• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 717 Views, 25 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

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Prologue: Our Little Sister And The Separation

We open to a beautiful sunrise as our two heroes Ori and Spike are seen together near a tree holding each others hands, despite everything they've been through.. Spike still feels like something is missing

"Ori.. do you think we'll ever do something like saving Nibel again?" Spike asked and she looked confused on that.
"What do you mean? After we've saved the place, i don't think we will as of now." Ori asked still confused, she then noticed Spike was feeling down a little.

"It's just.. i feel like something isn't finished, that we have something else needed to be done.. and i.. i'm afraid that i may never see my friends again from it.." Spike said afraid of the future, Ori simply put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"Don't overthink yourself from this sweetie, i think it's best we all just enjoy our times as of now, i promise you'll see your friends again one day" She told him with a smile while giving him a hug which he gladly returned.

"Thank you Ori, i guess i just was feeling unsure, but i'm glad to have you with me." Spike said relieved, they both continued to hug like this for a while until they heard a voice call them.

"Children!" A familiar voice spoke, they both got up and ran over to see what he needs, they find Gumo near a small cliff.
"Wonderful news, we have a new member to the family!" He says exited, they're eyes widen in excitement as they hear that.

"Really?!" Spike asked exited.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?! Let's go!" Ori said grabbing Spike's hand as they went to see they're new family member.

Spike and Ori quickly make they're way to they're cave while watching the sunrise come by through Swallows Nest, Kuro is seen flying to the place as she heard the news as well.

"We shall always remember the day.." A ominous voice spoke as they were near the cave.

"My child has come!" Kuro says happy as she, Naru and Gumo all are seen with Naru holding a small little owlet and Spike and Ori come up to him.

" When new life came to Nibel.." The voice finishes as they see they're new brother.

"He's so cute.." Spike says looking at him, Ori and Spike take a hold of him and he opens his eyes and they cuddle with him.
"What are you going to name him?" Ori asks looking at Kuro, she thinks over it all and soon comes up with a name.

" We named her Ku.." The voice speaks as we see days flash by. We see Spike and Ori trying to help Ku learn her first steps, he only made a little but they smiled and gave him hugs as they were proud of him.

Gumo and Naru are seen building places in the cave while Kuro helps make a nest around it for safety, Spike and Ori and Ku are seen making wall drawing of eachother and they laugh as they see them all.
"Your a great artist Ku!" Spike said looking at Ku's drawing of him and Ori, Spike looks at himself, the white scales, black eyes with white pupils, the long ears and tail.. just like Ori's, Spike looked down and touched it as he still felt like he was off.

"You okay Spike?" Ori asked worried for him and Spike only shook his head.
"Y.. Yeah i'm fine thank you for the concern though." Spike said with a smile, they both still felt unsure but decided to shake it off.

The three of them are seen sleeping together, a voice then calls out and Ku wakes up, he sees Gumo near the top and he motions Ku to come with him, he picks Ku up and they leave the place. Spike and Ori then wake up and they decide to go out.

They then see Kuro, Naru and Gumo trying to help him fly.

"Don't worry sweetie! You can do it!" Kuro says trying to encourage her , Ku is feeling a little unsure though but with the rest of them she gets the motivation to try. she jumps of the nearby ledge and flaps her wings, she tries to fly but he is only in the air for a brief moment, she then comes down and Naru caught him. They all cheer for her at the fact that she was able to hang in the air for that long.

We see several memories fly by, with them eating food while Kuro feeds Ku the live pray she found. To the winter time where the water is frozen and Ku is seen sliding on the ice and Comes to Spike and Ori.

"I feared of what was to come.. and called to her to seek help" The voice speaks again

Kuro is seen flying through Nibel looking to find more food, but she suddenly hears a voice call to her, she looks at the Spirit tree curiously and flies over to it, She is then told something important as she needs to do something, she then flies back to their home looking worried.

She then lands near the entrance and Spike notices her.

"Kuro? Is everything okay?" Spike asks, and she simply sighs.

"The spirit tree.. told me to do something important.. but it will take a while for me to do it.. and i'm afraid something will happen to you all while i'm gone.." She says worried and Spike get's curious.

"What did he tell you?" Spike asks worried.
"He asked me.. to go to Equestria and find your friends.. he gave me the location to go there, but i'm afraid of what will happen while i'm gone.." She says still worried. Spike was surprised by this.

"He asked you.. to find my friends?" Spike asked surprised.
"Yes.. but i'm afraid of what will happen to you all.. without my protection" She says worried, Spike then puts his hand on her head.

"I'm worried of things to, but i think with my friends help.. we could put them to rest, if you do go.. just be careful okay?" Spike asks.
"Okay then.. promise you'll keep my child safe please?" She begs and Spike nods.

"Don't worry, i'll keep her safe with Ori.. i promise" Spike says with a smile, and she smiles as well.

"Thank you Spike.. not just for this.. but for everything.. i don't think i'd be here if it weren't for you.." She says gratefully.
"Your welcome Kuro, let's let everyone know what's going on, just have a safe flight" Spike suggests and she agrees to it and they go to tell them all.

They were all shocked and worried at what she told them, After a conversation they all agreed to let her go off, Ku and Kuro share a moment with eachother promising she'll see her again, she then waves goodbye to them all one more time and takes off while they all watch on with sadness as she leaves.

"You think she'll be okay? It sounds like it will be a long flight." Ori asked worried
"I know she will, and i'll keep Ku safe, i promised her this" Spike says looking at Ku, he then gives her a hug and they all go inside the cave again.

