them a map leading somewhere." Thanks for the update on our looks." Spike said a little annoyed by that remark.
"I would give it to Lupo the map maker, but he has enough maps. it should go to the one who wonders." He told them.
"We know who your talking about, we can deliver it to him if you need." Ori offered.
'Yeah, it wouldn't be much of a problem." Spike agreed.

"Really? Thank you! I hear he used to love maps, maybe he'll love this one too." The moki said as he gave them the map.
"Never hurts to have knowledge of where to go." Spike said with a smile.
"Thank you, i think he's nearby the Wellspring Glades." The Moki explained.
"We'll see to it that he does get it, thank you!" Ori said gratefully.
"We'll let you know when we do!" Spike said as he waved goodbye as they went off again.

Spike and Ori bashed against another lamp and launched themselves up another pole, they saw a weak wall that could be broken, they saw an enemy shooting projectiles and got the same idea, they waited for the right moment and bashed the object to the wall and it fell down, Spike and Ori went into it and found a strange ore of somekind.

"Wonder what this is for?" Ori asked as they looked at it.
"Might be used to build things, lets hold onto it until we find someone who knows how to use these things." Spike suggested, Ori agreed to that and they put it away and headed back forward.

They bashed up the enemy objects again to go higher, then they leapt of another pole to reach a high ledge, they encountered the same kind of wall and had to redirect the enemy blast into it like before, then bash off it to get to the higher area again. Just as they entered the place they heard a voice.

"Hey! Who tore down my wall?" It asked.
"Umm" Ori said as little worried.
"It was an accident, we didn't know you made it." Spike said trying to defend themselves..
"Hmph, come on over, let's get a look at you two." He told them, Spike and Ori sighed as they had to deal with this now, they just hope that things wouldn't go bad from it.

As they went forward they saw Tokk again and knew what they had to do. They showed him the map that they were given.
"Hey, what's that you two got there?.. Squork! Those crisp dotted lines, that bold x.. that's a treasure map!" Tokk said with a smile.
"We were asked to bring this to you, we figured you could have better use for it." Spike said as he gave him it.
"Thank you young spirits, i'll give you my wonderer pouch for it, it will help store more items for you." Tokk said as he gave them a bag that they could use later.
"Thank you Tokk!" Ori said gratefully

Spike and Ori made they're way to him and saw looked like a Monkey creature( Probably a guardian of some sorts).
"Mmmm Monke." Spike thought to himself while chuckling a little.
" I didn't dare hope the rumors were true, but here you two are, Niwen is home to two spirits once more!" He said in amazement.
'You two made quick work of that wall there, i see my building skills aren't what they used to be." He said as he looked back on the entrance.
"Yeah sorry about that, we needed to move forward." Spike apologized.

"It's okay i appreciate your concern, i made a promise i would provide refuge from the Decay here, the glades are counting on me spirits." He told them.
"Well we can help you if you need, we found some strange stones that you might use." Ori said as they showed him that they had 2 ore's.

"These ore's can help! With the right amount i can help make things that will improve these Glades." He said as he took them.

"Well why don't we make something from them now? There's a spirit well over there that could use a repair, why don't we start with that?" Spike asked.
"I like the sound of that, let me do my thing spirits." He said as he went to work on the ore's and they watched on as he used the ore's to repair it.

"Who would have thought a spirit well could get damaged like that?" Ori asked.
"I know, just what else is there for us here?" Spike asked as they waited for him to finish.

After a few minutes her finally repaired the thing and the well was glowing again. He then came up to them.

"Before our home was swallowed by sand, the spirits saw potential in the Gorlek ore, but they disappeared before they could try what we built them, but now your back, and that can change." He explained.
"We'll look out for more ore's for you to use on this place, i think a safe haven is something the folks could use right now." Spike said as he looked around.
"Yeah, i agree with him on that. We'll return soon with any ore's we have." Ori explained.
"Very well, be careful brave spirits, may the light guide you both." He said as Ori and Spike proceeded to head out of the Glades.

Author's Note:

Hey guys i know this ones short, but i'm trying to balance out the important story beats with the game, with the nice little side missions, i hope you don't mind, sorry for my lack of updates again, we all know how life is important with what we need to do. So quick question for you all, Spike going through the game Hades at one point, would you like to see it?