• Published 7th Oct 2023
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Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

12: The Luma Pools

Spike and Ori continue to make they're way to their first destination to get the Wisps, if it was the only way to save Garble and Ku, they had to do it, no matter what. There was a lot going through Spike's mind at this point, Garble was the first Equestrian he had seen in months, it honestly felt like forever since he last saw him.

He didn't think he'd have a sister at all, but with her by his side, he seemed like a different person then what he saw him as, he barely knew who he was before and after the Migration, and he just thought he was kind of a big jerk like the ones he hung out with, but Smolder showed a different side to him he didn't expect. And that only was proven further when Garble literally sacrificed his life to save Spike's own, it gave him a new perspective he didn't see before, and it made Spike feel awful Garble died for him. Especially given the fact his sister may be alone now, even if it's true that the Mane 6 are coming here to find him, she may not have any family left, it just made him feel awful deep down.

And to make matter's worse, not only did he meet him after a long time, but they couldn't understand eachother. It was proving Spike's fears are coming true, if he can't even speak the Equestrian language or could be understood by Garble, then how will he go through things with the mane 6? The more they went through the Marshes, the more Spike worried on what is to come. This adventure started from something that wasn't in their control at all, and they never expected something like this to happen. Spike just felt like he was loosing himself, if he's losing the Equestrian side to him, and becoming more and more of a Spirit Guardian, how will he accept his place when so much awful stuff is happening?

Spike just didn't know what to do, with Ku and Garble having one chance to be brought back, they had to go through this entire land like they did before, but this felt so much bigger and dangerous. Spike felt dread as this adventure continued more and more, because at the end.. they both may not come back from this..

But while Spike was thinking this, they were finally making they're way to their first destination, they decided to hit the Luma Pools in the west side of the land first, it looked mostly like a tropical place with dozens of water pools and rivers and lakes, there was gonna be a lot of swimming here that's for sure, but they have their experience, and hopefully they can make it through this.

Spike and Ori made they're way past the waypoint marker which helped them go to where they wanted to go, they were just entering the Luma Pools area, they had to Bash off of more monster projectiles to spring themselves upwards the path that led to the place, it felt nice to finally be using the Bash again after a while, and they still had more ability's to remember and new ones to gain. After bashing off another projectile, Spike and Ori landed in front of the water pool that led forward.

"So, this is where we're gonna go first?" Spike asked curious, making sure this is the first place for them.
"Yeah, i think it'll be a good start, there's a lot of underwater caves from the looks of it, and it could lead us to finding that first Wisp." Ori said hopefully stretching her arms out to get ready for the swim.
"You know, it always amazed me on how well we learned to swim together back in Nibel, i wasn't much of a swimmer back home, but now i feel like a pro. And i think that's thanks to the amazing things i've done with you." Spike complimented watching the leaves fall from the area.
"I was barely a swimmer either, but with you, we both learned to hold our breaths for a while, i guess we both learned something from eachother during those times huh?" Ori asked chuckling a little which made him chuckle a bit too.
"Yeah.. good times, good times.." Spike said shaking his head, still a bit nervous about what's to come from this.
"Hey, don't worry Spike, we'll be alright. You ready for this?" Ori asked as they looked at the water below them, Spike took a deep breath and prepared himself too.
"Yeah, let's go." Spike replied before they both took a high jump and splashed into the water beginning to swim through it.

The two proceeded to swim through the caverns, and Spike took in the amazing sights, there were tons of colorful and strange shaped grass below them, followed by what looked like ruins of other structures far in the distance, and above them were some vines blocking the way forward, it seemed to lead somewhere else. And with a couple turns and taking down some more monsters with they're bash attack, they found what looked like a glowing blob that was at the end of the vine.

They both got the same idea from this, and given they saw a pod making some bubbles that not only can be for air, but also to potentially help them move forward, they both used it to open the path forward so the bubble can go through. They then quickly swam above the caverns while avoiding more of strange monsters to make it above, and after making it through that, they opened the path for the bubble again to give them a little air. Spike and Ori gave a thumbs up to eachother before they proceeded further once again, they swam through a nearby cave that was pretty dark, but the light radiating from them helped them see a way through, and they suddenly started to feel the current moving by really fast.

They were suddenly flung farther through the coral reef and were pushed forward into another part of the cave, and they could see the water surface above them, but the current was to strong for them to move through, so they had to take a detour. They found a strange blob that was blocking they're path forward, and they were suddenly being shot at by more of those hand creatures. They both got the same idea again seeing this, and they carefully used they're bash attack to redirect it into the blob to destroy it.

This caused it to free a huge wheel that was being blocked by it, and it began to slowly spin itself around again after who knows how long. They quickly made they're way to the wheel, and saw they could use it's sides as platforms to propel themselves out of the water. They carefully latched onto the side of the wheel as it spun upwards, and finally emerged from the water again after minutes of swimming.