More time flies by after she left, Spike is seen going through something they don't know, his body continues to itch and reek, until they all see him suddenly become stone for a bit much to they're horror, but after a few moments Spike emerges from it with something on his back, Spike then notices them.

"Are these.. wings?" Spike asked surprised with all of them as well.
"That means.. you can fly now right?" Ori asks curious.

"I think it does.." Spike says still amazed.
"We should try it out with Ku" Gumo suggests, they all nod in agreement at that. Ku is seen in her room at the top looking at the sky.

"The sky called to her" The voice says as she goes out side.

"Gumo and Naru heard it too" The voice concludes. the three of them are seen watching Spike and Ku near a small ledge ready to try and fly, Ku is still a little scared but Spike assures him.

"Don't worry, i'll be here for you, we all will, you ready?" Spike asks, and she nods, they both take a pose and run to the cliff with the others cheering them on, they both jump of the cliff and flap they're wings. Spike is able to get it and fly much to his amazement, but Ku doesn't and starts to fall much to his shock, he then manages to catch her right before he hits the ground.

"You okay?" Spike asks worried, the others then come down and look worried as well, they then look at Ku's wing and sees how roughed up it is.. they realize that she can't fly because of it..

"Ku.. i'm so sorry" Spike says sadly with the others feeling bad as well.

Ku looks down sadly as he walks to the nearby river with them feeling sad.

"Do you think she's okay?" Gumo asks worried and Spike shakes his head.
"No.. i don't think so, i may be able to fly now.. but he can't." Spike says sadly.

Ori and then goes up to him and does her best to comfort her, they stay like that until the sun comes down and it is nighttime, Ku falls asleep on they're shoulder and they look worried as they don't know what to do.. until an idea suddenly hits them.

"That's it!" Spike says in realization.
"Of course!" Ori says getting the idea as well, they both gently come off her and they head back to their home to find something. they enter a room and open a chest of sorts, they toss out some old map stones and door fragments from they're last adventure, until they pull out two large feathers.

"This should do it" Spike says looking at them. They both walk back to him and wake her up.

"Ku i think we may have an idea" Spike says as they show her the feather.
"You wanna try it out?" Ori asks, Ku looks shocked for a moment but looks at them and smiles and they smile back and head off.

Gumo is seen sleeping on a bed he made and the three of them are near him, Ori uses her feather to wake him up and he jumps as he felt that and they laughed a little at that, he looks curious for a sec before Ori shows him the feather.

"Of course.. hold on a minute" Gumo says and he takes Ku's wing for a moment, he then straps the feather around the thing tightly to be secure and they see that it's secure, she then jumps of the ground for a moment and he's able to stay in it for a bit and land back down.

"This is going to work i know it!" Spike says with a smile
"Your going to fly little sister!" She says happy as well.

Ori then gets on his back and Spike goes next to him, they look at eachother and nod and start to run.

"Together on new wings.." The voice says as they glide down a couple small ledges.

" The sky was in reach.." It finishes as the two of them are nearing a ledge, they jump off of it and fall down and Gumo looks down with worry, a few seconds later, Ku and Spike are seen flying together much to they're amazement.

"Yes, fly my children!" He says amazed they take off, and Spike just looks amazed.

"This is amazing!" Spike says as he looks around in the air.
"We're really flying!" Ori says amazed as well. They pass by Naru's room and she she's them and suddenly looks amazed.

"Incredible! Be careful my children! Be safe!" She tells them and Spike gives her a thumbs up as they fly off.

They fly across the land and see all the places from before, they fly through the branches of the Spirit tree, they fly around the Ginso tree as the sun rises and brush they're hands on the water as they go. they fly across all of the land and see everywhere they went through.

"This is incredible.." Spike says looking down at everything, they then fly high into the clouds and see the beautiful sun shine.
"Look the sunstone!" Ori says pointing at it and they see sunstone shining brightly.

They proceed to fly across the whole land until they fly over the seas, Ori then points down and they notice a flock of birds and come down to them.

"where are these guys going?" Spike asks as he looks around.
"I don't know but i wonder what... it is.." Ori says as they are cut off when they see another land.
"What is this place?" Spike asks he looks around.

They didn't have time to answer as they were nearing the land, thunder was suddenly heard as they see the clouds moving in fast.
"Oh no.." Spike says scarred.
"We need to get lower." Ori says scarred as well as rain starts to come down.

They continue to get closer but look on with shock as they see the land look like it's covered in darkness, lightning suddenly flashes by them and the winds become really fast.
"Oh no! We need to get out of the sky's now!" Spike shouts worried, Ku tries to fly down but the winds are to hard, just then the feather suddenly comes of much to they're horror.

"The feather!" Ori shouts as she tries to grab it, Spike is trying to catch Ku but the wind is too strong, Spike is knocked out of position and falls with Ori, and they get separated from Ku.

"KU!!" Ori and Spike shout terrified as they fall from the sky, Ku is sent flying off to another part of the land and lightning flashes as the feather comes to screen and things cut to black.

" Separated by the storm, our story began" The voice says as things fade to black again.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this starting point! Yep it's the sequel you've been waiting for! I hope you look forward to what comes next! Do not worry about my other story, i promise i won't forget about it, i'll update them both constantly until they're done, sorry if your a little annoyed by that. Anyway i hope you all like what is seen so far, please like this story and hope you look forward to more!