• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 738 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

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Chapter XXIII


I sat on Sunset’s bed with Vinyl and Derpy as Princess Celestia’s eyes drilled into us. I had been summoned along with Vinyl to meet her and I didn’t entirely know why. I had heard she talked to Lyra and Bon Bon but they didn’t tell us about what.

“So Octavia. How did you become friends with Sunset?” Princess Celestia asked finally as I inhaled.

“After the battle of the bands.”

“Not before like the rest of your friends?” Celestia inquired curiously.

“No ma’am. I loath to admit I hated Sunset,” I admitted as Derpy tensed up and Celestia narrowed her eyes. “Not anymore obviously loves. Sunset and I were academic rivals back then and she was very aggressive in beating me down verbally to be the best. Nowadays, it’s just a friendly rivalry that we have fun with.”

“I see. And you represent what? Laughter?”

Vinyl burst out laughing as Derpy gave a faint smile. Celestia raised an eyebrow as I glared at my girlfriend.

“Octavia represent laughter?” Vinyl gasped as she pushed her self back up. “Nah, she represents honesty. She can be blunt and no nonsense when she wants to be. That was her whole personality when I first met her. She was shy as heck too. Girl didn’t even know what a root beer float was till Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy and I took her to a rolling rink.”

“And I take it you are laughter then?” Celestia asked curiously. Vinyl nodded as she finished laughing. “I can see why. I was told about a prank involving cupcakes that had ranch in them you gave to the rainbooms.”

“And hot sauce!” Vinyl added proudly with a grin. “And ex lax brownies!” Princess Celestia gave a disgusted look before giggling to my shock.

“How did you two become friends with Sunset?” Celestia asked as she focused on on Vinyl and Derpy.

“Before the battle of the bands about a week or two,” Vinyl answered. “Bon Bon introduced us and Sunset doesn’t mind the wubs which is awesome!”

“The wubs?” Celestia asked in confusion and I coughed into my fist.

“Don’t ask,” I muttered under my breath as she nodded.

“And I became friends with Sunset after I offered her some muffins and hung out with her a bit with Fluttershy and Applejack. The four of us often picked apples at the orchard or went to the pound. She’s adorable if you get to know her,” Derpy said with a blush. “Especially when she’s asleep, she looks so carefree.”

“So you must be kindness then?” Celestia asked with a smile and Derpy nodded sheepishly. “I’m well acquainted with your Equestrian counterpart after me and Luna defended her against some royals bullying her for her eyes and flying when she delivered a package to the castle. You’re a good match for it, I wonder what would happen if you were my world’s element of kindness instead of Fluttershy. And you two are involved I take it?”

“Yeah. We’ve been dating for almost two years now. It’s been very nice for us both,” Derpy said as she smiled and looked to a picture of us all smiling in front of our school with Derpy and Cheerilee’s arms wrapped around Sunset with Vinyl and my hands on her shoulders. Rainbow and the others stood next to us with smiles except Applejack who was asleep. Bon Bon was mid yawn and Rarity was forcing a large smile on her face. “These girls are the first people to not judge me for my eyes and especially Sunset. She actually finds them adorable which stunned me. I never expected that.”

“Believe it or not, Sunset always was kind to disabled ponies around Canterlot. She had a very brutal way of dealing with their bullies. Primarily by beating them up. She thought I didn’t know but I did. While I don’t approve of her way of handling them, the Canterlot ponies never disrespected disabled ponies ever again,” Celestia admitted with a faint smile. “You three are very good friends to her and I’m quite proud of you Octavia. I saw you save Sunset’s life that one time. It’s not easy to forgive someone who treated you badly and you did.”

I smiled and shrugged. She had a point I guess. I almost forgot about Sunset bullying me and stealing my homework repeatedly.

“Yes well she is quite a lovely young woman and I’m quite lucky to know her.”

“Same here,” Derpy chimed in. “We might end up married one day. We’re waiting till after high school ends. I’ve already made my decision though.”

“Spill the tea girl,” Vinyl nudged her and Derpy pointed downstairs where Sunset was playing video games with Rainbow, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Diamond, Twist, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. “Okay I get it. Be quiet. So what’s your answer?”

“Obviously yes. That was a given, figured you all knew that. But Sunset agreed to wait until after high school. Cheerilee was surprisingly scary to ask permission. Apparently my mom and dad scared Sunset when she asked them too,” Derpy whispered as Celestia giggled. For a princess, she laughed surprisingly a lot.

“I’m very happy for you both love,” I grinned and hugged Derpy as she gave me a startled look. I rarely hugged people.

“Same girl,” Vinyl chimed in as Celestia nodded. “Bon Bon was talking about something too recently but I can’t say. I wasn’t meant to hear it but I did.”

I raised an eyebrow as Vinyl shrugged. I had no idea what she was talking about and based on Derpys confused expression, nor did she.

“We are talking about this later Vinyl,” I scoffed as I folded my arms and frowned slightly as Twists laugh echoed up the stairs. “You are leaving today correct Princess?”

“Yeah. Spitfire and Sunburst left early this morning. They wanted to wait for you and Vinyl but they unfortunately have responsibilities as do I. It sucks being a ruler but I need you girls to stick with Sunset. She is going to need you all. Some items from Equestria may have ended up here. I only know of a mirror and a time twirler but there may be more.”

“We understand,” I said and Derpy gave a thumbs up.

“Anymore information we should know?” Vinyl asked curiously.

“I can’t intervene in my students destiny like this. I can offer advice and help them sort it out but I can’t tell them about their future challenges. I could have easily intervened during Tirek, the changeling wedding invasion and Starlight but those were Twilight’s challenges. I could have defeated Chrysalis on my own but that would have taken away Twilights lesson she and her friends learned that day. Make sense my little ponies?”

I smirked slightly at that. Even though we weren’t ponies, I found it funny she called us her little ponies.

We all gave each other looks before nodding as Celestia gave a grateful nod.