"Man, underwater swimming really is something else.." Spike said taking in some breaths after all of that.
"Yeah, at least there were beautiful sights from it." Ori said before they climbed up the wall to the far right, they could see the blue sky shinning over the area, there were tons of strange but beautiful red trees around the area, and they saw a beautiful view of the Lumar Pools, followed by the coral reef they just traveled through, it was a breathtaking sight to be seen.

"Wow.. it's so amazing.." Spike said in awe seeing how this place looked.
"I know, it almost beats the sights we've seen in Nibel.." Ori agreed looking over this too, it felt so magical , like the sights Spike often saw back in Equestria.
"To think a beautiful place like this.. could be lost to darkness.." Spike said feeling sad thinking about what may come soon.
"I know, but sights like these only give us motivation to keep going, right?" Ori asked hopefully looking at Spike who was still worried about everything.
"Yeah.. maybe.." Spike said not really knowing what to say, but he knew there was hope they could save this land too.

As the two admired the view of this large beautiful part of Niwen, Voice had come out again to talk with them.
"When the Willow had shattered, the forest's strength fell here, It's power is keeping the pools safe from Decay, but we must find it soon Ori and Spike, it will not last forever here." Voice explained while the two listened with interest.
"To think something so strong could propel a spreading darkness like the Decay.." Ori said fascinated hearing this.
"If it means we can make the forest beautiful like Nibel was after we saved it, then let's get searching." Spike said getting ready to go already.
"Let's get that Wisp." Ori said determined as they begun moving through the place once again.

Right off the bat as they started moving through the Luma Pools, they saw a large bubble was floating out of the water which went to a higher area, and they both could see a farther path above it, and they got the same idea.
"Ori, you still got Kuro's feather?" Spike asked as they jumped on the bubble which sprung them high into the air and onto another ledge, as they landed, Ori got out the feather to prove she had it.
"Yes, you thinking what i'm thinking?" Ori asked ready to use it already as another bubble was rising.
"On 3, 1..2..3!" Spike shouted before she used the feather's wind to move the bubble ahead a bit, after that move they grappled up to one of the hooks above them, then jumped off the bubble which sent them higher above like they thought.

They grappled through a couple more hooks avoiding more spikey walls and floorings, another monster was firing shots at them which they needed to avoid, Spike brought out one of his Ninja stars and threw it at the monster to destroy it, and Ori finished it off by summoning her hammer to slam it down, these light weapons really can pack a punch. After they defeated that monster, they ran up the wall the monster was on, and jumped onto the ledge at the very top, and they found another one of those strange Ore's thats been laying around the land.
"Another one of these Gorlek Ores huh?" Ori asked as they picked it up for later.
"We should bring these to smolder when we pass by the village again, she could use these to help rebuild the place." Spike suggested which was a good idea.
"Great idea, it'll give her something to take her mind off of while she's here hopefully." Ori said as they started sliding down the wall again back to where they were before.

Spike used his wings to carefully glide himself back down to the ledge while Ori used Kuro's feather, while Spike had that too, he could use that for combat at certain points, after a little more gliding, they landed back on the high ledge and saw another Moki just up ahead of them. The two of them came up to the Moki quickly to hopefully get any hints on where to go further, and Spike was the first one to ask.
"Um, excuse us, have you seen any interesting things around here?" Spike asked the Moki who turned looking at them, they could understand it's language perfectly, while Smolder probably would have trouble without Voice translating, but they awaited for what he had to say.
"I don't have anything that interesting right now, but have you two seen Kwolok by any chance? I heard he came through here, i can't find him anywhere, it's a lot bigger then i remember the last time i was here." The Moki answer which gave them concern.

"Kwolok went through here? And he's having trouble being found?" Ori asked worried hearing that.
"Kinda worrying considering how big the guy is.. but don't worry, we'll go on ahead to find him." Spike assured which gave the Moki a little relief.
"Thanks, good luck you two, i'll go find any hints i can to help find him, be careful!" The Moki shouted before it ran off into the pools leaving the two worried.
"You think Kwolok's okay?" Spike asked already feeling concern about what's happened with him.
"Don't worry, i'm sure he's really strong, and can push through this place, let's just be sure to be careful ourselves okay?" Ori asked ready to move again.
"Alright, let's keep moving." Spike said as they went ahead through the pools even more.

They both saw there was another door ahead, which needed a lock to be pushed open, they saw a couple more bubbles rising ahead on multiple sides, and once again, they bounced off the bubbles to reach a higher area. They jumped off of a large tree to bounce up even higher, then they bashed off another enemy to propel themselves onto another wall, to jump off of and they dash across to the other side where a lever was waiting for them.
"Who designed these kinds of puzzles?" Ori asked curious as they pulled it together, this caused the door down below to open again letting them move ahead once more.
"I don't know, but it's impressive design to say the least." Spike said as they jumped off the ledge to glide back down to it.

