• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 738 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

  • ...

Chapter XXXIV

Sweetie Belle

“I’m bored.”

Apple Bloom and I both gave Scootaloo confused looks as the girl laid in a pile of snow outside our school. Most of our classmates were building snowmen in the yard for lord knows why. News year had came and gone along with Spitfire, Twilight and Sunburst.

“That’s a true crime of the century right there,” I noted dryly and rolled my eyes. “A bored Scootaloo is enough to cause the world to implode.”

“And explode.”

“I don’t think a world can implode and then explode,” I said as I scrunched up ny eyebrows. “Unless it’s Star Wars or something.”

“Are you three really just laying in the snow?” Diamond Tiara asked as we all three looked up to see her, Silver Spoon, Dinky and Ruby staring down at us. “Get up and do something?”


“Like this,” Diamond said casually as she bent over to scoop up some snow and her eyes looked around before locking onto Vapor Trail, throwing the snowball into her back and casually looking innocent as the girl jumped and looked around.

“Seriously Sky?” Vapor scoffed and stared at her friend. “You couldn’t have waited until after my snowman was done?”

“It wasn’t me!” Sky Stinger shot back as we all stifled laughter. “Woah!” Sky ducked to avoid the snowball Vapor had thrown and it slammed into Applejacks face as Apple Bloom gasped.

“That’s it!” Applejack shouted as she locked eyes with a nervous looking Vapor.

We watched as Diamond smirked smugly at us as she placed her hands on her hips as the entire courtyard dissolved into chaos as people started throwing snowballs around.

“And that ladies is how you start a school wide snowball fight,” Diamond winked at us as Ruby giggled and slid down the snow to sit next to us.

“Where’s Sunset at?” Dinky asked as she narrowly avoided a snowy projectile Derpy had thrown at her. “Hey, I saw that!”

“Next one won’t miss!” Derpy called back with a mischievous smirk. Dinky went pale as she waved goodbye to us, taking off running as Amethyst Star and Derpy followed her.

“She’s currently inside baking something for Rarity with Pinkie,” Silver answered as she tugged her silver coat around herself. “Derpy was going to help but well, it appears she is distracted at the moment.”

We all giggled as we looked at Derpy running from Amethyst and Dinky. Apparently the tables turned on her at some point.

“I will not be involved in something as childish as this Vinyl!” Octavia shouted nearby and the remaining girls standing hastily slid into the snow fort Scootaloo had made with us. “Go find Trixie or Lyra!”

We all peeked through a tiny window I had created as the two teens stood in front of us.

“Come on Tavi, loosen up!”

“I am plenty loosened up!” Octavia snapped as Vinyl started laughing and Octavia turned red. “Not like you dirty minded individual! Get your mind out of the gutter!”

Rainbow tossed a snowball at the back of her head and Octavia turned around slowly glaring at the rainbow haired girl as Rainbow nervously stepped back.

“Oh hey Octavia we’re all uh friends here right?” Rainbow asked nervously as she continued backpedaling and Octavia maintened her slow walk towards her. “Hey, look it’s Vinyl behind you with your cello!”

“It is on,” Octavia said softly as Rainbows eyes widened in horror. Octavia moved with surprisingly agility, picking up some snow and quickly launching it at Rainbow.

“Woah,” Scootaloo said quietly as we watched Octavia chasing Rainbow around the yard. “Did you all know Octavia could move that fast?”


“Hey girls,” we turned around slowly and looked at Fluttershy standing behind us. “I saw you start this, Diamond Tiara.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Diamond said hastily as Fluttershy narrowed her eyes before smiling slightly and holding up a snowball. “Oh shit.”


“I can’t believe Fluttershy of all people beat us all down in a snow ball fight,” I grumbled as we all trudged to Cheerilees room, dripping wet from snow. Diamonds and my hair were flat and soaked, which annoyed me and her greatly.

“My poor hair!” Diamond wailed as she undid her ponytail and muttered a curse word under her breath.

“Hey girls!” Sunset called out as she and Pinkie ran past with Sunset holding some weird souffle looking thing. “Bye girls, love you all!”

“Do you think we should warn them about the massive snowball fight outside our school?” Ruby asked as Diamond and Silver grinned mischievously.

“Nah,” Silver answered as she tossed Diamond a towel from her bag. We had left all our bags in hallway outside their moms door so we didn’t get them wet. “It’s gonna be funny, let them figure it out. Lyra and Bon Bon are taking part now too unsurprisingly.”

I was more worried about Lightning, Cloudkicker and Raindrops working together. They were scarily effective together, enough that Rainbow and Applejack themselves were staying away.

“What happened to you girls?” Cheerilee asked curiously as she gave a quick glance from her computer to look at us.

“Snowball fight in the front lawn of the school. Last time I checked, Granny Smith was getting involved herself. We quickly ran away after getting beat by Fluttershy by herself. Fluttershy of all people if you can believe it,” Scootaloo answered as she sat down.

“I don’t know if AJ or Fluttershy is scarier,” Silver chimed in. “I’m so cold, can we go home now?”

“Go sit near the fake fireplace I got in here. It’ll warm you girls up pretty quick. Ruby, your mom will be here soon and I’ll be taking Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to my house for a sleepover. I expect you girls to be on your best behavior, understand?”

“We understand,” Apple Bloom and I said in unison as Scootaloo pumped a fist enthusiastically. We had been begging for months for this opportunity.

One things for sure, we’re gonna make this the best sleepover ever. One that will rival Pinkies.