• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 738 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

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Chapter XXII


I examined the bedroom I sat in as Lyra shut the door. She had a mint green guitar on a guitar stand near a closet door with a box that Sunset called a TV and multiple consoles hooked up to it.

Mythological creature statues decorated the room, creatures that I recognized and hadn’t seen in a millennia.

“So uhm what’s this about?” Lyra asked hesitantly as she sat on a beanbag across from me. “I didn’t break some weird Equestrian law, did I?”

“No not at all,” I gave a laugh as she visibly relaxed. “I’m just curious, how did you and Sunset become friends?”

“She and Derpy became friends after the Fall Formal. Obviously, they became way more than just friends in recent times but minor detail. Anyway, I wanted to make sure Derpy was safe around Sunset so I tagged along to one of their sleepovers after Micro Chips tripped Sunset in the lunch room. Sunset had actually been afraid of me, which I’ve never had anyone ever be afraid of me.”

I couldn’t remember the last time I had seen Sunset afraid. Probably the first few times she had came to Canterlot from her small farm town to study under me. And the changeling kingdom when she was being choked out by Chrysalis.

I vaguely remember watching Lyra and Bon Bon try to get out and help her along with Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack and myself till Octavia had came out of nowhere and tackled Chrysalis.

“So what element do you represent again?” I asked curiously as Lyra gave a large grin.

“Loyalty, duh. Thought that was kinda obvious. I do anything for my friends. Not like I really have anyone else to show it to,” Lyra shrugged as her face fell and she smiled.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Look around. Do you see my parents?” Lyra asked and I shook my head. It was normal for ponies to move out during high-school in Equestria. “They’re always on tour with their band. It’s how I learned how to play guitar and sing. They’re never home so Bon Bon or Rarity or Derpy are always here to spend time with me.”

“They sound like good friends,” I smiled at the mint haired girl. “Luna showed me Sunset’s dreams. You are in quite a lot of them. I know she values you a lot. That’s the reason she considers you the second in command of her group.”

“S-she does?” Lyra asked as her bright gold eyes widened as a faint blush crossed her face. “Uh she dreams about me?”

“Yeah she does. All of you play a role in her group. Lightning, Rainbow and Aria are obviously brute strength, you and Octavia give unbiased opinions. Fluttershy, Pinkie and Derpy are the most optimistic people I’ve ever met. Need I continue?”

“I get you.”

“And for what it’s worth, you’re always allowed in the Canterlot castle if you need to get away or want some advice,” I suggested as a smile tugged at my lips. “After all, Bon Bon is related to Applejack. Applejacks sister is dating Sunset’s little sister and Sunset is related to me. We might be related one day. I saw you trying to get out of the changeling prison to save Sunset so I approve of being related to you.”

Lyra gave a smile as she nodded. “Anything else?”

“Send Bon Bon up please.”

I stared at the pink and blued girl sitting across from me with a nervous expression. Lyra had been a bit more better at hiding her nervousness than her marefriend was.

“So Bon Bon,” I began as she gulped. “What’s your element?”

“Generosity Princess,” Bon Bon bowed her slightly and I sighed.

“Celestia is fine. So how did you become Sunset’s friend?”

“Well, she vandalized Lyra’s chances to be Fall Formal Princess one year. Lyra cried a lot about it and stuff. Sunset made a whole new ceremony and crowned Lyra the Fall Formal princess and gave her the crown. I became a lot more open to Sunset after that and went to a sleep over. She was well, nervous about it. Sunset pulled all the stops to make me comfortable even though I was happy to just be with her, Derpy and Lyra.”

“I see. So what about now?”

“I adore Sunset. She’s a pretty nice person. I mean, sure she has her moments where she gets angry or makes mistakes but she’s human. It’s expected to make mistakes. And my sister loves her too.”

I gave a faint smile as Bon Bon shrugged.

“Pretty much all. Sunset stood up for me a few times even when she was a bully because of some unsavory types coming after me for liking Lyra. She didn’t have to do that but she did and I still wasn’t sure about her after the Fall Formal until Lyra mentioned she was hanging out with her. It was a mistake not following Derpy’s example and befriending Sunset right away,” Bon Bon looked away with a sigh. “She will probably replace me one day once she knows I was afraid of her.”

“She already knows,” I said as Bon Bon gulped. “She won’t replace you. Sunset loves you just as much as you and Lyra love her. And it’s to be expected a few would be wary about her. If I remember correctly, you defended Sunset during anon a miss alone against Rarity multiple times.”

“I did yeah,” Bon Bon admitted sheepishly. “That was the closest I ever came to a fist fight. That whole situation was the first time I ever heard Derpy curse when she called Norman a uh bitch. We were all stunned. It was slightly ironic really, we all were against the former bearers. Me and Rarity were at odds, Lyra and Rainbow which scared me because Rainbow is stronger, Octavia and Applejack which again scared me because Applejack is stronger, Vinyl and Pinkie, Derpy and Fluttershy.”

I winced slightly at that. The idea of Fluttershy of all ponies being at odds with someone was stunning. Then again, her pony version did stand up for herself when necessary and encouraged to.

“You know Sunset admires you right?” I asked as Bon Bon snorted.

“Please, me? Sunset is literally the one who freed me and the others from the sirens with the Rainbooms. Sunset is the one who fought Chrysalis with no magic to try to protect us. I watched her fight her and I was terrified and crying. I thought my best friend was about to die. She has nothing to admire me for.”

“Uh who’s the one who randomly brought her a cake after she missed her birthday?” I asked pointedly. “Even though it wasn’t her fault. She thinks you’re way stronger than her in more ways than one. I can confirm you’re a good friend to her. She will need you and I’ll need to tell her all this in the future.”

“Why?” Bon Bon asked warily. “Is some crazy drama gonna go down again?”

“I’m not sure but if it does, she will need you to help her. Thank you for being her friend Bon Bon,” I smiled warmly as I hugged her.

She gave me a stunned look before hugging me back.