• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 721 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

2: A New Power

"As An Ancient Light awakened.." The voice speaks as we cut to a foggy day back in Nibel.

"Naru and Gumo sought through the night" It says as we see Naru calling out for Spike, Ori and Ku worried for them. Gumo comes up to her sadly as she cries as they think they are lost, but they soon see the fog clear up in the distance as they see a new land they have never seen before.. Before they could they saw a large light flash in the forest nearby surprising them.

"What was that?" Naru asked curious.
"I don't know, let us be careful as we investigate it." Gumo said as they went to where that light came from.

We cut to the sun shining back in the land, Spike and Ori's body's are seen unconscious still from the sudden power surge, the small creatures from before gather around to see what they are, they both groan as they open they're eyes.

"What happened?" Ori asks confused.
"I think we absorbed the light of another tree?" Spike asked trying to recall what happened last night, just then one of the creatures came up to them curiously.

" You two are not like the others." It told them," The shrinker!" One spoke." The howler!" Another one said in the background.

"Others?" Spike asked confused.
"What do you mean by that?" Ori asked curious.

" In both of you now shines an Ancient Light, the tree remembered." The cat creature explained," It knowed!" Another said," It glowed!" Another said as well.

"Ancient light?" Spike asked confused.
"What does that mean?" Ori asked looking at the tree.

"It has shared it's memory with you two" It explained, suddenly the two of them felt a sudden light urge within them, they looked at themselves shocked as they felt it.

"i can feel it.." Spike said amazed.
"It feels.. different" Ori said amazed as well.

"Now show us, we want to see the light as well!" The creature said eager as he and the others went in the bushes.

"Well, you wanna try this out or what?" Spike asked.
"Yeah, let's try it." Ori agreed as they walked up ahead a little and saw a blocked path, they both focused the light into they're hands and from that light a sword emerged!

"Whoa.." Spike said as he held it in his hands
"This makes me feel.. strong" Ori said looking at hers as well, they both then looked at the branches and swung they're swords at it, they cut through the whole thing in just a few swings.

"This is sharp!" Spike said amazed.
"At least we'll be able to defend ourselves better now" Ori said as she looked amazed as well, they then looked at the path ahead.

"Looks like this will help us get out of here, ready?" Spike asked.
"Of course, let's go." Ori replied as they went through the cave.

They proceeded to slash they're way through a couple enemy's to get used to they're new power, then they wall jumped a little to get to a higher area, they slashed upwards whenever an enemy came near them to give them an opening, they then platformed they're way more to reach the exit, they took down another barrier and found a strange crystal that had them feel another strange power inside.

"What is this?" Ori asked curious.
" I don't know, maybe those creatures will have a better knowledge when we see them again." Spike suggested as they put it away and continued on. after a few more slashing, they took landed down on the ground before they saw the tree and went back a little, just then the creatures from before came out before them.

" The light listens to you two, you must be spirits after all!" one of them said amazed,
"Actually.. i'm sort of a hybrid.." Spike said trying to explain, they looked confused by that.
"Hybrid, but you look so similar to the other ones, hard to tell the difference" It said as it looked at Spike, Spike looked at himself and sighed sadly as he was starting to feel down.

"sorry about that, we are Moki, we had thought all the spirits had gone from Niwen" it explained to them," Gone away.." One said ominously," So long spirits.." Another one said again.

"What do you mean, gone away?" Spike asked curious.
"There are other spirits then just the ones in Nibel?" Ori asked curious.

"If you two seek someone for answers, we know a finder" The Moki explained," The great one!" One said again," Great and mossy." Another explained.

" Go to the Guardian of the Marsh" It told them.
"Kwolok will help you two find the way." The Moki explained.

"Thank you for this, we'll keep a look out for him" Ori thanked, Spike then remembered something and pulled out the shard from earlier.

"Do you happen to know what this is?" Spike asks holding it.
"Oh! A spirit shard! Rare, but they give one ability's depending on what power it holds." The Moki explained

"Spirit shard?" Spike asked.
"Special power?" Ori asked confused as well.
"Find more of these, and you'll get to do amazing things!" It told them, and they nodded in understanding at that.

