• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 721 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

1: A New Place

Spike and Ori's body's are seen laying on the ground unconscious, some strange cat like creatures start to come out from around them, one of them walks up to them and is about to touch them. but it is then interrupted when a loud roar is heard scarring them away.

Spike and Ori both groan as they open they're eyes.

"oh what happened?" Spike asked confused.
" Where.. are we..?" Ori asked before they both remember what happened"

"KU!" They both said at once and got up looking around worried.

' KU!!" They both shouted trying to get a response, but all they got was nothing but the sound of the rain as it was still a storm out there.

"Where is he?" Spike asked worried.
"I don't know, but we have to find him.." Ori said worried as well, she then noticed Spike was breathing heavily.

"This.. can't be happening... i knew i had a reason for worry" Spike said worried.
"I'm sorry Spike.. i should have taken more concern with what you talked about.." Ori replied regretfully.

"I promised Kuro.. that i'd keep him safe.." Spike said still trying to process this.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find him. he has to be around here somewhere." Ori said looking around.

"Yeah.. he has to be.. let me try to get a higher look at where... we are" Spike said before looking at his wings and seeing they're condition, they were crumbled up looked really roughed up, Spike tried to fly a little but he fell on the ground.

"Great.. now i can't fly again.. and i just got these." Spike said getting up and looking back at them sadly.
"Looks like we'll have to look around the old fashioned way, let's just start by taking a look around." Ori suggested
"Yeah.. your right.. let's head get going." Spike agreed and they started to head off.

They started off by heading up a steep cliff, the wall jumped up it to get up there and went forward, they noticed a small area down the place and went to check it out and they found a spirit light container which may help them later.

The area around them wasn't like the forest from before.. lightning kept on flashing above them as the rain fell, making them wanna hurry faster.

"What is this place..?" Spike asked worried looking around.
"I don't know.. but i have a bad feeling about this place." Ori said worried as well, before they could talk more after they jumped on a fallen tree the tree broke and they went falling down a little and landed on the ground.

"Ow.. what is going on here?" Ori asked getting up.
"I don't know.. but i saw something weird around that large tree when we flew in here." Spike said getting up as well.
"What do you think that was? That looked like the Spirit tree..." Ori asked remembering what they saw.
"Might be a relative to it or something.. if that's the case.. then finding Ku's not the only thing we'll have to worry about." Spike said worried.
"Well the sooner we find out what's going on the better, let's get going." Ori told him.
" Your right on that, let's go" Spike said as they left again.

They continued to run further down the place, they dropped through some branches and went through some old caves, they kept going down a little more until they found a lit up fireplace nearby and they walked up to it.

"This looks like.. an old structure?" Spike asked looking at it.
"How is this fire still up even after this storm?" Ori asked confused.
" Maybe it was lit up recently, let's take a torch with us." Spike said taking a branch and lighting it with the fire.
"Good idea, let's try to find something we can use this for." Ori suggested, Spike nodded in agreement and went off to find something while the cat creatures from before looked on confused.

The torch they found was able to help them fight off some strange monsters as they continued on, they continued to head down further until they used that torch to burn down branches blocking a path, they went up some more walls and went up a little before jumping down and they saw there was a strange bird like person up ahead. Spike hesitantly walked up to it with Ori right behind.

"Excuse me sir? Do you happen to know where we are?" Spike asked still hesitant, he then noticed them.
"Squork ! What are you two supposed to be? Not a Moki clearly" He said looking at them.
"We're just trying to find our little brother we got lost from, do you know what this place is?" Ori asked.

"Not even from Niwen are you two? i've visited most lands near and far, but i've never seen your kind before, travel across the seas i presume?" He asked and they nodded.
"Yes, we got caught up in the storm and were separated from our little brother, have you seen a little owl guy nearby here? Spike asked.

"No i haven't i'm sorry, my names Tokk, i'm a wanderer on these parts, i'm taking shelter from the storm myself. if you two are wanting to find this little friend of yours, go further ahead and you'll fine a spirit gate nearby, i found this door fragment while i was moving around this place, there's another one near the cave at the west , but acquiring it is for someone more nimble then myself what do you say? " He offered

"Don't worry sir, we'll find that stone right away." Spike told him.
"You just wait here while we search for it." Ori told him, he nodded in understanding and moved out of the way for them to continue further.

The next keystone wasn't to far ahead, they only had to jump up another wall and head forwards a little bit, they jumped over some more hanging logs and headed down a steep cliff.

"Man, i hope this is worth it." Spike said hopefully.
"It will, don't worry Spike" Ori told him as they continued.

They soon came upon a large area and before looking around, a strange monster came out of the bushes and roared at them, Spike and Ori used the torch they had to fight it off to defend themselves, once the creature was done a strange door opened from behind them.

"This feels familiar.." Spike said looking at it.
"Just have to wonder how far we'll have to go to find this thing.." Ori asked as they continued.

