• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 735 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

  • ...

Chapter XXXV


“So what do you think you’re getting for your birthday today?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously as we walked down the hall and I resisted the urge to gag at Diamond holding Apple Blooms hand.

“Not sure. Kinda don’t think anyone is gonna do anything for my birthday. Sunset hasn’t even mentioned it all nor has mom,” I sighed and shook my head. “But it is what it is.”

“Well come on, let’s get to the gym,” Silver Spoon said with an eye roll.

“Why the hell are we going go the gym? I want to go home,” I said as the others grabbed my shoulders and started shoving me towards the gym. “Hey woah!”

They ignored me as they kept shoving me at the gym doors before Sweetie grabbed my shoulders to stop me.

“I could have walked,” I grumbled as Diamond covered my eyes. “Diamond, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I’d watch your language,” Mom warned as I felt myself be shoved forward and Diamond removed her hands as I looked around warily.

Purple and orange balloons decorated the gym as I raised an eyebrow slightly as I stared at Sunset and her friends along with Rainbow and the others.

“You actually remembered my birthday?” I asked as Rainbow snorted.

“Well duh!” Pinkie chimed in as the pink girl floated down from the ceiling. “I know everyone’s birthdays. Lyra’s, Rarity’s, Lightning, Fluttershy and so on!”

“I feel offended you think we forgot,” Vinyl scoffed and looked up at the ceiling. “Joking of course. Happy birthday.”

“Now come on,” Rainbow gestured us over. “We only have the gym for a limited amount of time after all.”

That explains why the gym was off limits for the rest of the day. It sucked at the time because we always tried to spend our lunch playing in here but this is admittedly more cooler.

“So did you enjoy your birthday?” Rainbow asked as I laid on the floor of my room, idly reading my Daring Do books she and Twilight had gifted me.

“Yeah it was pretty good,” I admitted. Probably the better ones I’ve had. Birthdays in the orphanages are pretty lackluster because they have so many kids and can’t show favoritism. Most we usually got was a cupcake, happy birthday sang to us and a few cheap toys from the dollar store.

I wasn’t exactly used to getting a lot of gifts like I did today. I don’t really spend a lot of time with Octavia or Trixie or Watermelody or Lavender or Fuchsia but even they got me stuff. Art supplies, music books the like but still welcome of course.

“That’s good,” Rainbow said as she tossed a beanbag up into the air as we watched Derpy and Sunset walk into the bathroom together. “Uhm, are they seriously going to do that in the bathroom?”

“Nah,” I said and shook my head as Rainbow sighed in relief. “They usually have their arguments in the bathroom with the shower running so we can’t hear it.”

“Sunset and Derpy argue?” Rainbow asked with a startled look. “Wow, they seem perfect.”

“Well they are perfect together. I’ve only ever heard them fight twice in the entire year and a half they’ve been dating. But based on the two laughing in the bathroom, I highly doubt they are arguing. They usually just shower together and that’s that.”

To save water or something they say but well, we aren’t stupid. At least the bathroom is the most soundproofed room in the house.

“What’s it like living with a teacher?” Rainbow asked as Diamond walked in with Silver Spoon, Dinky and Sweetie Belle. “Yo.”

“Hey,” Silver Spoon said casually as she flopped down onto my green bean bag chair she had gotten me.

“It’s pretty cool living with a teacher. I’ve tried to find where she keeps the answer sheet but Mom hides it well. She doesn’t tell us the answers either but at least she does sit down and help us. For hours even! They never did that at the orphanage. Well one did. And she does warn us when tests are coming up so we can study.”

“Darn,” Rainbow muttered as we laughed. “I’m really uh ya know, happy for you all. Legitimately.”

“I didn’t know she knew such big words,” Sweetie Belle whispered to me and I snorted back a laugh. “Octavia has been rubbing off on her.”

“Anyway, call me later Scootaloo. Let’s go see a movie. Already got permission so it’s all cool,” Rainbow said as she tossed me the bean bag and I caught it with my spare hand. “Catch you on the flipside kid.”

We watched her leave as Diamond slowly faced me.

“Did she seriously just say catch you on the flipside kid?” Diamond demanded as I nodded and she gagged. “What the hell? Who says that anymore?”

“Clearly Dash,” Dinky chimed in as she picked up my book. “Good book, already read this one. Where’s Derpy at?”

“In the shower with Sunset,” I said casually and pointed at the bathroom door.


“Yes Sweetie, again,” Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. “Did you have a good birthday Scootaloo? Kinda jealous Sunset was able to come to yours.”

“It was fun yeah. I was so close to beating Pinkie at that cup stacking game. Swear that girl has an uncanny ability to win any and all party games, even if it’s her first time playing it,” I grumbled as they all laughed. “Probably one of the better birthdays I had. Orphanage birthdays were the absolute worst. But at least they tried, ya know? Can only do so much after all.”

“Still angry you never told me about being an orphan,” Sweetie Belle said as she glared at me. “We tell each other everything, got it? That includes Bloom. She’s with her sister and brother at the moment. Something about apples, I don’t know.”

“It’s always apples with that girl,” Diamond muttered and I snorted.

“That is her name and their family business.”


“Yes Diamond?” I asked with a smirk as she gave me a flat look.

“Hush up.”