• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 738 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

  • ...

Chapter XXXVI


“Is all the decorations up?” I asked as I glanced up from my clipboard.

“Yes Sunset,” Derpy rolled her eyes and squeezed my shoulder. “You’ve been spending too much time with Twilight, we’ve been over this list a dozen times. Everything for your mom’s birthday is ready, Cherry has brought the cake and everything just relax alright?”

“This has to be perfect. This is mom’s birthday, it’s an important day-” I said as Derpy kissed me.

“Are you done yet?” Derpy asked with a smirk as I sheepishly nodded.

“Yes ma’am. Where’s Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?” I asked as Derpy pointed upstairs.

“Your mom is lucky to have you, you know? You’re a damn good daughter Sunset,” Derpy said casually as she dusted off her dress and hugged me.

“I try.”

“She’s right,” Aunt Cherry said casually as she leaned against the kitchen doorway. “Minnie is on her way with Cheerilee as we speak. Got everything ready?”

“Ready,” Derpy gave a thumbs up as I nodded. We had originally offered my friends to come for Mom’s birthday party but they insisted on family only for us. “I’m a tad surprised you all let me stay for this.”

“Are you kidding?” Aunt Berry poked her head in. “You’re practically family at this point Derpy. You even live with my sister and my nieces.”

“Thanks Miss Punch,” Derpy kicked at the carpet and blushed as I snorted back a laugh.

“Mom’s car just pulled in,” Scootaloo called down from upstairs as I shut the lights off.

“Where are you?” Aunt Cherry whispered as I strained to identify where she was.

“Here,” Silver Spoon said over my shoulder and I reached around blindly. “Whoever just touched my chest, please never do that again.”

“Sorry!” I muttered with a red face.

The front door pushed open as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, faintly making out Mom and Aunt Minuette’s outline in the darkness.

“Why is so dark in here?” Mom said as I watched her stumble around.

“I have no idea. Maybe the power went out,” Aunt Minuette said casually as she smirked. Naturally, she was in on it as I inhaled and turned the lights on.

“Happy birthday,” I said coolly as I stood up and Mom jumped. “What, you seriously think we forgot?”

“Honestly I forgot,” Mom admitted as she set down her bags. “Thank you. All of you.”

“Anytime sis,” Aunt Cherry gave a mock salute and smirked. “If I remember correctly, our youngest sisters birthday is fourteen days away as well.”

“Don’t you dare do anything big,” Aunt Berry warned and narrowed her eyes. “I don’t need anything crazy.”

“Sure,” Aunt Minuette rolled her eyes and shot Mom a smirk. “Now come on you, you have a birthday to celebrate.”

“You know, I didn’t actually expect you to get me this,” Mom mused as she examined the dress she had told Derpy she liked the other day at the mall. “Thank you Derpy.”

“You’re welcome Cheerilee,” Derpy said quietly as I leaned back in my chair.

“This is from all of us,” Diamond handed Mom a picture frame and Mom flipped it over to stare at the picture we had all had taken months ago in the woods we had gone camping at and another with Derpy added in.

“No offense but this my favorite gift so far,” Mom admitted as she patted the two pictures.

“We figured that would be the case,” Diamond said with a shrug. “You do really like your pictures. You have a whole wall devoted to family pictures.”

Mom shot a quick glance over at the wall and nodded. I was still surprised she hadn’t ran out of space on that wall. One of these days she was clearly going to have to start expanding her picture collection.

“Was Minuette in on it?” Mom asked as Aunt Minuette rolled her eyes and crossed her legs.

“Of course I was. Do you seriously think Berry could have planned this out alone?”

“Hey!” Aunt Berry protested and frowned slightly as we all laughed. “I could have easily planned something like this!”

“Sure love,” Aunt Minuette snickered. “And the sky is falling down.”

“It could be,” Ruby offered as she looked outside. “It did in Chicken Little, didn’t it?”

“What the heck is that?” I asked after a moment.

“It’s a Disney movie about a chicken who thinks the sky is falling but it’s actually an acorn or something the first time then he has to save his town from an alien invasion,” Mom explained as I raised an eyebrow.


Silver Spoon facepalmed as Mom and the others sighed.

“I’ll have to show you it for you to properly understand. It’s a really good movie though,” Mom said as I nodded.

“I’ll take your word for it. I’ll die on the hill that the Lion King is still the best Disney movie,” I said casually. I partially did think that but it also annoyed Diamond Tiara who said one hundred and two Dalmatians was the best. I’d never seen the movie so I had no comment.

Diamond scowled at me as I snickered softly and Derpy elbowed me with a frown.

“Keep it up and you’ll sleep on the couch tonight,” Derpy threatened quietly next to my ear and I paled. The scariest part was I knew she wasn’t joking either. She’s made me sleep on the couch more than once and it’s not comfortable.

“Did you have a good birthday?” I asked mom hastily to change the topic and she nodded enthusiastically.

“Heck yeah. Anytime spent with you all is good. Thanks for this, I didn’t even remember today was my birthday,” Mom answered as she set the photos on the coffee table. “I’ll be right back. Bathroom break.”

Derpy watched her leave the room before staring at me with her bright gold eyes.

“You’re on thin ice young lady,” Derpy whispered in my ear and I gulped. “Don’t antagonize your sisters.” I idly wanted to point out we were the same age but decided against it.

“Yes ma’am. I can always just hug you and you’ll forgive me,” I said with a small smile.

“Affection is always nice and is the way to my heart, yes but don’t annoy your sisters. I hate sleeping alone just as much as you do,” Derpy said quietly as the others innocently looked away.

“I know. I understand, no more annoying my sisters.” Derpy focused on me and I started sweating before she smiled.

Derpy gave a satisfied nod and I let out a breath I didn’t know I had been holding.

Derpy was surprisingly scary when she wanted to be.