After moving through that puzzle, the two went back underwater through a cave section they needed to go through again, Spike and Ori had gotten the hang of underwater puzzles pretty well at this point, and they had an idea on what to do. There was a creature that was shooting more projectiles at them, and they saw a cracked purple wall above them, followed by something blocking an air bubble below. Using they're powers, they redirected two separate projectiles into the weak areas below. And a bubble finally began to rise after who knows how long, they quickly swam back up to the surface and jumped onto a slippery ledge above, they then jumped off the bubble again which sent them to another high point of the cave, letting them move forward.
"Man, bouncing off of those bubbles is really fun!" Ori said feeling pretty great from that ride.
"Yeah, i have to admit, it is." Spike said with a smile as they continued moving forward again.

They redirected one of the bubbles to move through the path above, which made them quickly grapple to the start of the place, but go up another area that was above, they quickly made it to a ledge just as the same bubble was rising from it, and jumped off of it to go to another part of the area.

After that, they had to do a pretty cool puzzle where they had to touch some parts in the underwater caverns, and they all went off like a set musical note, they had to be careful on which one they touched first from the order there was. But after some careful pressing, they managed to unlock them all which opened up a path below that filled up with water. They quickly made they're way below it, and saw another projectile shooter that kept firing at them, they remembered another cracked wall just above them, and like before, they quickly swam through the place while keeping the object homed in on them, and with a little move, they sent that thing to the wall which broke it forward, leading them with yet another path.

The two carefully bounced off another bubble to go upwards into it. They went through a large open room that looked like a handmade home, it made them just wonder who lived in a place like this for so long, perhaps it was to avoid the Decay since this place didn't seem to be affected by it. They had to make it through another puzzle that involved redirecting once again, they opened up more paths for the projectiles move through, and you get the idea, bash it into another wall. They could figure these kinds of puzzles out instantly by now, Spike could just imagine him making his own adventure story like the ones he's read before, but he might have to make them more exiting in certain parts like this.

Seeing these many colors just made Spike appreciate what they had been seeing the more they went through here, the dozens of different colors of the coral reefs below them, the beautiful sights of the waterfalls going down through the dozens of caverns lit by the light radiating from the objects here. Spike just wished he and Ori weren't here on such a life changing mission, because if they discovered this place before knowing this land was in danger too, they may have had some fun here. But eventually, after a lot of underwater swimming, they emerged into a large open cavern once again.
"Man, i am so gonna do swimming trials if i ever get back home." Spike said taking a few breaths.
"I'd like to see that, you'd make a great athlete!" Ori complimented as they swam to another ledge, but they heard a loud familiar voice catch they're eye, and to they're surprise, they saw Kwolok was already here, and he seemed okay.

"Kwolok! Your here!" Ori said relieved he's alright.
"We thought something may have happened to you!" Spike said relieved as well seeing him, he had a soft smile seeing the two already made it here.
"Hello little ones, i am glad to see you made it here too. I must say, it is strange traveling through this place after so long, you both have given me hope that we can save this land, and i thank you for it.
"No problem Kwolok, we're always in it to help others!" Ori said with a smile while Spike had a determined smile too.
"Yeah, moving through this place was pretty easy." Spike said still impressed they made it through without much trouble.
"You may have right now little ones, but while i can sense the forests Strength nearby, i sense something else, a familiar.. bad stench." Kwolok explained which started to concern them.

"A bad stench?.. you don't think that could be.." Spike asked as they both got the same idea again, it could be that monster they saw back at the Watermill, they weren't in the best place to fight it, but if it's here, it could be even more trouble.
"If it is.. we have to be careful, it could be around any corner." Ori said concerned looking around the place.
"You both must be careful when searching through here, if what you say is true, then we all must be careful. We will talk more when the Wisp is found, please be careful little ones." Kwolok said before he suddenly jumped in the air above them which surprised them greatly, he jumped into the water below to start moving through a path below, which must mean there's something through there too.
"You think he'll be okay?" Ori asked concerned for him, because while they can resist the affects of the monster with their light.. he may not..
"I don't know.. let's just hurry after him.. i'm getting a bad feeling about this place.." Spike said concerned before they jumped back into the water, to swim after him, all the while hoping they could get that first Wisp..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! Sorry for the wait again on this one, but i've been getting more time to get to this story again after a while, i know i haven't updated in a bit, but i'm getting back into it don't worry! I'm just making sure i can plan out what parts of the game to put in, i always went through the Luma Pools first, because i think it's a great way to start searching for the Wisp, while there wasn't much interaction for Spike and Ori here, i'll be having more down the line, i just hope they don't feel the same to you all. I hope you liked this chapter and look forward to more!