"Thank you for telling us this" Spike said gratefully
"Yes, we really appreciate it, thank you" Ori said with a smile.
"Good luck spirits!" They all said before hiding back away leaving them alone, Spike put it away and sighed sadly.

"You okay Spike?" Ori asked worried for her friend.
"No.. what they said.. about me being a spirit.. looking like you do.. it makes me feel.." Spike said trying to explain but he couldn't find the words.
"It's okay, i'm here for you" Ori said putting a hand on his shoulder, he then sighed again.

"I just feel.. like i'm starting to lose myself.. and that this adventure.. will change me completely forever.." Spike said afraid of what's to come.
"I'm afraid of things too Spike, even after what happened in Nibel, i still don't feel strong enough, but now our little brother Ku is out there.. alone and afraid, and he needs our help" Ori told him.

"And if we don't find him..." Spike said scared
"We can't let that happen, if we don't hurry now, we may never find him." Ori said worried.. Spike then sighed again and looked up.

"I don't care what the future holds right now, let's focus on finding our brother." Spike said determined
"Your right, let's find this guardian the Moki talked about" Ori said getting up.
"Your right, let's go." Spike said as they ran off to find they're answers.

Back and Nibel, Gumo and Naru were carefully making they're way to the light they saw appear, once they were in the area they started to hear voices and hid in nearby bushes, we then cut to Twilight and the others as they discussed what to do.

"So where do we start with this?" Rainbow dash asked.
"Well, we could start by trying to find that home Spike's been living in, he could be there right now" Twilight suggested, they all nodded in agreement at that, Gumo had been trying to listen closer but he couldn't understand them, then he accidently snapped a branch and they turned they're heads in that direction.

"What was that?" Smolder asked worried.
"Don't know, it came from over there" Applejack said pointing at the bush, they all proceeded to cautiously walk up to it, Gumo and Naru felt really afraid of what they wanted to do, Gumo accidently fell over and they're eyes widened as they saw him.

"Hey.. isn't that?" Rarity asked as she recognized him, he was backing away really scarred with Naru scarred as well, Fluttershy then walked up to them to calm them down.

"it's okay.. we're not going to hurt you, we're just trying to find our friend." Fluttershy said as they all held they're hands in the air meaning they meant they don't want to hurt them. They both couldn't understand them still and looked confused.

"I don't think they understand us, it may have only been Spike that could thanks to that light" Fluttershy suggested.
"Well how do we get them to help us find Spike?" Garble asked curious, Twilight then got an idea and walked up to them.

She then took out a photo of her and Spike together with her magic and pointed her hoof at Spike.
"we're looking for him, do you happen to know where he is?" Twilight asked pointing at Spike, they both looked at eachother and looked down sadly as they realized what they were trying to tell them, they both shook their heads sadly.

"Why, is he not here?" Twilight asked worried, Gumo then got up and motioned them to follow him, they followed him for a bit until they came upon the view from earlier and pointed at the land in the distance.
"You think he's there?" Applejack asked and they both nodded .
"How did they get there?" Pinkie asked curious, Gumo then tried to explain by flapping his hands around like wings and they're eyes widened.

"They flew there?" Twilight asked curious.
"Then does that mean... Spike can fly now?" Fluttershy asked shocked.
"I'm shocked he went through his molting face so soon, i don't think it should have happened for another year or so" Smolder said recalling what he looked like from the vision, they all regained focus and looked back at the land.

"Well in other ways, we may be able to find them, let's help these two get over there, Spike may be with that Spirit named Ori as well, i just hope they're okay." Twilight said hopefully. They will all see him soon, before something prevents them from doing so..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! I know it may feel a little shorter in terms of story compared from my last ones, but i wanted to take the time before the adventure gets going, i want to help set up things that could be better developed in the future so i hope you don't mind.

Again, for anyone who may be disliking the story so far, please comment down low stating your problems and i can go back and make changes to make them better for you all, like i said as a writer i want to make the story the best it can be, so please leave me your thoughts down below, thank you.

Thank you all for reading this chapter again, and i'll start getting further into the story starting with the next chapter, hope you look forward to it and i'll see you next time!