They walked into a waterfall of sorts and the fire on they're torch went out because of it, they then used this strange glowing grass to crawl upwards to a higher space, they jumped to another part of it and continued to climb higher, they reached the top of the area and used the strange grass again to crawl up to a ledge and they found the keystone at the top.

"Great, now all we have to do is bring it back to Tokk" Ori said as she grabbed it.
" Great, let's go!" Spike said as they made they're way back. They used the strange grass to crawl up the ceiling and avoid some monsters they went back down the path and found Tokk where they previously saw him and showed him the stone.

"Ah, your back! And is that the keystone i see? here's one more for your trouble. i am a bird of my word hnn? He said as he gave them the extra stone piece.

"Thank you so much for this sir, we really appreciate this!" Ori said gratefully.
"Thank you for this, really" Spike said taking the stone.

" Now i continue my wonderings through Niwen's wonders.. before we lose anymore, and you can carry on with finding this brother of yours, good luck." He told them and they nodded and went off.

"What did he mean by losing more wonders?" Ori ask worried.
"I have a feeling we're about to find out." Spike said as they continued, they headed back up the cliff they came down from and went up to the door, but when they did they felt the ground shake and heard a really loud growl.

"What was that?!" Ori asked scarred holding Spike close
"I don't know.. let's keep our guards up." Spike said as they used the keystones and opened the door. They hopped over some large bodies of water over some logs and found a life orb before continuing further, they then jumped off and landed in the middle of the place.

"What is this place?" Ori asked looking around
"I don't know but i have a.." He was about to finish when they felt the ground shake again surprising them, just then a large wolf creature came down from the entrance and roared at them.

"What is that?!" Ori asked scarred.
"I don't know, but all i know is we need to RUN!" Spike said grabbing Ori's hand and they ran away from the creature.

The creature charged for them trying to snap its jaws on them, it tore through anything that was in its way as they tried to escape, they went through an open hole and went down some branches, the creature tore them down as it tried to attack them, they climbed up a wall to try to escape it but were sent ahead a little once it hit them, and they landed near another lit up fireplace.

"This should help!" Spike said grabbing the torch from earlier and lighting it, and Ori got her own as well, they then swinged the fire at the creature right before it attacked them.

"Back off beast!: Spike said with anger as he and Ori raised they're torches, the creature roared at them in anger and tried to attack them again. They did they're best to fight it off landing as many hits as they could when the time was right, they almost got hurt more a few times from some wrong swings but were able to dodge it. They gave it a few more swings before it finally backed off and ran away leaving them alone.

"You okay Ori?" Spike asked worried.
"Yea, are you?" Ori asked looking at him
" I'm good, what was that?" Spike asked looking back to where the monster was.
" I don't know, but i just hope we won't have more trouble with it again." Ori said hopefully.
"Me too, let's just continue on to find Ku." Spike suggested, Ori agreed with him on that and they went off to find him.

They went back the way they came from and looked around the place.
"Are these... houses?" Spike asked looking at the structures in the trees.
"I wonder who lives here, maybe the Moki, Tokk talked about?" Ori asked.
"Could be, lets keep going and try to find out." Spike said as they continued moving.

They continued to move down a steep cliff again and they then fell into a new place called the Howl's Den, they looked around and saw just how many bones there were.
"So many.." Ori said scarred.
"How long has this creature been doing this?" Spike asked looking around scarred as well, they both decided to keep moving to find a way out of the place, they went up more ledges and ran through the place, they stopped once they saw a familiar light.

"Is that?" Ori asked surprised.
"An Ancestral Tree?" Spike asked looking down, they saw a large tree with a familiar light just like the ones back in Nibel, they then jumped down to get a closer look at it.

"What is this doing here? I thought these were only found in Nibel?" Spike asked looking at the thing.
"I thought so too, these come from fallen spirit guardians.. so maybe there were some lost here.." Ori asked but soon regretted saying that.
" Maybe so, just wonder how long it's been here" Spike asked as they looked at it, they both felt the light call to them and looked at eachother.

"Do you wanna?" Spike asked.
"Are you sure? What if something happens like last time?" Ori asks worried for him.
"I've become a hybrid at this point, i think this light won't be much concern for me anymore... right?" Spike asked.
"I hope that's the case, you ready?" She asked.
"Let's do it then." Spike said cautiously as they walked up to it.

Like what happened in Nibel, they started to float around in the air as the light absorbed into them, they felt power surge through them as the light came to them, the power may have been to much though because once it was done they passed out as things cut to black again.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! Thank you all for reading this chapter and i hope you liked it.

I just wanna say a small word to the people who are disliking this story, i just want you all to know that i'm sorry if you don't like what your reading so far and i hope you can forgive me. when you dislike the story it feels like a punch to the gut, as a writer i want to make the story the best it can be. if you have a problem with the story right now, please comment down below letting me know what your problems is, and i can go back and make edits to make it more to your liking, i want to make the story the best it can be so please let me know. Thank you for understanding this and once again please tell me what you don't like and i can fix it, thank you all and have a nice day.